• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,687 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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Final Assault

My New Life

Chapter 63 – Final Assault

3rd Person POV - Main Hall

After stepping out of the portal, Megadagik walked over to Krom.

“Okay, bug. Where do we go?”

Krom looked around and pointed to the doors in the back. “Through there. That will lead to the courtyard.”

They headed towards the courtyard and upon arrival were greeted by screeching and howling. Walking in further revealed an arena. In the stands were several hundred wendigos that roared as if cheering.

In the middle of the field, a stand rose from the ground with Discord on it holding a microphone. “Welcome all to Cold Coliseum!” His voice boomed through the arena. “This is where we will decide who will live and who will die. Now, to explain how this will go down, please welcome Black Heart!”

A portal opened up next to Discord and Black Heart walked out, taking the microphone from Discord.

“Thank you all for coming, please have a seat.” Chairs grew from the ground behind the group and they hesitated. “Do not fear, they are just chairs. This will be a civil event.” Again they hesitated, but went ahead and sat down.

“Now then, here is what will happen. My generals will be announced and then you will decide who among you will fight them. Each fight will be different in way of rules. If you win against a general, then you move on to the next. If you lose, you die. If you are able to defeat all my generals, then you will get to fight me.”

“And what if I want to kill you right now?” Megedagik threatened.

“You could try, but you will find you are unable to move.” The group struggled to move but were immobilized. “Those chairs are imbued with paralyzing magic. You will only be able to stand when you are chosen to fight. So sit back and relax, the game is about to begin. The first round will be against Bullet Blaster.”

Bullet Blaster stepped out on to the field from a side tunnel. “Who will be the first to die?” He asked, his hands turning into guns.

Gray Shark spoke up. “I will fight him.”

“As will I.” Dawn said.
“Me too.” Vinnie said.

The three were released from their bonds and stood up, walking to the field.

“Very good.” Black Heart said walking back into the portal with Discord walking in behind him, reappearing on a balcony in the back.

“It’s been a long time, Gray Shark.” Bullet Blaster jested.

“Not long enough.” Gray Shark retorted.

Bullet Blaster laughed then looked at Dawn and Vinnie. “You two are unarmed? I can fix that.” A rack of weapons rose from the ground.

“All I need are my fists.” Vinnie said, cracking his knuckles.

Dawn walked over and grabbed a sword and shield. “These will do.”

“Wonderful, now we can begin.” Bullet Blaster started firing off rounds from his hands at Dawn who used blocked them with his shield.

Gray Shark’s hand turned into a pirate sword as he ran forward and slashed at Bullet Blaster who blocked with his right gun and went to fire with his left gun at close range but was unable to as Vinnie held back his arm.

Bullet Blaster shook him off and kicked Gray Shark away. From behind, Dawn swung with his sword and cut off Bullet Blaster’s right arm. In reply, Bullet Blaster knocked him to the ground with a swing of his left arm and tried to shoot him but was tackled to the ground by Vinnie who punched him in the face.

Gray Shark ran up and stabbed Bullet Blaster in the heart, making him sputter blood. “It’s over Bullet Blaster.”

“It sure is.” His gun rotated and shot Gray Shark in the shoulder, causing him to fall backwards. “Something to remember me by.” He whispered as he slumped over and died.

“It’s over! Bullet Blaster is defeated!” Discord’s voice echoed.

Gray Shark stood up, holding his shoulder as Vinnie helped up Dawn, patting him on the back.

“I had no idea you knew how to fight.” Vinnie said to Dawn.

“I know a little bit of swordsmanship. Is Gray Shark okay?”

“I’m fine. Just a flesh wound.” He said, walking over.

“Will the winners please proceed through the portal? You are no longer needed here.” Discord said as a portal opened near the three.

“And what is on the other side?” Dawn asked.

“Why, it is home of course. Like I said, you aren’t needed here anymore and in winning have earned the right to go home.”

“How can we trust that is a portal home and not to some torture chamber?” Gray Shark asked.

Suddenly, a woman with purple hair and a white dress stepped out of the portal. “He is telling the truth, dear.” Rarity said. “That portal appeared right in the throne room. You can come home now.” She held out her hand and Gray Shark looked back at the others, still paralyzed in the chairs.

“Don’t worry about us, Gray Shark. You go and get patched up.” Eclipse said.

He nodded and took Rarity’s hand, walking into the portal as Dawn and Vinnie followed. Once through, the portal closed.

“Alright! Next up is Flash Fire! Who will fight?”

“Krom and I will!” Chrysalis exclaimed.

The paralysis subsided and the two stood up and walked onto the field where Flash Fire was waiting for them.

“My rules are quite simple: magic only.”

“Of course it is.” Krom rolled his eyes.

“Ready, set, FIGHT!”

Flash Fire immediately shot flames out of his palms at Krom who jumped out of the way and countered with an energy blast from his hand. Chrysalis ran behind and shot a beam out of her finger at Flash Fire to which he raised a barrier of flames to deflect both attacks, following up with spouts of flame from the ground underneath Krom.

He tried his best to dodge but got burned on the left arm. He fell to the ground, clutching his arm.

Flash Fire smirked and raised a wall of fire between him and Krom, turning to see Chrysalis shooting another beam at him to which he quickly dodged, blasting a fire ball at close range, hitting Chrysalis directly in the stomach and sending her flying across the field.

“How dare you!” Krom yelled, sending a scythe-like wave of energy at Flash Fire which hit right in the neck, lopping off his head.
“Heh. Guess I shouldn’t have messed with your people, huh?” Flash Fire’s disembodied head said.

“No, you shouldn’t have messed with my wife.” Krom spat, kicking the head as he rushed over to help Chrysalis.

Flash Fire’s head and body then turned to ashes.

“Flash Fire loses.” Discord said solemnly.

Krom reached Chrysalis and helped her up. “Are you okay, Chrysi?”

“I’m fine. Just a large burn is all.” She showed her blackened stomach with blood running down.

“Let’s get that treated.” He smiled. A portal opened and he helped her through.

“Up next is Sombra! Who will fight?”

“Corrosive Dash will!” Maim said.

“Then we will too.” Shadowbane added.

“I am fine with that.” Corrosive said.

They were released and met Sombra on the field.

“You two will find out how I was able to enslave an empire.” Sombra sneered. “My rules are easy enough. You may not use magic.” He held up his hand and a black crystal band grew around Corrosive Dash’s and Shadowbane’s heads. “And you may not use combat.”

“Too easy!” Maim yelled, as he constricted Sombra. “Now Corry!”

Corrosive Dash roared and Sombra turned to dust.

“…Um, I guess it’s over? Sombra loses.” Discord said flabbergasted.

A portal opened and Corrosive Dash stepped through.

“Oh come on! Bring on Discord! I want to cut him up!” Maim yelled.

“No, no. We did our part. Time to go home.” Shadowbane explained calmly.

“Aw man, that wasn’t fun at all.” Maim whined as they followed Corrosive Dash through the portal, closing behind them.

“Well then, I guess it’s my turn.” Discord said, appearing on the field. “Who will be my victim?”
Eclipse looked at Ark and Megedagik.

“Don’t look at us, buddy. I am here for Black Heart and Ark is going to help me. You are on your own.” Megedagik said.

Eclipse gulped hard and spoke up. “I-I guess its me.” He was released and walked up to Discord.

“No worried friends. This is not a combat themed trial, but a trial of wits. You merely have to answer my riddle. You get it right and I defect and join your side.”

“WHAT?!” Black Heart screamed.

“Let me finish.” He assured. “If you lose, you die.”

“Fine with me. Bring it on.” Eclipse said confidently.

“Alright, here is the riddle.” A podium appeared in front of Eclipse. “A window cleaner is cleaning a window on the 25th floor of a skyscraper when suddenly, he slips and falls. He has no safety equipment and nothing to soften his fall, and yet he is not hurt. How can this be?”

Eclipse thought for a moment and smiled. “He was cleaning on the inside.”

“That is correct! You win!” Discord turned to Black Heart who was walking towards them. “Sorry chief, but I quit.”

“Fine, traitor. Just know when I take care of those two, you’re next.”

A portal opened and Eclipse and Discord walked through and it closed behind them.

Ark and Megedagik were released and they walked over to Black Heart.

“Well that didn’t take very long at all.” Black Heart shrugged. “No matter. It will be nice to have an opponent worthy of fighting me.”

Megedagik cracked his knuckles. “Oh, how I have waited to finish beating you to a pulp.”

“Please, do you actually think you had the upper hand earlier? I was merely letting you hit me so I could assess your fighting style.”

“Really? And did you figure it out?”

“Indeed. You fight like a wild animal. You don’t stop to think, you just let loose your anger.”

“Enough talk. Let’s fight!”

Megedagik’s fingers grew into their blood claws and he started towards Black Heart who smirked and stepped aside. Megedagik stopped next to him and spun on his heel to slash upwards at Black Heart, connecting with his side but it glanced off. Black Heart back handed him, sending him a few feet away.

Ark put his hands on the ground and purple crystals grew on his arms and more began to envelop his body until he was covered in crystal armor. He sprinted towards Black Heart and delivered an uppercut on his chin making him fly into the air. Ark opened a portal under himself and appeared above Black Heart and axe kicked him in the stomach which sent Black Heart back down to the ground. Ark appeared next to Megedagik.

“Let’s finish this.” Megedagik said.

Ark nodded and opened several small portals around Megedagik and Black Heart who was just getting up. Megedagik closed his eyes and blood began to ooze out of his pores. His eyes snapped open and shouted, “Iron-Blood Maiden!” The blood froze into thousands of needles and shot out through the portals, impaling Black Heart from every direction. Ark let the portals go and Megedagik fell to one knee out of breath.

“Nailed him!” Ark shouted, pumping his fist in the air.

“Is that so?”

Before they could turn, Ark was kicked in the side and skidded across the field as Megedagik was punched in the head and fell to the ground. He tried to push himself up, but a heavy leg blow made him collapse again.

“That was an interesting attack. I surely would have been a goner if I hadn’t shifted out of the way.” Black Heart said. He kicked Megedagik over so he was on his back and then squatted down next to him. “Though I think it was quite silly to use such a powerful attack without wearing me out first. I mean, just look at yourself, totally worn out and nothing to show for it.”

Megedagik spat in his face. “You talk too much.” He grinned.

Black Heart wiped the spit from his face. “Just for that, I’ll make sure you never talk again.” He stood up and summoned a black ethereal blade. “Say goodbye.”

Equestria – Canterlot Throne Room

Everyone watched in horror as Black Heart kicked Ark and struck the weakened Megedagik to the ground. After he spoke, he materialized a sword.

“NO! I won’t let this happen! Not again!” Luna cried.

“There is nothing you can do. I am sorry.” Celestia said.
“Just watch me!” Luna’s horn began to glow and a portal engulfed her. “I’m coming Pure Heart!”

Earth - Battle Field

Megedagik closed his eyes for what he thought was finally his end. He felt at peace as his life of loneliness passed before his eyes. Then a scream echoed out through the field and he felt a warm liquid drip on his face. He opened his eyes and saw Luna smiling at him.

“Hello, Pure Heart.” She spluttered as blood dripped from her mouth onto his face again.

He blinked in confusion. “W-what? Luna?” His eyes trailed down her figure but stopped when he saw the black sword sticking out of her abdomen. It slowly withdrew and she fell on top of him. “W-why did you do that?”

“Because-” She paused to cough up blood. “I love you.”

Black Heart laughed. “Oh, how sweet. Your wife protected you with her own body.”

“But… why didn’t Ark’s shield protect you?” Megedagik asked.

“Fool. You don’t know what this sword is made of, do you? It’s dark matter. It’s able to penetrate anything.”

Megedagik struggled to sit up and turned Luna over, holding her in his arms. “I don’t understand. You love me?”

“Of course I do, silly.” She managed to smile weakly. “I always have and always will.”

At that moment, something clicked in his brain. “I… I love you too.” He took her hand in his.

She laughed lightly. “I knew you did. You just needed a little push…” She trailed off and closed her eyes, her hand slipping from his.

“Luna? LUNA!” When she didn’t respond, he pulled her in close and buried his face in her neck.

Black Heart laughed. “If you hadn’t acted so stupidly, maybe she would have lived.”

Megedagik began to laugh as well. “You’re right.” He gingerly set Luna aside, his head still bowed down, and got up on one knee. “It is my fault that she is gone.” He slowly rose from his kneeling position, shakily getting to his feet. “But you share the blame as well.” He raised his head and his eyes were glowing red. “That’s something I will never forgive.”

Black Heart clapped. “Let me guess, the love you suddenly feel for her has given you the strength to go on. How cliché.”
“Wrong. It’s the hatred I have for you!” Megedagik looked at Luna. “Ark!”

Ark appeared from a portal. “Yeah man.”

“Take her back to Equestria. I am finishing this.”

Ark’s eyes grew wide. “You can’t be serious.”

Megedagik growled.

“Fine, fine.” Ark carefully picked up Luna.

“One more thing.” Megedagik whispered in Ark’s ear and he nodded.

“Gotcha. It’s been an honor.” Ark opened a portal and walked through with Luna in his arms.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Black Heart asked, raised his hand to make an attack.

His arm was held fast though by Megedagik. “Nowhere of your concern.” The portal closed, leaving Megedagik alone with Black Heart and a thousand wendigos.

“That was a mistake.” Black Heart grinned. “Do you really think you can defeat me and my army by yourself?”

“I only needed Ark here as support. I alone can destroy you and everything you have built.”

“And how do you plan to do that?” Black Heart broke his arm free and stepped away.

“After several centuries, I learned to harness a power greater that splitting matter.”

“Yeah, yeah. You can outright destroy matter.”

“There is that, but I was speaking of something different.”

Megedagik appeared behind Black Heart and grappled his body. “Anti-Matter Meld!” His body began to melt on top of Black Heart.

“What are you doing, Megedagik?!” Black Heart screeched.

“My name is Pure Heart!” He roared, his body covering every inch of Black Heart’s skin. “Molecular Devestation!”

Equestria – Throne Room

The screen on the crystal turned to static as Ark appeared with Luna.
“Luna!” Celestia screamed as she ran over to them.

“Don’t worry. She will be just fine.” He set her down and his horn began to glow and the hole in her stomach began to seal up.

Her eyes snapped open and she gasped. She looked down at her stomach and touched where the hole used to be. “I’m alive?”

“You weren’t dead. Just unconscious.” Ark said.

“What happened? Where is Pure Heart?” She asked, looking to Celestia.

“We don’t know. I was asking going to ask Ark.” She said.

“He’s…gone.” Ark said solemnly.

“Gone? What do you mean gone?” Luna asked.

“As in wiped from the face of the Earth. He used his last resort: anti-matter.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that he gave his atoms an opposite charge and when he collided with Black Heart, his atoms set off an explosion. Basically, set off a nuclear blast. I was able to set up a barrier around the field and contain the blast, but there is nothing left there.”

“But he can’t be gone! Not again!” Luna screamed, breaking down crying.

Author's Note:

Hello everypony! Don't worry, I'm not dead, just lazy. It has been two years since the last chapter was uploaded and I am sorry. But I am also glad because I have been reworking the final chapter in my head for the past couple weeks. It will be much better then it was before. Also, I have been thinking of a few other stories, so there is that. I hope you are all still out there. Love you all!



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