• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,015 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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An Alliance Is Born

"Well, I'm really from the shithole that many know as the Dragon Empire you want to be technical. But yes, I am from Equestria, just like you three. If I was willing to wager." Sigma said to the leader of the three girls; Adagio was the girl's name.

"You're from Equestria, but how? How did you get here?" Adagio asked Sigma, trying to get some information out of the black husky. But Sigma wasn't having any of her games.

"I would like to know the same thing. I had to go through a lot of hoops to get here, almost literally. So what's your story Adagio? How did someone like you, and your friends, wind up here?"

"You first, and how do you know my name?" Adagio deflected Sigma's question beautifully. She was good; Sigma had to give her that. This Adagio could become a very productive asset for him. He only had to find a way to reel her in.

"I listen, and if you must know. I found a portal, a portal hidden deep inside of a cave. A cave that had been naturally carved out of the snow-capped mountains that lined Equestria's borders. I used the portal to travel here, to this world."

"And why would you want to come here?" Adagio asked, interrupting Sigma.

Sigma didn't like the interruption, but he wasn't surprised. He wrote it off and continued his small story. "My reasons for coming here are my own, and I think that you can respect that," Sigma said to Adagio.

"I guess so," Adagio said back to Sigma with a small snarl on her face.

"Now, your turn. How did three teens like yourselves end up here?"

"Have you have heard of, the Sirens?" Adagio asked Sigma with a devilish smirk. Sigma knew the name; he remembered some of the dragons talking about them when he was in his youth. Three beautiful mares that had used their voices' and the power of music to drive ponies into conflict. The three mares being banished to another world entirely by Starswirl the Bearded in a bid to finally rid the world of their evil. He had, however, never put any stock in the tale. His home had tons of legend, most of which weren't true, why should he think that the Siren's weren't any different.

But what did Sigma know, he didn't even believe that the Alpha was real until he found out that he was one of them.

"Yes, I remember tales of the Sirens, from my youth," Sigma said to Adagio.

"I see..." Adagio began to say before getting rudely interrupted by the blue-haired teen.

"We are the Sirens!" The blue-haired teens exclaimed, Adagio rolling her eyes at the other girl's outburst.

"Sonata!" The third teen scolded the blue-haired teen.

"What?!" Sonata asked the other girl with genuine confusion in her voice.

"You were supposed to tell the dog yet who we are." The other teen said to Sonata. The two of them breaking off into their own entirely different conservation.

"But why, Aria. Why does it matter who tells the adorable puppy who we are?" Sonata said back.

The two other teens continued to banter back and forth as Adagio closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh and

"Why do I still work these idiots?" Adagio internally debated with herself as she rubbed her closed with her hand.

"Anyway!" Adagio said, trying to return to the matter that was currently at hand.

"We are, indeed, the Sirens," Adagio said

"Is that so?" Sigma asked Adagio with a slight hint of sarcasm in his voice. Despite being genuinely impressed that he had just found one of the greatest threats in Equestrian history by complete accident. Sigma being even more eager than before to work with them. The three Sirens combined with the might of an alpha dragon could be one dangerous combination, in more ways than one.

He hid his excitement well. He still didn't know much about any of them. He needed to make sure that none of them would try anything interesting if they did, indeed, start working together.

"Yes, we are," Adagio said with a slightly irritated snort. "My name's Adagio, but you already know that," Adagio said to Sigma, pointing at herself. "And this is Aria... and Sonata," Adagio said to Sigma, introducing her two companions. Adagio letting out a sigh as she turned around to see that Aria and Sonata were currently engaged in a small slap fight.

Their small, and strangely adorable, slap fight coming to a close when they both noticed that Adagio was staring disappointedly at them.

"Um... yes. I am Aria." Aria said down to Sigma. "Sorry Adagio, it... it won't happen again," Aria said to Adagio.

"I've heard that before," Adagio mumbled underneath her breath as she turned back around to face Sigma.

"Pleasure to meet all three of you," Sigma said as he pulled his paw out of Sonata's grip. He made his mind. This girl wasn't just like Twilight's pink friend; she was even worse.

"Alrighty then, now that you know who we are. It seems only fitting that you let us know who you are." Adagio said to Sigma.

"I am Sigma, and I am an alpha," Sigma said to Adagio, the Siren's magenta eyes widening at the black husky's words.

"An alpha, I thought those were a myth. I didn't know that they were actually real." Adagio said to Sigma with genuine surprise and intrigue in her voice.

"I could say the same thing about the three of you, and I am a 'fallen' alpha. If you want to be technical. And I can assure you they are real. But I am sure that we discuss more ourselves in greater detail later." Sigma said to Adagio, and slightly himself. Sigma walking past the three teens and starting to walk further down the alley. Sigma beginning to head toward where the portal that had taken him to this place, to start.

"Now, follow me, the portal back to Equestria isn't far. It should take long for us to travel there if we hurry. He might even arrive while we have the cover of night to mask our movements." Sigma said back to the three Sirens as he continued to walk through the Dark alley.

"Wait! Who stated that we wanted to go anywhere with you!? I mean, how can we, any of us, trust you?" Adagio asked Sigma, the black husky movements coming to a halt.

"Look," Sigma said to Adagio with a slight hint of irritation and frustration in his voice.

"The choice is yours, and only you are capable of making it. I am not going to force you, any of you, into anything. This choice is your own." Sigma said to Adagio. Sigma's words seeming to have been effective as Adagio begin to scratch her lower jaw with her right hand. Almost as if she was in deep thought.

"Can you guarantee that, if we do join you, that... whatever you are planning will actually succeed?" Adagio asked Sigma, a small smirk spreading across the black husky muzzle at Adagio's question.

"You know I can't guarantee anything. What I am planning has many connected parts. Relevant parts that must be dealt with in time, and I can't guarantee that all of them will be a success. Nor do I expect all them to be one." Sigma said to Adagio, laying out his plan to take over Equestria. While leaving out all of the actual, well, all of the plans that he intends to use to take over Equestria with.

"You... you just need to trust me. Trust me that I want I am telling you is the truth. And that what I have planned for the future will be better for not just myself but also for all of you."

"What makes you think that we would even want to join you. Besides we know have Equestrian magic to play with, why go back to the place that we were banished from in first place when we could just have free reign here instead?" Adagio asked Sigma, the black husky going more and more irritated at this Siren continued question with each passing one. She was smart, smarter than both of her companions combined. But maybe she was too smart, this was going to be harder than he had originally thought.

She was smart, smarter than both of her companions combined. But maybe she was too smart, this was going to be harder than he had originally thought. But he was up to the task.

"From my perspective, you have two options here," Sigma said holding up two of his toes on his right hind paw. "You can either stay here and rule over the idiots of this pitiful land with ease thanks to your beautiful voices," Sigma said to Adagio, only to be rudely interrupted by Sonata.

"I like that option. Controlling all of the people here with our voices sounds fun." Sonata exclaimed.

"Shut up, Sonata," Aria said back to Sonata.

"No, you shut up!" Sonata exclaimed back as both her and Aria got into another small slap fight. Their little fight coming to a close with Sonata reeling back and sucking on her left index finger. Sonata has a small cut, nothing more than a paper cut, on her finger.

"You scratched me! Dagi, she scratched me." Sonata complained to Adagio as she kissed her boo-boo better.

"And does it look like I care!" Adagio snapped.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted." Sigma caught at Sonata, the Siren recoiling at the black husky's death glare. Sigma regaining the attention of Adagio, the only one of the Sirens that really mattered.

"You can either take your first option. Or you can either come with me and return to Equestria and actually become the rulers of that cursed land. I know that you have always dreamt of that." Sigma said to Adagio. The was able to keep a straight face, but Sigma could see her magenta colored eyes widen a little bit. His were looking.

Adagio was almost as power hungry as he was, maybe even more so. It wasn't going to take much more to ultimately convince her to join him in his mission.

"You, all three of you, can rule over Equestria as you see fit. With all of your pony subjects worshipping you and the beautiful magic that you are able to create." Sigma continued as his words also seemed to be affecting Aria as well. Aria was nowhere near as smart as Adagio, but at least she was still bearable to be around.

"Doesn't that sound so much better than just ruling a tiny town of idiots," Sigma said to Adagio, beginning to circle the Siren. Sigma even rubbing his body up against her left leg, like a puppy seeking for attention. And it was working. Her barriers were breaking. She was even more physically open than before.

"If we rule over Equestria, then what does that leave for you?" Adagio asked Sigma, the black husky beginning to grow on her.

"I could care less what you three do with Equestria. You can have it burn to the ground for all I care." Sigma said to Adagio. Him slightly pausing as he imagined what he had just said, and he liked what his deranged mind had made up. "In fact, I actually might quite enjoy that. Seeing the cities of Equestria engulfed in dragon fire. Hmm... I can almost smell the sweet amora of pony flesh burning." Sigma fantasized to himself.

"In fact, I actually might quite enjoy that. Seeing the cities of Equestria engulfed in dragon fire. Hmm... I can almost smell the sweet amora of pony flesh burning." Sigma fantasized to himself.

"But enough of my... fantasies." Sigma gave a quick cough as he refocused and returned to the real matter at hand. "

"If you decide that it would be in your best interest to join me and return to Equestria, through a portal that is not far from where the four of us stand, then you will be reward with the entirety of Equestria for doing with as you seem fit."

"I only trust that you help me gain control over my fellow dragon brethren and allow me to rule over them with the same amount of power that I would allow the same to you over all of Equestria," Sigma said to Adagio. The Siren having made up her mind. Sigma was crazy, but who was she to judge. Look who she decided to run with.

"Alright Sigma, you have convinced me. This crazy plan of yours just might work." Adagio said to Sigma.

"So, does that mean that I have your support, all of your support?" Sigma asked Adagio, despite already knowing the most likely answer.

"Yes, Sigma. You do, indeed, have the complete support of the three Sirens. Now lead us to this portal back to Equestria, that you keep talking about." Adagio said to Sigma with command behind her. Sigma didn't mind, he liked that Adagio was someone that knew how to give orders. He just hoped that she was also able to take orders in return.

"Excellent, follow me. The portal is not that far. A ten or so minute walk from here." Sigma said as he began to walk off in the direction had started walking towards earlier. This time with the Sirens in tow.

Back inside the Crystal Palance of the Crystal Empire, Theta was on his way back to his room.

Theta covered his mouth with his left paw as he was hit with a massive yawn.

"Damn, I must be even more tired than I thought." Theta thought to himself as turned around the corner that led to the hallway that contained the rooms of Theta, Twilight, her friends, and Zulu. Theta noticing both Zulu and Twilight standing and chatting to each other just outside the door to Zulu's personal quarters.

"Zulu, Twilight." Theta briefly addressed the couple as he opened the door to his room.

"Hey, Theta," Twilight said with a kindly wave of her hoof to the exhausted dragon. Theta nodding his head in acknowledgment as he slipped inside and closed the door behind him.

"Hey, Zulu?" Twilight said, catching the changeling's

"Yes, Twi?"

"Do you think Theta's alright? He seems... off?" Twilight asked Zulu.

"Not really, it's been a long day. He's probably just tired, that's all." Zulu said to Twilight with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Maybe, but what if it's not," Twilight said to Zulu. Zulu raising one of his eyebrows at her words.

"What do you mean?" Zulu asked Twilight.

"I know that I might just be being paranoid, but I just can't shake this feeling that I have," Twilight said, more speaking to herself.

"Relax, Twi," Zulu said to his marefriend, putting a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. Twilight's anxiety seems to evaporate at the touch of his hoof.

"I'll make sure he's alright," Zulu said with a sigh of defeat. He didn't blame Twilight for being worried about Theta, he had saved her life. Twice! Plus, had gone through a lot in the last few days.

Zulu might've experienced difficulties when he had to betray his very own fellow Changelings to warn the leaders of Equestria and the Dragon Empire of Omega's return. But his issues were nothing compared to having being betrayed by your own brother and having to fight against him twice within days of each other.

Theta needed someone to talk, even if it was just so that he could release some emotional baggage on someone that was willing to just sit there and listen. And Zulu was more and ready to be that changeling.

"You go inside, and wait for me," Zulu said to Twilight with a small motion of his head indicating for her to go inside his personal quarters. "I'll make sure that Theta's alright. I-I won't be long."

"Ok, I'll wait for you," Twilight said to Zulu opening the door to Zulu's room with her magenta magic. "And I'll make your wait worthwhile," Twilight said with a sly smile as she disappeared into Zulu's room, or was it now their room. Zulu taking particular note of that fact that Twilight didn't close the door with her magic, but instead with a swing of her hips.

"Damn it, Twilight. You are such a tease." Zulu internally cursed. Zulu almost followed after her.

But he didn't. Twilight had given him a mission, and he was going to follow through with it. Besides, he was confident that his reward for completing it would make the wait more than worth it.

Zulu quickly walked across the hall and knocked on the door to Theta's room.

"groan... Who is it?" Theta groaned from the other side of the door.

"Theta, it's me, Zulu. I... I need to talk to you for a second." Zulu said back.

"The door's unlocked," Theta said from the inside the room. Zulu used his green-colored magic to open the door to Theta's room and entered.

"Close the door behind you," Theta said to Zulu as the changeling entered the room.

"Alright," Zulu said as he followed Theta's command, using his left hind leg to close the door behind him.

Theta's room was slightly smaller than Zulu's but just as dark. Despite Zulu's better than average night vision, he was still required to keep his horn ignited with his magical green aura for him to see the white dragon that was resting on top of a Queen-sized bed.

"What do you want Zulu?" Theta asked Zulu, sitting up in his bed. Theta long tail wrapping around his body.

"Twilight asked me to check in on you," Zulu answered Theta's question. A look of confusion appearing on Theta's muzzle at Zulu's words.

"Check in on me?" Theta asked Zulu with a rise of one of his eyebrows.

"I only do as I'm told," Zulu said with a shrug as he took a sit in a wooden chair that was located next to the door.

"So, Twilight's worried about me?" Theta asked Zulu a little sheepishly.

"I guess so," Zulu said with another shrug of his shoulder.

"Do you know why?" Theta asked Zulu.

"No, but Twilight does tend to overreact to minor things," Zulu said to Theta.

"I see," Theta said more to himself. Him quickly beginning to lose interest in the current conversation that he was having.

"But my mission still stands," Zulu said to Theta. The white dragon taking note of Zulu's words. Zulu was a soldier, that was evident. Actually, a soldier might not be the best choice of words. Maybe a mercenary was better. Yeah, a merc. A merc that followed any order given to him without question. A merc that once the job was done expected a proper reward at the end of the day.

Whatever reward that Zulu was going to get at the end of his mission was between him and Twilight. He honestly didn't care.

"Are you alright, Theta?" Zulu asked Theta. The white dragon instinctively shrugging his shoulders at the questions. He was a dragon and dragons weren't renowned for their openly their emotions often. And Theta was no exception.

"I'm fine. I would be better if people would stop asking me if I was alright, but that's another matter entirely." Theta said dishearted.

"Are you sure that you are fine, Theta?" Zulu repeated his question, more forcibly this time around.

"Yes, I'm just tired. And would I appreciate if was finally able to finally get some much-needed rest." Theta said forcibly to Zulu. Theta's eyes turning a slightly darker shade of green. He didn't want to sound like an ass, but he was exhausted. He already had to deal with his Alpha worrying about his mental. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with a changeling that was following the command of an alicorn with an anxiety problem.

"Understood, I was just following orders," Zulu said as he got up from the chair that he had been sitting on.

"Said like a real merc." Theta thought internally, him barely holding back a snort.

"Well, if you need anyone to talk to. You know where to find Twilight and me." Zulu said back to Theta as he began to exit the room.

"Duly noted," Theta said as lied back down his bed.

"Goodnight Theta," Zulu said to Theta as he began to close the door behind him.

"Hmm-mm." Theta hummed disinterestedly as Zulu closed the door behind him.

Several seconds passed as he listened to the sounds of Zulu's hooves hitting the crystal floor of the palace as he walked across the hallway. The sound of Zulu opening and closing the door to his room still being able to be heard from Theta's bed.

"I wonder what you are doing Sigma?" Theta said to himself as he stared into the Darkness that he could see from the window in his room.

"Please don't it be too late." Theta thought aloud to himself as he continued to stare into the Darkness of night, the Darkness being strangely calming to him. Theta not feeling ashamed of anything as he felt the sides of his eyes well up with tears.

"Maybe you can still come back to me. Maybe there can be a time when we could call ourselves brothers again." Theta continued, his hope of mending his relationship with Sigma decreasing with each passing second.

"As unlikely as it may be," Theta said to himself as he closed his eyes. Theta allowing his both mental and physical exhaustion to take over his body and escape to the Land of Dreams.

If anything it was still a good sign that he still was able to experience good dreams. Despite everything that has happened to him in the last few days he was still able to find escape when he closed his eyes and let himself wondered off into the land of dreams. Others weren't so lucky. Theta's dreams being filled with a certain yellowish-gray unicorn. A unicorn that Theta would do anything to see again, just once.

"I wonder what Sigma's dreams are like?" Theta thought to himself just before his first pleasant dream began to form in his subconscious mind. Theta's dreams being filled with a certain yellowish-gray unicorn. A unicorn that Theta would do anything to see again, just once.

"How much further, my feet hurt!?" The unmistakable voice of Sonata broke the calmness

"I thought that I had silenced you for good." Sigma internally groaned. Sigma kept his emotions in check, barely, and turned his head to face the third, and most annoying, of the Siren trio.

"Not yet, but it is not much further," Sigma said disinterestedly back to Sonata.

"You said that five minutes ago!" Sonata whined.

"Maybe you should stop asking. We will get there when we get there. Just be patient." Sigma snapped back at Sonata. The blue-haired Siren huffing in disgust. The blue-haired teen then folding her arms and grumbling to herself. Sigma couldn't hear what she was saying, but he didn't really care.

"Don't waste your energy on Sonata," Adagio said down to the black husky.

"I learned that a long time ago," Adagio said to Sigma, the black husky making a mental note for future reference.

"Adagio, I do have a question," Sigma said up to Adagio as he continued to lead the three teens toward where the portal that he had used to come to the human world was located.

"Yes, Sigma?" Adagio said down to Sigma, curious of the black husky's intention. But any distraction from, whatever, her colleagues were currently doing as a welcomed addition.

"Why, exactly, do you still bother to keep Aria and Sonata around, despite all of their flaws.

"I have asked myself that questions for years, but I always have come to the same answer," Adagio said to Sigma with a heavy sigh from years of having to deal with Aria and Sonata's bullshit for so long.

"And what answer is that?" Sigma pressed.

"I need them," Adagio said down to Sigma with a genuine smile on her face. A smile that seemed oddly familiar to Sigma. Almost as if he had seen it before, just on someone else.

That's when it hit him. He had seen that look before. It was a smile that he had seen on Theta dozen of times before. A look that Theta would send him when they would play together when they were younger.

He could even feel the corner of his eyes feeling with tears.

"What is this, guilt. NO!" Sigma's brain quickly silenced whatever devilish acts his heart was trying to work on his body.

"In more ways than one." Adagio continued, her words bringing Sigma back to the matter at hand.

"What do you mean?" Sigma asked Adagio.

"These," Adagio said to Sigma showing him the red gem that was a part of the necklace that wrapped around her neck. The siren still not noticing that the red gem was slightly growing and that the glow only increased the closer that it got to Sigma.

"Each of us has one of these gems. All of them are the same, and they all serve the same propose." Adagio explained to Sigma.

"And what purpose would that be?" Sigma asked with genuine interest.

"The gems are what allows us to bring anger and hostilities into the hearts of others. They are also what makes it possible to feed off all of the conflicts that our voices create." Adagio continued to explain how the three red gems work.

"Hmm... interesting." Sigma thought as he loaded away Adagio's information for later usage.

"Without these gems we are nothing. Without them, we are nothing more than a couple of normal teenagers."Adagio said to Sigma as she stopped running her fingers across the red gem and released the necklace. The necklace falling peacefully back against her neck.

"I see," Sigma said to Adagio as he took a left down another alleyway.

"Come on, the portal that I took to get here in the first place isn't that far. Only another five minutes of walking tops." Sigma said.

"Understood Sigma, lead on," Adagio said to Sigma, the black husky snorting in affirmative.

The newly formed alliance of villains continued to walk through the moonlit streets of the human world until Sigma stopped. Sigma stopping in front of a large brick building that looked similar to Canterlot High, just nicer. The building being made out of a red-stained brick with light blue glass. The light blue glass giving the impression that the building was made out of genuine crystal. The building has a large concrete walkway that led to the front entrance. The center of the walkway having a large centerpiece. The centerpiece including a large structure made out of a light blue crystal, matching the blue glass that the rest of the building was made out of. The top of the centerpiece including a large block of blue crystal that was shaped like a heart. The centerpiece reminding Sigma of the Crystal Heart back in the Crystal Empire. A place that Sigma quickly determined that this place was based on, or the other way around.

This building, while looking similar to Canterlot High in many ways was, in fact, much larger. The building easily doubled, if not, tripled the size.

"Is it this, Crystal Prep?" Adagio asked Sigma.

"I guess so, I really don't care what this place is. I just know that this is where one of the portals back to Equestria is located." Sigma said as he started walking across the green lawn of the Carter school.

"Wait, one of?" Adagio pressed Sigma. Sigma wasn't surprised by her question.

"Yes, there are plenty of portals all over this land that connects this world to Equestria. One of them is located in the statue at Canterlot High." Sigma explained to Adagio.

"Wait, are you telling we could've just walked through that stupid statue this whole time!?" Adagio asked Sigma with anger and frustration in her voice. Adagio feeling slightly betrayed

"Technically yes, but that portal is different than the one that I am showing you here."

"How so?" Adagio pressed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"That portal is also only open for three days for every month. While this one seems to be open indefinitely. Plus, that portal leads to a mirror that is currently in possession of the princesses of Equestria. And I wouldn't like to have our mission to come to an end before it has even begun.

"Understood," Adagio said to Sigma, unfolding her arms.

"I also heard that one of them is located near a camp of some sort that is located deep within the forest." Sigma continued.

Camp Everfree! I love that place, so much fun!" Sonata exclaimed.

"Sure, whatever you say," Sigma said disinterestedly before quickly returning back to the matter at hand.

"Follow me, the portal is this way," Sigma said walking off the grass front lawn and onto the concrete walkway that led to the front entrance of the school. Sigma heading straight towards the crystal centerpiece of the school.

"Alright, lead the way," Adagio said as she, and the other two Sirens, continued to follow after the black husky.

"This is it," Sigma said to the three Sirens as he stood in front of the large blue crystal structure.

"This is it?" Adagio repeated Sigma words with doubt in her voice.

"Yes, this is the exact portal that I took to get here in the first place. It will be able to send us back to Equestria. And then our plan will truly begin." Sigma said back to Adagio. None of the three Sirens looking convinced.

"Prove it," Aria said, speaking for the first since arriving at Crystal Prep.

Sigma just rolled his eyes and walked closer to the crystal structure. Sigma placing his black paw up against the blue pillar that suspended the crystal heart that made up the centerpiece.

Much to the surprise of the Sirens, Sigma's paw went straight through the blue crystal and disappearing into parts unknown to them. Sigma could feel his paw changing the moment it based through the portal. His paw was no longer covered in thick black fur, but instead black scales. The portal had worked, he was a dragon again, or at least, his paw was again.

"That enough proof for you?" Sigma asked the three Sirens. All three of them nodding in unison.

"Where does this portal even lead?" Adagio asked Sigma.

"This portal, in particular, leads to a small cave that I found while traveling through the mountains that mark the border between Equestria and the Dragon Empire," Sigma explained.

"You said that this portal is open twenty-four seven, right?" Adagio asked Sigma.

"Yes, what about it?" Sigma asked, genuinely intrigued by her question.

"Why if the portal is open twenty-four seven then why hasn't Equestria been flooded with the students of this school accidentally falling through the portal," Adagio asked Sigma.

"So many questions." Sigma internally groaned.

"It seems to only work on those that have come from Equestria and not for those that are from this world, to begin with. As a means for those of our nature to come from but not for those of this world to go through. At least, as far as I have gathered." Sigma explained to Adagio.

"So a portal implanted in this world's version of the Crystal Heart leads to a random cave in the mountains. Doesn't that seem a little... odd to you."

"What do you mean?" Sigma asked as he brought his paw back through the portal. Sigma feeling a small zap of pain as his body changed being made of scales and back into fur.

"I mean, it doesn't make that much sense, don't you think."

"Adagio, the portal that is implanted in leads back to a random mirror that has been used to belong to Star Swirl-the-Bearded. Nothing about this world and its connect back to Equestria 'makes sense'." Sigma said to Adagio, the black husky taking special that all three of the Sirens, including Sonata, recoiling at the mention of Star Swirl. He could use that to his advantage later, maybe.

"I-Is it safe?" Sonata asked Sigma, the first worthwhile question that she had asked him since he had come in contact with her.

"Yes, you might feel a small stinging sensation as your body changes to match the world that you have found yourself in, but that's about it," Sigma answered Sonata question, more pleasant than he had previously.

"Alright, lead the way," Adagio said to Sigma.

"I've done it this far, come on. I feel like this going to be just the start of a brilliant partnership." Sigma said to the three Siren with a sly smile directed at Adagio as his entire body disappeared into the crystal statue.

Adagio was about to follow after Sigma through the portal when Aria called out to her.

"Dagi, wait!" Aria called after her, making the first Siren's movements come to a halt.

"Yes, Aria? What is it?" Adagio asked Aria, genuinely confused.

"Now that he's gone. Do you really think this a good idea? Returning to Equestria with that thing?" Aria asked Adagio, now not fearing Sigma accidentally, or intentionally, overhearing their conversation.

Adagio breathed out a heavy sigh. She saw the pros and cons of working with Sigma. This was the first real chance that they had to return to Equestria and truly regained all of the power that they had all those years ago. But, what if this was all a trick. What if Sigma was just using them. What if the moment that he got whatever wanted. He would then dispose of them all.

What if.

"Aria, I understand your concerns. I truly do." Adagio said to Aria with another sigh.

"There is no real way of knowing what Sigma's motives are, or what he is planning. But this is the best chance that he has ever had to return to Equestria and regaining all of that power that we once had. Before he had to ruin everything." Adagio said to Aria. The second Siren nodding in understanding. While Sonata was simply staring off into the Blackness of the night sky.

"What about you Sonata. Do you think that this is a good idea." Adagio asked Sonata. He wasn't expecting to get a useful answer, but it was still a nice thing to at least ask her opinion on the matter.

"Sure, we have nothing to lose!" Sonata exclaimed. Well, maybe being intentional, Sonata had a point. They didn't have anything to lose.

"Alright, you girls are going to be right behind me, right?" Adagio said as she turned back around to face the crystal structure.

"Right behind you boss," Aria responded.

"Yep!" Sonata exclaimed.

"Alright, let's get this over with," Adagio said to herself as she took one step forward closer to the large crystal structure. Adagio then taking another step her body passing through the crystal surface and into parts unknown.

"I'll race you," Sonata said playfully to Aria, poking her in the

"Ok, three, two, and..." Aria began before breaking into a full sprint toward the portal. Aria jumping into the crystal structure. Her body disappearing just like Sigma and Adagio's did before her.

"Hey! No fair!" Sonata exclaimed as she broke into a sprint of her own after Aria. Sonata following after Sigma, Adagio, and Aria through the portal back to Equestria.

Back in Equestria, Zulu had just finished the small mission that he had been given to him by Twilight. Find out if Theta was, indeed, ok. Zulu's mission was a success. Twilight didn't have much to worry about. Sure Theta had his own personal issues but doesn't everyone. Zulu didn't believe that it was too much for him to worry about.

"Twilight, I'm back," Zulu called into the darkened room as he opened. Zulu closing the door behind him with a single kick of his hind leg.

No response from Twilight came.

Perhaps this was part of his reward that Twilight had talked about earlier.

That was when a dim magenta colored light broke that the Darkness of the room. The magenta colored light being identical to the magic of his marefriend and coming from the part of the room where Zulu's bed was located.

"Excellent," Twilight spoke for the first time since Zulu had entered the room. The small magenta colored glowing a slightly brighter and moving its position. The aura of magenta light shifting locations to levitating about a foot in the air.

The emerald green light of Zulu's horn broke through the Darkness of his room. The added light of Zulu's magic making so that he could see Twilight for the first time. The purple alicorn resting atop of Zulu's bed. Her hair was down and flowing as if a slight breeze was blowing throughout the room. Maybe it a was a spell that Twilight had done beforehand. To set the mood.

"Did you complete the task that sent for to accomplish? Soldier." Twilight asked with a slight sway of her hips. Yep, Zulu was definitely a bad influence on her. Imagine what the press would be saying if news of this had come out. The newly crowned Princess of Equestria in a romantic relationship with the newest King of the Changelings.

It was thought that brought a smile to Zulu's muzzle, not mention the show that was currently happening in front him at that very moment.

"Yes, my Princess," Zulu said with a sly smile. His words causing a slight blush to appear on Twilight's muzzle. Twilight's blush being the same color of the magical aura that currently coming from the horn atop of her head. Zulu was more than willing to continue with this form of roleplaying that he was currently partaking in with Twilight.

A smile that grew only wider when Twilight started run her hooves through her silk-like mane.

"And what is it that you have to report?" Twilight asked Zulu. The mare's purple eyes twinkling in the low lighting. "Soldier," Twilight added with a seductive lick of her lips.

Zulu couldn't tell if Twilight's actions were his doing or if she had always been this way in private. But either way, he was enjoying every second of it. And she seemed to be enjoying it too. Zulu could tell. Twilight's movements were ones of passion and love, not ones of obligation. Twilight's eyes were locked on Zulu's own, they didn't wander.

That's one, of the many, things that Zulu loved about Twilight. She never did things of a sexual manner as means to please him, but rather because she wanted to.

"Theta's just fine your highness. Maybe in need of a few sessions with a psychologist, but that's about it." Zulu said to Twilight, taking a step closer to his bed and his awaiting prize.

"Hmm..." Twilight huffed with a slight frown. She also stopped moving her hooves. Twilight seeming to stop and think about something for a second. Twilight might be renowned for her ability to do two things at the same time. But that didn't seem to include the capacity to think complex thoughts and look sexy at the same time.

However, Twilight's frown and lack a movement didn't last long.

"I see," Twilight said laid back down on the bed, making sure that she stretched out her entire to take up as much space as possible, and present as much of her perfectly toned figure to Zulu as possible. Twilight tapping a part of the bed directly in front of her. Twilight physically inviting Zulu to join her to become more physical.

Zulu following Twilight nonverbal command and quickly made it across the small distance that was between himself and the waiting purple alicorn. Zulu climbing into the bed with ease. The Zulu and Twilight both interlocking their hooves in a loving embrace.

"So, now that I have completed the task that you have assigned me. How about that reward?" Zulu asked Twilight moving in to kiss the purple alicorn on the lips.

"Not yet," Twilight said with a sly smile stopping Zulu's lips with her purple hoof. "You still have a few more questions to answer for me." Twilight's voice becoming more direct and forceful.

She wasn't playing anymore. Zulu could see it in her beautiful purple eyes. Twilight eyes weren't filled with lust and playfulness anymore. These eyes were hard, strong, and direct.

Zulu had underestimated this mare, a rookie mistake if he had ever seen one. If Chrysalis were here, he would've gone an earful from her for his idiocy.

"Oh, what?" Zulu said with a nervous laugh.

"What are you planning, Twilight." Zulu thought.

"You said that you would explain what happened between you and Cadence, so what happened?" Twilight asked Zulu with power and force behind her words. She had Zulu back up against a wall. And they both knew it.

Zulu knew better than to deflect Twilight's questions. She wanted answers, and he was going to give them to her. No matter how painful it might be for him.

Zulu pulled out of his hug and stared off into the darkness of his room.

"Zulu, did I do something wrong?" Twilight asked Zulu with genuine concern in her words. The purple alicorn placing a reassuring hoof on Zulu's shoulder. Zulu taking note of the strange irony that was currently going on. Usually, it was Zulu that would comfort Twilight, not the other way around.

"No, it's just... what I did to Cadence is not something I am not proud of," Zulu said to Twilight, slightly depressed.

"It's ok, we have all done something that we regret," Twilight said to Zulu as she began to make a circle on Zulu's back.

"Doubt it, I mean, what could you have possibly done that you could possibly regret?" Zulu said to Twilight with a small laugh.

"You'd be surprised, Zulu," Twilight said more to herself than to Zulu. Zulu took note of her words, but he didn't press her any further.

"What happened?" Twilight asked Zulu, returning to the topic that was at hoof. Zulu letting out a heavy sigh.

"You remember when Chrysalis kidnapped Cadence during her invasion of Canterlot."

"Of course, how I can someone forget being teleported into a crystal cave by a ring of green fire," Twilight said to Zulu, remembering when she was kidnapped by Chrysalis after having to deal with the imposter of her former foal sitter. Not one of her best days.

"Well, I helped... I helped Chrysalis kidnap Cadence. I even lead the team that took part in the kidnapping." Zulu said to Twilight, the alicorn's eyes widening as he continued.

"Go on." Twilight urged Zulu to continue, the changeling beginning to shake as he continued to tell his secret.

"I even... hurt her," Zulu said fighting back the tears, his energy sword flashing to life.

"Did you use that on her?" Twilight gulped.

"No, I used my staff during the kidnapping," Zulu explained. "But it doesn't matter. I still hurt, she has a scar underneath her lip, because of me." Zulu said as he sword disappeared leaving only metal bracelet that it comes out of in its place.

"You were just following orders," Twilight said to Zulu trying to cheer up the Changeling.

"Orders that I could've disobeyed, orders that I could've, and should've refused," Zulu said to Twilight, the alicorn's attempt at reassuring him being a failure.

"Don't beat yourself, Zulu. Cadence seems to have forgiven you." Twilight tried a different strategy to cheering up the changeling.

"I doubt it Cadence just puts up a front to seem like she has. I know that she will never forgive for what I have done. You saw how Cadence reacted when she saw Sunset come back. Cadence didn't forgive Sunset for nearly killing her, nor should she have."

"I see." Twilight biting her lower lip anxiously.

Twilight needed to change the subject, and she needed to do it fast. Lucky, she knew just what to do. A sly smirk appearing on her muzzle as a brilliant idea began to grow in her mind.

"Did you like my... little show?" Twilight asked Zulu as she laid down on her back. Twilight's wings unfurled and her hooves hanging aimless up in the air. Almost like a dog waiting to have their belly scratched.

Zulu admired the change in subject. But he adored the show that his marefriend was giving him even more.

"I loved it," Zulu said as he climbed up on top of Twilight. Twilight quickly pulling him into a loving embrace. The Changeling King lightly kissing Twilight on the top of her nose. Twilight quietly giggled to herself. Zulu loved it when she giggled. It was so cute.

"Thank you," Twilight whispered as she closed her eyes and moved in to kiss Zulu on the lips.

Zulu followed Twilight's lead and repeated her motions. It was not long before the two lovers had their lips interlocked. The muffled moans of both of them breaking the silence of the dimly lit room. The magical aura of both Twilight and Zulu still being the only light sources in the chamber.

"I love you," Twilight whispered to Zulu with glazed over eyes.

She was still the commander in this operation, his superior. She was the one calling the shots here, and he was required to follow all of them.

"Hmm... yes." Twilight moaned as Zulu continued to kiss her neck. Zulu had found Twilight's sweet spot, and he was more than willing to exploit it, with Twilight's permission, of course.

"Please... keep... doing that," Twilight grunted. The alicorn's magic fluttering out as her brain could no longer focus.

Zulu's magic still held. His mind still being clear. He wanted to see how much the pleasure he was giving Twilight, and more importantly, he wanted her to see how much pleasure he was giving her.

"Oh, I intend to," Zulu said pulling away. Twilight raising one of her eyebrows in curiosity.

"What are you doing, Zulu?" Twilight thought as she watched the Changeling.

"But first," Zulu whispered as his horn glowed slightly brighter for about a second. Zulu casting a magical barrier that surrounded the entirely of his room. The barrier being in the same emerald green coloration as his magical aura.

"Is that what I think it is?" Twilight asked Zulu, staring up at the magical green barrier that covered the entirety of the room.

"Ah-uh." Zulu murmured with a knob. A sly smirk appearing across both of their muzzles.

"I love you," Twilight whispered to Zulu as she moved in for another kiss.

"I love you, too." Zulu accepted the kiss from Twilight.

The two of them enjoying a night filled with fun.

The bright light of the morning sky shined through the window of Theta. The light of the sun being at the perfect angle to shine directly into the eyes of the sleeping dragon, Theta.

Theta, at first, tried to ignore the bright light of the rising sun. But the more and more that he tried to ignore it and continue his sleeping the brighter and stronger the light became.

Finally, Theta had enough. The white dragon eyes flashing open. The dragon having to immediately squint as his eyes were blasted by the brightness of the sun's rays. This time even stronger without the protective covering of his eyelids blocking out most of the sun's rays.

"Typical." Theta groaned, still half-asleep, as he covered his squinted eyes with his right paw. Theta silently cursing the sun for disturbing his pleasant dreams. Something that Theta was still amazed that he could still have.

Celestia had to do these things on purpose. A means of screwing with her subjects or something like that.

Then, out of nowhere, the ground shook violently, as if the Crystal Empire had been hit by a massive earthquake. The force of the 'earthquake' throwing Theta from his bed. The white dragon slamming onto the crystal floor with a loud, and painful, crash.

"OW! Shit!" Theta exclaimed as he struggled to get his feet.

"Theta! Wake Up!" The booming voice Alpha echoed off his room's wall. Theta tilting his head up, off the ground, to see the massive red scaled muzzle of the Alpha staring back at him. The green eyes that the two dragons shared locking. A frown of anger and contempt beginning to grow on Theta as he continued to stare up at the larger dragon.

"I was awake!" Theta groaned up at his master, rubbing the back of his neck in pain. "Ugh, you dick." Theta continued to groan as he stared up at the larger alpha, both anger and contempt for Alpha plaster all over his muzzle.

"I see, my apologies," Alpha said down to Theta. "I just came to remind you of our training session today. Our training will take place in the throne room of

"I didn't forget, Alpha. And thank you, I'll be there in a few minutes." Theta said up to his master.

"Excellent, I'll see you there," Alpha said as he massive frame left the window of Theta, the ground shaking every time that he took a step.

"Ugh, let's get this over with." Theta groaned as he walked over toward where the door to his room was located. The door opening with a turn of his clawed paw. Theta exiting his room and being met by Twilight, who was standing in the doorway to Zulu's room.

"Theta, what was that all about?" Twilight asked Theta from the doorway that led into Zulu's room. The purple unicorn having a nasty state of bed hair. "The... clears throat... shaking," Twilight asked Theta.

"It was just Alpha's way of making sure that I was awake. I have some training planned with him later." Theta explained to Twilight, the purple alicorn nodding her head in understanding. "I apologize if he disturbed your rest." Theta apologized to Twilight.

"Don't worry about it, Zulu and I have both been up for a few hours. No harm was done." Twilight said to Theta, passing off the dragon's apology with a wave of her hoof.

"Where is Zulu anyway?" Theta asked Twilight, not seeing the changeling king.

"A message from Princess Celestia came asking for him about an hour ago. Apparently, he had a special meeting with the Princess. Something about improving relations between Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom.

"And you aren't a part of it?" Theta asked Twilight with a raised eyebrow.

"I guess not. I don't mind, I'm still getting used to this whole 'Princess' stuff." Twilight said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Whatever you say Twi, I better head towards the throne. I shouldn't keep the Alpha waiting." Theta said to Twilight, beginning to walk away.

The door of Twilight's room actual room opening and a sleeping Spike exiting the room. The small purple dragon holding onto a small stuff animal in the shape of Rarity. Spike taking an interest in the conversation that was going on between Twilight and Theta.

"Ok Theta, have fun," Twilight said to Theta, the white dragon already halfway down the hall.

"Doubt it." Theta groaned to himself, but his words still being loud enough for Twilight to her.

Spike placing his Rarity doll on the ground of Twilight's room and closing the door behind him. The small purple dragon slowly walking over toward where Twilight was standing watching Theta walk away.

"What was all of that about?" Spike asked Twilight.

"What do you mean? What was all of that shaking earlier? Or where is Theta going?" Twilight asked Spike her own question.

"Um... both... I guess." Spike responded with a shrug of his shoulders.

"All of the shakings earlier was from the Alpha making sure that Theta was awake." Twilight explained to Spike.

"A bit of excessive, don't ya think?" Spike sarcastically asked Twilight as he whipped a little exhaustion from his eyes.

"Maybe, apparently the both of them some kind of training today, or something," Twilight said to Spike with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I hope the Alpha's wake-up call didn't disturb your beauty sleep? Because I know how important that is to you." Twilight sarcastically asked Spike.

"No, I'm fine," Spike said as he let out a yawn.

"Clearly." Twilight thought as she giggled to herself.

"But enough about me, what about you Twilight?" Spike asked Twilight, changing the subject.

"Me! Um... I'm fine. Never better." Twilight stammered. Not quite sure where Spike was going with this new train of conservation.

"I see," Spike said with a rise of one of his eyebrows. "Then why did you spend the night with Zulu?" Spike asked

"I spent the night with Zulu in the human world before, and you had no issues before," Twilight said to Spike with a rise of one of her eyebrows.

"Yeah, but that's the human world, this is here," Spike stated.

"I don't see any issue," Twilight said to Spike.

"Did anything happen last night, between the two of you?" Spike asked Twilight with some hesitation in his voice.

"No, nothing happened," Twilight answered quickly, maybe a little too quickly.

"I don't believe you, Twilight!" Spike pressed, the purple alicorn snorting in disgust and frustration.

"I'm done with this conversation!" Twilight said to Spike as she turned to return to Zulu's room.

"But I'm not done with you!" Spike shouted as he followed after Twilight. The purple alicorn ignoring him.

"Good day, Spike," Twilight said as she closed the door to Zulu's room behind her.

"Twilight!" Spike shouted at the closed door in front of him. No response coming from Twilight.

"Twilight!" Spike repeated, a little weaker than before. No response from Twilight coming, like before.

"I hope you know what ya doing, Twi," Spike said with a heavy sigh. The purple dragon walking away from the door to Zulu's room and back up the hall to 'Twilight's' room.

"I surely do." Spike said as he opened and quickly closed the door to 'Twilight's' room behind him.

It didn't take long for Theta to walk from his room to where the throne room was located. Theta opening the double doors of the throne with a single swift motion of his claws.

Alpha waiting patiently for his apprentice to arrive. A warm smile spreading across his smile when he noticed Theta.

"Excellent, you're here. Let's begin." Alpha said down to Theta, ready to start their lesson.

"I'm ready Alpha, what is it that you wanted to teach me today?" Theta asked his master.

"Just some training exercises that have set up for you," Alpha said down to Theta.

"That's it?" Theta asked with a raise of one of his eye brows.

"Yes, Sigma is still out there, somewhere. And we still don't what he is planning, and it is best to be prepared for anything that he might throw at us." Alpha said down to Theta, the white dragon nodding his head in understanding.

"I understand."

"I had the palace staff set off a few targets for you to practice with. And worry about setting anything on fire. I had Cadence cast an anti-incendiary spell in the room. So you don't have to worry about catching anything on fire." Alpha continued to explain to his apprentice. The white dragon continuing to nod when appropriate.

"Understood," Theta said, noticing the several pony and dragon sized targets that were set up throughout the room. All of the targets being made out of blackened wood. The black targets also having several red bullseyes painted on them. The largest bullseyes being placed on the head and chest (where the heart was located). And smaller ones being located on each on the target's legs, wings of pegasi and dragons, horns of unicorns and the tails of the dragons.

Theta being silently impressed by the setup. His master has certainly put a lot of time and effort into this training session for him. A small smile spreading across his muzzle as he dropped into a defensive position. The white scales of his chest taking on a slightly oranger coloration as his body prepared to launch a blast of his fire on command.

This was going to be fun.

"Now let's begin with something simple." Alpha started the lesson. "I want you to begin by shooting that dragon target. Try to aim directly for the bullseye on the target's head." Alpha said, giving Theta precise instructions.

The black wood that the target was made out of reminding Theta slightly of Sigma, his small smile growing in size at the thought. It was time for some much need revenge.

"Copy that." Theta followed his master command. A small, contained, orange fireball erupting from his mouth and striking the dragon shaped target. The fireball was a little off target, hitting the dragon just below the neck and not the head as instructed. But the great thing about fire is that it doesn't have to hit its target perfectly. The black target erupting in flames and falling to the ground in a small crash.

What Alpha said about Cadence casting an anti-incendiary charm was true as the flames on the target instantly vanished the moment it hit the crystal floor of the throne room.

"Not bad, my apprentice. You're aiming could use a little more work. But, not bad." Alpha said down to Theta with a small smile on his muzzle.

"Thank you, Alpha. What else." Theta said happily, eager to continue.

"Let's start with some of those pony shaped targets," Alpha said to Theta, pointing one of his massive claws at the target that was shaped like a unicorn.

"Why do you even have pony targets anyway?" Theta asked Alpha, it was a good question. Theta was fighting Sigma, a dragon, it seemed odd to have him attacking a pony target.

Good question. We mustn't hesitate from defending ourselves just because they are not a dragon. We don't if Sigma will gain any other allies in his efforts to destroy this world, or what form they might take. We must be prepared for anything." Alpha said down to Theta. The white dragon nodding his head in agreeance.

"Understood. I'm ready on your command." Theta said to Alpha, dropping back down into a defensive stance.

"Excellent, now... fire," Alpha ordered. Theta heeding the larger dragon's command and blasting his orange fire at the target. The fire hitting the target directing in the bullseyes where the target's heart would've been located if it was real. The target bursting into a fiery blame and clattering to the ground in a loud thud. The fire quickly extinguishing the moment that it made contact with the crystal surface of the throne room's floor.

"Excellent, and another!" Alpha ordered. Theta following the master command to the letter. Theta firing another orange blast at another target, this one in the shape of a pegasus. The target erupting in flames and falling to the crystal floor. The fire extinguishing the moment it touched the surface of the blue crystal. Just like the others.

"Another!" Alpha shouted, a hardy laugh beginning to build in the larger dragon. Theta continuing to follow his master's command's without question. Theta doing a quick turn of his body and fire another blast of flame at a waiting target. This target is in the shape of a dragon with its wings extended upwards. Almost like it was about to take flight. Theta's fireball hitting the target directly in its left wing. The wing engulfing in flames. The force of the impact wasn't enough to knock the target over. The fire just burned the entire left wing down. The fire continues to spread over the entire body of the target. The target finally toppingly over when the fire spread to its legs. The fire finally extinguishing when it hit the ground. Like the other targets before it.

"Ok, Theta, don't over exert yourself," Alpha said down to the heavily breathing Theta. The white dragon's legs shaking from exhaustion.

"How was that master?" Theta asked the Alpha, still breathing heavily.

"You did magnificently, my apprentice. I don't doubt that you will do magnificently as the next alpha." Alpha said to Theta with a pleasant smile on his muzzle.

"I can't live up to your legacy, and I never will," Theta said dis-heartedly, looking shamefully down at the ground.

"You're wrong," Alpha said, his words taking Theta by surprise.

"What?" Theta said genuinely surprised. Theta looking up at his master to see a stern look in the Alpha's eyes. He wasn't joking.

"You haven't just lived up to my legacy. You have surpassed it."

"You are the one that defeated Omega, I did nothing," Theta said, beginning to walk out of the room.

"No, you did," Alpha called out to Theta, the white dragon's movements coming to a halt.

You were the one that defeated Omega, Theta. You were the one that convinced me to return to Equestria to face my brother. You're the one that bravery saved Twilight and stood against Sigma. You are the one that distracted Omega enough to allow me enough time to counterattack and turn the tide of battle." Alpha said down to Theta, the white dragon just standing there silently. Not believing a single thing that he was hearing.

"I might have been one that delivered one against Omega, but you were the one that defeated him," Alpha said down to Theta with absolute certainty in his voice. The white dragon just standing there below him. Standing motionless, he didn't blink.

Theta didn't say anything. How could he?

He couldn't even turn away from his master, in either denial or shame, or both.

"But that is enough of that. You may not believe me when I tell you that you have earned the right to become my successor. But we still need to continue your training and prepare for the inevitable return of Sigma." Alpha said returning, regretfully, back to his training of Theta.

"What else do you have planned for me?" Theta asked Alpha, with a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"Fireballs are not enough, sure advancing your combat effectiveness involving ranged combat is more than helpful. But there will, inevitably, come a time when you will have to engage Sigma, and any that he may warp into following his cause, in physical combat."

"So you want to cut apart a target with my claws so that when I face Sigma again. I will kick his ass?" Theta asked Alpha sarcastically.

"In layman's terms, yes."

"Sounds good to me." Theta snorted as he flashed out his claws.

"Use your claws against that target over there," Alpha said pointing his large claws at the target that was shaped like a unicorn.

"Copy that," Theta said as he started to walk toward the target in question. Theta knocking the target to the ground with a swift swipe of his claws.

"Excellent, now finish it off," Alpha said to Theta.

"Why?" Theta asked his master. More out of curiosity than defiance.

"War is coming, Theta. And we mustn't hesitate from killing our foes, especially if they don't care how many innocents they have to kill to obtain their goals." Alpha explained to Theta.

"Understood," Theta said as he prepared to finish off the wooden target with his claws. Theta ready to destroy the wooden target.

But then he stopped.

Theta couldn't attack the target. He couldn't finish it off with its claws. He didn't know why. The shape of the unicorn target changing as he stood above it. The shape shifting from the image of a yellowish-gray unicorn and the black wood of the target every few seconds.

... That's when something even weirder happened.

Everything seemed to crumble around Theta. He was no longer standing in the throne room of the Crystal Palace but in an open field. A desert wasteland to be more accurate. The land looking like it had been ravished by a recent wildfire.

"Where am I?" Theta asked himself. His speech was muffled as if he was underwater. Theta took a step forward to find that it was not just his speech that was muffled but also all of his movements.

"Alpha!?" Theta called out, looking for his master, but he was nowhere to be seen. He was alone, or so he thought.

"You think you could get rid of me." The unmistakable voice of the one that he wanted to kill the most.


Over in Ponyville, Moon Dancer emerged from the small motel that she had found for a decent price to take as shelter for the time being. Moon Dancer having originally planned to rent a room from Zecora while she stayed Ponyville. Moon Dancer's old home having been destroyed during Omega's return, along with the entirety of the Canterlot.

But that arrangement quickly came to a close when Zecora accused Moon Dancer of having feelings for Theta.

"Why can't I stop thinking about him." Moon Dancer thought out loud as she locked the door. It was a simple small single bedroom apartment. It wasn't perfect but considering what she paid for the room, it was good enough. Moon Dancer's dreams being filled with Theta ever since she had left Zecora in a fit of anger after Zecora had accused her of having feelings for Theta.

Maybe, this is some kind of trick that Zecora is playing on me." Moon Dancer asked herself as she ran one of her forehooves through her mane.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that, my dear. Why blame me for something that you have done to yourself out of need and despair." Somepony with an exotic accent and strange tendency to say all of her words in rhyme that was unmistakable. A pony that Moon Dancer instantly recognized. Moon Dancer doing with a quick 180 to look at the mare behind her. A look of anger and contempt on her muzzle.

"Zecora, what are you doing here?" Moon Dancer spat at the striped mare. Zecora wearing a brown hood that completely covered her head.

"I did not come to harm." Zecora began as she moved her hood. A pleasant smile adorning her muzzle, a stark difference from the scorn that was plastered on the muzzle of Moon Dancer. "I have only come to see your general norm."

"That doesn't even rhyme." Moon Dancer snorted at Zebra, becoming increasingly annoyed at the zebra's appearance.

"Not everything in this world has to rhyme. Sometimes the greatest things in this world don't follow right in line." Zecora said to Moon Dancer in half rhyme.

"Whatever Zecora, what do you want." Moon Dancer spat at Zecora.

"I know that you are hurting, Moon Dancer. But if you don't listen to my words of understanding, the more your pain will soon turn into cancer." Zecora said to Moon Dancer. Zecora's words filled with a strange about of understanding.

"What could you know about what I am currently going through?" Moon Dancer bitterly asked Zecora.

"On the contrary, I know exactly what it is like when your heart catches fire. And I know exactly what can happen when you refuse to follow what your heart desires."

"For the last time, Zecora! There is nothing between Theta and me. Now, if you don't mind I would like to continue the rest of my day in peace and quiet." Moon Dancer shouted at Zecora, forcing her way past the striped mare.

"Heed my warnings Moon Dancer. You can continue to deny your feelings. But the more your heart will prancer. And the more your stubbornness will be your undoing.

"Good day, Zecora." Moon Dancer spat as she continued to trot away from the zebra and down the streets of Ponyville.

Several minutes passed by and Moon Dancer had put the strange 'warning' by Zecora into the back of her mind.

"Crazy old mare." Moon Dancer continued to vent to herself as she continued to walk through the streets of Ponyville.

"Hey, Moon Dancer!" Moon Dancer heard a familiar voice call her name. The sound of the voice of her old friend, a friend that she thought that she would never hear again.

"Lemon?" Moon Dancer asked in the direction of where the voice was coming from.

"Moon Dancer! Over here!" The voice of Lemon Hearts shouted. It not taking that long to find out where Lemon Hearts was. A happy smile spreading across Moon Dancer's muzzle as she noticed that Lemon Hearts wasn't alone. Lemon sitting at a table at a restaurant surrounded by Moon Dancer's other friends, Minuette, Twinkleshine, and even Lyra Heartstrings.

"Hey, girls. I didn't know you were here. In Ponyville." Moon Dancer said as she trotted over toward where the rest of her friends were sitting.

"Yeah, neither did we. Me, Twinkle, and Minuette just ran into each other today." Lemon Hearts explained to Moon Dancer.

"Almost literally," Minuette said with a small giggle.

"Would you like to join us, Moon Dancer? We could have one the waitress get us another chair for you."

"I don't want to intrude." Moon Dancer said with shaky words.

"Nonsense." Lemon Hearts waved off Moon Dancer's words with her hoof.

"Waitress, could we get another chair over here?" Lemon Hearts asked one of the waitresses at the outdoor restaurants. The waitress, a white unicorn mare with a light blue mane, nodding her head at Lemon words. The mare running off to get another chair for Moon Dancer. The mare returning with a wooden chair.

"Thank you." Moon Dancer said to the waitress in gratitude as she took a seat with the rest of her friends.

"No problem, miss. Is there anything that you would like to start with?" The waitress asked Moon Dancer.

"A hay smoothie would be perfect." Moon Dancer gave the waitress her order. The waitress nodding her head and disappearing again. The mare coming back in a manner of seconds with a yellow colored smoothie held in her magic.

"Thank you."

"Just doing my job, miss. If you girls need anything else just call." The waitress said to the group of friends.

"Will do." Lemon Hearts said with a smile. The waitress disappearing from the scene again.

"Maybe, I can get used to this." Moon Dancer thought as she took a sip from her own hay smoothie. The idea of making Ponyville a more permanent place of residence becoming more and more appealing to her with each passing moment.

Author's Note:

I think that Sigma's dialog in this chapter proves that I have played way too much Fallout 4. I'm not a murderous raider I swear. In fact, Nick is my favorite and most frequent companion. I swear! I even killed all of the gangs for Nuka-World! I swear!

Note; I don't hate Sonata. I find her both adorable and hilarious. Any ill intent towards her and Aria was done to show Sigma's distaste towards them. Trust me you know if I hated a character from the show. That is why I will never write Starlight Glimmer. At least, not in a starring role.

I hope that you like how I managed to include both Crystal Prep and Camp Everfree from their respective movies into this story. I don't plan on returning to the human world anytime soon, unless in a flashback-like sequence, so I wanted to do a little shout out off to those two locations. Plus, it allows me to do a bit more world-building for my version of the human world.

I think my scene with Twilight and Zulu was just my way of testing how far I could go without making it so that this story would get a mature rating. I think I've been reading to many clop fics, but fuck it. Plus, the scene allowed me to add a shitton of more to both Zulu and Twilight's characters, and the relationship between the two. I love my job, so much fun.

Also, what you think happened between Twilight and Zulu did, in fact, happen. I just didn't write it, for obvious reasons.

I still hate writing Zecora, speaking in all rhyme is bullshit.

And THETA X MOONDANCER! About damn time!

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