• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,686 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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My New Life

Chapter 10 - Orientation

Vapor Sky's POV

After being dismissed, we began to walk to our living quarters.

"So, Scorched Earth, what is your special talent?"

"Oh, um, geological tactics..." He whispered.

"Ah, that sounds pretty cool and that explains your cutie mark, too." I took a quick look at his flank and saw the image of a rock in a sling.

"Really? You don't think it sounds boring?"

"Nah, my parents taught me to never to judge a book by its cover." I gave him a smile, to which he blushed and looked in a different direction.

"W-what about you, Ms. Sky?" He asked.

"Defense. That's why I have a shield for a cutie mark." I waved my flank, causing him to blush even more. I laughed.

"So, um, how long have you been with the guard?"

"Hmm. I think it's been about... 3 months."

He stopped in his tracks. "3 weeks? But you are already a high ranking officer." He said, gesturing to the 4 stars on my armor.

"Yeah, it helps when you have had prior experience and show that you have what it takes." I explained, remembering my old life.

"Huh, and what does 'prior experience' mean?"

I sighed, "Can you keep a secret?" He nodded. "Alright, but not here. I will tell you back in the room."

He nodded again and we resumed walking.

Five minutes of silence passed before we got to our room.

"Here we are." I opened the door to reveal the small apartment that I lived in. It had a bunk bed and a small eating area. Other than that, not really much else but two dressers.

"Wow, quaint." Scorch commented.

"I know, it's not much, but it's home." I mused as I dropped my saddlebags off on the floor. "The bottom bunk is yours." I looked back at him and saw that he looked as if he were frozen in fear. "What's wrong?"

"Um... w-we are sleeping in the same room?"

"Yeah." He gulped hard. "Hey man, it's okay. We are all adults here. Just think of it as a co-ed dorm in college."

He seemed to relax a bit. "Okay."


He looked around a bit and began to stare at something. "Who is that?"

I turned to see what he was gesturing at. "Oh, him? He is my inspiration for joining the royal guard." I said, smiling as I walked over to the poster on the wall. "Prince Pure Heart. Someday I hope to be his personal body guard."

"Hmm. What's the big deal? I mean, besides the fact that he is an alicorn, he looks like any other pony."

This caught my attention, "Are you kidding me? He is a hero! He gave his life to save Equestria!"

"Whoa! Take it easy. I take it back." I calmed down and got out of his face. "Though by the way you defended him, one might think that you had a crush on him."

I blushed this time. "Well, maybe a little." He gave me a sarcastic "Really?" look. "Okay, okay. I have a huge crush on him. But it doesn't matter, he would never go for a girl like me. Besides, he is already married to Princess Luna."

He walked over and put a hoof on my shoulder. "Hey now, there are plenty of other ponies out there that would be lucky to meet you, let alone have a relationship with you."

I looked up, "You really think so?"

He smiled, "I know so."

I hugged him around the neck. "Thanks Scorched Earth."

"Please, just call me Scorch."

I leaned back, "'Kay."

"Now then, I believe you had a secret."

"Oh yeah. Well, you see, I am not really a pony."

"Don't tell me, you are really a..."

"Say it..."

"A vampire."

"Yeah... NO! I am a human."

"Are you now?" He said, looking kind of amused.

"Um, yeah. My name is actually Kate. The reason I say I had prior experience was because back on my home planet, Earth, I was the daughter of a combat specialist who taught me how to defend myself."

"Really, now? You are saying that you are actually some kind of alien." He said rather calmly.

"Okay, what's the deal? I thought for sure you would be freaking out by now." I asked suspiciously. He started laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Sorry, but I can't keep this charade up for any longer."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm human, too."

My jaw nearly fell off. "No way."

"Yep, the name is Terra."

"I thought I was the only one."

"Are you kidding, there are quite a few of us here in Equestria. For example, that Pure Heart guy is human."



"Wait, how do you know that?"

He shut up for a second, as if he were contemplating what to say next. "Okay, I guess it's time I tell you my secret."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anypony."

"Okay." He took a deep breath. "I was sent here by Prince Heart himself to investigate the possible threat of an uprising within the ranks of the royal guard."

I was in near shock from being told this. "Are you serious? You actually know Pure Heart?"

"Yeah, I am a... a student of his I guess you could say. You almost could say we are so close that it's like we are related." He smiled.

I was nearly about to explode from sheer excitement, but I quelled my excitement and kept a calm demeanor.

"So, have you heard anything about an uprising?" He asked, getting directly to the point.

I pondered this for a few moments. "Well, there is this one guard who is always bad mouthing the royal family."

"Really? What is his name?"

"I believe his name is Red... Rum?"

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