• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,688 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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Festival Preparations

My New Life

Chapter 17 – Festival Preparations

Pure's POV – One Month Later

“Come on Luna! We are gonna be late!”

“Hold on. I just have to fix Starfire's mane.” A minute later, she trotted out of our room with an annoyed looking Starfire in tow. She had done up her mane in a bun with a couple loose strands here and there.

“Good, we are already to go.” I said, smiling at our children. They had really grown up in the past couple of weeks. They were practically already talking, though it was more of just foal babble, but the other day Moonbeam did call me 'Daddy'. You can bet I rubbed that in Luna's face.

“Let us all be off. The festival can't start without us after all.” Luna said, beginning to levitate the kids towards my back.

I held up my hoof, signaling her to cease her actions.

She gently placed Nightshade back onto the ground and looked to me with a puzzled look.

“What is wrong, dear?”

“Nothing. I just thought this would be a great opportunity for the kids to stretch out their wings a bit.”


“Oh come on. You haven't even heard my proposal yet.”

“I know what you are going to say. You want the kids to try flying to Ponyville.”

“Yes, but not by themselves. Each of us will watch one of them closely.”

“Pure Heart, there are two of us and three of them. How do you expect us to keep a close eye on them?”

“Oh darn. If only we knew somepony that was a pegasus and that we trusted with our lives.”

“I am not letting Rainbow Dash watch one of our children. Who would watch her?”

“Not Rainbow Dash. Vapor Sky.”

“You called?” Vapor said, popping out of nowhere.

“GAH!” I turned to her, “Have been taking ninja lessons from Tia?”

“Yes. Yes I have. Now, how can I be of assistance?”

“Pure Heart thinks it would be a great idea to let the children down to Ponyville.”

Vapor looked at me in disbelief. “You really think letting foals fly such a long way is a good idea?”

“Hey now. Like I said, each of us would look after one of them. We would coach them as they flew and make sure they don't get hurt.”

Luna sighed, “You are not going to let this go, are you?”

“Nope.” I grinned, knowing victory was mine.

“Fine, but if Starfire's mane gets messed up, I am coming after you.”

My grin faltered slightly and began to sweat a little. “If it gets messed up, I will personally fix it.”

“All right. I will take Moonbeam.” Luna stated.

“I will watch Starfire.” Vapor said.

“That leaves Nightshade to me. Alright, let's go.”

Ten minutes later, we were all in the air. Nightshade was doing well, though he did take a couple of dips here and there, but once he got used to having his wings spread, he was able to keep his balance.

After about 30 minutes of flying, we all landed safely in Ponyville and luckily Starfire's mane was still in tact. Despite my thought of us being late, we turned out to be a half an hour early for the festival. The kids looked a little out of breath, so we decided to visit Sugarcube Corner for a quick snack and to pass the time.

“Welcome to Sugarcube Corner!” Came the voice of a hyperactive mare from behind the counter.

“Pinkie Pie. How are you doing?” Luna said as we approached the counter.

“Fantastic! Thanks for asking Princess! How are you? How are your foals? Oh, there they are! They are so adorable!” She said, quickly patting the kids on the head. “How is the Prince? Where is he? Who are these ponies?”

I held up my hoof. “Shh. Take it down a notch Pinkie Pie.”

She gasped. “Prince Pure Heart! What happened? Why is your mane so long? Did you get a perm? It looks really good! I got a perm once. It looked so silly that every time I saw myself in a mirror I would bust out laughing.” She began to laugh hysterically and did so for about a minute.

I blinked, “Okay. This is Vapor Sky, my head of security.”

Vapor stuck out her hoof and said, “Nice to meet you.”

Pinkie took hold of her hoof and shook it vigorously. “Oh, I love meeting new ponies! That is one of the reasons I can't wait for this festival to start! I also love parties and throwing parties for new ponies! That is another reason this festival is going to be so amazingly spectacular! We should totally throw a party for you!”

“That is okay Pinkie Pie, you don't have to do that.” Vapor said.

“Besides Pinkie, I'm sure you have many other things to do before the festival starts.” I suggested.

“Oh yeah! I gotta make a bunch of pies for the pie-eating contest. And I have to make cookies for ponies to snack on. Ooh, and let's not forget about the cakes! First off though, can I help you with anything?”

“Yes, can we just get three cookies and some juice to go?” Luna asked.

“Okie dokie loki! Three cookies and some juice coming right up!” Pinkie vanished into the kitchen for a second and then reappeared an instant later with our order. “Here you go! Three warm, chewy cookies fresh from the oven and juice!” She then dinged a bell and said, “Have a good day and see you at the festival!”

We said our goodbyes as we walked out of the Sugarcube Corner and found a nice table to sit down at. Luna passed the cookies out to the kids as I poured the juice. The kids began to munch away at their delightful confections.

As they ate, Vapor spoke up. “Prince Pure Heart, what is this festival for anyway?”

I took a sip of juice and then said, “Well, there have been reports of ponies seeming to pop up in Ponyville that no one seems to know. So Luna thought it would be a good idea to try and meet these ponies. And what better way than to have a festival. I also thought it would be a good way to reintroduce ourselves to the public.”

“But then why in Ponyville?”

“Pure Heart thinks it is more well known than other places in Equestria.” Luna stated flatly.

“Well, I guess that makes sense.” Vapor shrugged and took a sip of her juice.

“What should we do next? We still have 15 minutes until the festival starts.” I asked.

“We could chat with Twilight and Eclipse.” Luna suggested as she pointed out the two of them walking towards us.

“Hello Princess Luna. How are you doing?” Twilight asked as she approached.

“I am doing well Twilight Sparkle. How are your studies going?” Luna responded.

“They are going excellent. It's even better because I get to spend time with Eclipse.” Twilight rubbed the back of her head on Eclipse's chest, who responded by blushing.

“Ahem, yes. So who are these ponies?” Eclipse asked, trying to draw attention away from himself.

Vapor reached out with her hoof and shook Eclipse's hoof. “Hello, my name is Vapor Sky, head of royal security.”

“Nice to meet you.” Twilight said as she shook hooves with her next.

Eclipse turned to me. “And you are?”

I furrowed my brow and turned to Luna. “I thought it was just Pinkie being Pinkie, but am I really that unrecognizable?”

She nodded her head. “Indeed. Were it not for our everlasting bond, I would have had no idea who you were.”

“Everlasting bond?” Twilight asked.

“Do you really not recognize me?” They both shook their heads. “Interesting. Well at least my wife and kids know who I am.” I said patting Nightshade on the head.

“Hey I knew who you were right from the start as well.” Vapor Sky said.

“Oh yeah. Thanks Vapor.”

She blushed slightly.

“Prince Pure Heart?” Eclipse asked.

“Nope, Chuck Testa. Yes, it's me. Sheesh, now I am really glad we are having this festival.”

Eclipse facehoofed. “I can't believe I didn't recognize you. The only thing different is your mane and tail.”

“Yeah, epic fail on your part dude. Pull up a chair and I will tell you what happened.”

They complied and I explained the whole age thing until it was time for the festival to begin.

“Welcome everypony to PonyCon.” I said into the megaphone. The crowd cheered in response. “This is a festival to make introductions and build new friendships. But most of all, the purpose is to have fun. I will start off the introductions. I am Prince Pure Heart.”

Luna walked up next to me. “I am Princess Luna and these are our children.” The kids stepped up next. “Moonbeam, Starfire, and Nightshade.”

The kids waved and the crowded d'awed in response.

“Now then, we have several activities for all of you to participate in ranging from pie-eating contests to obstacle courses. We also have lots of food, so help yourselves. And last but not least, for your entertainment, we have live music throughout the entire day hosted by none other than DJ-PON3.”

The crowd cheered at the mention of all these things.

“Now, without further ado, let PonyCon commence!”

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