• Published 24th Jun 2012
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My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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My New Life

Chapter 23 - Memories

"So to sum up, you were imprisoned for a thousand years as Nightmare Moon, came back, cleansed by the Elements of Harmony, met this Pure Heart guy, and then got married and had three kids together." Cloudlight said.

"Yes. That is, more or less, what has happened since you were imprisoned." I replied.

"Wow, and it felt like it was only a short nap." He tapped his forehoof on his chin while he flew on his back. "Though, I bet that's why it feels a bit strange to have the wind running through my feathers."

"Hey mommy, there is the castle. And there is auntie Tia and uncle Death." Nightshade jumped off my back and flew towards the landing area where my sister and her husband waved at us.

"Tia is married as well?!" Cloudlight gaped.

"Yep. They got married about two years ago. That was a beautiful wedding." Vapor Sky pointed out.

We reached the balcony and heard my son giggling from being tickled by my sister. "Please auntie! Stop, stop!"

"Not until you say it!" She laughed back.

"Alright. I love you!"

She stopped tickling him and put him down, only to be picked up by Death and given a raspberry on his belly, starting up his laughing again.

"Hello sister." I said, approaching Tia.

"Luna, how was your quest?"

"Successful." I stepped to the side and Cloudlight stepped forward.

"Hello Celestia. Long time no see."

"Cloudlight!" She walked up to him and gave him a hug. "I thought you had died back when Nightmare Moon took you."

"Nope, just imprisoned for a thousand years in a coffin." He smirked. "And who is this?" He asked, stepping back and pointing at Death.

Death stepped forward and stuck out his hoof. "Death, Prince of Equestria. I am Princess Celestia's husband."

Cloudlight took his hoof and shook it. "Nice to meet you." He turned back to Tia. "Now let me have a look at you." Tia blushed and slowly turned. "Wow, after a thousand years, I thought for sure you would have gotten rid of that pudge." He said, grinning.

"It's not a pudge, jerk!" She playfully hit him in the shoulder. "I am actually with child."

His jaw dropped. "You are pregnant?!"

"Yes sir. About six months now." Death said, walking up behind her and patting her belly. She turned her head and kissed him on the lips.

"Eww." Nightshade and Cloudlight said simultaneously.

Now I punched Cloudlight in the shoulder.

"Ouch! You girls have gotten violent in your old age."

I punched him again. "You want to try saying something again, because next time, I won't hold back."

"Okay, I will shut up."

"Good." I turned to my sister. "Have you seen Pure Heart of late?"

She tapped her hoof to her chin. "Actually, I haven't." She turned to Death. "Have you?"

He shook his head. "I have not seen him in a week or so."

"Well that is strange. I will try to contact him." I reached out with my mind.

Pure Heart? Where are you?

Luna?! Help! They are crazy! Wait, what is that? No! Not that! Anything but that!

The connection was broken. I looked up. "He is in trouble!" I opened the doors and ran inside, everypony else followed quickly.

I ran to a maid and asked her if she had seen him.

"Last time I saw him, he was in the girls' room."

I thanked her and ran towards their room.

I opened the doors quickly and looked inside. What I saw confused me.

"Mommy!" Starfire and Moonbeam said, running up to me and giving me a hug.

"Hello girls." I looked passed them and saw a mare sitting in a chair at their little table. Her back was turned to me, so I could not identify her. "Who is your friend girls?"

They both giggled.

"What is so funny?" I stepped closer and noticed her forelegs were bound behind her back and her hindlegs were tied to the chair legs. "Girls? Why is she tied up?"

They both began to laugh harder. But they were joined by another laugh as well.

I walked around to her front. "Miss, are you oka-" I stopped as soon as I saw her face. "Pure Heart!" His mouth was gagged, though he had a beautiful shade of blue lipstick on his lips. "I thought you were in trouble, but I walk in to find that you were playing dress-up. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Mmg mmh mguh muhum." He said through his gag.

I pulled off the gag. "What did you say?"

He coughed. "I said that they took me by surprise. I didn't have time to react before Maim took hold of my body and held me in place for the past couple of days."

"Yeah I did!" Maim said as he split himself from Pure Heart's shadow. "And now you look like a drag queen!"

"I will step on you!" Pure Heart broke the ropes he bound around his legs and jumped out of the chair and started stomping on Maim.

"After five years, you think he would have remembered that he can't hurt me." Maim said, yawning at the futile attempts.

"Shut up!" Pure Heart yelled at the shadow.

"Now, now. No need to get testy." ShadowBane said, emerging from the shadows.

"How long have you been there?" I asked.

"The past week or so. Or rather, I've been out in the garden enjoying nature, while Maim has been getting his pent-up energy released." He said, gesturing at Maim, who had returned to his rightful place.

"Did you know this was going on?" Vapor Sky asked.

He nodded his head.

"And you didn't plan to intervene at all?" I said.

"Nope. I thought it was okay, since he was playing with somepony in his own mindset."

"You call holding me against my will 'playing'?" Pure raged.

He again nodded.

"Hey, at least the girls had fun torturing their father as much as I did." Maim said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Well, I guess so." Pure Heart said. He finally took off the wig that the girls had put on him, as well as the feather boa and dress. "If you will excuse me, I need to take a bath. I think some glitter got stuck in my mane." He indeed had glitter in his mane, as well as all over his coat.

"I believe we could all use a bath. Especially my little ponies." I said, levitating the children onto Pure Heart's back.

"Not a bath!" Nightshade and Starfire said at the same time.

"Hooray a bath!" Moonbeam shouted, getting strange looks from her siblings.

I laughed at their expressions as Pure walked out of the room with the children. I then turned back to the rest of the group. "Alright, we will reconvene on the morrow. Maim."

The shadow's ears perked up. "Yes?"

"Thank you for helping watch my children. Even if it was in your own, I'll be it, inappropriate manner."

He waved his hoof. "No problem. Torture is one of my favorite past times."

"...In any case, you will be rewarded. You may go."

"Thanks, I guess." ShadowBane and Maim then disappeared into the shadows that held them bound.

"Vapor Sky."

Vapor quickly stood at attention. "Yes ma'am."

"Please show our guest to a spare room."

Celestia finally broke her silence. "We do not have any extra rooms at the moment."

"Excuse me?"

"We are having most of the guest rooms renovated, and the ones that aren't currently have dignitaries staying in them."

"Well, if it is okay with your majesties, he can stay in my room tonight." Vapor Sky suggested.

"Alright, that sounds reasonable enough." Celestia said.

"Now that we got that settled, I will go join my family. Good day all."

Pure Heart's POV

"Look out! Tidal wave!" I said, as I splashed the kids, causing them to laugh as they splashed me back.

We were in our large bath tub that I had made for occasions of this sort. Needless to say, it was more like a large jacuzzi than a bath.

"Don't make a mess, or you will be mopping it up." Luna said, as she walked into the bathroom carefully as not to slip.

"Oh come on. We were just having fun." I said, signaling the kids to turn and give her 'the eyes'.

"You know those puppy dog eyes do not work on me." She stated as she stepped into the warm and bubbly water.

"Darn it, I forgot that." I signaled the kids to stop and they went back to splashing each other.

"So, other than being held against your will, how was your week?" She sidled up next to me, rubbing her body against mine. Man, I missed that so much.

"You know, I don't think anything else happened. Pretty much it was nothing but tea and crumpets the day after you left."

"Really, it was that good?" She asked as she picked up a wash cloth and dipped it into the water. She then began to remove the eye liner and other makeup that I had missed.

"No, I mean that literally was all it was that I got to eat. It started out as a normal tea party and then it all went to Tartarus." I picked up a cup and filled it with water. Then I lifted her chin and poured water down the back of her head. "But enough about me, I want to hear about your week. How was your 'mother and son outing'?" I made air quotes at that point.

"Well, I have something to confess." She took a breath for what I thought she was doing to calm her nerves. Instead, she dipped her head completely under the water.

I followed suit and quickly scrubbed my mane. Then I opened my eyes and kissed. She opened hers and we surfaced.

"You were saying."

"Yes. We didn't actually go on a mother and son outing in the more traditional sense."

"I know."

"You know?"

"Luna, please. I may be a bit of a goofball, but that doesn't impair my common sense. So tell me what it was really about."

"Well, about a two weeks ago, I had a dream. It was about me and a pegasus stallion that white with hint of sky blue."

"I see. Would that possibly be the pegasus that I passed earlier in the girls room?"

"Yes, it is. Like I said, it was me and him, but it wasn't actually me. It was Nightmare Moon. And he was tied down and wounded. She was laughing and then she sealed him away in a tomb."

"Alright, so what happened next?" I asked, tapping my hoof on my chin.

"Then I woke up. But this dream kept on coming back each day, every time with more details. I decided I should act upon it."

"Meaning you made an excuse to go pursue this dream."

She nodded. "Skipping ahead five days, we arrived at my old castle."

"The Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters."

Again she nodded. "After resting for a day, we walked out to the courtyard and I had a flashback to when I was Nightmare Moon. It was then I realized that it wasn't just a dream, but it was a suppressed memory."

She paused for a moment and I patted her back. "It's okay. You weren't you back then. You would never torture somepony without a good reason."

She punched hard in the shoulder. "It is not a joking matter."

"I'm sorry. Please continue."

"Thank you. After the flashback, we went towards the fountain in the middle of the yard. Nightshade flew up and began to play on the statue's head and triggered a mechanism that opened a secret entrance."

"Alright Nightshade!" I ruffled his hair and then he went back to playing with his sisters.

"Yes, he was a great help. He actually was the one who got us through all the obstacles we encountered. When we made into the tomb, he was the one that revived Cloudlight." She explained.


"The pegasus."

"Oh. Alright, so what happened next?"

"Well, we had a short conversation and then came home."

"Okay. And who is this Cloudlight anyways?"

"He is a very old friend."

"Wait, how old is he?"

"Around 25."

"Oh, okay."

"Plus a thousand years."


"He has been in a tomb for the past thousand years Pure Heart."

"Right, I forgot."

"And that is about it."

"I see. So where is he staying today?"

"With Vapor Sky."

"What?!" I stood up and began to climb out of the bath.

Before I could get my hindlegs out of the water, Luna gripped my tail in her mouth and pulled me back in.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a huff.

"Stopping you from ruining their day."

"But they can't stay in the same room."

"Pure Heart. She is 24 years old now. She can make her own decisions. And I have known Cloudlight for a long time and he is a very respectful stallion."

"But, but..."

"No buts. I know you love her like a sister, but you have to let her go."

I sighed. "Fine. But I swear, if he does anything..."

"Pure, you and I both know that she can handle herself. Just relax."

"Okay, okay." I sat back down next to my wife and relaxed my tensed up muscles. We sat there for awhile, watching our wonderful children play in the water.

I put my foreleg around Luna and pulled her closer. She set her head on my chest and I began to stroke her mane with my hoof. "How amazing it must be to be so young and carefree." I thought out loud.

"Indeed. Just thinking about their innocent and joyful life makes me think of my fillyhood. Of course mine is nothing like their's."

"How so?" I questioned.

"When I was growing up, I was always told that I would bear the weight of the moon and so had constant training. Rarely did I have time for friends." She sighed.

"Wow, that sounds like it was a pain in the rump."

"Yes. How about you, dear? What was your life like as a colt?"

"You mean a child?"

"You know what I mean." She laughed.

"I know, I know." I laughed as well. Then I thought. "Well, I can't quite remember that well. My parents told me that I was an adventurous one. Wasn't afraid of anything. I was always getting into trouble. I had plenty of friends and would get to play with them all the time."

"Ugh. Lucky." She pouted, lifting her head and turning away

"Hey, it wasn't always so glamorous. I am sure I have had bad times. I just can't remember them so well."

"Well, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that we won't get those years back."

"Yeah, but if you look at the few years you were a filly and compare them to how many you have been a mare, why does it matter? Sure those years might have been just as depressing."

"Gee, thanks." She crossed her forelegs and huffed.

"But the point is that you made it through those seven hundred years. And now, a thousand years later, we are together, making our own memories together. Happy memories. And we will continue to do so for the rest of eternity. And you know what?"

"What?" She began to relax again.

I snaked my forelegs up into hers and pulled her close until her back was rubbing up against my chest. I then whispered into her ear. "If I could take it all back and do it over again, I would refuse. Because I like how my life is right now." I kissed her on the lips.

"You always know just what to say." She said, turning around in my grasp to face me.

"It's a bad habit." I smiled and she smiled back.

"Mommy, I'm ready to get out now." Starfire said, interrupting our moment.

"Of course. I almost forgot." She looked to me and I got out of the water.

I picked up a stack of towels and walked over to the bath. Luna began to hoof me the children and I dried them off. I then gave her a towel as she stepped out of the water. Dang she looked hot when she was all wet.

"You want me to dry you off as well?" I asked.

"No, I am fine." She quickly toweled off, as did I. Then we went and tucked the kids into bed.

"So what are we going to do tomorrow?" I asked her, as we made our way back to our own bedroom.

"I am going to introduce you to Cloudlight."

"And what about right now?" I said.

"I am thinking about snuggling with my husband."

"I like that idea."

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