• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,688 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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Frozen Dreams

My New Life

Chapter 45 - Frozen Dreams

Luna's POV

I ran out of the study and went to my room and jumped into bed, burying my head into the pillow. The tears flowed like a river, never seeming to stop. I probably cried for a couple of hours.

Later, I heard the door open and shut but didn't bother to look up to see who it was. I just continued to cry.

"Mommy, its time for dinner. Mommy, why are you so sad?" Moonbeam asked.

I turned and pulled her into a hug. "Oh Moonbeam. Me and daddy got into a fight."

"Mommy, you are crushing me."

I let go of her. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. What did you and daddy fight about?" She asked innocently.

"Well, daddy kept a secret from me and that made me sad."

"Did he say he was sorry?"


"Did you forgive him?"

"Well, no."


"Because sorry doesn't fix things every time. He should have known better than to keep secrets from me."


"So what?"

"So you should forgive him anyways. Auntie Tia says we should always forgive someone if they hurt us, even if they don't say sorry."

"I don't know. It isn't easy."

"Yes it is. Just say I forgive you."

I thought about it as I dried my tears on a tissue I took from the night stand. "Honey, you are wise beyond your years."

"I get that all the time." She said with a grin. She jumped off the bed and happily trotted out of the room.

I couldn't believe I just got a talking to by a five-year old, but I knew she was right. I needed to say I was sorry to him as well.

I got up off my bed and got ready for dinner.

I walked into the dining room and sat down. I looked around and didn't see Pure Heart.

I leaned over to Nightshade. "Have you seen your father?"

"Nope. I haven't seen him all day."

"That is strange. He never misses dinner." I stood up. "You kids go ahead and eat. I am going to find your father."

They began to eat and I walked out of the room.

He must still be in the study. I thought. I walked down to the study and stood there. Come on Luna. You can do this. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Pure Heart? Are you in there?" I opened the door slightly and peeked inside. "Honey, I am sorry for how I reacted and I forgive you for keeping this all a secret." I saw he was on his stomach, reaching for his chest plate.

I opened the door the rest of the way and walked over to where he was. "Pure Heart?" I touched his forearm and it burned me from how cold it was. "Pure Heart! Speak to me!"

He didn't answer me and I tried to slightly move him and I heard a crack sound.

"He's frozen." I said to myself. I took a staggered back, turned, and ran out of the room. "Celestia!" I screamed.

I ran to her study and found her reading a book. "Celestia! Come quickly! Pure Heart is frozen!"

"Yes, there is no doubt about it. He is frozen solid from the inside out." The Doctor said, tucking his pen-like device into his pocket.

"Doctor, how did this happen?" I asked.

"Well, my guess is that his heart of ice was shattered by some stressful event and all the liquid nitrogen that he had been injecting was released and froze him."

"I broke his heart?" I said, tears gathering in my eyes. I turned to Tia and cried into her coat.

"What can be done?" Death asked.

The Doctor looked away. "There is nothing I can do. All of his organs have been damaged beyond repair. His body could shatter just by touching him. The only thing I have found that might be helpful is that he has a bit of brain function left. Just a little, but it seems as though he might be dreaming."

"He's dreaming? That means I can talk to him!" I said.

" Are you sure you want to? You might not like what you see." The Doctor said.

"It's a chance I am willing to take." I turned to my frozen husband and began to cast my spell. I fired it and everything went black.

"Luuuunnnaaaa..." I heard a voice say. "Luuunnnaaa..." It repeated. "Luna. Luna wake up."

I opened my eyes and found myself staring into a pair of blue eyes.

"Hey look who's awake. How you doing babe?" Pure Heart said with a grin.

I shook my head and stood up. "Fine. Fine." I looked at him again and realized that he was in pony form again. "Pure Heart! You are a pony!" I exclaimed, jumping at him and knocking him over. I landed on top of him and kissed him.

"Wow, I guess I am not in trouble anymore." He said laughing.

"Oh shut up." I got off of him. "And yes, I forgive you and I myself am sorry for the way that I acted."

"Apology accepted. Now then, what brings you to my humble dreamscape."

"Your dreamscape. Hmm." I looked around and saw what appeared to be a garden full of cherry blossoms. "Wow, you have a beautiful dream."

"Thanks. But why are you here?"

"Oh, yes. I came to see if you were still here."

"Still here? What do you mean?"

"You didn't know? You are frozen from the inside out. You shouldn't be alive."

"Shouldn't be alive... Well that really sucks."

"Yes it does. Also, the Doctor doesn't think you will recover from this, meaning you will most likely lose this body."

"Really? Man that sucks big time. I liked wearing that suit."

"Will you forget about your stupid suit?! We are talking about you dying here!"

"Oh please. If you thought I was going to die, you would be a lot more broken up."


"So that means you have a plan."

I smiled. "You are right. I do have a plan."

"Well don't keep it to yourself. Share with the class."

"Okay here it is. We get you your old body back."

He stared at me and then laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

"How do you expect to do that? I am currently the equivalent of a frozen vegetable. I can't really travel."

"Easy. I will just harbor your conscience in my body and then when we get close, I transfer you over."

He thought for a moment. "That could work. Man, did I marry the smartest mare in the universe or what?"

I blushed. "Oh please. Now hold still." I touched my horn to his and there was a flash of light.

I woke up a bit dazed.

"Princess Luna, are you alright?" The Doctor asked.

I smiled wearily. "Yes. I am fine. And so is Pure Heart."

"No he isn't. His brain activity just ceased."

"Don't worry. He is safe." I reassured him.

"How do you know?" Tia asked.

"Because he is now in me." I said.

"Nuh uh. Prove it." Death said.

"Prove your face." I said. Or rather, Pure Heart said through me.

"Yep, that is definitely him in there." Death said.

"You bet it is Deathy. Now let's eat something." He said through me.

No more doing that unless I let you talk, understand? I said to him.

Fine. Man this is just like when I had Ark in my head. Only now, I get to haunt you. Oooo. I'm a ghost.

No, you're not. Knock it off.

Okay. Oh, we should definitely not let the kids know about this. It might traumatize them to know you are both mommy and daddy.


We went to eat with the kids. When they asked where daddy was, I told them he went out of town on business, but told me to tell them that he loved them very much. They were happy with the response and went off to play.

As I walked back to our room, Pure Heart spoke to me.

There is just one more problem.

What's that?

What are we going to tell Bubbles?

I laughed as I walked into our room.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! So I saw the Equestria Girls movie this weekend and guess who I meet there? The Aficionados! For those who don't know, he is a YouTuber who reviews movies and he has quite a fanbase. He has even been mentioned on Equestria Daily. Even cooler, he is an animator and has worked with the famous TomSka before. So I am going to see what he can do to help with the movie, or at least to get a trailer out. Anyways, I won't spoil the movie for any of you. Thanks for reading and please remember to review or comment.

Bro/Sishoof - Ark125

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