• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,687 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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A Date with Death

My New Life

Chapter 5 - A Date with Death

Celestia's POV

"You're human?" I asked again.

"Yes, is that OK?"

"Of course. It is just surprising to see a third human turned pony in Equestria."

"What you mean 'third'?" Luna asked in confusion.

"Last night, Pure Heart brought by another alicorn that was a human." I explained.

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I was half asleep. Besides, it is Pure Heart you should be accusing of not saying anything."

"Do not worry, I will make sure he gets his. If you will excuse me..." Luna stood up and walked out.

After the door clicked shut, I turned my attention back to Death.

"So do you have a real name?"

He shrugged, "Kyle, but I prefer Death."

"Well, okay."

"So, when can I take you out on a date?"

"A little anxious, are we?" I grinned.

"Nope, just like to know these things." He didn't blush in the slightest, he just kept that same poker face.

"Well, how about right now?"

If he was shocked, he didn't show it. "But don't you have royal duties to attend to?" He asked.

"Actually, no. It's Luna's turn today, so I have the whole day to myself."

"Sweet, let's go."

Death's POV

Thirty minutes later, we were sitting in a booth at a very fancy restaurant. The waiter had just taken our orders and I was quietly sipping on my iced tea and the princess was slowly stirring her drink.

After a couple minutes of silence, Celestia spoke up. "So Death, that is a very peculiar cutie mark you have. What is your special talent?"

I smoothed back my mane and readjusted my coat. "Well, you see... I am not entirely human... anymore."

"Well yes, I figured so since you are an alicorn."

"Um, sure. Anyways, my talent is basically shapeshifting among... other things."

She seemed a bit puzzled, but then just smiled. "Oh, shapeshifting. That is very interesting."

After another half hour of small talk, our food finally came. When we were finished, we left after paying.

"Princess Celestia, would you like to go for a walk through Everfree Forest?"

She looked at me with a 'are you crazy' look. "Why there?"

"Well, I thought it would be nice and quiet. Plus, I know a couple spots that are abosolutely beautiful. Just like you."

She blushed, "Sure, why not?"

One hour later, we arrived at the place where I wanted to take her.

She looked around, amazed at the beauty.

"Death, this is amazing! How did you find this place?"

"Oh, you know. Flying around Equestria, you tend to... stumble upon things." I paused, sensing something.

"Well, it is magnificent." She walked over to a tree and laid down in the shade.

My ears perked up, "Princess, we need to go."

"Ahh, but we just got here. Can't we stay a little while longer."

I could hear them getting closer. "No. We need to leave now."

She looked at me with a face of worry. "Death, what is wrong? You look so tense."

"Shh. They are here."

She stood up and frowned, "What is here?"

Almost as to answer her inquiry, a half dozen fins tore the surface of the earth asunder, causing large pieces of dirt and grass to fly out in the air.

"What are those?" She asked, curiosity and a slight hint of fear in her voice.

"Land sharks."

"Land sharks? I have never heard of anything like that in Equestria before."

"That is because they are myths, they are not supposed to be real."

Just then one breached and headed towards the princess!

Celestia's POV

This giant fish was heading straight at me, its jaws opened wide. I could see many rows of teeth, razor sharp and ready to kill.

I was so surprised, I didn't have time to move. I held up my forelegs in defenseand closed my eyes, waiting for the jaws to close around me. But it never happened.

I opened my eyes to see the beast stuck in place, nashing its teeth at me, trying to reach me with its extended jaws. I then noticed that it seemed to be skewered by a large spike protruding from its abdomen.

"What the..."

Suddenly, the spike began to slide backwards, cutting the shark in half. As the halves fell apart, I saw the spike retreat back into the ground.

I then caught sight of what seemed to be a... actually, I have no idea what it looked like. It was a large being that had tendrils snaking out of the ground surrounding it and it had large arms that lead into what looked to be huge clawed hands.

Two more sharks jumped out of the ground and it grabbed both by the tails and held them in the air. Electricity started to spark out of the creatures claws which thouroghly fried the sharks until their orange-brown skin with its grey stripes turned completely black.

Another land shark came out from behind and latched onto the creatures neck, sinking its teeth into its flesh, drawing blood. The creature screeched and then caught on fire. The shark began to char then crumbled into dust.

The last two sharks began to circle the figure repeatedly. Finally, they both jumped out of the ground and flew straight towards the behemoth.

The creature laughed and its hands seemed to morph into giant blades. When the sharks got close enough, it sliced the sharks into many pieces. Then it shot its tendrils out and collected all of the chunks of bloody flesh and it fried the pieces to a crisp. It laughed and started pounding the ashy remains with hammer like appendages.

I was completely horrified and began to back away while its attention was on the its current task. Unfortunately, I accidentally stepped on a twig and it turned around and started to walk towards me. I really started freaking out, "Please, don't!" I closed my eyes and began to cry.

"Hey now, it's over. No need to be afraid." A soothing voice said.

"Death?" I opened my eyes and saw Death looking at me, a smile on his lips.


I threw my legs around his neck. "Oh Death! I was so terrified! Where did you go?" I began to sob in his coat.

He stroked my mane, "Shh, it's okay. It's over now." He spoke with tenderness in his voice.

"But what was that... that thing that tore those beasts to shreds?" I released my grip from him and discovered blood on my legs. "Death? Why do you have blood on your neck?"

"From that land shark, remember?"

I gasped "You mean... you were that monster?"

He nodded solemnly, "Yes. I told you I could shapeshift."

I stared at him blankly, "You... you killed those beasts."

"They pissed me off. Especially when that one nearly ate you. That is when I shifted into that form."

"Umm, okay. I think I am ready to go home now."

A little while later, we arrived back at the castle and he walked me back to my room.

"Thank you for the wonderful time. I had fun." I said to him as I opened my door.

"Are you sure that you are okay? I know that whole 'incident' came as a rather large surprise."

"Yes, I am fine. Once again thank you."

I walked inside and before I closed the door, I heard him say, "I'm sorry about today."

I poked my head out the door for a second, "It's okay, really." I gave him a smile.

"I love you." He barely whispered.

After he said that, I closed the door. I turned and slunk down to the floor.

He loves me? Can I love somepony who harbors a monster?

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