• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,688 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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Mission Possible

My New Life

Chapter 46 - Mission Possible

"Alright, so what should our plan of attack be?" I asked as we sat around the war table. It had been a few weeks since Pure Heart had joined his consciousness with my body and, to tell you the truth, I was ready to get him his body back. Don't get me wrong, he is my husband and I love him beyond belief, but he always has to make a comment on something. Most of the time, though, it seems like I have a jukebox in my head because if he isn't making an absurd suggestion, he is singing. Sometimes they aren't even songs with vocals, they are just seemingly random sounds.

Do do do. Do do do do, do do do. Dooo, do do do do.



"Our plan is to wait for the enemy to come to us so that we have the upper hand." Shining Armor said.

What is with you people and waiting? I swear, I will lead a rebellion if that is what we end up doing. Pure Heart remarked.

"I don't think that is the best idea. After all, we don't want a repeat of what happened the last time the changelings attacked." I said. Pure Heart pumped his hoof.

"I believe she is right. The last time they came around, they were only pushed back by the force of Princess Cadance's and Shining Armor's force field. This time, they are much stronger and faster since they were fused with wendigos." Tia said.

"Then do you propose that we just run head first into the fray?" White Rush asked.

"No. Of course not." I said.

That is totally what we should do!

Shut up.

"We should devise a strategy and then carefully take them out." I said.

Ahhh, you are no fun.

"Okay, so let's say we leave several soldiers here to protect the castle as well as Princess Celestia, Cadance, and myself." Shining Armor said.

"And the Elements of Harmony, Death, and myself will go to the hive and take on the threat there." I said.

No. The Elements are to stay in Ponyville. Pure Heart said.

Why in the world would we do that?

Because they won't be useful against a legion of wendigos. They will just be in the way.

I sighed. "Pure Heart wants the Elements to instead guard Ponyville."

"Fine, but you must pick others to go in their place." Celestia said.

Fine, but I'm not happy about it.

"He's okay with that."

"Good. And the rest of the royal guard will accompany you." She said.

May I get through? Pure Heart asked.

Yes, you may.

The tip of my horn began to glow red.

"Heck no! I don't want any of them dieing against these monsters. It will be just as I said before. Besides, our mission right now is to get my body back. We have to be sneaky for that to happen."

My horn returned to normal and I took back control.

"Sorry about that."

"No, he is right. As of now, we only need to gather intelligence and get his body back to him. So I will instead just send you and Death to the hive and whoever else you see fit to back you up."

Fine by me. Pure Heart snorted.

"Okay, so then let us get prepared." I said, standing up.

"Alright, roll call." Vapor Sky announced.

It had been a few days since we had the meeting and we were about to take off for the hive.

"Black Steel."


"Obsidian Baron."


"Gray Shark."


"Alright, that is everyone."

"Good, we leave immediately." I said.

"You be careful, Luna." Tia said.

"Do not worry. I will be fine."

"Don't worry honey, I will watch her." Death said, giving Tia a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Enough with the smooching, let's get a move on.

I rolled my eyes. "Alright, Tia. Try to get us as close to the hive as you can."

"Okay, here it goes." Tia's horn flashed and we were sent away.

We arrived at the edge of a forest.

Do, do, do.

I looked around and saw several guards standing in front of the entrance to the hive.

Do do. Do, do, do.

They weren't wendigos, just regular changelings.

Do do. Do, do, do.

At least, from what I could tell.

Do do. Do, do, do.

"I will distract the guards." Death said.

Do do. Duh duh dummmm.

Death rose a tentacle from the ground near one of the guards and quickly pierced its skin, causing it to scream. The other guards left their posts to see what the commotion was all about.

Duh duh dummmm.

We quickly ran across the field between us and the entrance and made it inside.

Duh duh dummmm. Duh duh.

Will you please cut that out?! I finally said to Pure Heart.

Oh, come on. It's Mission Impossible. It's the perfect sneaking music.

I don't care. I am trying to concentrate.

Geez. Sorry. He quieted down after that.

We all continued on through the many caverns, taking out guards and sneaking around other ones, for a while.



I have to pee.

No you don't.

I am pretty sure I do.

I am telling you that you don't. It's impossible, you are just a conscious.

Okay, maybe I don't. But I am bored.

Too bad.

We went along in silence for a bit longer.

Hey Luna.




We seemed to be getting closer to some powerful source of energy.

Hey Luna.


Do you feel that?

I stood still for a moment. Yes I do. I think we must be getting close to your body.

We soon turned a corner and found ourselves in a large antechamber. In the center of the room was a platform with a large table. On the table was Pure Heart's body!

My body! Hooray!

We heard voices coming from another hallway.

"That's Bullet Blaster!" Gray Shark whispered.

"Yes, and I think it is Kron as well." Death added.

"But who is that third voice?" Obsidian Baron asked.

It's Flash Fire. Pure Heart said.

"I believe we have all the parts, my lord." Kron said.

"Excellent. I grow tired of this body. Let's do the transfer now."

That isn't Flash Fire! Pure Heart yelled. Quickly, we have to put me back in my body!

I nodded. "Black Steel and Obsidian Baron, I need you to trap them in the hallway. Death, you block off the other entrances. Vapor Sky and Gray Shark, stand guard and make sure nothing interrupts me."

They all went to their posts and I went to the table.

You ready?

Heck yes. Let's do this.

I concentrated my magic and began to cast the spell.

"What the hell? Is that Princess Luna?" Kron said.

"What is she doing?" Bullet Blaster asked.

"She is trying to take my body! Stop her!" Flash Fire said.

Bullet Blaster came running at us and Kron stopped the boulders that Black Steel and Obsidian Baron were going to drop in front of the entrance.

Gray Shark jumped in front of us and produced a blade from his hoof. "Come and get some, Bullet Blaster."

"With pleasure." He smiled and picked up a bunch of rocks, loaded them into his gun, and began to fire.

Gray Shark sliced the projectiles out of the air with little effort and he smiled right back. "You are getting soft."

"Oh yeah? Try this on for size." He opened a pouch and started pouring in what appeared to be sharp teeth.

I was almost done with the spell and moved my head closer to Pure Heart's.

"Don't let her touch him!" Flash Fire screeched.

Kron ran at us, but Death produced tendrils and started shooting them at him. He nimbly dodge every attack, but was stopped.

"Do I have to do everything myself?" Flash Fire said. He concentrated and flames shot up all around the room. I was receiving several burns on my body, but it did not break my focus.

"No escape." He said with a grin.

I didn't pay him much attention, though, as at that moment, I touched Pure Heart's horn with my own and I felt a wave of energy shoot out into him.

After the spell was completed, I found that I had inhaled much of the smoke and I collapsed.

"Princess!" Vapor yelled. She jumped through the flames and dragged me out.

"Wait. What about Pure Heart?" I said weakly.

Without warning, a torrent of air swept across the room and all the flames went out. Everyone stood still and looked to the center of the room.

Pure Heart's body stood up and looked down at the table.

"What do we have here?" He picked up a sack and pulled out a red, sharp object.

"No! He has the horn! Don't let him take it!" Flash Fire screamed.

"Finders keepers." He said, sticking out his tongue as he held up the object. "Alright, let's see what this thing can do." He concentrated and as the object began to glow, large pillars of black crystal rose from the ground, consuming our comrades one by one. After being encased in the mineral, the crystals quickly sank back into the ground, leaving the earth around them as if it was never touched.

I was the second to the last to go, of course the last I assumed was Pure Heart. Right before I was completely encased by the rock, I heard Flash Fire yell.

"I will kill you all for this!"

Then, everything went black.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! In case you couldn't figure it out, that first song Pure Heart was singing was part of the Star Wars theme. Obviously the second one was Mission Impossible. Anyways, not much to say this week so thanks for reading and please remember to review or comment.

Bro/Sishoof - Ark125

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