• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,001 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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The Crystal Empire Part 1

A week has passed since the invasion of Canterlot by changelings, the return of the Alpha, and the actual wedding between Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. The dragons of the Dragon Empire had accepted the return of their new, or old if you want to go by age, King. Most of them even giving up on their greedy ways. Returning the Dragon Empire from the land filled with the greedest creatures in the world into one of Equestria's powerful allies, not even counting the fact that it had a dragon the size of a mountain as its ruler.

Alpha and his two new apprentices were spending most of their time in Canterlot, helping the three alicorns repair the destroyed city. The Alpha using his fire breath to repair the massive crack in the city from where he had literally clawed his way out from the ground beneath the city. While Theta and Sigma used their strength to clear rubble, and repair the many homes that were damaged or completely destroyed in the attacks. All in all relations between ponies and dragons had grown to a point that they hadn't been since the first Alpha. With many of the younger dragon from the Dragon Empire migrating into Equestria.

Around Noon the trio of alicorns and trio of alphas stopped working repairs and returned to most repaired castle for a meeting. The three dragons returning home to the Dragon Empire, all of them unaware that near crisis would return to Equestria.

Celestia was sitting atop her throne, her little sister on a smaller platform to her direct right. Using her golden magic to sort through a large stack of letters from countries all across the world. Most of them either referring to the latest royal wedding, the return of the Alpha, and how either (or both) of these latest developments will affect the alliances that Equestria had created beforehoof.

"What are you doing Celestia." Luna asked her older sister.

"Just reading luna. Most of these letters say the same thing." Celestia said back to Luna.

The two alicorns' eyes shifted to the two blue double doors as they flung open, a white unicorn guard running into the room.

"Princesses, I have news from Northern Equestria." The guard said as he trotted up to the foot of the throne, taking off his helmet in the presence of the two royals.

"What kind of news?" Celestia asked the guard placing her large stack of papers on the ground next to her throne.

"I told simply to tell you all that... it has returned." The guard said making the two alicorns gasped in shock. While leaving the three alpha dragons with a confused look on their faces.

"Find Princess Cadance and Shining Armor." Celestia said to the

"Yes, Your Highness." The same guard said, running out of the throne room, looking for the newlyweds.

The two alicorn's then shared a look of concern, as Celestia pulled out a blank piece of parchment and began writing on it.

"My dearest Twilight, you must come to Canterlot at once." Celestia wrote on the piece of parchment, requesting her star student to return to Canterlot.

Over in Ponyville Twilight was currently freaking out, as she had just received the letter from Princess Celestia, believing that she has going to Canterlot for a test. Instead to stop an evil unicorn from destroying all of Equestria, but you know detail, details.

"Where are all my quills? Brbrbr. No, no, no, no, no... Ugh! I need the Magical Compendium volumes 1 through 36! Where is it?!" Twilight said to Spike, as she rushed through the library getting everything she thought she would need for the for 'test'. A pile of books than fell to the ground in a small thud, as a different thought came to Twilight's mind.

"Flashcards! I should make some flashcards. Spike, I'm gonna need you to quiz me. On everything. Everything I've ever learned. Ever. That isn't going to be enough cards." Twilight said, pulling a hooful of small white cards out of a drawer with her magenta magic.

"Twilight, calm down. It's just a test." Spike said to the currently freaking out purple unicorn.

"Just a test? Just a test!? Princess Celestia wants to give me some kind of exam, and you're trying to tell me to calm down because it's just a test?!" Twilight all but yelled at Spike, backing him into one of the bookshelves.

"Uh... yes." Spike said, covering his body in an armor of pillows.

"I'd say she's handling things pretty well, considerin'." Applejack said as Twilight's horn glew with her magenta magic.

"Urgh!" Twilight grunted as the library launched into the air from her magic. Before falling back to the ground in a loud crash.

"My Cabbages!" A green earth pony cried out as the library landed back on the ground, crushing his vender filled with cabbages.

It didn't take long for Twilight to arrive in Canterlot, her mind going faster than Rainbow Dash when she did a sonic rainboom.

"I'm sure you're going to be just fine Twilight, I mean you have never done gotten worse than a 95% on any of Celestia tests before." Spike said trying to cheer the depressed unicorn. Who was currently staring out the window of the train as it neared Canterlot.

"I know Spike, but I can't stop myself from thinking that there is something bigger that is going on. Something outside of Equestria, something evil." Twilight said to Spike.

"You don't really believe that, do you Twi?" Spike asked Twilight, him becoming a little concerned from the unicorn's words.

"All I'm saying is that just last week Equestria was almost completely destroyed by an army of changelings, and from what I have heard even an army of dragons. If it wasn't for the Alpha, Equestria might not even exist anymore." Twilight said, leaving Spike without any words to respond with.

After a few moments of awkward silence Twilight went back to staring aimlessly out the train's window. Her thoughts returning to the current 'test' that she was about to pretake in.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go as well?" Luna asked her sister as the two alicorn sisters stared at the castle's newest stain glass painting. The painting depicted the Alpha raising out of the ground beneath Canterlot. His golden fire coming out his mouth as a swarm of Changelings hovered around his massive body.

"Yes. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are already there. The others will be joining them soon." Celestia said to her sister, preferring a more hooves off approach to the current situation.

"The Empire's magic is powerful. It cannot fall again, Celestia." Luna said to her older sister, them both knowing of the great power that the Crystal Empire contained.

"She will succeed at her task. And when she does, we'll know that she is that much closer to being ready. Besides, Alpha has said that he would send his newest apprentices to assist in the effort." Celestia said, being intentionally vague in her words, for some reason.

"Ahem." Twilight cleared her throat, as she entered the throne room. Catching the two alicorn sisters' attention.

"Trust me, Luna." Celestia said to her little sister.

"You wanted to see me? To give me a test?" Twilight said to Celestia, as Luna trotted past her. Luna not confident that Twilight was up for the task. "I brought my own quills and plenty of paper to show my work." Twilight said to Celestia, a long scroll accidently falling out her saddlebag, and unfolding across the floor of the throne room. "Sorry, sorry!" Twilight apologized to the white alicorn, beginning to roll the long scroll back up with her nose.

"This is a different kind of test." Celestia said, rolling the rest of the scroll with her golden magic. "The Crystal Empire has returned." Celestia said, stating the true reasons as to why Twilight was in Canterlot.

"The Crystal Empire? I'm sorry, I...I thought I'd studied. Ooh. I don't think there's anything in any of my books th..." Twilight began to say as she searched through the many books that she had stuffed into her saddle bag.

"There wouldn't be. Few remember it ever existed at all. Even my knowledge of the Empire is limited." Celestia said interrupting her star student.

"But what I do know is that it contains a powerful magic." Celestia said as she took a purple crystal out from under a glass cover. Celestia used her magic to activate the gem, an image of the large city appearing on the floor, making Twilight have to trot backwards. "One thousand years ago, King Sombra, a unicorn whose heart was black as night, took over the Crystal Empire." Celestia said as the gem showed the Empire while it was under the rule of King Sombra.

"We was ultimately overthrown, turned to shadow, and banished to the ice of the arctic north." Celestia said as the image of Sombra getting defeated by Celestia and her sister played in front of Twilight. "But not until he was able to put a curse on the empire. A curse that made the empire vanish into thin air." Celestia said as the image of the Crystal Empire disappeared.

"If the Empire is filled with hope and love. Those things are reflected all across Equestria." Celestia said as she used her magic to show the power of the empire. The purple gem reflecting all of the colors of the rainbow. Twilight stared at awe of the gem's beauty.

"If hatred and fear take hold." Celestia said, her eyes flashing green and her horn fired a black and purple beam at the gem. Turning it the same color as the magic. The gem created a black shadow as three black crystal shards spawned out of the ground.

Celestia's eyes then flashed white as she used her magic to destroy the three black crystals, she already proving her point to Twilight.

"Which is why I need your help in finding a way to protect it." Celestia, enlisting Twilight into protecting the Crystal Empire.

"You want me to help protect an entire empire?" Twilight asked Celestia, now knowing the full extent as to what she was being asked to do.

"It is, as I said, a different kind of test. But one I'm certain you will pass." Celestia said as she placed the purple crystal back underneath its glass cover.

"How do I begin?" Twilight said, accepting her latest 'test' from the white alicorn.

"By joining Princess Cadance and Shining Armor in the Crystal Empire." Celestia said, making Twilight's face light up at the mention of her brother.

"My brother is there?" Twilight asked, happy that she wouldn't be doing this task alone.

"He is. And your Ponyville friends will join you there as well. I have every confidence you will succeed. And when you do, I'll know you are ready to move on to the next level of your studies." Celestia said.

"But what if I fail?" Twilight asked, addressing the white elephant in the room.

"You won't." Celestia began to say, as the city was rocked by the sound of a roar coming from the white alicorn's old friend. "You will be also getting some assistance from Theta and Sigma." Celestia said, Twilight's purple eyes widening even more. The fact that she was also getting help from the not just one but both of the Alpha's newest apprentices.

"But what if..." Twilight began to protest, only for Celestia to stop her.

"You won't." Celestia said, her warm words reassuring Twilight. "But Twilight, in the end, it must be you and you alone who ultimately assists Princess Cadance and Shining Armor in doing what needs to be done to protect the Empire." Celestia said, now joined by her sister. The two alicorns' cutie marks magically appearing behind them, at least I think it was magic. "Do you understand?" Celestia asked Twilight, who was standing confidently in front of the two alicorns. Twilight simply nodded in response.

"Then go. There is no time to lose." Celestia said, using her magic to close the door to the throne room behind her.

Spike was sitting the castle waiting for Twilight, when the door into the castle opened and Twilight trotted out. Her head hung low.

"Ah! Twilight! That was fast! Let me guess, you got a perfect score?" Spike said, hopping up from his seated position, and playfully nudging Twilight in the shoulder. Twilight continued walking without giving a response, her head still hanging low.

"A-minus?" Spike said still happy, still getting no response from the purple unicorn.

"B-plus?" Spike said shrugging, still getting no response from Twilight. "Twilight, did you... fail?" Spike whispered to Twilight. Who sighed and began to sing.

"I was prepared to do my best

Thought I could handle any test

For I can do so many tricks

But I wasn't prepared for this" Twilight began to sing, leaving Spike with a confused look on his face.

"Levitation would have been a breeze

Facts and figures I recite with ease" Twilight continued to sing.

"The square root of five hundred and forty-six is twenty-three point three six six six four two eight nine one zero nine." Twilight said naming off some random mathematical fact.

"She is correct!" A science pony said, confirming Twilight's words.

"I could ace a quiz on friendship's bliss

But I wasn't prepared for this

Will I fail, or will I pass?

I can't be sure..." Twilight continued singing.

"She can't be sure..." Spike sang, joining Twilight in her song.

"My mind is sharp, my skills intact

My heart is pure..." Twilight sang as she traveled throughout the city.

"Her heart is pure..." Spike added.

"Oh, I've taken my share of licks

I've made it through the thin and thick

But no I wasn't" Twilight sang, reaching the climax of the song.

"Oh no, she wasn't" Spike added

"Oh no, I wasn't" Twilight repeated herself.

"Oh no, she wasn't" Spike added.

"No I wasn't"

"Prepared... for this!" Twilight and Spike both sang at the same time. As the two arrived at the train stations.

"Uh, prepared for what exactly?" Spike asked Twilight as the rest of the Mane Six got out of a train of their own.

"Twilight! Uh, did you pass?" Applejack asked Twilight.

"Are we gonna celebrate your awesomeness with Princess Celestia?"

"Not quite. We're going to the Crystal Empire!" Twilight said to her friends, leaving a confused look on their faces.

"Huh?" All of Twilight's friends said in unison.

"Crystal what?" Rainbow asked snugging.

"The Crystal Empire." A booming voice said overhead. All eyes shifting over to the sky has the creature that it came from went in for a landing.

"Alpha!" Twilight exclaimed as the giant dragon's body slammed into the ground, his two apprentices on his back.

"Yes, Miss Sparkle. Celestia has told me about the return of the Crystal Empire. Which is way I have enlisted my two apprentices to assist you in your journey." Alpha said, opening one of his giant wings for his apprentices to slid down them.

"Theta and Sigma, you two will take this from here." Alpha said has opened his other wing, ready to fly back to the Dragon Empire.

"Yes Alpha." Theta and Sigma both said as one. Alpha nodded in response, as his massive body launched into the sky. His giant body disappearing into the clouds.

The six ponies and three dragons all piled into the train heading toward the Crystal Empire, with Theta and Sigma having to use their own special train car due to their size. The train traveled all the way up to the frozen tundra of the Crystal Empire. The train coming to a stop about a mile from the actual location of the empire.

"Ha! And you all made fun of me for packing so many scarves." Rarity said as the six ponies exited the train.

"I didn't say a word. Whoa! Hey! C'mere..." Spike said, holding one of the many bags overfilled with Rarity's insane amount of clothing.

"Twilight!" Twilight's older brother said, as he met up with his sister at the train station.

"Shining Armor?" Twilight called out to her brother. As she ran over to give him a hug.

"Twily! You made it!" Shining Armor said, as he embraced his sister in a hug. "We'd better get moving. There are things out here we really don't want to run into after dark." Shining said breaking from the hug.

"What kind of things?" Fluttershy asked Shining Armor, gulping.

"Let's just say the Empire... isn't the only thing that's returned." Shining Armor said, as the shadow form of King Sombra appeared out of the snow storm behind them.

"Go, go we'll take care of this." Sigma said, dropping into a defensive stance.

"Sure, whatever you say Sig." Theta said, dropping into a similar stance of his brother.

"Right, follow me." Shining Armor said as the rest of the Mane Six and Spike took off, heading toward a giant blue dome in the distance.

When the Mane Six and Spike went into the blue dome, Shining turned back around and charged out to assist Theta and Sigma against Sombra. "Are you two alright?" Shining asked the two dragons, as he fired his magenta magic at the shadow of Sombra. The beam harmlessly passing through.

"We alright, right Theta." Sigma said as he fired his red fire at Sombra. The shadow only seeming to grow in size as he seemed absorb the fire from Sigma.

"I think so." Theta said, unsure of himself, as he nearly avoid an attack by Sombra.

The shadow of Sombra then dived on the white unicorn, as Shining Armor's horn glowed his magenta color. As he began to cast his shield spell.

"Shining Armor!" Theta said running over to the white unicorn. His horn covered in black crystal making it useless.

"Hey, I am alright." Shining said struggling to his hooves.

"We got to get you out of here." Theta said, putting Shining Armor until his back. "Sig, can you take care of this?" Theta asked his brother, who was currently locked in battle against Sombra.

"Go Theta, go. I got this under control." Sigma said as he fired another blast of his red fire at Sombra.

"I got you Shining Armor." Theta said as he ran into the blue dome. Dropping him off on the grassy ground of the Crystal Empire. Twilight running to assist her injured brother.

"Thanks Theta. Now go, Sigma might still need you." Shining said to Theta, as the white dragon went back out of the blue dome.

"Everypony okay?" Twilight asked her friends, all of her friends nodding in agreement.

"Oh, no! Shining Armor, your horn!" Twilight said when she noticed her brother, the black crystals on his horn preventing him from casting any spells.

"Where's Theta and Sigma?" Fluttershy asked, as muffled roar came from outside the dome.

"There still out there." Shining said.

"Sigma!" Theta exclaimed as he ran off to his unconscious brother lying on the snowing ground. His gray scales covered in black dust from Sombra's shadow form.

"Hey you!" Theta roared at Sombra, catching the giant shadow's attention. The giant shadow reared up, a evil smirk spreading across his shadowy face. As Theta stood protectively over his brother unconscious body.

"Get away from my brother... or I will roast you." Theta said to Sombra, doing his best to intimate the giant shadow.

"Do you honestly believe that YOU can harm ME!" Sombra laughed at the white dragon's threat.

"Yes! Yes I do!" Theta roared, as he fired his orange fire at the shadow. Sombra rearing up as the fire burned through his shadow body.

"You haven't defeated me, I will return." Sombra roared out in pain as his shadow body retreated into the blizzard conditions that surrounded the empire.

Theta let out another roar as his brother regained consciousness. "Theta." Sigma coughed out, catching his brother's attention.

"Sigma! Hold on bro, I'm going to get you out of here." Theta said as he helped his brother to his feet. Sigma having to use his brother body has a crutch.

The two dragons walked through the blue dome to see the seven ponies and one dragon waiting on the other side, at the entrance to the Crystal Empire.

"Theta, Sigma! Are you two alright?" Shining Armor asked the two dragons, running to help Theta carrying his injured brother.

"I'm fine, but I don't know about Sig." Theta said to Shining. As Sigma was barely able to keep his eyes open, yet alone walk in a straight line.

"What's all the black stuff on his scales?" Spike asked, noticing the thick layer of black dust on Sigma's scales.

"We'll figure that out later. We just need to get him inside." Shining said as he began to lead the way to the large castle made entirely out of crystal that towered over the city.

"It's gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous! There are no words!" Rarity said in awe of the shire beauty of the Crystal Empire.

"Focus, Rarity. We're here to help Twilight, not admire the scenery." Applejack said, trying to keep the white unicorn focused.

"Eh, I don't see what the big deal is. Just looks like another old castle to me." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

"A– p– guh! Another old...! Have you lost your mind? Look at the magni..." Rarity mumbled to herself, only for her to stop when Applejack and Rainbow Dash started laughing at the unicorn's reaction.

"Very funny." Rarity said sarcastically.

"Ugh... I'm surrounded by idiots." Theta grumbled as he watched the six ponies walked into the large castle made of crystal. Them more interested in making stupid jokes than helping him assist his injured brother. Who had just almost died.

The seven ponies, and three dragons, Theta still helping Sigma walk, walked into the throne room of the crystal cave. Cadence sitting on the crystal throne, her horn glowing her blue magic as she used it to hold up the giant blue dome over the city. Large bags under her eyes, as she hasn't spelt since she started her spell.

"Cadence!" Twilight said running up to her new sister-in-law.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" Twilight and Cadence said as one, as they did their special hoof shake.

"One of these days we need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn't hanging in the balance." Cadence sighed, doing her best to stay awake.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked the pink alicorn.

"Cadance has been able to use her magic to spread love and light. That seems to be what is protecting it. But she hasn't slept, barely eats. I want to help her, but my protection spell has been countered by King Sombra." Shining Armor explained, his wife resting her head on his shoulder.

"It's alright Shining Armor, I'm fine." Cadence said weakly.

"She's not fine. She can't go on like this forever, and if her magic were to fade... Well, you saw what's out there waiting for that to happen." Shining Armor said, Cadence's blue magic beginning to flicker. Just as Theta walked into the throne, his brother still leaning against his shoulder. Sigma drifting in and out of consciousness.

"At least you're weren't attacked by a shadow monster." Theta said bitterly, him beginning to question the true effectiveness of the so called bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

Silence fell upon the throne room as Theta helped his brother lay down on the floors of crystal of the castle. The cold floor making it easy for Sigma to drift off into sleep.

"Just rest Sig, you're in no shape to fight right now." Theta said to his brother, just Sigma drifted off into another state of unconsciousness.

"Are you two are alright" Shining Armor asked Theta. Who just sent him a glare of annoyance.

"So, what do you want us to do, your majesty." Theta said with slight hint of sarcasm.

"Well... with Cadance putting all her strength into keeping her spell going, and me trying to keep an eye on signs of trouble in the arctic, we haven't been able to gather much information from the Crystal Ponies." Shining said shaking off the white dragon understandable bitterness.

"Crystal Ponies?! Hahaha, there are Crystal Ponies?!" Rarity exclaimed, her blue eyes widening. "Um, ahem. Please continue." Rarity said awkwardly, after receiving a glare from all of her friends. Practically from Theta, who had gray smoke coming out of his nostrils.

"But we have to believe one of them knows how we can protect the Empire without having to use Cadance's magic." Shining Armor said.

"A research paper!" Twilight exclaimed, getting a confused look from everypony and dragon present.

"Huh?" Shining Armor said in confusion.

"That must be part of my test... to gather information from the Crystal Ponies and deliver it to you! This is gonna be great! I love research papers!" Twilight said, getting a confused look from Theta. Becoming too now doubt the credibility of Princess Celestia.

"Who in their right mind uses the return of a powerful shadow monster as a test." Theta thought to himself.

"Yeah, who doesn't?" Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

"I like this pony." Theta thought to himself.

"Oh-oh-oh! Lemme guess! Is it Spike? Nono, Fluttershy! Rarity?" Pinkie said jumping up and down. In her normal over-the-top nature.

"I am surrounded by insane idiots." Theta thought to himself as he watched the pink earth pony give the middle claw to logic.

"Don't worry, big brother. I am really good at this sort of thing." Twilight said, as she and the rest her friends left the throne. Them going to get information from the crystal ponies.

"Are you going to go with them?" Shining Armor asked Theta. Whe still standing in the middle of the throne room, doing his best to wrap his mind around what had just happened.

"Yeah... of course. Just promise me this Shining Armor." Theta said to the white unicorn.

"Yes. What is it?" Shining Armor asked Theta.

"I just want you to promise me that you will take care of Sigma. He took quite a shot from Sombra." Theta said looking over to his resting brother. Sigma's dust covered body only moving as he breathed in his sleep.

"Of course Theta, we will make sure nothing happens to your brother well you are gone." Shining Armor said to Theta, getting a smile from the white dragon.

"Thank you." Theta said Shining Armor, as he began to leave the throne room. "I'll be right back bro." Theta said to his brother, just before running to catch up to the others.

"Are you sure? Absolutely sure?" Twilight asked one of the crystal ponies. The pony's coat and mane absent of their crystal-like shine.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could help you. But I... can't seem to remember anything before King Sombra came to power." The crystal pony said in a monotonic voice. As an image of King Sombra flashed into her mind. "And I don't want to remember anything about the time he ruled over us." The crystal pony said, shaking the image of her former King out of her mind.

"King Sombra's spell must be why their coats aren't... crystally." Twilight thought to herself.

"Have we really been gone a thousand years?" The crystal pony asked Twilight.

"Yes." Twilight said answering the pony's question.

"It feels like it was just yesterday." The crystal pony said.

"If you think of anything, even the smallest thing..." Twilight said to the crystal pony.

"Of course." The crystal pony said, closing the door in Twilight's face.

"Well, that was a total bust." Spike said to Twilight, as the two walked away from the crystal pony's home.

"Maybe the others are having better luck." Twilight said.

"A way to protect the Empire! You know anything about it or what?" Rainbow asked a crystal pony, getting up into her face.

"I wish I could help you. Really." The crystal pony said, beginning to trot way.

"Hold on! You gotta know something!" Rainbow said stopping the crystal pony.

"But... I don't have any information."The crystal pony said, making Rainbow grunt in frustration.

"Oh, um. Excuse me! Oh! Hello! Umm, I was just wondering." Fluttershy tried asking a group of crystal ponies. Fluttershy then took in a deep breathe when she saw a crystal pony eating at a table, and began to walk over to the pony. "Oh, oh, that's okay, um, you all look really busy." Fluttershy laughed nervously as she went up to the crystal pony.

"Time to gather some intel!" Pinkie said dressed in a black spy outfit. As she stalked two crystal ponies.

"It just feels like something is missing." One crystal pony said to the other.

"I know. It looks the same, but it doesn't feel the same." The other crystal said back.

"Because it isn't!" Pinkie said to the two ponies, somehow hanging upside down in mid air. "It's Pinkie Pie don't question it."

"A spy!" One of the crystal gasped as they ran away from the disguised earth pony.

"A spy? How did they know? Ah! Must have noticed my night vision goggles. Ooh! Night vision-y!" Pinkie said, as she placed her tri-lensed green night vision goggles on her head.

"Um... I don't suppose that you know anything about how to defeat King Sombra, do you." Theta asked a crystal pony.

"No, I'm sorry dragon. I just simply can't remember." The crystal pony, her face looking straight at the ground.

"Well, if you can remember anything. Please don't hesitate to say so." Theta said walking away from the pony.

"Don't worry I probably won't" The crystal pony said as Theta was walking away.

"Ugh... this is going to be more difficult than I thought." Theta said as he began to walk toward the center of the large city, where the rest were meeting up.

"I got nothing so far." Rainbow sighed as the six ponies met back up at the center of the city. The giant crystal castle towering above them.

"Oh, me neither." Rarity said.

"My cover has been blown. I repeat, my cover has been blown!" Pinkie said stepping out of a skin suit of Fluttershy.

"Ooookay." Twilight said shifting her attention over to Applejack.

"Sorry, Twilight. These crystal ponies seem to have some kinda collective amnesia or somethin'. Only thing I was able to get out of 'em was somethin' about a library." Applejack said, Twilight's eyes lighting up at the mention of a library.

"A library? Well, why didn't you say so?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Uh... thought I just did." Applejack said in response to the unicorn's reaction.

"What about this library?" Theta said, joining the six other ponies.

The six ponies and two dragons walked into the library that Applejack was talking about, and Twilight looked like she was about explode at the shire amount of books in the library. The large enough to even rival the one in Canterlot.

"I just... I don't even know what to... There are no words." Twilight said having a slight nerdgasm.

"Ahem. May I help you?" The librarian of the library asked the group of ponies, under the same amesiana that the rest of the crystal ponies were under.

"Yes. We're looking for a book." Twilight said to the librarian.

"We have plenty of those." The librarian said with unintentional sarcasm.

"I like this pony." Theta thought to himself, thinking about the librarian.

"You do. You really do." Twilight said in awe at the shire amount of untapped knowledge inside the library.

"We're lookin' for a history book. Somethin' that might tell us how the Empire might've protected itself from danger back in the day." Applejack said to the librarian.

"Yes. Of course. History, history... Ah, yes." The librarian said, going to deep thought.

"Which is where, exactly?" Twilight asked the librarian after a short pause.

"I... I can't seem to remember. I'm not sure I actually work here." Librarian said

"I take it back. I hate her now." Theta thought to himself.

"Ugh." Rainbow grunted.

"We'll just take a look around. I'm sure we can find it on our own." Twilight said as her friends went off to look to search the library for a book about the Crystal Empire.

"Let me know if you find anything." The librarian said.

"I like her!" Pinkie said.

"Ugh! Am I the only one that thinks that this is just a waste of time." Theta grunted in frustration, as he searched through his hundredth book with nothing on the Crystal Empire.

"I second that, anyone else startin' to think this is a lost cause?" Applejack agreed with Theta.

"No, no, no, no, no... Yes!" Twilight said has she found a book that she assumed that would help. 'History of the Crystal Empire'. I just hope it has the answers we need." Twilight said grabbing the book as they headed back to the crystal castle to inform her brother and Cadence about the book.

"A 'Crystal Faire'. According to this book, it was established by their first queen and became their most important tradition. The Faire was held every year to "renew the spirit of love and unity in the empire so they could protect it from harm". My friends and I could put it together. Everything we need to know is in the book!" Twilight said, Spike holding the large book in his claws (for some reason), to Shining Armor and Cadence. The pink alicorn's condition only getting worse as she continued to cast her spell.

"That sounds pretty promising." Shining Armor said, as he wife leaned up against his shoulder. Her light blue magic beginning to flicker.

"We'll get started right away. C'mon, Spike, we've got a Crystal Faire to put together!" Twilight said as she took off to put on the Crystal Faire.

"Princess Cadance needs our help

Her magic will not last forever

I think we can do it

But we need to work together

We have to get this right

Yes, we have to make them see

We can save the Crystal Ponies with their history." Twilight began to sing, as her, and her friends began to put on the Crystal Faire.

"It says that they liked jousting" Rainbow sang, as she wore the traditional silver jousting armor.

"They flew a flag of many hues" Rarity sang as she to sew a brand new flag for the Crystal Empire.

"Made sweets of crystal berries" Applejack sang as she started many of the Crystal Empire traditional foods.

"They had a petting zoo with tiny ewes." Fluttershy sang as she set up a small petting zoo in the middle of the city.

"Oh, we have to get this right

Yes, we have to make them see

We can save the Crystal Ponies with their history" All of the ponies sang together.

"There was a crystal flugelhorn

That every pony liked to play" Pinkie sang as she tried to play the strange trumpet like instrument.

"And the Crystal Kingdom anthem

Can you learn it in a day?" Twilight sang as she continued to flip through the pages of the book.

"Oh, we have to get this right

Yes, we have to make them see

We can save the Crystal Ponies with their history." All the ponies sang, as they broke off to do their part of the faire.

"Am I the only one that questions why these six ponies just randomly broke into song?" Theta said to himself, as he walked out of the castle to see how the festivities of the faire were going.

"It looks amazing! I don't know how I could've done this without you! One last check to make sure everything is in place, and then the festivities can begin!" Twilight said as the crystal faire began.

"What's this thing for?" Theta asked Twilight, poking a large blue block of crystal. With the top of it shaped like a heart.

"The last page of the book mentioned a Crystal Heart as the faire's centerpiece, so I used my magic to cut one out of a crystal block." Twilight said explaining the large block of crystal to Theta.

"Hmm... not bad Twilight. Think we're ready to get this faire up and running." Theta said genuinely impressed by Twilight craftsmanship.

On the royal platform of the crystal castle Twilight was joined by her brother and sister-in-law as she addressed the crystal ponies. Theta was standing just behind the three ponies. Before twilight spoke, however, Pinkie did her best to blow the Flugelhorn. Which she epicly failed at.

"Hear ye, hear..." Twilight began only to get interrupted by Pinkie as she failed at trying to play the Flugelhorn, again.

"My bad." Pinkie laughed nervously as Twilight shot a glare at her.

"Ahem. Hear ye, hear ye! Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor do cordially invite you to attend the Crystal Faire!" Twilight announced to the large crowd of crystal ponies that was present. All of their coats becoming a slightly more crystally color.

"Not bad kid." Theta said to Twilight, making the purple unicorn blush.

"Thanks, but I'm sure that will the last time I will make a speech in front of a large group of ponies." Twilight said, not knowing the unintentional irony in her words.

"Come on in, y'all. Got food and drinks thataway, games and crafts are thataway, Crystal Heart to the back near the Princess." Applejack said to the large group of crystal ponies.

"Did she say... Crystal Heart?" One of the crystal ponies said, seemly to remember something important about the crystal heart, but she couldn't put her hoof on it.

"We totally nailed it, right? Must be feeling a lot of love and unity about now! Gonna have some grub, huh? What are you thinking? Crystal Empire berry pie? Maybe some crystal corn-on-the-cob!" Rainbow said to one of the crystal ponies, shoving the large assortment of foods in her face. "What is with these ponies?!" Rainbow said the pony that she was talking running off.

"Seeing all of this, I feel like I'm starting to remember. Remember things from before the king." One of the crystal ponies said another.

"Me too." The pony that she talking to said in agreement.

"The Crystal Heart!" The two ponies gasped as one. Their coats gaining a little bit of their original color.

"Do you think they really have it?" One of the ponies said.

"Of course we have it! Can't have a Crystal Faire without the Crystal Heart, right?" Rainbow said joining in the two ponies conservation. Not knowing the true meaning, and the significance of the Crystal Heart.

"Of course you can't. The whole purpose of the Crystal Faire is to lift the spirits of the Crystal Ponies, so the light within them can power the Crystal Heart, so that the Empire can be protected!" The librarian said, making Applejack and Rainbow Dash share a concerned look. "I do work at the library!" The librarian gasped, as the Crystal Faire began to break the spell of amnesia that Sombra had cast on the crystal ponies.

"W-what's that about 'powering the heart'?" Rainbow Dash asked the librarian.

"I just can't believe you found it. King Sombra said he'd hidden it away where we would never see it again! I only hope it will still be as powerful after all these years...! Mm, funnel cake!" The librarian said answering Rainbow Dash's question, trotting off to experience more of the faire.

After receiving this new news Rainbow bolted off to the center of the city and covers the large block of crystal in the middle of city.

"Why did you..." Twilight began to ask Rainbow.

"I think we may have a problem..." Rainbow said to Twilight.

"I didn't know it was an actual relic! The book didn't mention anything about the Crystal Ponies powering the Heart!" Twilight explained to Shining Armor, Cadence, and Theta. As she flipped through the book to the last page of the book. "There was a page missing... How did I not notice?!" Twilight said seeing that the last page in the book was torn out.

"It's alright, Twilight." Cadence said to Twilight. As her body gave out from exhaustion her protection spell failing. The large blue dome around the city collapsing. The massive shadow of Sombra surrounding the now defenseless city.

"Twily..." Shining Armor said to his sister, holding his exhausted wife in his forelegs.

"Now it is time." Sombra growled as he is shadow form continued to surround the city. Reading to make the Crystal Empire his again.

"Oh Buck." Theta sighed.

"A... what happened?" Sigma grunted as he regained conscious. Robbing his head with his claws. "What the buck is on me." Sigma said climbing to his feet, shaking the black dust that covered his scales. The dust evaporating into the air as it hit the crystal room of the castle. The black dust staining his scales to a dark gray color with his eyes becoming a teal color.

"Now it is time." Sigma heard Sombra growl outside.

"What the buck was that?" Sigma said as he looked one of the windows in the castle to see that Sombra's shadow was ready to attack the city. "Ugh, you got to be bucking kidding me."

Author's Note:

The Alpha's return and the removal of the of Cadence and Shining Armor love force thing at the end of "A Canterlot Wedding" means the introduction of an completely new stain glass painting. I hope you all like it, and there will be more to come.

The reason the Alpha's lines are no longer in bold is because his now a regular member of the story, and because making his words in bold takes more time to edit, and somethings I just forget to do it.

I hope the addition of Theta and Sigma in this episode makes sense. I hoping that part two will be a better showing for them.

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