• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,687 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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Heart Filled with Evil

My New Life

Chapter 50 - Heart Filled with Evil

"What do you mean he is gone?!" Luna screamed.

"I mean he disappeared. He was there one second, then he just faded away." I said calmly.

"How can you be so calm?! Your one and only son is missing and you are acting like he just went out for a stroll!" She screamed. Tears were vigorously flowing from her eyes as she spoke.

"Luna take a deep breath. Panicking won't do us any good. If we want to find him, we are going to need clear heads, one's devoid of sorrow and anger."

"You expect me to just stop feeling and become stoic?!"

"No. I am just saying that you need to calm down."

"Calm down?! How in the world am I supposed to calm down when my son could be lying in a gutter somewhere?!" She came up to me and started to pound on my chest. "This just isn't fair! He is just a child!"

I wrapped my forelegs around her and held her tight as she began sobbing into my shoulder. I lightly rubbed her back and she began to calm a little. "Luna, he is a child. But we have taught him well and I know that if he were to run into adversity, he will be able to stand up to it. He is very strong willed and his heart is full of courage."

By now, she had calmed down to the point of just sniffling here and there. "You really think he will be fine out there by himself?"

"Of course. Where ever he is, I am sure he is fine and will be able to take care of himself until we find him."

"And we will find him." She wiped her tears and smiled. "Thanks for being so cool headed dear."

"I try my best to do so for you." I smiled and kissed her. "Now then, what is our next step?"

"We need to figure out where he went. Take me where it was that he disappeared."

"This is it." I said, pointing to the tree.

"What is that in the grass?" She asked, pointing to something.

I walked up to the spot where I had been sitting before and picked up an envelope. "It's a letter, addressed to us." I opened the letter and read aloud. "It says, 'Dear Prince Pure Heart and Princess Luna. I am sure you are aware that your son is missing. You will be glad to know that he is safe, for now. Don't bother looking for him, he is somewhere that you will never find him. He will remain there until you give me what I want. Pure Heart knows exactly what it is and if he knows any better, he will give it to me right away. You have until the winter equinox to give it to me. If you do not comply, your son is doomed to live his life in pain and suffering for the rest of eternity. - The Devil Inside.'"

I gave the note to Luna and she looked it over.

"What kind of monster would do this? And what does it mean that you know what they want?"

"My only guess is that they want the horn of Sombra. As to who, I think it might be Flash Fire and his cronies."

"What are we supposed to do? We can't just give them the horn."

"For our son, they could have my horn for all I care. As long as it returns him safely to us."

"Okay, but the winter equinox is only three months away."

"That's fine. We only need a couple of days."

"And Nightshade will be fine until then, right?"

"Of course, after all, he is our son."

"Nightshade, wherever you are, please be safe."

Nightshade's POV

"Ouch. That hurt." I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I was in what looked like a hospital room. I know that from the many times that Daddy had to go to the hospital. Always getting hurt and having to get stitches.

"Oh, he is awake." Someone said. I looked at them and saw some creature in a white coat. "It looks like your vitals are better to."

"Hey wait, I know what you are. You are a human." I said pointing at him.

"Last time I checked, I was."

I looked at him carefully. "What are you doing in Equestria?"

"Equestri-huh?" He said scratching his head. "I have never heard of such a place."

"Equestria. It is where I am from."

"Well, I am from Boise." He said, adjusting a bag on a metal pole.

"I have to get home. My Mommy and Daddy are probably really worried about me." I began to get up, but the doctor pushed me back down.

"I am sorry son, but you aren't going anywhere. You had a pretty nasty spill. You broke your leg."

"My leg?" I pulled off the sheet and looked at my lower body. "That's not my body." I then realized what I had pulled the cover off with and saw I had what looked like hands. "Am I a human, too?"

"Unless you are an alien." He laughed.

"Is he okay?" I heard someone else say.

"Yes, yes. He is fine now. Come on in Mrs. Credo."

Some girl walked in, holding a stuffed animal in her arms. "Hello. This is for you." She gave me the bear.

"Thank you, Mrs. Credo."

"Your welcome, and please call me Kit."

"Alright." I then looked her over a bit more. She was about five and a half feet tall and was skinny. She had long blonde hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a green shirt and blue pants.

"What is your name?"

"Oh, its Nightshade."

"Nightshade, huh? Kind of a funny name. Are you Native American?"

I shook my head. "No, I am from Equestria."

"Equestria? I have never heard of it."

"Where am I?"

"You are in a hospital."

"I know that. I mean what is the city I am in?"

"We are in Mesa."

"Mesa? I think my Daddy said he was from there. But that means that I am on Earth."


"Wow, I am really far away from home." I coughed a little.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. My throat is just a little dry."

She picked up a pitcher and poured some water for me. "Here you go."

I reached for the cup and tried to take it, but I was unsure of how to use these hands to well. Thanks to that one time Daddy had that fashion show, though, I was able to take the cup.

"Thank you." I took a sip and she poured herself a cup of water as well.

"You said that your Daddy was from here?"


"What is his name?"

"Pure Heart."

"Pure Heart, huh?" She took a sip from the small plastic cup.

"Yep, and my Mommy's name is Luna."

"What a pretty name."

"Yes. Though I think my Daddy had a different name when he lived here."

"Oh really? Was he in the witness protection program or something?"

"The what?"

"Never mind. What was his name?" She said as she was pouring herself some more water.

"I think it was... Zach maybe."

She dropped her cup and water spilled everywhere.

"Oh my. How c-clumsy of me." She picked up a nearby towel and wiped up the mess.

"Are you okay, Kit?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine. You just caught me off guard is all."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say something bad?"

"No, no. I just haven't heard that name in a long time."


"Yes. You see, I had a brother named Zach one time."

"What happened to him?"

"He died a long time ago."

"I am sorry to hear that. My daddy said he died a long time ago, too. That is when he came back to Equestria and then I was born a couple of months later."

"How old are you Nightshade?"


"Five years old? That is about how long he has been gone." She said, tapping her chin with her finger. "It's probably just a coincidence."

"Auntie Tia said that there is no such thing as coincidence. Just fate."

"Auntie Tia?"

"She is my Mommy's sister. She is also the ruler of Equestria."

"Ruler of Equestria? Like a queen?"

"No, she is a princess. I don't think Equestria has a queen."

"Wait, so if she is a princess, that means that your Mommy is also a princess."

"Right, Princess Luna. And my Daddy is Prince Pure Heart."

"Does that make you a prince?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess. I never really thought of it."


"So, how did I get here?" I asked.

"Oh, I was driving down the street and found you on the side of the road. I got you in my car and brought you here."

"Car? What is a car?"

"Its a machine with wheels that gets us to places."

"Like a carriage?"

"Yes. Like a carriage."


"Mrs. Credo. Now that he is awake, we have called social services and they will be here to pick him up shortly."

She looked at me. "Would it be okay if he just came home with me?" She looked back at the doctor.

The doctor tapped his chin. "I don't see why not. Just wait for them to get here and they will have you fill out the proper paperwork."

"Is that okay with you?" She asked me.

"I guess. As long as I won't be a bother to you."

"Trust me, having you around will brighten our house up a lot."

"Our house? Are you married?"

"Mm-hmm. I think you will like Josh."

"Alright. But it is only temporary. My Mommy and Daddy are probably on their way to get me."

"That is fine." She then looked down at my neck. "What is that?"

"Huh?" I lifted up the necklace around my neck. "Oh this is a ring my Daddy gave me. He said it belonged to his grandpa."

"Can I see it?"

"I guess. Just give it back when you are done." I took the chain off my neck and handed it to her.

She looked it over and then gave it back. "It is a very nice ring."

"Thank you." I put it back around my neck.

"Mrs. Credo, social services is here."

"Awesome. I'll be right back. When I get back, I will take you home."


She reached out and messed with my hair and then she walked out of the room.

"Please come and get me soon, Daddy." I said softly.

Luna's POV

I walked in the study and found Pure Heart, Vapor Sky, Cloudlight, and ShadowBane waiting for me.

"Are you ready to go?" Pure Heart asked.


He nodded and turned to Vapor Sky. "You two take good care of my children, okay?"

"I won't let them out of my sight." Vapor saluted.

"Alright. Then let us be off." He picked up the lead box containing Sombra's horn and turned to ShadowBane. "Take us away, good sir."

"Finally. I get to kill some of these wendigos I have heard so much about." Maim said.

"You will not touch anyone or anything unless I tell you to. Got it, ink blot?"

"Ink blot! Why I oughta..."

"Maim, settle down. You can have fun later." ShadowBane said.

"Fine, fine. Let's just go already." Maim said.

A portal opened up and we walked into it.

A few seconds later, we came out the other side, directly in front of the changeling hive.

"Does it seem bigger since the last time we were here?" Pure Heart asked.

"Nope, its the same size as it was last week." ShadowBane said.

"Last week? Why were you here last week?" I asked.

"Oh you know. Talking to Kron and what not." He said shrugging.

"Talking to Kron?" Pure Heart said.

"Yes, talking to Kron. Are you guys just going to repeat everything I say in the form of a question?"

"Are we just going to repeat everything you say in the form of a question?" Pure Heart said, to which I punched him in the shoulder. "Sorry, I got caught up in the moment. Why were you talking to Kron?"

"I wasn't really. It was more of Maim than me."

"Yeah. He is a really cool guy. A little bit crazy though."

"Says the evil shadow." Pure Heart said.

"Why I oughta skin you right now." Maim said.

"Boys, boys. Deal with your petty squabbles later. Remember what we are here for." I interrupted.

"Right. To kick some ass." Maim said, pumping his hoof.

"No. To get my son back."

"Right. No killing, yet."

We walked into the hive and were immediately surrounded by changelings.

"What isss your busssinesss here?" One of them asked.

"We are here to talk to Kron." I said.

"Talk to Kron?" The changeling laughed and the rest laughed as well.

"What's so funny?" Pure asked.

"One doesss not sssimply ssspeak to Kron." It said.

"Bite your tongue!" A voice said.

The crowd parted and Chrysallis walked in. "Back to your posts." She said calmly.

"But my queen..."


The changelings quickly scattered and soon we were alone in the dank cavern.

"Follow me." She said, turning and walking away.

I looked at Pure Heart and he simply shrugged at me and followed the royal changeling as did I and ShadowBane.

"ShadowBane, how are you doing?" Chrysallis asked.

He walked up to her side. "Oh you know, same crap, different day."

"Isn't that the truth. How is Maim?"

"I'm doing great, your majesty."

Pure Heart leaned over. "He never calls us that."

"We aren't evil though."


"We are here." She opened a door and we entered into a large chamber.

"Greetings!" Kron said walking down from a platform with wendigo guards accompanying him on both sides. "What might I do for you, Princess Luna and Prince Pure Heart?"

"You know exactly why we are here." Pure Heart said.

"I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about."

"You kidnapped our son!"

"I did no such thing. I am no monster."

"Yes you are."

"In other matters, maybe. But I would never harm a child."

"It's true." Said another voice. Slowly, Flash Fire came out of the shadows. "He is too much of a pansy to harm a child."

"I don't care who has my son. I only want him back. You can have your stupid horn back." Pure Heart took the lead box off his back and kicked it across the floor.

"Oh thank you so much. This will help tremendously."

"Now give us our son back, Ark!" I said.

"Ark? You are mistaken. He does not inhabit my body anymore." He walked to the front of the platform. "No, you should search your own household before accusing others."

"What in the world are you talking about?" I asked.

"Ask yourself, Princess." He turned his head towards me. "Have you ever woken up to find that your husband wasn't there?"

"Yes, but so what?"

"And have you had any bad dreams of late? Maybe of your husband?"

"How do you know about that?" Pure Heart asked.

"You poor fool. A puppet in his grand scheme. Of course you have no memory of these events. You were technically asleep while they transpired." He stepped down so he was eye level with Pure Heart. "Why don't you remove your bandages and show us what I did to you last time we met?"

Pure Heart hesitated, but removed the bandages covering his face. "There, are you happy? Yes, you scarred my face. Enjoy the fact that I can't open my right eye anymore."

"You're mistaken, Pure Heart. Your eye is wide open." Flash Fire laughed.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. Pure Heart looked at me and I gasped.

"What is it? Do I have something on my face?"

"No, it is your face. Or at least your eye."

"What in the world are you talking about?" He ran over to a mirror on the wall. "My eye, its purple. Does that mean..."

"Yes, you have been blessed by our lord. You are now the receptacle of the mighty Ark."

"It is true." Pure Heart said, though it wasn't his voice. "I have to say, it is good to be home. But it still needs something. Oh I know."

"Get him!" Flash Fire said. The wendigo guards quickly ran across the room and immediately had Pure Heart pinned to the ground.

"Pure Heart!" I screamed, but before I could even move, another set of wendigos had me restrained as well.

"ShadowBane, do something?" Pure Heart yelled, but it seemed that he had already left.

Flash Fire walked up to me. "Excuse me, but I must take something of yours."

"What do you want?"

"Your magic." He looked back to the shadows from where he came from. "Bullet Blaster! Take her horn."

"Yes sir!" Said the green pony. He walked up to me as one of the wendigos held up my head. "Alright princess. This is going be extremely painful." He let out a maniacal laugh as what seemed to be fingers popped out of his large hoofs.

He pulled out a sword that was very misshapen and rusty, though it still seemed sharp.

"Don't worry, it will be over in a second." He grinned. He hoisted up the blade with his hands and then swiftly brought it down.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed. The pain was excruciating and it seemed to pulse through my whole body.

"What did you do to her?!" Pure Heart yelled.

"We have simply removed her ability to use magic." Flash Fire explained.

"I'm okay Pure Heart." I said weakly. Then my vision blurred and I blacked out.

Pure Heart's POV

"Luna! Luna speak to me!" I couldn't see her from my current vantage point and she wouldn't answer my calls.

"Luna! Luna speak to me!" Flash Fire repeated in a mocking tone.

"Why are you doing this to us?" I asked.

"Why? WHY?!" He yelled and the entire room erupted into flames. He seethed for a moment and then calmed down, the fire dying down along with his anger. "It is quite simple. You ruined my life."

I thought about it for a moment. "I ruined your life?"

"Yes you did. You killed the person that treated me as his own."

"You will need to be a bit more specific. I have killed a couple of ponies."

"For your information, he was not a pony. He was a draconequus."

I took a sharp breath. "You mean Discord?"

"Yes Discord. He was like a father to me. He is the only one that ever showed me any kindness. When I arrived in this wretched nation, he took me in and made me feel like I was wanted."

"When you arrived? Where did you come from?"

"The same as you. I am from Earth as well."

"You are also from Earth? Why am I not surprised?"

"Yes, but unlike you, I did not come from a family that loved me. I was forced to work in a factory. A factory that took humans and crushed them into mulch. I was soon to be next until I was saved by Discord."

"This is a very intriguing story and all, but can you skip to the part that I might remotely care about?"

He growled and struck me across the face. "Fine, since you are in such a hurry to be destroyed, I will sum it up." He walked to a cabinet and opened it up. "You killed the only family I ever had. So in return, you will also destroy your own family." He took something out of the cabinet and brought it over to a table. I was unable to see what since I was still pinned to the ground. "Now, enough chit-chat. Bullet Blaster, bring me her horn."

Bullet Blaster came to his side and placed the horn down, making a clinking sound.

"Good, now give me a piece of yours."

I heard a cracking sound and a slight screech, and then another clink.

"Now the rest of you."

There were a few more cracking sounds and screeches, followed by more clinks.

"And finally, a piece of one of Discord's horns and Sombra's horn." I heard a pop like the lid of a container and then a final clink.

"Wonderful, now we just crush it all up." Sounds of grinding came from the table and continued for several minutes. "Followed by a bit of mixing with my own blood." Sounds of stirring came from the table.

"It is ready!" I saw Flash Fire approach me with a bowl. "All you need to do is drink."

I kept my mouth closed.

"Oh, he won't take his medicine." He looked at one of the wendigos, and it gripped my mouth and forced it open. "Down the hatch."

I felt a warm liquid slide down my throat, warming my body as it went. After the bowl was emptied of its contents, the wendigo let go of my head and I coughed hard.

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"I think I'm gonna be sick." I began to feel really dizzy as the room began to spin.

"Everyone stand back. You don't want to be in the way when it begins."

"When what begi-" I started to say, but I was cut off when I felt a tremendous pain in my chest. Then everything went black.

I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness. Then I realized that both of my eyes were working again.

"I can see!" I yelled.

"See what? It is so dark in here." I heard someone say. "Of course, that is the way we like it."

"Who's there?" I asked.

"Pure Heart, I'm hurt. We were great friends for so long. How is it that you don't remember my voice?"


"That's right."

"How did you get here? You are supposed to be dead."

The purple pony came out of the darkness. "I can't be killed, Pure Heart. You should know that. For as long as you exist, I exist."

"Well, it doesn't matter. You shouldn't be here."

"But I am, and now, we will be as one again."

"Over my dead body!" I ran at him.

"Oh please." I was stopped in my tracks. "Don't you think I planned for all of this to happen. That liquid you just ingested was a mixture made of the magic from the seven deadly sins. I am now more powerful than you could ever imagine."

He walked up to me and got right in my face. "And with you, we be will invincible!"

"One problem with your plan. I am not going to help you."

"Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. But unfortunately, you don't have a say in the matter. Because I am going to fuze our minds this time. So there will be no escape."

I started to sweat. "But you can't do that. If you do, you won't exist anymore either."

"Don't worry, I have a dominate personality. I will come up on top in the end."

He placed his hoof on my forehead. "Well, it has been a pleasure, Pure Heart."

"No. NOOO!"


Nightshade's POV

"Kit, this is delicious. What is it?" I asked her.

"Enchiladas. Nothing that special."

"Well I think it is absolutely the best thing I have ever had." I stuffed another piece of the tasty food into my mouth.

"So, Nightshade, you said that you were from Equestria?" Josh, Kit's husband, asked.

"Yes sir."

"Where is that?"

"I have no idea."

"Okay, and do you remember how you got here?"

"Well, I remember sitting underneath Daddy's favorite tree in the garden and he gave me this ring." I held up the ring hanging around my neck. "Then we hugged and then I woke up in the hospital."

"I see. What was your Daddy's name again?"

"Pure Heart. Though I guess he was called Zach here." I took a sip of the sweet, red stuff they called Kool-Aid.


"Do you know Twilight Sparkle?" Juliet, Kit's oldest daughter, asked.

"Yes, I know her. She is my auntie, after all."

"Julie, how do you know about his aunt?" Kit asked.

"Silly Mommy, he is talking about My Little Pony."

"My Little Pony?" I asked.

"It's a TV show. Me and Marcy watch it all the time."

"TV? What is this TV?"

"Oh yeah, I guess they don't have TV in Equestria. Mommy, can we be excused?" Julia asked.

"Sure honey. Daddy and I have to talk anyways."

"Alright, come on Nightshade. Me and Marcy will introduce you to the wonderful world of cartoons." I jumped down from my chair and turned back to Kit. "Thank you for the wonderful meal."

"You are quite welcome."

I smiled at her and then followed Julie and Marcy into another room.

Luna's POV

"Wakey wakey." I heard someone say. "Wake up, princess."

I fluttered open my eyes and saw a red figure come into focus.

"Pure Heart?" I reached forward but immediately found that I could barely move.

"Don't try moving. It wouldn't help, seeing that you are chained to the wall."

"Chained to the wall?" I looked at my restraints and saw that I was indeed chained to a wall. I looked back at the figure in front of me. He was sitting on the ground, just staring at me with a smirk. "Pure Heart? What is going on? Why am I in chains? Why aren't you?"

"Calm yourself, my sweet flower." He said. "You have been knocked out for a couple of days now. I guess the pain of losing your horn, and all your magic with it, was too much to bear." He pulled out a small box and tapped it on the ground with his magic. "Excuse me for a second." He opened it and took a slim stick out of the box. Sticking it in his mouth, he held up his hoof and a flame shot out, burning the end of the stick.

"Pure Heart! Are you smoking?!"

"Yes, I am." He took the cigarette out of his mouth and blew smoke in my face. "You like it?"

I coughed. "Like it?! Put that thing out this instant! While you're at it, get me down from here!"

He stuck the cigarette back in his mouth. "Heh. No can do, Luna. You see, prisoners aren't allowed to go free."

"Prisoners? I am no prisoner."

"That's where you are wrong, my dear." He took the cigarette and put it out. "You are my prisoner."

"No, I am your wife!" I said, starting to cry.

"Hey now. No need for crying. Pure Heart wouldn't want to see that."

I stopped for a moment. "What do you mean Pure Heart wouldn't want to see that?"

"See for yourself." He looked directly at me.

I gasped. "Your eyes. They are purple."

"Yes ma'am."

"Does that mean you are... Ark?"

"Wrong again. Try looking a bit closer." He turned and showed off his pitch black mane and tail. As well as his hair, his cutie mark had changed. It was now a black heart surrounded by seven symbols.

"Okay, I am completely lost."

"Well then, let me spell it out for you." He stomped his hoof and a chalkboard appeared out of thin air.

"How did you do that?"

"You'd be amazed at what you can do with the powers of chaos." He pulled out a pointer and tapped the board. "Now pay attention." He pointed to a picture of a mortar and pestle. "After taking your horn, Flash Fire took pieces of everyone else's horns and ground them to dust. He then added Discord's and Sombra's horns and ground them and saturated it all with his own blood."

He tapped a picture of Flash Fire in front of Pure Heart with the bowl. "Flash Fire then poured the magical liquid down Pure Heart's throat and he and Ark got into a confrontation in his mind."

He finally pointed to a picture of himself. "Ark and Pure Heart eventually joined minds and I was born." He retracted the pointer and turned back to me. "And that is how Equestria was made."


"Oh sorry. Wrong ending. That is how we got here."

"So you aren't Pure Heart or Ark?" I asked.

"Yes and no. I am my own pony, free to do whatever I want. But I also have the knowledge of those two. Their souls are gone. Not in another plane of existence. Just gone. Eradicated, if you will."

"So who are you then?"

"Well, that is the problem." He said, stomping his hoof, causing the chalkboard to disappear. "I have been unable to think of a name for myself. My minions have merely called me boss."

"So my husband is really gone forever?" I began to cry again.

"Yes, he is gone. You and he were the only ones that knew the magic to separate me. But he is gone and you no longer possess the ability to conjure spells."

I began to sob harder.

"Hey now, I do have all the memories of the times you and he had together. So I will tell you what. Give in to the darkness that remains in your heart, and I may consider making you my mistress."

"Go to hell, you black-hearted fiend!" I spat.

"Say, that gives me an idea for a name. Your husband was called Pure Heart. I now have his body but with the evil of Ark in my system. So I think I will be called Black Heart. Yes, it has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

I remained quiet except for the sobs that came.

"Well, I really should be going." He said, causing a time piece to appear on his wrist. "But I do have errands to run. You know, havoc to wreak, ponies to kill, fun stuff like that. It was nice talking to you and all, but you are really harshing my mellow." He began to walk out the door.


He stopped and turned his head. "What is it now?"

"At least tell me my son is okay."

His expression softened. "Don't worry, he is in very capable hands." He then walked out the door and shut it, leaving me alone in the dark cell. The only sound being the tear drops hitting the stone floor as I continued to quietly weep.

Black Heart's POV

"Well that took longer than I expected." I yawned as I walked out of the dungeon. As a wendigo guard closed the door, I was greeted by Flash Fire.

"Sir, now that you have spoken to her, what is our next step?" He asked.

"First off, I have decided on my name. I am to be addressed as Black Heart."

"Very good, si- I mean Black Heart."

"Good. Let's walk and talk." We began to walk down the corridor. "Next, we must destroy the tools of those who would seek to destroy me."

"What tools, your lordship?"

"Lordship. I like that. Anyways, think about it. Who are the ones that always seem to get some kind of praise for defeating villains?"

"The Elements of Harmony."

"Bingo. You know, you aren't as stupid as Ark thought you were."

"Thank you." He said with a puzzled look.

"Yes, the Elements of Harmony. Those goody-goodies have had it easy for too long. It is time we take what they hold so precious. Their artifacts."

"And without them, no one will be able to stop us."

"Exactly. Now prepare a squadron of wendigos. We strike now."


"Right now. They won't be expecting it if we do it right now."

"Alright, you are the boss." Flash Fire saluted and ran off to prepare.

"Excellent." I said, rubbing my hooves together. "Soon, the world will be mine."

Celestia's POV

"Where could they be?" I said aloud as I paced the throne room.

"I'm sure they are alright. You know how Pure Heart is. He probably got stuck helping some village or something." Death consoled.

"But they went just to negotiate the release of their son. No, I have a very bad feeling about this."

"And so you should." Somepony said.

I turned to find somepony standing in the shadows of the door.

"Who are you and how did you get past my guards?" I asked.

"You really, think they could stand against one of my underlings." I saw a small orange light flicker and then heard a deep breath.

"Underlings? What underlings?"

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry." He stomped his hoof and two wendigos appeared with blood dripping from their mouths and claws. "Hope you don't mind, but I thought they could use a little snack." He kicked a bloody helmet across the floor, stopping at my hooves.

"Ark!" I yelled.

"Wrong!" He stepped out of the shadows, and who I saw I couldn't believe.

"Pure Heart?" Death asked.

"Man, I hate it when ponies confuse me with those losers. No. My name is Black Heart. I am Pure Heart and Ark fused together." He took a few steps forward. "Nice digs. You know, once I conquer Equestria, I just might make this my castle. Sure there will be some major alterations that need to be made, but it is better than that hole those changelings call home."

"I don't understand. How did this happen?"

"Easy. Thanks to the help of Flash Fire, I was made by taking the magic of the sinful ones. As you can see by the symbols on my flank." He pointed to his cutie mark.

"Sinful ones?"

"Yes. You see each symbol is one of the seven deadly sins. Discord, sloth. Sombra, greed. Chrysalis, lust. Kron, pride. Bullet Blaster, gluttony. Red Rum, wrath. And finally, Luna, envy."

"Luna would never help you!" I yelled.

"She didn't. Flash Fire simply took her magic by cutting off her horn."

"You fiend!" Death yelled, charging at him.

"So naïve." Black Heart smirked as he swatted his hoof to the side, causing Death to go flying into the wall. "Chill out." He stomped his hoof and dark crystals enveloped Death. "You see, princess, I have the abilities of all those who gave me their magic. I can summon Sombra's dark crystals for instance." He nodded towards the spot that Death was.

"Okay, I will admit that you are powerful, Black Heart. But you cannot win. The Elements of Harmony will destroy you."

He laughed. "See, that is where you are wrong." He stomped his hoof again, and a cage and a box rose from the ground. "For you see, I have already defeated them." He gestured to the cage and I gasped. There, lying on the floor, were the bruised bodies of Twilight and her friends. Luckily, they were still breathing.

"I have collected their precious artifacts as well. And I have to say, their power is intriguing." He opened the box lid and sure enough, he had all the elements. "But since I am such a good sport, I will let you keep this worthless bunch of girls." He closed the box and it and the cage sunk back into the ground, leaving behind the girls.

"Alright, you got what you came for. Just leave."

"Oh, so soon. Fine, I can tell when I'm not wanted. Kind of like your sister, huh?"

"You bastard! What have you done with her?!"

"Uh-oh. Someone said a worty dird. So unbefitting for a princess. As for your question, she is fine and so is her son, in case you were wondering."

"You mean you are the one who kidnapped Nightshade?!"

"Not me, that would have been my lesser halves."

"Pure Heart? He kidnapped his own son?"

"Yes and no. He was being controlled by Ark at the time and so had no memory of the event."

"And what-"

"Silence. No more questions. I have a few more pieces of business to attend to while I am here. But first, an offer."

"I doubt I will like it, but continue."

"You work for me, and I will spare your life. Your husband, however, will remain encased in the crystal."

"I would rather die than help you."

"Suit yourself. Though I will spare you for a while longer." He turned away. "Have fun trying to get your husband out. It may seem like ordinary crystal, but it is in fact riddled with magic wards. It will take even you, a master of magic, days or even weeks to get him out."

He sneered at me and then walked towards the door. "One more thing." He stopped in front of the Elements of Harmony. "I sense a strong force in this one's womb." He said, gesturing to Twilight Sparkle. "Can't have anyone threatening my reign, now can we?"

"What are you... No."

"Yes." He grinned psychotically. He rose up his hoof and with a swift motion, kicked Twilight in the stomach.

"NO!" I screamed, collapsing to the ground in sorrow.

He put his horn down to her stomach and it glowed. "Yes. The life she harbored inside her is gone." He gave off a horrid cackle.

"You monster."

"Don't I know it." He then left with his wendigos in tow.

I looked at Death and sighed. "This is terrible. I must alert Princess Cadence." I walked up to my frozen husband and placed a hoof on his prison. "I will be back to get you out in a little bit." I then trotted over to the wounded six mares.

"I better get them to the hospital first." Since Black Heart had killed my guards, I carried them there myself.

Black Heart's POV

My wendigos and I walked down several corridors in the castle. We approached many servants who just ran away and the guards we saw tried to stop us, but they were no match for the wendigos, who devoured each guard.

Finally, we approached the room I was searching for. "You two stand out here. I don't want you scaring them. Leave the servants alone, but any guards that try to attack, you may do what you wish." They gave off growls and I opened the door and walked in.

"Daddy!" Moonbeam and Starfire yelled as they ran to me.

"Stop!" I said, holding up my hoof. They stopped inches from me. "Stay." I saw Vapor Sky and Cloudlight staring at me.

"Hi Pure Heart. Where have you been? Everypony has been worried about you." Cloudlight said.

"First of all, my name is not 'Pure Heart'. It is Black Heart. I will not explain the details, you can get them from your precious Celestia. I believe she is at the hospital." I said with a smirk.

"Black Heart? But-" She began to say as she got closer, but then she gasped. "Your eyes."

"Yes. Now if you don't mind, I have a suggestion for you. Take these children far away. I may not love them, but there is still a bit of compassion for them in my blackened heart."

I knelt down to the kids. "Hello children."

"Daddy, you don't love us anymore?" Moonbeam said with tears in her eyes.

"That is untrue. Your daddy loved you more than anything. That is why he wouldn't want you around for when things get icky. He wants you to be safe."

Both of them were crying now. "Daddy, can't we come with you?"

"I'm sorry, but no. It is too dangerous. Just know that Mommy and Daddy love you with all their hearts. And that will never change." I gave them each a pat on the head.

"We love you Daddy." They both said in tears.

"He loved you too." I looked up at a stunned Vapor Sky and Cloudlight. "Like I said, take them far away. As soon as I leave, get everything you need together and then tell Celestia where you are going. I won't be so merciful next time."

I turned towards the door and began to walk. Vapor Sky ran in front of me. "Pure Heart!" I stopped and looked at her tear stained face. "Please."

I sighed. "Your pleas fall on deaf ears." I pushed her out of the way and walked out the door.

After closing the door, I looked to the sides and saw a pile of helmets and armor in front of each wendigo. "Alright you two, let's get out of here."

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! Now don't panic. This is not the last chapter for I am extending the book, just because it would be a lot to put in one chapter. I have the next two chapters done already, but you will have to wait until next week for the next chapter. In other news, I am getting the new Pokemon game in about ten minutes, yay! That's it. Thanks for reading and please comment or review. Also, tell me how much you already hate Black Heart and know that he is just going to get worse.

Bro/Sishoof - Ark125

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