• Published 8th Aug 2015
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The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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The Ending of One Story (Manehattan Arc)

"Alpha!" Theta cried out, running up to the unconscious body of his mentor. The giant dragon's head buried a few into the dirt. "Alpha, please can you hear me?" Theta pleaded at the giant dragon in front of him.

There was no response from Alpha. The giant dragon's body continuing to remain motionless. His body was not even moving for breathing.

The sad truth began to dawn on Theta. "He can't be. He just can't be." Theta said in denial, tears coming to his eyes. Theta nearly jumped out of his scales when he felt a hoof on his shoulder. Theta jerked his head around to see the purple eyes of Twilight staring back at him. Theta relaxing at the sight of the purple alicorn.

"I can't image what you are going through right now." Twilight said up to Theta, her extended horn reaching about Theta's neck. "I won't what I would do if I lost any of my friends." Twilight continued to say to Theta.

"Good thing you will never have to find out." A raspy and weak voice coming from the giant dragon in front of the pair. Theta and Twilight both jumping backward at the sudden speech of Alpha. Alpha slowing opening his eyes. His eyelids moving like a rusty garage door as they slowly opened. Alpha's eyes returning to their original emerald green color.

"Alpha you're... alive." Theta stammered, the giant dragon slowly rising to his full height. Alpha's body covered in deep cuts and bruises larger than most ponies all over his body. Alpha grunting as he forced his battered body to move. Alpha turned his head toward to see his right wing, only to see that it was still cradled up against his side. The wing still bent at a weird angle.

"Figures..." Alpha thought to himself. The Harmony Armor appearing to just hold Alpha together during battle, instead actually healing him.

"Alpha... are you alright?" Theta asked his mentor, noticing that the giant dragon was staring at the lifeless body of Omega.

"No Theta... no, I'm not." Alpha said to Theta, looking directly at the floor.

Over in the ruins of Canterlot Sigma began to regain consciousness. "Ugh... what did I miss Omega?" Sigma grunted, rubbing his head in pain. A bump beginning to form on the base of his skull.

"Omega!" Sigma repeated when he didn't hear a response from his newest mentor. His red eyes drifted toward the plains where Alpha and Omega had fought. Him finding the lifeless and brutally attacked the body of Omega laying on the scorched ground beneath Sigma. Massive gashes that dug several feet into his flesh all over Omega's face. Omega's neck laying aimlessly at his side.

"No..." Sigma said in disbelief. Him not believing that the great Omega had fallen to his weaker brother. Sigma shot daggers at the massive body of Alpha. His body looking not much then Omega's. Alpha's body basically looking like it was being held together just by his battered scales. Alpha's red scales losing a lot of their color from his many battles against Omega.

"I guess that my cue." Sigma said to himself, him knowing that there was no way that he could win a fight between the Alpha and his brother without the assistance of Omega.

Sigma began to sneak out of the ruined city of Canterlot, the snowcapped mountains of the South looking as the best place for Sigma to find out until the time was right for him to return.

"You may have won this day brother." Sigma said to himself, as he began to leave Canterlot. His blood red eyes shooting spears at Theta. Theta's white scales making him impossible to miss. "But soon I will return. I will be victorious." Sigma roared, taking off to find shelter in the many caves in the Southern mountains.

"So... does anypony have any ideas as what to do with that." Rarity asked, pointing her hoof at the lifeless body of Omega. His decaying corpse being to stink in the late Spring sun.

"Let me take care of him." Alpha said. His words slow and defeated.

"Are you sure, Delta?" Luna asked Alpha. The blue alicorn, along with her sister and niece now freed from their bonds.

"I'm sure Luna. Omega is my brother." Alpha said, him pausing. The almost always stoic and powerful looking Alpha, now looking like a scared filly one the first day of school. The massive dragon's broken and battered body swaying in the light breeze of the Spring afternoon. "I am the one that hated him for all of these centuries." Alpha continued, all of time and space seeming to come to a stop as he did. "I am the one, that in the end killed him. So it seems only fitting that I should be the one that will put him to rest." Alpha said, turning his massive body to walk over to the lifeless corpse of Omega.

Everypony and dragon present watched Alpha in dead silence, only the sound of the light breeze in the air, as Alpha gently lifted the body of Omega off of the ground and onto his back.

"Delta, where are you going?" Luna asked Alpha as he began to walk toward the setting sun.

"I don't know Luna, somewhere that is quiet... I guess." Alpha said to the blue alicorn, him continuing his long march to finally put his brother to rest.

Silence came upon the group of ponies and dragon as Alpha disappeared under the setting sun. "So... now what." Twilight stated, the last flames from the rubble of Canterlot beginning to fizzle out.

"We rebuild." Celestia said to her former student.

"No, offense Princess, but how do we rebuild an entire city from the ground up?" Twilight asked Celestia.

"We don't, we may be able to rebuild Canterlot to the greatness that it once was." Celestia said to Twilight. A seemly forced smile coming to her lips as a thought came to mind.

"But I do believe that there is something that will do, at least for now." Celestia said, opening his gigantic wings.

"What?" Twilight asked Celestia, opening her own feathered wings.

"Follow me, Twilight." Celestia said as lifted into the air. Twilight quickly following the white alicorn a few feet into the air.

"Luna, would you please inform are citizens that Equestria is back under pony control?" Celestia asked her little sister. Luna giving her sister a quick nod, her opening her own wings to inform subjects of the latest change of control of Equestria.

"Cadence, I believe that you and Shining Armor should return to the Crystal Empire. I don't believe that they would be doing very well with the loss of their Prince and Princess." Celestia said down to Cadence, the pink alicorn nodding as she opened her own wings to fly off to the Crystal Empire.

"I will meet back home." Shining Armor called up to his wife.

"No, Shining you should here." Cadence said down to her husband. Flying back down to the ground to speak with Shining Armor in private.

"Are you sure?" Shining whispered to Cadence.

"Yes, you should stay here and look after Twilight." Cadence said to Shining, sneaking a glance at Equestria's newest alicorn. "She's been through a lot in the last few days, and she needs her family and her friends more than anypony right now." Cadence said to Shining. The small gears in her husband's head beginning to turn in thought.

"But you're family too." Shining Armor said to Cadence, the pink alicorn's face turning slightly redder in a blush.

"I know, but Crystal Empire needs somepony to rule over it right now." Cadence said to her husband. "And I believe that it needs its Princess, a little bit more than it needs its Prince." Cadence said to Shining Armor, the white unicorn nodding in agreement.

"Ok, I hear you, just be careful." Shining Armor said to Cadence.

"I always am." Cadence said to Shining Armor, the two sharing a short kiss on the lips. Cadence opening her wings and taking to the skies. Cadence hovering for a berth second when reached the attitude of Celestia and Twilight.

"I'll be back in a few days, Twilight." Cadence said, embracing her sister-in-law in a one-way hug. "Take care of yourself, Twi." Cadence said pulling out of the hug.

"I will Cadence." Twilight said back.

"I mean it Twilight." Cadence said firmly. "I saw what you did to Omega. You have a lot of power now, and you have to make sure that you are ready for it, and more importantly that you are able to control it." Cadence said to Twilight, the purple alicorn having to avert her eyes.

"Great, now I'm being lectured by my sister-in-law now." Twilight vented internally.

"Twilight, I'm just looking out for you." Cadence finished. Twilight having missed the last few sentences by her sister in law. Twilight quickly noticed her lack of focus and simply nodded to Cadence.

"Ok, I'll be back soon." Cadence said to Twilight, embracing her in another hug.

"Ok, I will see you when you return." Twilight said to Cadence, awkwardly pulling out of the hug.

Cadence quickly left for the Crystal Empire. Her pink body becoming nothing more than a pink dot on the horizon within a few minutes.

Celestia quickly turned her attention back to the white dragon that was standing below her.

"Theta." Celestia stated to the white dragon, taking Theta off guard.

"Um... yes Princess Celestia." Theta stammered.

"Do you think that you will be able to bring all of the dragons that had gone rogue under Omega's command back under control?" Celestia asked Theta. Theta falling silent for a few seconds. It was never the best at getting others to follow him.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Celestia asked Theta again. "Theta, did you hear me?" Celestia asked Theta.

"Yes... yes I heard you, princess." Theta said hoping for his bravery to return. "I will try my best to bring my fellow dragons under control. But, without the Alpha, it might be a little difficult." Theta said up to the hovering princess. Celestia raising one of her eyebrows at Theta's words.

"Why is that?" Celestia asked Theta.

"Because dragons have never been known as creatures that follow orders from anyone other than the Alpha." Theta said to Celestia. "Plus, I can guarantee that most of the dragons weren't under the control of Omega when they attacked Equestria." Theta thought to himself. "But... I will do my best to bring my brethren back under control." Theta said to Celestia. A smile spreading across the white alicorn's face.

"Excellent, the largest concentration of dragons are in Manehattan. I believe that is where you should start." Celestia said down to Theta, the white dragon nodding in response. "Perfect, follow me Twilight. I know the perfect place that will work well Canterlot is rebuilt, again." Celestia said to Twilight. The two alicorns flying deeper into the Everfree Forest.

"So... who wants to go to Manehattan?" Theta said to the rest of the Mane Six present. Rarity raising her hoof and jumping up and down in excitement. Theta couldn't stop himself from giggling at the sight of the white unicorn jumping up and down like a little school filly at the mention of going to Manehattan.

After a few minutes of flying in complete silence, Twilight built up the courage to ask Celestia exactly where they were going. "Um... Princess, don't mean to sound blunt or anything, but where exactly are we going?" Twilight asked Celestia.

"You'll see Twilight. We're almost there." Celestia said to Twilight. The two alicorns flying to a place that Celestia would have never thought to return to. Let alone live in.

"Wait... isn't this the way to..." Twilight began to realize where her former mentor was taking her.

"Yes Twilight, we are heading to the..." Celestia interrupted Twilight. The two alicorns flying over a pile of blackened trees to see the crumbling remains of Celestia and Luna's former home.

"The Castle of the Two Sisters." Celestia finished, her flying down to the ground. Twilight quickly following her. The pair stood in front of the ancient castle for a few awkward moments before Twilight finally began to spoke.

"Well... it's nice. I guess." Twilight said to Celestia, now really sure what else to say.

Celestia let out a heavy sigh at her former student's weak attempt to make conservation and said to her. "Don't flatter yourself Twilight. I know that this place is a crumbling wreck." Celestia said somberly. "But..." Celestia shifted, her warm smile returning to her face. "it will do for the time being." Celestia said, beginning to walk toward the large castle. "Come on Twilight, I will show you around." Celestia said to Twilight, motioning with her hoof for Twilight to follow. Twilight quickly trotting to catch up with the white alicorn's side.

"I can't believe that we are going to Manehattan!" Rarity exclaimed as her and Theta, rode a train to the city in question.

"I not sure that this is going to be a very pleasant experience Rarity." Theta said to the white unicorn who was eagerly jumping up and down in her seat. Theta having to clear out most of the extra chairs in the train car in order for him to lay down. Theta's tail wrapping around his body in a half circle. The three gashes in Theta's neck having stopped bleeding about a half an hour earlier. Theta had no doubt that he was going to be earning a few scars from his battles against both Spike and Sigma.

"I know that, with the full dragon invasion thing. But this is Manehattan it couldn't be that bad." Rarity said to Theta, waving off the prospect of going to a city under siege by an army of fire-breathing creatures. Theta seeing Rarity's arrogance as both stupid and self-destructive.

"Whatever you say Rarity." Theta mumbled to himself as he drifted off into a short nap.

A few hours seemed to pass when Theta was awoken by the constant tapping on his nostrils by a hoof. "What..." Theta groaned still half asleep. His eyes opened to see the purple ones of Rarity staring back at him.

"About time, you woke up darling." Rarity said rising to her full height. Theta quickly following suit. The white dragon's muscles all sore from a week filled with fighting. "We have just arrived." Rarity said to Theta, the odd pair exiting the train and walking into the Grand Central Station of Manehattan. It being the largest interconnection train station in all of Equestria.

"Ok, let's get started." Theta said walking in front of Rarity. The having to almost run in order to just keep pace with the long strides of her dragon companion.

"Hey, wait up!" Rarity called after her dragon companion. "I'm here to help just as much as you are." Rarity said to Theta. Theta only half listening.

"No offense Rarity, but I don't think that you will be of that much help." Theta said to Rarity. Him taking note of the crowd of ponies that seemed top part as he continued to travel through the maze of ponies that was the mane room of the gigantic station. Theta even noticing a light blue unicorn running off in fear. His white scales certainly made him stand out.

"How so?" Rarity asked Theta, taking slight offense to Theta's comment.

"Because you're not a dragon." Theta said to Rarity, getting a gasp from the fashion pony.

"Theta! I have never heard something so horrid!" Rarity covered her mouth with her hoof. Her sending a death glare that she was known for. Theta coming to stop when he realized his mistake.

"I didn't mean it that way. I just mean it is very unlikely for a full grown dragon to held the command of... well a tiny pony." Theta said to Rarity, the fashionista's face softening a little bit.

"So.. what's the plan. I mean a few dragons shouldn't that hard to find, even in a city like Manehattan." Rarity said, letting a seemingly forced smile.

"Hmm..." Theta hummed in deep thought, scratching his chin with his claws. "Rarity." Theta said catching the unicorn's attention.

"Yes, darling." Rarity said to Theta. Theta barely suppressing a laugh at Rarity's habit of calling everyone 'darling'.

Theta refocused and asked Rarity the question that would most likely lead them to the rest of his dragon brethren. "Where is the most expensive part of Manehattan?" Theta asked Rarity, the white unicorn's face lighting up at the question.

"The Fashion Distinct! Of course!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Perfect, lead the way." Theta said to Rarity.

'With pleasure." Rarity said to Theta, her scaled companion beginning to grow on her.

However, before Theta and Rarity could continue with their quest. A cry coming from the same light blue unicorn that Theta had seen run off made Theta's ears perk up.

"It's right there officer!" Theta heard the unicorn call out. Theta whipping his head toward the sound to see that the unicorn was accompanied by a half a dozen muscular unicorn ponies dressed in a blue officer uniform. All, but one, adorning a thick black mustache.

"Destroy it!" The blue unicorn called out, pointing her hoof at Theta. Theta instantly dropping down into a defensive stance.

"Theta, what is going on?" Rarity asked Theta, beginning to trot backward.

"I don't know Rarity, but stay behind me." Theta whispered to Rarity, placing his foreleg protectively in front of the white unicorn.

"Thank you, madam, we will take this form here." One of the officers, Theta assuming to be the captain, said to the blue unicorn. The officers all using their magic to hold a metal pole, blue sparks of electricity coming from the sticks in question.

Theta let out a slight roar of warning at the officers. Him beginning to retreat backward. Rarity still hiding protectively behind Theta's right foreleg. This was when Theta finally realized that the large concrete entrance hall had been completely deserted, with only a few ponies watching in assumed safety from the balconies above.

"Perfect, now we have ponies that find delight in our discomfort." Theta gruffed internally, returning his attention back to the officer ponies in front of him. Them quickly beginning to back Theta into a corner of the station. Theta's size might be a benefit most of the time, but right now it was starting to come back and haunt. The base of Theta's tail hitting the wall of concrete.

"Shit!" Theta thought. Him and Rarity now trapped. Theta refusing to use his fire on the ponies, unless it was absolutely necessary.

Once the officers realized that they had the white dragon right where they needed the officer that Theta assumed was the captain began to speak to him. His voice containing a thick Manehattan accent.

"We don't want any trouble here." The officer said to Theta. Theta letting out an irritated growl.

"That has sailed over a year ago, man." Theta thought to himself, his anger being barely contained.

"Just let the mare go, and turn yourself in peacefully." The officer said to Theta. Theta and Rarity sharing a confused look. Rarity sending Theta a look that said 'is he talking about me'. "We can either do this the easy way..." The officer continued, Theta and Rarity not really listening. "or the hard way." The officer continued, his electric stick thing sparking to life.

"What the buck is going on?!" Theta raged internally, him not really happy about getting in another fight that day.

Deep inside the darkness of the Everfree Forest, Twilight continued to follow Celestia throughout the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters.

"You know when you look past the overgrown plants and missing roof. This place isn't really that bad." Twilight said to Celestia, taking in her surroundings. Celestia giggling at the strangeness of Twilight statement.

"I must say that despite this places... short-comings. It will definitely be capable as a means of operation until Canterlot can be rebuilt, again." Celestia agreeing with Twilight. Celestia continued to ramble on about how to fix the ruins of the castle that Celestia used to call home over a thousand years earlier. Twilight only half paying attention. Her more interested in the events that lead up to Omega's betrayal.

"I believe that your friend Rarity could help mend this tapestries." Celestia said to Twilight. Her expecting one of the tapestries of the ruined castle with her hoof. The tapestries a blue piece of cloth that ran the length of the entire brick wall showing Luna surrounded by a blanket of stars. The blue alicorn's horn glowing as she raised the moon.

"Princess, may I ask you a question?" Twilight spoke up, catching the white alicorn's attention.

"Yes, Twilight, whatever you desire." Celestia said to Twilight, taken a little off guard.

"What happened between Alpha and Omega?" Twilight asked Celestia. Celestia muscles instantly tensing up at the question.

"Why... why do you ask?" Celestia asked Twilight, her words filled with hesitation.

"I think I would just like to know what was the cause for two brothers to hate each so much that they would destroy an entire country out of rage." Twilight said to Celestia, her words burning with sarcasm.

"Alright..." Celestia said waving her hoof to calm her former student. "I guess you do have the right to know exactly what happened all those years ago." Celestia said, turning to face Twilight directly.

"It all started long ago. Long before me and my sister were even born." Celestia began to explain the ancient history of Equestria to Twilight. The two alicorn walking side by side through the ruined castle. The soft Spring breeze sending a shiver down Twilight spine as Celestia continued.

"Equestria was once ruled by dragons and the King of them all was the Alpha. A gigantic dragon with scales the same color as gold as the flame that he created. The Alpha had two apprentices, them being Delta and his twin brother Omega." Celestia said, Twilight interrupting her.

"I already know that. What I really want to know is what exactly happened that drove Omega to betray Alpha?" Twilight asked Celestia, the white alicorn letting out a heavy sigh.

"The exact reasons as to why Omega betrayed his brother may be up for debate for centuries to come. Especially since Omega is no longer able to give his answer as to why." Celestia said to Twilight, her believing this was the best way to speak of Omega's death.

"Omega might have been jealous that his brother earned the right to be the Alpha. A right that he believed that he deserved." Celestia continued, beginning to go through her own reasons as to why Omega betrayed his brother. "He might have believed that he could lead his fellow dragons better than his brother, or he just wanted the power that came with the control of the Alpha." Celestia continued, placing Twilight into deep thought.

"Or maybe, he was just going down a different path in his life. A path that didn't include his brother." Celestia said to Twilight. Her words sounding very similar to those that Sigma had said to Theta. When Sigma betrayed Theta.

"That sounds a lot like what Sigma had said to Theta when he betrayed him." Twilight said to Celestia. Expressing her thoughts.

"Sigma and Omega do share a lot of similarities." Celestia said, continuing to trot through the castle. "If you think about, so does Theta and Delta." Celestia thought out loud. A small, seemingly, forced giggle escaping passed her lips.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked Celestia, curious as to what her former was thinking.

"Both Theta and Delta were betrayed by the very creature that they loved most in their life. A creature that had grown to hate them." Celestia said to Twilight.

"They both also contain a great power within them. A power that they were both scared to unleash." Celestia said to Twilight, and eerie silence coming on the ruined castle.

Back in Manehattan, Theta and Rarity were still surrounded by a group of officer ponies. Theta doing his best to protect his pony companion. The officers taking his protection of Rarity as him pony napping her.

"I will only ask you this only one more time. Let the mare go." The officer said to Theta. Rarity only trotting closer to Theta's body. Her getting a perfect view of the bite marks on Theta's neck. Them slowly beginning to heal.

"Now why should I do that?" Theta spat at the officer. Moving his foreleg so that he could cover Rarity from the officers' view. Theta hoping to get, at least, some information as to why they were being attacked by local law enforcement.

"We have had to deal with enough dragons kidnapping ponies in the last few weeks. We hope that we wouldn't have to find another helpless soul dead in an ally with claw marks. Slaughtered by a bunch of mindless beasts." The officer that Theta assumed was the captain spat back at Theta. Only adding to his anger.

Theta slammed his right foreleg on the marble floor, cracking its surface. Rarity recoiling in fear, Theta's eyes turning red in burning anger. "I am not a mindless beast!" Theta roared, beginning to stand up on his hind legs. The white scales on his chest beginning to glow bright red.

"Ready your weapons men." The same officer ordered his men. "We got him right where we want him." The officer thought, a smug smirk appearing on his mustached face.

"Wait!" Rarity called out. All eyes shifting to the white unicorn as she walked out of the protection of Theta's leg.

"Rarity, what are you doing?" Theta whispered to Rarity.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing." Rarity whispered back. Rarity trotted over to the half of dozen officer ponies, the lowering their weapons as Rarity approached.

"Are you alright madame? Had this beast harmed you in any way?" The officer asked Rarity, Theta muscles tensing up at being referred to as a beast.

Rarity shook off the insult to her companion and spoke the officer pony. "No, not at all." Rarity said to the officer, a small giggle escaping her lips. The officers' faces relaxing a little bit at the unicorn's words. "In fact, I was never in any danger to begin with." Rarity said to the officers, a look of confusion all appearing on their mustached faces.

"I beg your burden." One of the officers, this one being a pale yellow unicorn to the left of the supposed captain.

"You heard me." Rarity said bluntly, her blue eyes burning with anger. "I was never in any danger around Theta!" Rarity snapped, the six officers all taking a step back. Theta enjoying the fireworks going on in front of him.

"We... never meant to cause any inconvenience to you, madame." The officer pony apologized to Rarity. The white unicorn keeping a stern expression on her face.

"Do you even know you had just insulted?" Rarity yelled at the officer ponies. Them all taking another step backward. Them all shaking their heads no. "This is Theta, the apprentice of the great Alpha of all the dragons, and the next rightful ruler of the Dragon Empire!" Rarity continued to yell at the officers. The officers' eyes, along with the other ponies present, all widening at her words. A small blush appearing on Theta face.

"This dragon helped defeat the gigantic dragon that ruled over Equestria for the last week!" Rarity continued to yell. The officer ponies really beginning to realize just how much they had bucked up. Theta's blush only growing larger and redder.

"Rarity please." Theta said to Rarity, urging her to stop.

"No! I'm sorry Theta, but these gentle colts need to know what you have done." Rarity said back to Theta.

"Please Rarity, I didn't do that much." Theta said, him firmly believing that he hadn't done really anything that special.

"Theta, you on a dragon the size of a mountain. That's something not even Twilight or the even other Princesses for that matter, could you like it or not, you are a hero." Rarity said to Theta. The white dragon looking toward the ground. He had been called many things throughout his life. Most of them negative, like worthless. Words that he had come accustomed to in time. But, he had never been called a hero before. He never thought that he would do something in any major significance to even get the chance for anyone, dragon or pony, to see him as nothing more than a pitiful excuse for a dragon.

"Thanks, Rare." Theta mumbled, still looking toward the ground.

"I, along with the rest of my men, apologize for other previous behavior. I will accept our most sincerest apologies..." The head officer began to apologize to Theta. Theta having to take a step back at his neck words. "Your majesty." The officer said to Theta. Theta having to take a noticeable step back. He had never considered himself as royalty. Did him just being an alpha dragon make him, by definition royalty. Was it like being an alicorn. Theta didn't have the energy to overthink his current standing in the political leader so he just put on the backburner, as something to ask his mentor at a different time.

"No worries." Words seemed to come out of Theta's mouth without his knowledge. Snapping him back to reality. "You believed that I was a monster coming to destroy your great city." Theta said, his words seeming to work. With a smile appearing on all of the officers' faces.

"Great now that we all of this sorted out. We had come to assist in the reintegration of rebellious dragons." Rarity said.

"Well, in that case, we would much appreciate your assistance. My officers have been working night and day trying to wind up all of the loose dragons in this city. I hope that with the help of some dragon royalty that will make the process much faster." The officer that Theta had a firm belief being, at least, a captain said. Theta still not liking being called royalty.

Theta and Rarity followed the officer to the police in the city. The station a large multistoried apartment-like brick building with the words "Manehattan Police Department" in bold white letters on a blue plaque above the entrance to the station.

"Right this way future Alpha, we have a few rogue dragons that we have been able to capture inside." The officer that Theta had since learned had the name of Gold Star and was, in fact, a captain.

"Thank you, and please call me Theta. I don't want to make things any more awkward than they already have been between us." Theta said to Golden Star.

"That good to hear Theta, the dragons that we have detained are this way." Gold Star said to Theta, pointing his hoof down a hallway filled with steel cells large enough to hold up to a dozen or so ponies at once, or even a full grown dragon.

"Thank you, I believe it would be best I address my fellow dragons, alone." Theta said, Gold Star accepting the white dragon's wishes.

"What do you want me to do?" Rarity asked. Theta almost completely forgetting the presence of the white unicorn.

"You can find out where most of the dragon have been, and after I'm done here we can check it out." Theta said to Rarity. The white unicorn nodding in agreement.

"Now, where are these dragons that you are talking about?" Theta asked Gold Star, turning his attention back to the captain.

"Right this way." The captain said leading Theta down the hallway.

Alpha walked for hours, the deceased body of brother lying lifeless on his back. "Don't worry brother, soon your suffering will be over." Alpha said to the decaying dragon that was on his back. The mountain-sized dragon finally coming to a place that he thought would make a perfect resting place for his brother.

The place being a large cave that had dug into the face of a mountain. The entrance of the cave just large to hold the body of Omega.

"Soon, soon it will be finally over." Alpha whispered to his deceased brother. Him finding an almost strange connection with the giant corpse. A connection that Alpha couldn't describe.

Alpha placing his brother inside of the mouth of the cave. Omega large head sticking just outside of the entrance.

"I'm sorry, brother." Alpha said to his brother. The blood from the deep gashes across his face dying hours ago. Them being a constant remember to Alpha of what he had to do. Alpha's eyes drifted toward the only cut on Omega's face that had been there before. The scar across Omega's right eye. The very same scar that Omega had earned in their first battle, over fifteen hundred years earlier. The same scar that caused had caused Omega to earn his signature black eye of death.

"I'm sorry brother..." Alpha repeated, tears the size of a full grown pony forming in his eyes. His chest beginning to glow a bright orange. Alpha fired his orange flame at the cave. The cave becoming engulfed in the flames of the gigantic dragon.

Alpha slowly turned around and began to walk down the mountain. Alpha not able to watch his brother's burial by fire, the greatest burial a dragon can earn. A burial usually only reserved for fallen Kings. "He was greatest of them all." Alpha thought to himself.

Alpha continued down the mountain, the long walk back to Equestria seeming even longer without even a corpse to talk to. "What happened to us..." Alpha began to speak to himself. "What happened to both of us?"

Author's Note:

I apologize for the latest chapters taking a little longer, and my updates not as strictly on a specific day like before. This chapter took awhile to think up all of the scenes in it.

This is the exit of one great villain and the birth of another. Sigma will return, you will just have to wait a long ass time.

I'm hoping to write this story in a way that it is more Slice of Life moving forward. Epic battles are fun to write, and I hope that you liked them. But I am really hoping that I will be able to write a chapter with each of the Mane Six interacting with Theta without the fate of the world being at stake. Rarity seemed to the easiest to begin with. And no, I'm not done with Manehattan.

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