• Published 24th Jun 2012
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My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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The Mysterious Pony in Grey

My New Life

Chapter 51 - The Mysterious Pony in Grey

Eclipse's POV

"What happened? Where is she?" I yelled as I ran into the hospital.

The nurse pointed to the ICU and I ran in to see what state my beloved was in. She was bandaged up, but not in casts, so I guess she was in better condition than I thought.

I looked down the row of beds and saw the other five in about the same condition. Their lovers were by their bedsides as well.

I walked over to Twilight and sat down next to her. I took her hoof and squeezed it. She stirred and looked at me with her good eye, the left one being swollen over.

"Hey darling, how are you?" I said softly.

"Really banged up, but other wise, fine."

"Do you remember what happened?"

"Let me think. The girls and I were just talking in our room, you know, catching up. Suddenly, the doors flew open and all the candles went out. We heard a laugh that was harsh and unforgiving."

Twilight's Flashback

"Hello Princess Twilight. Hello Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity."

"Hi ya, spooky and mysterious voice in the dark." Pinkie Pie said.

"Silence!" The voice said. "I wanted you six to be the first to know my terrifying power."

The lights came on, and there was nopony else in the room but us six.


"Eep!" Fluttershy screamed and jumped to the ceiling.

"Oh man, that was priceless." Said a figure that was taking shape behind where Fluttershy was sitting.

"Hey, that wasn't very nice!" Pinkie Pie said.

"No, I suppose it wasn't. But you know what? I'm not a very nice pony." Said the fully formed figure. It was still completely covered in shadow, but it slowly dissipated from its hooves up.

"Just who do you think you are, scaring Fluttershy like that?" Rarity said.

"Well, I guess you could say I am Discord. Looking for a cheap laugh." The figure turned into Discord, yellow eyes and all.

"Or I could be Chrysallis or Kron, after the love that you have for each other." It changed form again, but this time in quick succession from the changeling queen to her husband.

"I could be any of one of your enemies." It flashed through a few more forms including Red Rum and Nightmare Moon.

"Stop your fancy pants showmanship and tell us who ya really are." Applejack demanded.

"Ah, you are no fun." He stomped his hoof. His visage changed from that of King Sombra to that of somepony we all thought we knew and loved.

"Pure Heart!" We all shouted.

"Wrong!" He lifted his head and stared at us with purple eyes.

"It's Ark! He's taken over Pure Heart's body!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Once again, you are wrong." He reared up on his hind legs and brought his front hooves down with such force, all the glass in the room shattered. "My name is Black Heart! I was once that pitiful excuse of a pony, Pure Heart. But Ark combined his mind with his and I am the product of that."

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Easy, world domination. If not that, then to destroy the world." He laughed.

"Not if we have anything to say about it." I said. I began to call upon my energy and the girls all surrounded me. Our elements then began to glow.
"Oh dear, if only I had seen that coming." He vanished, and within an instant, he was in front of me. "Take this." He took his hoof and hit me on the side of the head, causing me to fall to the floor in a daze. "I bet that had to hurt." He laughed and turned to the others. "Now for the rest of you."

"You big bully!" Fluttershy said. She came charging at him.

"Freeze!" He yelled. She stopped in place, inches away from him. He walked around her and held up a lock of her hair. "My, my. Such a delicate flower, yet when threatened, shows her prickly thorns." He then stood up on his hind legs and held his front left leg above her. "Have a taste of concrete." He took his elbow and slammed it into her back, causing her to gasp as she slammed into the ground.

"You jerk!" Rainbow Dash said, hurtling at him.

"We'll teach you a lesson!" Applejack yelled as she got up in front of him. She turned around and attempted to buck him, but he sidestepped her and kicked her in the stomach. He then ducked under Rainbow and grabbed her tail in his mouth. He gave her a sharp yank and she fell on top of Applejack.

He then jumped into the air and came close to crashing down onto them. But he was caught in a levitation spell.

"You brute! You need to learn to behave yourself." Rarity sent him flying towards a wall with the spell that she cast, but he broke free of it and landed against the wall with his back hooves and pushed himself off it towards Rarity.

"And you need to learn a few new spells." He hit her with his front right hoof as he passed her.

She spun around and then fell. He turned and saw Pinkie Pie in front of him with her party cannon.

"Take this you big meanie!" She pulled the cord and a large amount of confetti flew out.

"Oh please." He started to spin and the confetti was sent flying away from him. He continued his spin straight towards Pinkie Pie and plowed right into her, sending her into a wall.

He touched down in the middle of the room, my friends bodies all around him.

"Whew, what a workout!" He said, jumping from side to side on his back legs, punching at the air. "Is that it? Are you girls all ready finished?" He said as he walked over to me. "Pitiful. Downright pitiful. No wonder Pure Heart hated you all. You are all a bunch of worthless nobodies who just happened to come across a few powerful artifacts. You thought since you had these wonderful Elements of Harmony, that you were unstoppable. Well I have news for you, you are pushovers."

He stopped in front of me. "And to think, you were destined for great things. Let me tell you honey." He got up next to my ear. "You are nothing but garbage."

"You leave her alone!" Rainbow Dash yelled, slowly standing up.

"She is not just another pony, she is our friend." Fluttershy said, picking herself up.

"You can't come in here and tell us that we're nobodies." Applejack spat as she dusted herself off.

"Indeed. You are the one that is garbage." Rarity uttered as she unsteadily got back up.

"And only a meanie-head would kick somepony while they are down." Pinkie Pie stated as she pulled herself out of the crater in the wall.

"I swear, if you spout anything about love or friendship being more powerful than me, I will gag."

"But it is, Black Heart." I said as I slowly stood up. "And deep down, you know it is true. I know somewhere inside of you, Pure Heart is trying to get out. And he will." We all surrounded him. I focused my magic once again and our elements began to glow.

"Oh, but you couldn't be more wrong. For his soul is gone!"

Our elements shot out beams of light and he was bathed in a rainbow of colors. The pillar of light erupted up to the ceiling like a column of fire and covered everything with colors.

The light then subsided and we all fell to the ground, exhausted. The spot where he stood was empty except for a wisp of smoke that lazily rose up to the ceiling.

I took deep breaths. "We did it girls. We beat him."

"Did you really think I would be stupid enough to stand there while you fired your rainbow laser at me?" Said a voice next to me. I turned my head, only to see a hoof come crashing down in my face. "Good night, Twilight."

"After that, I blacked out and woke up here in the hospital." She said.

"Well, as long as you are alright, that's all that matters." I said.

"There is one more thing." She said, tears filling her eyes. "When I woke up, Princess Celestia was here. She said that he came to her afterward and froze Prince Death in crystal. She is currently trying to get him out with the help of Cadence and my brother."

"Alright, but why are you crying?" I asked.

She began to cry even harder. "She wasn't able to check, so the doctors are running some tests."

"Running tests for what?" I started to get more frantic.

"He might have made me have a... A miscarriage." Her eyes burst into heavy streams of tears as she wrapped her hooves around me.

I didn't know what to say. I simply wrapped my hooves around her and cried along with her. "Twilight, I swear to you. He will not go unpunished. Whether he is Pure Heart or not, I will not rest until he has been brought to justice."

"I can help with that." Said a voice behind me.

I turned around. "Who are you?"

"A friend."

Luna's POV

"Oh Luna! I'm home!" Black Heart said as he entered my cell.

"Get out." I uttered weakly.

"Ah, that's not a very nice thing to say to your husband." He came up close and kissed me on the cheek.

"You are not my husband. My husband was a kind, gentle, and loving pony. You are an evil, uncaring maniac. As far as I am concerned, you killed my husband."

"Oh, but that is so untrue. Why, just today, I visited your girls. They were so happy to see their daddy."

"If you have hurt them at all, I swear I will-"

"Calm yourself. I merely stopped by to tell Vapor Sky and Cloudlight that they should take them away to somewhere that they would be out of harm's way."

"They wouldn't have to if you weren't going to destroy everything."

"True. I will give you that. But at least I let them get away with their lives. Would you rather that I had ended their sorrowful existence right then?"


He smirked. "That's what I thought." He made a table appear in front of him with a teapot and cups. "Would you like some tea? It's camomile."

I flapped my wings and caused his teapot to fall onto his lap. "Hot! Oh, that's hot." He jumped up and wiped away the tea on his legs. He then grabbed me by the snout. "You are lucky that I heal fast and that I don't actually like tea." He shoved my head away and turned towards the door. "Luna. Why must you fight it? You will be so much happier once you give into the darkness and join me as my queen."

"My heart was once consumed by darkness, and because of it, I was banished. I was imprisoned in the moon for a thousand years, and every second of it was agony. Now, I feel more pain than I have ever before felt. Pain that I will never see my sister again. Pain that my children will grow up without their loving parents. And worst of all, pain that my husband is gone forever and I never even got to tell him that I loved him one more time. I know pain, Black Heart. But you know what? I would rather feel the most excruciating anguish, than ever love someone who kills the innocent for fun. I can at least take solace that my children will be raised in the hooves of ponies that I trust and that my sister has a loving husband to keep her company. What do you have?"

"Why power of course!" He laughed. "I don't need pathetic love or friendship." He turned to me. "I am essentially a god! I can have whatever I want! And no one can stop me!"

"Someone will stop you. And when they do, I will be there to watch you suffer and die."

"Keep dreaming, sweet cheeks." He waved as he walked out of the cell.

"You'll see. Someone will take you down."

Eclipse's POV

"A friend?" I asked.

"Yes. You see, we share a common enemy."

"My only enemy is Pure Heart." I growled.

"No, your enemy is Black Heart. Pure Heart is your friend. He was your first friend here, wasn't he?"

My expression softened. "How did you know that?"

"I know a lot. For instance, I know that you would very much like to have revenge against Black Heart. But I also know that if you were to charge in now, it would end in disaster."

I took a moment to study this pony. He stood at about my height and but any other details about him were hidden underneath a grey cloak.

"Please, let us talk somewhere else. Gather your friends as well." He began to turn, but then stopped. "Oh, silly me, I forgot one of the reasons I came here." He walked up next to me and seemed to rummage around under his cloak. Then he extended a leg that was covered in a blue metal that held a vial with an orange liquid in it. "Please, open your wife's mouth."

I looked at him. "Why?"

"It's for her own good, trust me." He pulled out the cork with his teeth.

I looked at Twilight and sighed. "If this hurts her in anyway-"

"It won't, I promise."

I slowly opened her mouth and he lifted the vial to her and poured the contents down her throat.

"There, she and her baby will be right as rain." He plugged up the vial and placed it back in his cloak.

"What did you give her?"

"It was an herbal remedy that my friend Zekal made for her."

"How did you know that she needed it?"

"I had a hunch." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "Now grab your friends and follow me."

I looked at him once more and then turned towards Twilight. "I'll be back in a little while. You get some rest." I kissed her on the forehead and gathered the stallions of the other mares.

Nightshade's POV

"Grandma!" Juliet and Marcy both screamed as they ran up to the older woman.

"Julie! Marcy! Give Grandma a hug!" She said, extending her arms towards them to receive hugs. "I love you kids so much." She kissed them on the foreheads.

"Hey Mom." Kit said as she hugged her mother.

"Hello dear. How are you?"

"Oh, you know, bills, cleaning the house. Motherhood."

"Imagine doing that for 30 years." Her mom said.

"Yeah. You still got it though." Kit laughed. "Oh, Mom. I want you to meet someone." She gestured to me and I stepped out of the magic moving carriage, or a car as Kit called it, and walked over to the women. "Mom, I'd like to introduce Nightshade. He is the one I have been telling you about over the phone."

"Oh yes. Very nice to meet you, Nightshade. Kit has told me all about you."

"Very nice to meet you too, Kit's mom." I said, shaking her hand.

"Oh, please. As far as I'm concerned, you're family. Call me Grandma."

"Okay, Grandma."

"Oh, he is so cute. He reminds me of your brother, when he was that age." Grandma said, pulling me into a hug.

"Grandma, I can't breathe." I said, squirming in her grip.

"Oops, sorry dear." She let go of me.

"Come on, Nightshade! Let's go see what my uncles are doing!" Julie said, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me inside.

"It was very nice to meet you." I said as I was dragged away.

"Have fun. Dinner is in twenty minutes." Grandma said as I was pulled downstairs.

"Hi Jack! Hi Bekkah!" Julie said as we walked into a large room with a few couches and two TVs. Jack was waving around a stick in front of one while Bekkah was watching the other.

"Jack! They're here." Bekkah said, throwing a ball at him.

"Huh? What?" He said, taking off some large pads from his head. "Oh! Julie and Marcy! What's up?" He said, pushing a button on the stick, causing the image on the TV to stop.

"Not much. Wanted you to meet our friend, Nightshade." Julie said.

Jack walked up to me and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Jack and that's Bekkah. Say, do I know you from somewhere?" He asked.

"I don't think so."

"I think I do. Hey Bekkah. Does he look familiar?"

She looked at me for a moment. "Nope, I have never seen him before." She then turned back to her TV show.

"Huh. Oh well."

"How do you guys do that?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"Freeze the picture on the TV." I pointed to the TV.

"You press 'pause'." He said, pointing at the device.

"Interesting. And why were you waving around that stick?"

"This? It's not a stick. It's a Wii remote. There are motion sensors in it that tell the game where you are pointing the remote. Watch." He unpaused his game and pointed the remote up and the character on the screen pointed the sword it held up as well.

"That is incredible! I need to learn that kind of magic." I said excitedly.

"Magic? It's not magic, it's technology." He said.

"Amazing. You humans. You never cease to amaze me."


"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Nightshade is from Equestria." Julie said.

"Equestria? Please. He's lying." Jack said.

"I am not. I really am." I defended.

"If you are from Equestria, why aren't you a pony?"

"I am, I just changed form when I came here, I guess."

"Whatever. You can believe what you want." He turned back to his game.

Suddenly, a bell rang. "Dinner!" Everyone yelled. They ran out of the room and up the stairs and I followed.

"That was a fantastic dinner, Grandma." Julie said.

"Thank you. I worked hard for it." She laughed.

"May I be excused?" I asked.

"Of course Nightshade. Take your plate to the sink, please." Grandpa said.

"Okay." I picked up my plate and carried it over to the sink. I then walked out to the family room and looked around. There were several neat items on shelves as well as another TV and three more couches.

As I looked, I noticed something. "Grandma? Who are these people?" I asked, pointing to some framed photos on the wall.

"Oh, those are my children."

"Wow, you have a lot of kids." I then saw that one of them had one less person than another. "Why does this one have only seven, while this one has eight?"

"Well, that's because one of my children died a while back."

"Which one?"

She sighed and crossed the room. "This one." She said, pointing to a young man.

I scratched my head. "Grandma, why is my Daddy in the picture?"

"Your what?"

"My Daddy. That's him, isn't it?" I pointed to the same young man she did before.

"Nightshade, are you saying that Zach is your father?" She asked.

"He did say that his name was Zach when he lived here. And that looks just like he did when he was a human for a while."

"Nightshade, please don't mess with me about this." She said.

"It's the truth! That is my Daddy!" I got so flustered that my necklace came untucked from my shirt.

"What's that?" She asked, pointing to the ring.

"This is the ring that my Daddy gave me."

"May I see it?"

I took the chain off from around my neck and handed it to her.

She inspected the ring. "Dan, this is my dad's ring!"

"No way. That's not possible. We buried it with Zach."

"I'm sure of it. This is Rick's ring!"

"What does that mean?" I asked.

She turned to me and pulled me into a giant hug. "It means you really are my grandson!"

"Now hold on, we should get a paternity test done before we get our hopes up." Grandpa said.

"You're right. Let's do it now!" She said.

"It's Sunday night. We can't go out right now. Besides, the clinic isn't open."

"Okay. But still, think about it! Our Zach had a son. Oh my gosh. How could he have had a son and not told us?"

"Grandma, I can't breathe." I choked out.

She let go of me. "Sorry Nightshade. I just can't believe this. It's a miracle." She began to cry.

"Grandma, why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no. These are tears of joy. I am just so happy. This means that your Daddy might be alive."

"Well of course he is alive. He is immortal."

"He is what?"

"Immortal. You mean you aren't?"

"No one is. We do know that we will be with our family forever."

"So will I. I'm also immortal. It's a common thing for alicorns."


Eclipse's POV

"Thank you all for meeting me here." The pony in the cloak said.

Corrosive Dash slammed a hoof on the table. "Cut the crap and tell us what you know or so help me I-"

"Calm down, Corry." Tempest Storm said, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "I am as worried about Rarity as much as you are about Applejack. But beating the stuffing out of somepony won't do any good."

Corry took a deep breath. "You're right. Sorry."

"No problem. I know you all want answers. And I will supply them. Eclipse, Twilight explained exactly what happened to them, correct?" The cloaked one said.

"Yes, and I already told them what she said." I pointed to the other stallions.

"Good. Now, you are all probably wondering who I am." He said.

"Yes, actually. I was wondering who the hey you was." Vinnie said, taking a toothpick out and placing it in his mouth.

"So am I." Dawn added.

"Well, unfortunately, I cannot reveal myself to you all. All you need to know is that I was specially trained for this fight for over twenty years."

"Twenty years? This all happened recently. How could you possibly have known about this all?" I asked.

"Well its obvious, isn't it? He is from the future!" Tempest Storm said.

"You are correct. I was sent here to make sure that Black Heart does not grow to his full potential." The pony said.

"But what is your name?" Corry asked.

"I cannot tell you my real name, for it would alter time if I did. Though, for all intents and purposes, you may call me Daylight."

Dawn snickered.


"Just Daylight?"

"Yes. Daylight. Get over it." Daylight said.

"Alright, Daylight, tell us why you want to help us." Vinnie said.

"Black Heart destroys the future of Equestria. He brings war, famine, pestilence and death in his rule."

"That's terrible!" Tempest said.


"Alright, but why did you personally come back to the past?" I asked.

"...He killed my father."

Silence took over the room for a moment.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's kick some ass!" Corry exclaimed.

"Yeah!" The rest of us said.

"Wait a moment. What is your plan? Just walk into the hive and say hello. No, you'll get slaughtered. We need to plan this out."

"Well you're the chrononaut, shouldn't you already have a plan?" Tempest said.

"Heh. You'd think. But I unfortunately never had time to develop one."

"I have one, though you all may not like it." Said a voice from behind.

I turned and saw ShadowBane coming out of the wall from the shadows. "ShadowBane. Why do you want to help?"

"Because he hurt Fluttershy. I don't care about a lot of things, but she is one of the few ponies that I actually like. And when he touched her, he crossed a line."

"Wow. I don't think I have ever seen you this pissed before." Corry said.

"I don't think I have ever seen him mad before." Dawn added.

"He hasn't. And I love it! Use that rage man!" Maim encouraged.

"You really know how to get us in?" I asked.

"Duh. Who do you think got the royal blunders in there in the first place?" Maim said.

"You mean you were the one who is responsible for all this?!" Corry yelled, jumping towards ShadowBane.

Before he got to ShadowBane, however, Corrosive Dash was stopped in midair.

"Who stopped me? I swear, I will tear out someone's lungs if someone doesn't fess up."

We all looked around and it didn't look like anyone was doing it.

"You leave him alone." Someone said from outside the room.

"Kat Scratch?" Tempest said.

Kat Scratch walked into the room. "That's right, me. And you better watch it buddy, or I will turn you into a kitten." She said, pointing to Corry. "ShadowBane is offering his help and you want to hurt him? For shame. What would Applejack say?"

Corry snorted smoke. "Fine. Can you let me go?"

Kat released her magic and Corry fell to the ground. "Say you're sorry."

Corry grumbled and turned to ShadowBane. "Sorry."

"No problem. I understand why you are upset. I actually feel horrid that I was the one who lead them in to the hive. And after Fluttershy got hurt, I knew I had to do something."

"Awesome. Now we actually have a way in. Let's discuss the rest of the plan." Daylight said.

"Before you do that, Fluttershy woke up a little earlier. She asked me if I could find Bubbles." Kat said.

"Bubbles? The lizard?" Dawn asked.

"He is an iguana, and yes. She said that she had been watching him for Pure Heart. She was holding him when Black Heart attacked them. When she looked back down, he was gone."

"I am sure he just went hid under a bed or something. He will turn up." I said.

"Okay, well I am going to go back to the room to try to find him. If anypony sees him, tell me." Kat turned and walked out of the room.

"Why the heck is she here anyway?" Corry seethed.

"I asked her if she could watch the girls while we were gone." ShadowBane said.

"Pfft. Whatever. Let's get back to planning this attack before I get impatient."

"Too late for that." Dawn whispered to me.

"I heard that."

Luna's POV

"Good morning starshine. The Earth says hello!" Black Heart snickered as he entered my cell.

"Oh joy. Look who decided to grace me with his presence." I sighed.

"Now, now. No need for sarcasm, my dear. I merely came in to talk." He summoned a cushion and sat down. "Yesterday, I kind of exploded at you, and for that, I'm sorry. After I left, I remembered that I forgot to tell you some great news."

"Well, judging by your peppy demeanor, I'd say you squashed a box of puppies." I said rolling my eyes.

"Nope, even better." He grinned.

"What could possibly be better than killing adorable puppies?" I spat.

"I killed your niece's baby!" He shouted, standing up on his hind legs and giving jazz hooves.

"You what?! How could you do that to Cadence?"

"Cadence is pregnant?! Holy crap! I had no idea. I should get her a present for her baby shower. Oh, I wonder if I even have time for such a thing." He sat back down and tapped his hooves together three times. A small black book appeared in midair. He opened it as he put on a small pair of glasses. "Let's see." He licked his hoof and began to flip through the pages. "Squash some puppies. Squash some kittens. Squash some puppies and kittens. Man, my week is pretty shot."

"Wait, wait, wait. You didn't know about Cadence being pregnant. I told you... I mean Pure Heart about it months ago."

"Hah! You think he actually listened to you? Didn't you ever notice how he just seemed to nod his head and say 'Ah-huh'?"

"Well, no but-"

"Oh my gosh! He thought you were stupid, but this is ridiculous!" He said, falling backwards and laughing on the floor.

I frowned. "No. You're wrong. He would never think things like that. He loved me."

He started to laugh harder. "Loved you?! That is freaking hilarious!" He kept on laughing for five more minutes before he settled down and sat back up. "Ahhh... Too funny." He wiped a tear from his eye. "You really think anyone could love you? Please. You're Nightmare Moon for goodness sakes. Everyone is terrified of you. Everyone is afraid that if they make one wrong move, then you will send them to the sun or the moon or something."

I was speechless.

"In fact, the only reason you were kept around was because Celestia started getting lazy. When you were turned back into Luna, she let you hang around so she wouldn't have to raise the moon every night anymore. And the stars, don't even get me started."

"But... But Pure Heart... He loved me. He told me so everyday. He told me that when he had first seen me, that his heart reached out for me and he has loved me ever since."

"You were desperate, weren't you? You couldn't even see how Ark had been pulling the strings from the very beginning. Who do you think caused that fog bank to roll in when 'Zach' was driving down the freeway, hmm? Who do you think was the one who whipped up a portal for him to come to Equestria, hmm? Who do you think caused his car to catch on fire, HMM?! Who do you think-"

"ENOUGH!" I screamed, tears pouring down my face. "I get it. Ark was there the whole time. But Pure Heart loved me truly. I could feel it. I remember when his heart reached out to me that day, years ago. Even though he was from a different world, I felt love coming from somewhere far away."

"Once again, all the doing of Ark. Why do you think Zach came home early from his trial of manhood? Ark was there, causing him to become depressed. He was sent home because of his depression and his friends just happened to be into this TV show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Ark knew that all this would happen. He planned it from the start. What Zach thought was love for you was actually Ark's lust for power."

"Stop it!"

"When Zach came to Equestria, it was no accident that you had feelings for him. Ark knew that you were lonely, and he used that to his advantage."

"Then how do you explain our wedding bands?! They can't be removed if the two ponies who wear them are truly in love!"

He shook his head. "Poor naïve girl. Did you ever even try to remove it?"

I paused for a moment. "No, I didn't. But that's because I loved him and cherished our love. I would never even think about removing our symbol of marriage."

"Exactly. His love was Ark's lust for power. He never really loved you. He took his wedding band off all the time. They weren't even made of real precious metal." He took the band off his ankle and crushed it into dust. "See, it was merely iron." He blew the dust all over me. "He never wanted any of this. You never even went out on a single date before you claimed you were engaged to him. But he went along with your ruse for self-preservation."

"That's not my fault! The nurse wouldn't let me see him if I wasn't related to him in some way."

"And why did you want to see him? It wasn't love, was it? It was curiosity. You wanted to see the freak show. The human trapped in a pony's body. Admit it!"

"NO! I did love him!" I yelled.

"Poor innocent child. You actually convinced yourself that you were in love with him. That sounds something like Stockholm's Syndrome. Only you were in control." He said with a smile.

"You're entirely wrong! Our love was true! How else would he have become an alicorn?!"

"The texts say nothing about love. Only pure of heart. And his heart wasn't even whole."

I was weeping near rivers of tears now. "Why are you doing this?! Why couldn't you have just left us alone?!"

"Because its fun!" He laughed.

"You bastard!" I screamed.

"Funny. Your sister said the same thing when I killed Twilight's baby."

"You killed her baby?!"

"Yes, that was the great news. Isn't it wonderful?"

"You monster!"

"Once again, spot on with what your sister said. Too bad she hates you. If you hadn't been born, then all of this would have never happened. Her husband wouldn't be trapped in crystal. She wouldn't have been stressed about having to raise the sun and moon everyday. She wouldn't be stressed at all actually. But she is, and you are to blame." He laughed maniacally.

"You're... right. It's all my fault. Everything is my fault." I whispered, the tears slowing to a mere trickle.

"Indeed it is. Now if you will excuse me, I have a world to conquer and then destroy." He laughed again and when he finished, he lit his horn and my shackles unlatched. He opened the cell door and walked out. I heard him start to talk to the guard stationed outside the door and I looked at him. He stared back. "Don't worry too much about her anymore. In fact, why don't you take a break?"

"But what about her?"

"Pfft. Just the lock the door. This wild mustang..." He paused for a moment and put on a pair of sunglasses. "Has been broken." He slammed the door shut and I heard him yell. "YYYEEEAAAHHHHHH!"

I heard him and the guard laugh as their hoof steps faded into the distance.

"It's all my fault. I can't believe I didn't see any of this. None of it, not even our love was real."

"You actually believe all of his malarkey." I heard someone say.

"Great, now I am hearing voices. What's next, talking animals?" Suddenly I felt something rub up against me. I flinched and looked down. "Bubbles?"

The iguana bobbed its head up and down.

"Oh, Bubbles!" I yelled. I picked up the lizard and hugged it and rubbed his head against my cheek. "I am so glad to see a friendly face. Wait." I pulled him away and held him out. "You are friendly, right? This isn't some kind of trap or something, is it?" I began to inspect him and then I set him down. I got up and began to inspect the room.

"Man, he really messed you up, didn't he?" I heard the voice say again.

I looked at the iguana. "Bubbles did you hear something?" I turned back around and searched the room some more.

"No. But I said something."

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! Crazy chapter, huh? I have a quick thing to say about iguanas. Though it may seem like an easy animal to take care of, please be responsible before actually considering adopting an iguana. They are in fact a very hard pet to take care of. It takes constant care and attention and lots of equipment to keep a happy, healthy iguana. I myself had a pet iguana at one point. Let me tell you, it is not a pet for beginners. I had him for three weeks and then he died. I was incredibly disheartened by this. So please, do research before getting any pet, especially an iguana. Well, that's it. Thanks for reading and please remember to review and comment.

Bro/Sishoof - Ark125

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