• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,001 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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Things Heat Up (Equestria Girls)

Twilight's purple eyes widened to the size of diner plates from the contact, but they slowly began to close as she embraced the fantastic kiss that she was receiving from Zulu. Twilight letting out a soft moan as she wrapped her hooves around Zulu's neck, her hind legs giving out and falling onto her haunches as Zulu continued the kiss. Twilight leaning backward and hitting her head on the door to Zulu's room. A small zap of pain going through the back of her head, but the pain was overpowered by the pleasure that her lips were getting from Zulu. One of the benefits of kissing a changeling is that they are trained from birth to be the best kissers possible, and Zulu was no exception.

Twilight couldn't believe how good this felt. Ponies always say that your first kiss is your best, and her first kiss ever, not just with Zulu was definitely the best. Twilight having never been kissed before if you don't count the kisses that she received from her parents when she was just a filly.

"What would Mom and Dad think if they saw this? I don't want to know what Shining or Cadence would think." Twilight somehow thought through the pleasure she was getting from Zulu. "No, bad brain. Don't ruin this. This is the greatest moment of my life and you are not ruining it!" Twilight mentally yelled at herself. Twilight losing herself in the pleasure that Zulu was giving her. Twilight's unmentionables beginning to heat up as Zulu continued.

At the sound of the back of Twilight's head hitting the door Zulu slowly pulled out of the kiss and asked her. "Are you ok?" Zulu asked Twilight in a tone of voice that only a changeling could've pulled off.

"Yes." Twilight whispered back, her all but begging for Zulu to continue.

"Good, because I'm not done." Zulu whispered with a smirk on his face. Zulu moving in for another kiss, but this time, Twilight was prepared. Twilight readied her lips for another kiss from Zulu but was surprised when she didn't feel anything.

Twilight opened her eyes and saw that Zulu's mouth was venturing lower than she had expected, his smirk growing as he saw the confusion on her muzzle. "Don't worry Twi, I'm not done with those beautiful lips. But I want to make sure that you remember this for the rest of your life." Zulu thought as he planted a kiss on Twilight neck, just below her chin.

Twilight let out a gasp and arched her neck as Zulu began to nibble at her neck. Twilight letting out a soft moan as he continued, sparks of pleasure going all over her body.

"You like that, Twi?" Zulu whispered to Twilight as he started making small kisses down her neck. Twilight slowly nodding as she let out another soft moan.

"I thought you didn't want a relationship?" Twilight asked Zulu.

"I didn't." Zulu said simply continuing his kissing assault on Twilight's neck.

"Then what do you wanna... Ah!" Twilight began to think, her brain falling silent as she let out another moan. This one being her loudest to date. "Oh yes, right there Zulu!" Twilight thought, Zulu hitting Twilight soft spot and he knew it.

Twilight's blissful thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on the door that she leaning up against. Zulu didn't stop his kissing, making it difficult for her brain to think at the moment.

"Twilight, are you alright in there?" Twilight heard Spike ask her from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, I'm ok..." Twilight tried to respond, her having to bite her lip in order to stop another moan as Zulu began to also suck her neck for a few seconds after each kiss. Him seeing the introduction of Spike as more of a reason to increase Twilight's pleasure rather than a reason to decrease it. "I'll be out in a few minutes." Twilight finished through a grunt, her eyes glazing over.

"Ok, just be careful." Spike said walking away from the door. Twilight didn't like lying to Spike, but he wouldn't understand what was happening between her and Zulu. Not just because he was young, but Zulu was also a changeling. A creature that fed off the love of others.

With that thought what Twilight had kept behind a brick wall in the back of her head broke free. She had to ask Zulu the question. She didn't want to, but she had to. She stared down at Zulu, who was still busy giving her the time of her life. Him now kissing around her collarbone region. His green eyes were opened, and she knew that he sensed that she was about to ask him the question that they both feared. She couldn't tell if he feared to answer the question because he was really just using her to get her unbelievable power or if he wasn't and he didn't want what he was, be a reason for her not to trust him.

"Zulu are you... are you..." Twilight began to say, Zulu's actions coming to a halt. "Are you doing this..." Twilight tried to finish the question that she knew she had to ask but wished she didn't have. Twilight thankfully didn't have to finish it, with Zulu finishing it for her.

"Am I doing this just to drain you of your power?" Zulu finished for Twilight, him staring directly into her purple eyes. Twilight slowly nodding as she looked away in shame. Zulu using his hoof to make so that she was looking directly at him again. But hr didn't do it forcibly, his hoof was light and made sure Twilight only moved when she let it move. He was just guiding her to where he wanted her to look.

The two stared into each other's eyes for a full minute in utter silence. Twilight staring into eyes that reminded her way too much of the eyes of Chrysalis when she found out that she was disguised as her sister-in-law, Princess Cadence. But, while looking similar, they were different. The eyes weren't filled with anger, but happiness. Not deceit, but honesty. But most of all, they weren't filled with the same false love of somepony acting like they loved another, like what she saw every time she saw Chrysalis when she was disguised as Cadence with her brother. No, these eyes were filled with love that was real and it was all for her, not her power, but her.

"Twilight" Zulu spoke softly, taking Twilight from her thoughts. "If I really wanted to drain of your power I would've done it when you were coming on to me this morning." Zulu said planting a soft kiss on her cheek, her muzzle flushing with a pink blush.

"Then if you could, why didn't you. I mean, I have more raw power than most unicorns could even dream of processing. Why not take that power and use it for your own purposes?" Twilight asked Zulu, her looking away as she added. "I know Chrysalis would." Twilight whispered.

"But I'm NOT Chrysalis!" Zulu internally screamed. Zulu let out a sigh as he placed his left hoof on Twilight cheek. Twilight's face melting at his touch, her letting out another soft moan. "Twilight, you are more powerful than any pony I have ever seen. I mean, you shot Omega in the face with a laser that destroyed half of Canterlot. You have enough power to feed my changeling subjects for centuries." Zulu said to Twilight, her purple eyes widening as Zulu continued to speak of her power. But Zulu wasn't done. "It is true that I could just drain you of your power, but I don't, and you know why I don't." Zulu said to Twilight, him moving in for another kiss.

"Why's that?" Twilight asked seductively, her preparing for another one of Zulu's heavenly kisses. Zulu didn't answer as he planted another kiss on Twilight's lips, both of their eyes closing as their lips interlocked.

This kiss was different than their first one, however, a few moments into the kiss Twilight began to feel Zulu's tongue push up against her lips. "Does he really want to give me tongue?" Twilight thought as the pressure against her closed lips only increased. Twilight fought off a small giggle as she knew that Zulu's tongue was entering her mouth with or without her help.

Twilight decided to take the initiative and began to open her mouth, begging Zulu to become one with her. Zulu didn't reject the invitation that was given to him. Zulu's tongue quickly invading Twilight's mouth and quickly making a new friend. Them both letting out a muffled moan as their tongues made contact with each other for the first time. Zulu moving his hoof through Twilight silk-like mane.

Twilight only pulling away from the kiss so that she could breathe, a small trail of saliva keeping them connected. Her breathing being rapid and irregular while her heart was beating faster than a freight train. Once Twilight got her breathing under control she spoke to Zulu, her placing her right hoof on his cheek. "You know, you didn't answer my question." Twilight said to Zulu, a smirk appearing on his face.

"I know." Zulu said planting a soft kiss on Twilight's cheek. Zulu standing up and beginning to trot over toward his King-sized bed in the room. Twilight wiping the saliva that was on her neck and beginning to trot after Zulu.

"You still didn't answer me." Twilight pressed, she honestly didn't really care if he answered her or not, his reasons for not draining Twilight of her power are his own and she really wasn't complaining that he wasn't.

"I know." Zulu repeated him not seeming irritated by Twilight's repeated question at all. Him hopping on top of his bed.

"What are you doing?" Twilight asked Zulu, wondering he had trotted over to his bed... unless he wanted to. Twilight's eyes widened and her movements came to a stop as a thought came to her. "Does he what to... no, he wouldn't." Twilight thought, her logical brain now functioning at maximum efficiency.

"Come here... and I'll show you." Zulu said patting a place on his bed next to him. Twilight eyes than shrank to the size of peas, she started sweating like she had just run a marathon, and her heart was beating faster than Rainbow when she did her Sonic Rainboom. Her beginning to trot backward.

"Um... Zulu... don't you think this a little fast." Twilight stammered, biting her lips as she continued to trot backward. Zulu realizing his mistake from the look of pure terror on his marefriend's face. "I mean, we haven't even officially started dating yet." Twilight continued to ramble. Zulu hopping off his bed and trotting over to her side.

"Hey Twilight, it's ok. That's not even what I wanted to do anyway." Zulu said to Twilight, running his hoof through her mane in an effort to calm her down. His actions to seeming to be working as Twilight's breathing and heartbeat returned to normal.

"Are you ok?" Zulu asked Twilight after her breathing had returned to normal. Him feeling bad for nearly giving the purple alicorn a panic attack. Twilight placing her head up against Zulu's shoulder and nodding slowly. "I'm an ass for that, I didn't mean to scare you. I know your not ready for a commitment like that, and I don't want to make you feel like you were being forced into anything." Zulu said to Twilight, her feeling a little better now. "I just wanted to try something with you." Zulu whispered into Twilight's ear, him getting a muzzle full of her eternal scent of old books. A scent that most ponies would be turned off by, but not this changeling.

"And what would that be?" Twilight asked Zulu, looking into his green eyes.

"I just wanted to spend the night with me, in my bed." Zulu said to Twilight, putting the purple alicorn into deep thought.

"Should I, we have been moving pretty fast lately, and now he wants me to sleep in the bed with him, at least we aren't sleeping in the same bed together, but still this is far too fast." Twilight thought, her breathing and heart rate beginning to hasten again.

Luckily Twilight didn't need to answer Zulu. Him sensing that Twilight was on the verge of another panic attack and that he was indeed moving too fast for her. Him talking her in the same comforting and compassionate manner that he had known him for since she had truly met him for the first time, inside of a destroyed diner in Canterlot.

"Twilight, you don't have to spend the night with me if you really don't want to." Zulu said to Twilight, cupping his right hoof on her cheek and giving her a light peck on the cheek.

"Are you sure? I... don't want to leave you alone." Twilight said to Zulu, getting a soft but still saddened laugh from the changeling.

"I... I'll be alright Twi, I have survived my entire life sleeping without you by my side.. Tartarus, I've survived most of my life without as much as a bed to sleep in. So I'll be fine." Zulu said to Twilight, a small smile appearing on his face.

Twilight could tell that Zulu's smile was forced but she didn't care. He had given her more respect than any pony she had ever met, including her own friends. "Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me." Twilight whispered to Zulu, embracing the changeling in a tight hug.

Zulu let out another laugh, this one being genuine and said to Twilight. "Twi, I might be a changeling, but that doesn't mean that I'm heartless." Zulu said to Twilight, getting a small laugh from the purple alicorn.

"Are you sure that you will be alright when I'm gone?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, I'll be fine." Zulu said with a smile. "However, I don't think I could make without tasting those fabulous lips of yours again." Zulu said slyly, getting a smirk from Twilight.

"Well, we can't have that can we." Twilight said planting a passionate kiss onto Zulu. This being the first time that she had kissed him. The odd pairing made out for several minutes before Zulu pulled away from the kiss.

"I think that will be enough for me to make it through the night." Zulu said to Twilight as he stared into the most beautiful pair purple eyes that he had ever seen and smiled. Twilight's eyes beginning to droop from fatigue from a day that was truly exhausting both mentally and physically. "I also think it's time to put you to bed." Zulu said, Twilight absent mindlessly nodding with him.

"I guess you're right." Twilight said standing up and beginning to trot away from Zulu and toward the door to exit his room. Zulu noticing the extra sway in her hips as she trotted away from him.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Zulu said to Twilight, rising to his full height as Twilight began to open the door to his room with her magic.

"I guess so. It was good to see you Zulu, and I hope that we will be able to do this again." Twilight said, taking a step out into the hall.

"I hope the same Twilight." Zulu said beginning to trot back to his king-sized bed.

"I love you." Zulu heard Twilight say behind him, his eyes going wide and his movements coming to an instant halt.

"Did she just say what I think she said?" Zulu internally debated, him slowly turning to face Twilight, a smug smirk on her face. "She did, and it wasn't an accident." Zulu's mind raced.

"What did you say?" Zulu asked Twilight in shock of what she had just told him.

"You heard me." Twilight said closing the door behind her, the wind from the door closing blowing out of the candles, leaving Zulu alone in the dark with his jaw hanging open.

"What have I done?" Zulu thought, him sitting on his haunches and staring blankly off into space. He was a changeling and he couldn't even tell if his marefriend had truly, for the first time, told him that she love him. "What is this mare doing to me!?" Zulu screamed internally, a mix of emotions shooting through him all at once. Then he noticed something, something that he hadn't noticed before. That despite all of the love that he had received from Twilight he hadn't fed off of any of it.

"I wonder, a little bit of her love couldn't be that bad, right." Zulu thought, him still being able to sense Twilight's love all around him. Almost like a thick fog of love. "What in Tartarus?" Zulu thought out loud, despite Twilight unbelievable amounts of love. He wasn't able to feed off of any of it. "This doesn't make any sense... unless she's my..." Zulu thought to himself, his eyes widening as he found the true extent of his love for Twilight and her love for him.

Twilight left Zulu's room with a happy smile on her face. "Checking... double checking... triple checking for good measure... yup! That was the greatest moment of my life." Twilight internally celebrated. Twilight smile getting even bigger as she remembered their first kiss. Her smile didn't last long when she looked down, the glare of a certain baby purple dragon glaring back at her.

"What is it, Spike?" Twilight asked Spike, a look of confusion on her face.

"That was longer than just a few minutes." Spike snarled, crossing his arms across his chest. Him still staring daggers that the purple alicorn.

"Well... I guess we just lost track of time." Twilight said to her oldest friend, her still in a dream-like state of mind.

"Clearly." Spike spat, beginning to walk toward the room that he shared with Twilight at the end of the candlelit hall. The sun having set several minutes earlier. A confused frown appearing on Twilight face as she watched the purple dragon walk away from her.

"Did.. did he hear what went on in there. Does he think that I... I need to fix this." Twilight thought, her eyes widening at her error and trotting to catch up to Spike.

"What's wrong Spike?" Twilight asked the purple dragon, him letting out a black smoke filled snort at her question. Him opening the door to the room that he shared with the purple alicorn with his a single push of his claws.

"You know actually what's wrong." Spike snarled as he climbed into a small basket that was in the center room. The basket located not that far from a king-sized bed that was for Twilight. A dresser with a mirror resting on top of it located on the right side of the room.

"Spike, does have anything that you are doing have to do with Zulu?" Twilight asked the angry dragon that lying in a small basket in front of her. Twilight slowly and cautiously approaching Spike.

"Some of it." Spike spat, Twilight taking a single step backward.

"What do you mean by 'some of it'?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, lately I just feel like we have been growing further and further apart lately." Spike said, him now sitting up in the basket.

"What... what do you mean?" Twilight asked sitting down next to the purple dragon in the basket.

"Ever since we moved to Ponyville I've noticed that we have hanged out less and less. You were always with your friends, which I proud of you for making. But it just isn't the same. Every time we go on some big adventure you either don't take me because you think it is too dangerous or even if I do go. I either don't help or just make the situation worse." Spike admitted to Twilight, her having no idea that he had all of these buried deep inside him.

"Spike, you aren't worthless. You have never been, and you never will be." Twilight said to Spike, bringing her hoof to hug the small dragon.

Spike swiping away the hoof with his claws and said to her. "Let me finish." He said, leaving no place for a response from Twilight. "And with you being a Princess now." Spike said pointing at the golden crown that was resting on a nightstand next to Twilight's bed. "Not to mention this Zulu character. I fear that we will slowly drift apart, I fear that soon you will actually drive me away. Like in my vision." Spike said, Twilight now remembering what he had seen when he went through Sombra's door.

Twilight motherly instincts kicked in as she embraced the purple dragon in a hug. Tartarus, she practically was his mother. She did hatch him from his egg with her magic.

"No Spike, I will never leave you. You will always be my friend." Twilight said as tears formed in her eyes. "My best friend." She added as her hug around Spike got tighter. "And even if am not with you physically, you will always have me right here." Twilight said pulling out of her hug and poking Spike in the chest, right where his heart would be.

"Thank you Twi, I... I think I needed to hear that." Spike said to Twilight, a happy smile appearing on the purple alicorn's face.

"Your welcome Spike, now I think it's time for us to go to bed. Don't you think?" Twilight said to Spike as she patted him on the top of the head.

"Sure Twi." Spike said as he laid down in his small basket.

"Good." Twilight said as she climbed underneath covers of her bed. Her closing her eyes as she began to prepare herself for dreamland. Her having a very special dream in mind.

"Twi, one last question" Twilight heard Spike catching her attention. Twilight's eyes quickly opened and she turned her head to face Spike. The purple dragon on his side and looking at her while still underneath the small blankets that were in his basket.

"Yeah Spike, what is it?" She asked, curious as to what Spike could ask her.

"Did you mean what you said?" Spike asked, speaking of when Twilight told Zulu that she loved him.

"Oh... um I don't know. I things between the two of us were moving so quickly. I don't know maybe." Twilight said.

"That's not an answer, Twi." Spike said catching Twilight in a corner.

"I know Spike, maybe at that moment, but I don't know. I've never been an emotional and physical relationship with somepony before. So, maybe. I'll tell more if this thing between continues, ok." Twilight said, Spike seeming to be satisfied by her answer as he gave her a happy smile.

"Ok, good night, Twilight." Spike said to Twilight as he rolled over to his other and closed his eyes.

"Good night, Spike." Twilight said as rolled onto her right side, closed her eyes, and quickly drifted off into a pleasant dream about a certain shadow changeling.

What they all didn't know was that an amber-colored unicorn was preparing phase one of her plan to take over Equestria, and phase one started with something that should be pretty simple. Steal Princess Twilight Sparkle's crown that just happened to be the Element of Magic. Simple right, while Sunset Shimmer thought so. While she was going to get an unexpected surprise when she tried to steal it.

Sunset put the first phase of her plan into action by walking through the mirror portal that connected Equestria to the human world. The amber-colored unicorn covered from head to hooves in a black hooded cape. It felt a little weird for her to back on her four hooves again after so long on two legs, but she was quick at adaptation. She had a job to do anyway. "First part of phase one complete; arrive in Equestria. Now time for part two; find the Princesses room and steal her crown." Sunset said to herself as she poked her head out from the door that led to the room where the magic mirror was located.

The hallway that led to the room was empty, no guards, just the sounds of crickets and the loud rumbles of something that Sunset assumed was just thunder. "Hmm... this might be easier than I thought." Sunset thought as she exited the room, her quietly closing the door behind her. "Now, where is that Element of Harmony?" Sunset thought as a light at the end of the hall caught her eye.

"Shit!" Sunset shouted internally as she ducked behind a corner as a purple unicorn patrolled the hallway. The using the light from his horn as a flashlight. "For the hatred I have for Celestia please don't see me." Sunset thought as the guard scanned the area with his horn, the light getting closer to where the amber unicorn was hiding. "Shit! He might have heard me when I was hiding." Sunset thought, her fears coming true when the unicorn guard spoke.

"I know you are there, I heard you. Now, come out and I won't report the intrusion." The guard said in a voice that could come somepony that was in the military.

"Shit! Wait, could I use this to my advantage. He ought to know where the princess is." Sunset thought as an idea came to mind.

"Ok, you caught me. I'm coming out." Sunset said in a mocked surrender as she stepped out from her hiding place.

"Good, now remove that hood of yours." The guard ordered at Sunset. She didn't like others telling her what to do, but she complied anyway. She needed to earn at least a little bit of the guards trust before she enacted her plan. The guards eyes widened as Sunset removed her hood. Her fiery red hair that had attracted many of eyes over in the human world seemed to have lost none of their flair back in Equestria. Everything was according to plan, including the guard getting attracted to her good looks.

"State your name and your reasons for wondering suspiciously about the corridors at night." The guard ordered at Sunset, the amber unicorn internal frustration toward this pony growing as he pressed her. But she hid her frustration well and adopted her fall back plan just in case she happened to be caught. Her face warped into that of a stereotypical damsel in distress.

"Oh, I'm so sorry officer. My name is Starlight Glimmer and I apologize deeply for disturbing your patrols, but I making my late rounds of the castle and I seem to have gotten lost in the blackness of night. Could you be a dear and direct me toward the bed chambers of Princess Twilight Sparkle." Sunset said to the guard in an over-the-top dramatic voice and a flip of her mane of fire that would make Rarity look subtle. Sunset hated acting like she was a ditsy mare that needed to be recused by a knight in shining armor. But if this act helped her get what she wanted, then so be it.

The guard was put into deep thought as he studied the mare up and down. Sunset fought the urge to cover herself as the guards eyes hovered a little longer than was necessary.

"No need to worry, there was no harm done, Miss Glimmer. The Princess's bed chambers are just down that hall, you then take a left and then a right and the room should be the one at the far end of the hallway that you turn onto." The guard said with a smile that made Sunset's stomach turn.

"Thank you, now it is time for your reward for helping me." Sunset said as her horn, which she loved to have again, began to glow with her opal colored magic. Her quietly levitating a glass vase off of a pedestal behind the guard and holding it above her target. A devilish smile appearing on her face.

"And what reward would that be?" The guard said his smile mimicking the fiery mare in front of him, though him having a different idea in mind.

What Sunset said next burned her to the core, but it needed to be said. "Look up... baby, and I'll show you." Sunset said as seductively as she could. The guard followed the amber unicorn's demands and looked up.

"Son of bi..." He began to say, him getting cut off as Sunset dropped the vase on his head. The vase shattering as it hit his head and the guard dropping to the guard unconscious.

"Pig." Sunset spat at the unconscious guard as she flipped her hood back over her head and started quietly trotting down the hall.

It didn't take long for Sunset to follow the guard's instructions and find herself in front of the door that was led into Twilight room. The sounds of the alicorn and her dragon companion snoring coming from inside the room.

"Ok Sunset, you're almost there. Just walk in. Find the crown take it and replace it with this fake one." Sunset thought to herself as she took a nearly identical replica of the crown that was currently resting on Twilight's nightstand out of her cloak. "Then steal the crown and return to the human world and then gather up my army and invade Equestria." Sunset finished her thought as a devilish smile appeared on her muzzle. "Ok, let's do this." Sunset whispered to herself as she quietly opened the door to Twilight's room with her magic.

Sunset's movements stopped briefly when she noticed Spike sleeping in his basket right next to Twilight's bed. "Really she has a bucking dragon for a pet, what kind of insane mare keeps a dragon as a pet." Sunset thought as she carefully trotted around the sleeping dragon in the basket. Spike continuing to sleep peacefully, small puffs of black smoke coming out of his nostrils as he snored in his sleep. "At least, he's a baby dragon. There it is." Sunset thought as she neared her price. The crown of Princess Twilight Sparkle, a crown that just happened to also be the famed Element of Magic. She had read about the Elements of Harmony. The final sixth element being the one that always interested her the most. She hoped that she would be the one to find and wield. But that dream was behind her, if she couldn't have the Element of Magic the old-fashioned why of finding it, then she was going to get it the really old-fashioned way of stealing it from one that had found it. She also had a mission that she needed to finish.

Sunset's horn began to glow with her green magic as she began to levitate the golden crown off of the nightstand that it was resting on. As Sunset began to lift the crown off of the nightstand she accidently hit a lamp that was also resting on the same nightstand. The lamp beginning to fall toward the ground. Sunset noticed the lamp falling and expertly caught it with her magic just before it could hit the ground. Sunset took a single glance at Twilight to make sure that the purple alicorn hadn't been awoken by her carelessness.

When Twilight's seemingly pleasant slumber continued Sunset placed the lamp back on the nightstand and replaced the real crown with her replica. Sunset helping with her handiwork began to trot away with her price. Sunset tucking the crown underneath her cloak and trotting back toward the door and assumed success.

However, Sunset was aware that Spike had shifted his body while in his sleep and his tail flipped out from the basket and onto the floor. Sunset didn't notice Spike's tail and tripped over it. Her falling head over hooves and landing in a loud crash a few feet from the door. The crash waking both Spike and Twilight from their respective slumbers.

Twilight rose from her bed and let a yawn as she rubbed her eyes. Her head moving toward the sound of the crash. Her eyes widening as she saw her crown being in the procession of a cloaked unicorn that she had never seen before.

"Yeah, that's my crown. Theif!" Twilight called out to the cloaked mare.

"Shit! Looks like that's my cue." Sunset thought as she ran out of the room at a full gallop.

"Thief!" Twilight called after Sunset, her words catching the attention of her sleeping friends. Most notably that of Zulu, Theta, and one really big dragon.

Zulu's eyes instantly shot open at the sound of his marefriend's calls of distress. "Twilight!" Zulu exclaimed as jumped off of his bed and landed in a battle stance as his black armor formed out of the shadows around him, his metal band that contained his warp blade flying onto his right hoof and crackling to life in a flash of green light. "Oh, you messed mare, you bitch." Zulu spat as his spear formed out of the shadows and landed in his mouth, both of its end crackling into pointed ends made out of green fire magic. Zulu's body warping into the shadows around him. Him determined to make the mare that dared to mess with his marefriend to pay.

Theta's green eyes shot open at the sound of Twilight's words. Him letting out an irritated growl as he knocked the door to his off of its hinges with a single pounce. Sunset let out a yelp as she saw the large white dragon appear in the hallway in front of her. Her ducking to dodge a swipe of Theta sharp claws.

"Another dragon, are bucking kidding me!" Sunset screamed internally as she continued to gallop at full speed.

"Twilight, get on my back." Theta said to Twilight. The purple alicorn followed Theta's instructions as she hopped onto the bare back of the white dragon. Him then taking off after Sunset.

Everyone's movements came to a halt as the entire castle was shaken by what seemed to Sunset was a large earthquake. "Oh, what now!" Sunset grunted internally. Sunset's eyes than shrink when a loud roar sounded throughout the castle.

"Alpha!" Theta exclaimed wide-eyed. "You're in big trouble now orangey." Theta said as Sunset ditched her cloak and started running even faster than she was before. Theta then took off after Sunset. Sunset's plan falling apart faster than she could've ever expected.

"I didn't think this plan through, I didn't think this plan through!" Sunset screamed internally as Theta began close in on her. The white dragon surprisingly fast and agile for his large size. Her letting out a yelp as a long spear with two green blades came shooting out of seemingly nowhere. The spear implanting itself into the ground an inch away from Sunset head would've been. Zulu appearing out of the shadows not long afterward and barely missing slicing Sunset in half with his warp blade.

"Shit!" Sunset exclaimed as she stared at the black insect-like body that had almost killed her. "Changelings! Equestria works with them now! What the buck did I miss since I left!" Sunset exclaimed internally as she continued to gallop as fast as her small body could take her. Her heart was beating faster than it had ever had and her lungs felt like they were about to explode, but she didn't care. Once she got to the mirror with the crown she could be safe, right.

"The mirror, the mirror. I have to get to the mirror. I figure the rest out after that, but I have to get to the mirror." Sunset thought to herself. Her rounding the corner that led to a hallway that the mirror was located. Her instantly regretting it as she was might by the massive head of Alpha.

"BUCK!" Sunset exclaimed as she slid to a stop as Alpha let a blast of his orange escape from his mouth. Sunset missing getting torched my the massive dragon fire my mere inches as ran down another hallway. She didn't know where she was going, but she saw another hallway that led to the one that had the room with the mirror in it so she was sure that she would be able to find it. Hopefully.

Zulu warped into the shadows around in order to escape the blaze and Theta blocked the fire with his own body as he chased after Sunset with Twilight still hanging onto his back.

Theta and Twilight continued to chase Sunset until the amber unicorn finally found the door that led to the room that had the magic mirror in it. Sunset was about to run into the room when her back hoof was slashed by one of Theta's claws. Sunset cried out in pain as she tumbled into the room. The cut was deep was it impossible for her to run anymore. Sunset tried to stand but found it impossible as he pinned to the ground my Theta's claws. When Sunset hit the ground of the room Twilight crown went flying bounced around the room and went flying through the mirror portal and into the other world.

"What did you do to my crown?" Twilight asked Sunset as she saw her crown go flying into parts unknown.

"Sorry, it had to end this way..." Sunset said to Twilight with a smirk, her horn glowing as she teleported herself out of Theta grasped and in front of the mirror. "Princess." Sunset spat at Twilight as she jumped into the portal with an evil laugh.

Twilight was about to run after her when she was stopped by the calm hoof of Zulu. Him warping out of the shadows to stop the purple alicorn from doing anything reckless.

"What is the meaning of this?! We have to find her!" Twilight yelled at Zulu.

"And we will, but we need to know more before we do anything reckless." Zulu said to Twilight, his logic working on her.

"You're right." Twilight said, moving Zulu out of the way.

"Um... who was she?" Fluttershy asked the group as the rest of Twilight's friends entered the room.

"I don't know Fluttershy, but I intend to find out." Twilight said as she stared intently at the strange mirror/portal in front of her.

Author's Note:

The next chapter should finally be when I finally get to CHS so be hyped to see what Zulu and Theta would look like in the human world.

Yes, and before you ask. Yes, Sunset's fake name being Starlight Glimmer is intentional, because they are basically the same character. Just Sunset is better both as a villain (which isn't saying much) and as a redeemed hero. Sunset is my second favorite character, Starlight isn't even in my top thirty. Also, I will warn you now, as I am writing Sunset my fire puns might go overboard. I have been waiting forever to write her like I stated earlier she is my second favorite character. Her being just behind Twilight, so I am going to go all out on her, fire puns and all.

I don't like the theory that changelings are literally heartless, which why they feed off of the love of others. I like my idea that changelings can feed off of other emotions like anger, sadness, and happiness, but love is the most powerful out of all of the emotions that they can feed off of. Which is why they go after love the most. Also, the reason Zulu can't feed off Twilight's love for him will be explained.

This has been a strange week. I have finished another chapter in a week's time while also starting to write another long story that should be released after I finish Tale of the Second Alpha, that won't be for a long time so don't fear. If you are wondering what this story will be about, check out the stories that I am tracking and take an educated guess. I will warn you all right now, the story I am writing will be my darkest ever. Seriously take the darkest chapter in this story and add in even darker and fucked content so that it would make it mature rated and then make that chapter the norm for the story. That is what I am currently writing. The first two chapters I have written the rough drafts for I had to stop writing ten times for both because what I was writing was too emotional for me to continue. It is also the greatest chapter I have ever written, no over exaggeration intended.

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