• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,687 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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It's a Monster!

My New Life

Chapter 29 - It's a Monster!

"What's all the commotion about?" Twilight asked as she made her way into Ponyville Hospital.

"There was an attack up north and the doctors said they have never seen anything like it before." One of the nurses said.

"What, the wounds?"

"No. What we found inside the wound." Said a green mare.

"Oh, hello. I am Twilight Sparkle."

"I am Doctor Leaf." She bowed.

Twilight blushed. "There is really no need for that."

"Well, the reason we asked for you is that we found this claw fragment, but we are unsure of the beast that it came from."

"I see. Did you see the beast?"

"Yes and no. We saw its arms as it slaughtered two of the hikers we were sent to find."

"That's horrible!"

"You don't know the half of it." A gruff voice said.

Twilight turned to see an older stallion walking up the hallway. "Good evening." She said.

"I wish it was." He bowed. "Captain Sherwood, Northern Equestria Rescue Team leader. You are Miss Sparkle?"

Twilight nodded.

"Good, this is a very strange thing we have found and we can use somepony with as much knowledge as yourself."

She blushed again. "Oh, please. I am nothing special."

"Don't downplay yourself. You and your husband are renowned for your research skills all over Equiestria. I am honored to be in your presence."

"Seriously, that's enough." Eclipse said as he walked in to the room.

"He's right. Go ahead and give me the specimen so I can begin studying it." Twilight affirmed.

Sherwood gave her the specimen.

"Now I would like to get a description of the beast, if you don't mind?" Eclipse asked.

"Well, like I said before, we only got a look at its arms. The ponies who could give you a better description-"

"Are here." Blue Bell said as she and Rusty joined the group.

"Ah, Miss Bell. I see you found your friend." Sherwood said as he smiled.

"Yes, at least most of him." She sadly confirmed.

"What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked.

Rusty turned to Blue Bell and she nodded. He uttered a sigh and spoke. "I am Rusty Gear. I am Sunny Day's older brother and Blue Bell's fiancé. I was the first victim of the hike." He pulled off his cloak and everypony else gasped at the sight of his mangled body.

"How are you not dead?" Eclipse asked as he took a closer look at his missing limb.

"To tell you the truth, I am not sure. One minute I am at the beast's mercy, waiting for it to eat me, the next I am being carried by some kind of creature that walked on two legs."

"But it wasn't the beast?"

"No. Even though the beast also walked on two legs, this creature was somewhat nicer. Before I knew it, though, I was back in the blizzard, looking for the train station."

"Your story has a lot of holes in it." Eclipse said.

"I know. But I really don't know how to explain it any other way."

"Okay, well first I want to know the beast's description."

"Right. It was about two meters tall with long arms and had brown fur."

Eclipse pulled out a sketch pad and began to draw. "Uhuh. What else?"

"Oh, it had sharp teeth and horns." Blue Bell added. "But it was taller than two meters. It was more like three meters."

"Alright. Anything else?"

"The eyes. Those eyes were ones that seemed to pierce my very soul." Blue Bell said.

"Okay. Was this the beast you saw?" Eclipse held out the drawing.

Everypony stared in silence.

"Um, honey. That is a sailboat." Twilight said.

"Yes, well I never was great at drawing." He explained, throwing the sketchpad aside.

Everypony sighed at his horrible attempt.

"We will get a real sketch artist for you. In the meantime, why don't you two relax and wait for your friend to get out of surgery. Me and mister 'master artisan' will head back to the library to begin researching." Twilight concluded.

"I never said I was a master artisan." Eclipse pleaded in his defense.

"Miss Sparkle. There is two more things." Captain Sherwood said.

"Yes Captain?"

"The first is that it seems to not like warmth."

"Alright. And the second?" She said, writing that in her notes.

He motioned her closer. "It may have followed us here."

"Why is there snow in October?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"Does it matter? It's snow!" Applebloom exclaimed.

"That's right. And you know what that means?" Scootaloo said.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Ice Sculptors!" They all shouted together.

After five minutes Sweetie Belle looked over at the others sculptures. "Hey Scoots, I like your sculpture and all, but how did you make it so fast." Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah and what is it supposed to be?" Applebloom added.

"My sculpture? I thought one of you made it." Scootaloo said.

"It wasn't me." Sweetie Belle said.

"It's not mine neither." Applebloom commented.

"Well then, whose is it? It couldn't have made itself. Could it?"

Suddenly, the sculpture seemed to stir.

"Did it just move?" Sweetie Belle asked, taking a step back.

"No, its just your imagination." Scootaloo said.

The sculpture then emitted a low growl.

"I think it just growled at us." Applebloom said.

"Nah, its just a hunk of ice. I'll show ya." Scootaloo picked up her chisel and brought it close to the sculpture. Readying her hammer, she brought it down hard on the ice and the sculpture jumped up and howled in pain.

The girls screamed and ran away to the closest house they could find: Fluttershy's.

"Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Help us!" They screamed as they pounded on the door.

"Girls? What's wrong?" She asked in her dainty voice.

"Yeah. It looks like you saw a ghost." Kat Scratch added.

"No, it wasn't a ghost. It was a monster!" Sweetie Belle cried.

"A monster? Please. I'm sure you just saw a deer or something." Kat said.

"No, it was a monster. It was huge too. Like twenty feet tall." Scootaloo gestured with her legs to show that it was big, though her legs were still small so she didn't seem very convincing.

"So if I go outside, I will see a monster that stands above the tree line?" Kat asked.

"Don't go outside Kat! It will eat you!" Applebloom pleaded.

"Oh come on. Nothing is going to happen." She said as she opened the door.

"NOOO!" They all screamed.

"There is nothing out here."

"See girls. We told you there was nothing to worry abo-" Fluttershy was cut off.

"No, Shy. There is nothing out here. Like, none of your animals are out here."

"What?" She walked to the door and gasped. "You're right. They are all gone."

"And why is there snow all over the ground?" Kat asked.

"Oh, that must be it. The animals must think it is time to hibernate and so have all gone to do their things to prepare to do so." Fluttershy said optimistically.

"But then why are all of your chickens gone?" Kat asked.

"I don't know. Maybe they flew south for the winter." Fluttershy began to tear up a bit.

"Shy, you and I both know chickens can't fly."

"I know. I was just trying to be optimistic." The tears began to flow down her cheeks.

"Hey now. Don't go and do that." Kat tried to comfort her but to no avail. She looked around and saw something in the bushes. "Hey, that looks like a deer. Maybe it knows what happened."

Fluttershy looked over at the bushes and saw that there was indeed a pair of antlers sticking out of them. She sniffed and visibly lightened up. She walked over to the bush and straightened up. "Excuse me, but do you know what happened to all the animals?"

It didn't respond. It seemed preoccupied in eating something, at least, that is what it sounded like.

"Excuse me, may I please have your attention?"

It continued to munch away at whatever it was eating.

Getting more upset, Fluttershy finally worked up the courage to touch it to get its attention. "Excuse me, I am talking to you."

It stopped. It slowly began to stand and turn around. Every second, Fluttershy's eyes grew bigger with terror.

"Fluttershy! Run!" Kat screamed.

But she couldn't, she was paralyzed with fear. She realized that what it had been eating was her chickens. She could see the feathers strewn about and the blood smeared across its face. She was in shock from seeing all this.

The creature eased itself down until it was looking directly into her eyes. Then it let out a blood curdling screech, sending spittle and blood all over Fluttershy's face. That caused her to come out of her shock and she ran back to her cottage.

Strangely enough, the beast did not pursue, but instead disappeared back into the forest.

As soon as she was back inside her house, the girls swarmed her.

"That was it! That was the monster we saw!" Applebloom exclaimed.

"Told you it was huge!" Scootaloo added.

"Alright girls, back up. Give her some room, she needs to breathe." Kat said.

The girls slowly backed up and Kat helped Fluttershy to the couch, Angel gladly giving up his spot for her. He took her hoof and patted it slowly. She was back in a state of shock.

"It... It... It..." She tried to say, but couldn't utter anything else.

"Shh. It's okay. The monster is gone now. You're safe." Kat gently stroked her mane as she offered more comforting words. She turned to the CMCs. "Girls, I am going to take you home. It will be safer than it is here."

"But we want to help." Sweetie Belle whined.

Kat held up her hoof. "I know you do, but it is out of your hooves. This needs to be dealt with by professionals." She turned to Angel Bunny. "Look after her until I get back." He saluted and grabbed a carrot, lifted it to his shoulder and started walking back and forth in a military fashion.

"Come on girls, it will be dark soon."

The beast ran through the forest at top speed, destroying anything that got in its way.

It finally came to a clearing with a pond and a few animals drinking out of it. It stretched forth its paw and the pond quickly froze over.

The animals that were near the pond got scared and tried to flee. But the beast ran with such speed that it was able to dispatch the many animals within a few seconds. The once white snow was quickly turned red with the blood that was spilled from the animals. The beast then began to consume the many bodies. Though its hunger was still unsatisfied.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" Said a voice.

The beast turned its head to the sound.

"Oh, it has great hearing, too. That is pretty cool." Said a different voice.

"But, it sure is ugly."

The beast roared.

"Now, now. No need to be testy." Red Rum said, stepping out of the bushes.

"Yeah, we just want to help you feed." Bullet Blaster added as he also stepped out.

The beast roared again and began to charge at them.

"Oh my gosh, it's charging at us. What are we going to do?" Bullet Blaster said sarcastically. He looked at Red Rum with a grin.

Red Rum rolled his eyes with a smirk and put up a force field.

The beast rammed into the force field and then jumped back.

"You should just surround it." Bullet Blaster said.

"I was going to." He did so and the beast began ramming the walls, trying its best to get out.

"Man I never imagined it would be this creepy looking, did you?" Bullet Blaster asked.

Red Rum shrugged. "Doesn't really matter to me. As long as it does what it has to." Directing his attention to the beast, he pulled out a device. "Now this is going to hurt a lot. Would you like to do the honors Blaster?"

"Heck yes!"

Red Rum hoofed him the device and he stuck it in his gun. He aimed and fired at the beast. Its howls of pain could be heard throughout the region.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! So I have a question for you all? Do you guys like the gore I sometimes put in? If you don't, I will tone it down a bit. Please answer. Anyways, we have fan music for Pony Split: The Movie by DerpyFacey. The link is in my blog on fimfiction. Check it out! Thanks for reading and please review.

Bro/Sishoof - Ark125

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