• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,687 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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Join Me or Perish

My New Life

Chapter 54 - Join Me or Perish

Black Heart's POV

"Alright everyone, bring it in!" I yelled in the throne room of my Antarctic castle.

"What's up boss?" Flash Fire asked as he and Discord came into the room. The rest of my associates soon followed except for Chrysallis who was attending to Luna and Kron and Bullet Blaster who were holding down the fort in Equestria.

"Now that my wedding plans have been made, we can go to Part 2 of my plan."

"Part 2?" Sombra queried. "What does this entail?"

"World domination!" I said excitedly, thrusting my fist into the air.

"We already knew about that." Discord said. "Equestria will fall and you will be the supreme ruler. Yadah yadah yadah." He mocked by mimicking a mouth with his hand.

"Yes, I will control Equestria, but I was talking about this world."

Everyone gasped.

"This world?! Are you mental?! Do you know what kind of power humans have?" Red Rum scolded.

"Oh please, I'm not stupid. I have this all figured out. In fact, taking over this planet will actually be far easier than taking over Equestria. And it will also be so much fun!"

"Fun you say?" Discord asked, stroking his beard.

"Yes my chimeric friend, loads of fun. For I have something that these pitiful humans don't."

"What's that, sir?" Flash Fire asked.

"Magic." I snapped my fingers and a chair of black crystal rose from the floor.

"One slight detail. How are we supposed to assist if we have no magic?" Sombra asked.

"Have you forgotten that I can give you your magic back? It was I who filtered everyone here when you came through my portal." I motioned for Discord to step forward and then placed my palm on his forehead. I concentrated and I felt a rush of energy come out of my hand and pulse through his body. He spasmed a bit, but then stood up. "How do you feel Discord?"

He smiled and snapped his fingers. Two horns popped out of the white hair on his head and a tail grew out of his backside. "Like this world could use a bit of chaos."

"Now don't get any funny ideas. I gave you your power, but I can take it away with a mere thought, got it?"

"Fine, fine. I promise to keep it under control." He grinned.

"You better. Now after I give the rest of you your powers back, here is what will happen..."

United Nations, New York City

"This meeting of the United Nations held in New York City of the United States of America is now called to order." Barrack Obama declared. "We will start with a roll call."






The doors burst open at the top of the stair case.

"Excuse me, but how did you get in here? How did you get past the guards stationed out front?" Obama asked.

The man laughed. "Didn't you hear? They had a hair emergency, but I fixed them right up. All they really needed was a little off the top." He held up a two heads and threw them, leaving a blood trail down the stairs. The room erupted into gasping and curses.

"We do not condone terrorists." Obama said.

"Barry, I'm heart broken. I am no terrorist. I am the representative of a new nation."

"Oh really? We discussed no new nations in our last meeting." The representative of China said.

"That is because I declared us a nation only a few short weeks ago, my good sir."

"You did? How is that? There has been no paper work issued."

"I need no paper work. I have decided this upon the principle of force."

"Well what nation is it that you have claimed?" Obama asked.

The man smiled. "Antarctica."

There was a lot of murmurs around the room.

"Order. Order." Obama said, pounding a gabble on the stand. The room quieted down. "Antarctica, huh? Tell me-"

"Black Heart." The man walked down the steps, kicking a head to the side as he descended to the stage, taking a seat next to Obama. "My name is Black Heart and I am the ruler of Antarctica."

"Tell me, Black Heart, how do you expect us to recognize you as ruler of a land that was decided no one should have control over."

"Because my people now inhabit it."

"Who would that be, penguins?" The rep of Malta said, causing an uproar of laughter amongst the room.

"Good one. No, let me introduce you to my body guards. They are of my people." Black Heart snapped his fingers and their were suddenly two creatures standing next to him. The room gasped in horror.

"What in God's name are those?!"

"These are a species of legend. One that will haunt you in your nightmares for the rest of your lives. These are wendigos!" The creatures gave off a horrible screech that caused everyone in the room to cover their ears.

"Wendigos. The spirit of cannibalism?"

"Indeed. Antarctica is the perfect land for them to dwell in and they will one day cover the Earth. For now, though, I control their insatiable hunger." At that moment, one of the beasts picked up a severed head and took a bite out of it like an apple.

Several representatives threw up at the sight and the sound of skull fragments being crushed as it chewed it's snack.

"That is absolutely horrifying. That man had a family waiting for him at home." Obama said with disgust.

"Well then I did them a favor. I know I certainly don't have the patience for that kind of thing." Black Heart laughed.

"You sick, twisted man. How dare you barge in here, causing distress and turmoil in such a place. This room is meant for peace among nations and settling conflict, not violence." The representative of Ghana said.

"Hey, I was planning on being peaceful, those guards are the ones that attacked me and I was simply protecting myself. But enough chit-chat, I came here for a reason besides declaring my sovereignty over Antarctica." He said straightening out the sleeves of his black suit. "I wanted to make an announcement. And- Oh dear." He said looking around.

"What's the matter?" Obama asked.

"Well I was hoping the media would be here so I could make this announcement to the world."

"No worries, we got your back." Said a voice.

"What was that?" The rep of Japan asked.

"Ah, Discord! You did come!" Black Heart said out loud.

"Who are you talking to?" Obama asked.

A man with horns rose out of the floor sitting in a director's chair holding an old-timey megaphone. Another man with red hair and a red shirt with black jeans appeared next to him with a camera in hand. "That would be me." Discord walked up to Obama and shook his hand. "Discord is the name. Professional everything. This is my assistant Flash Fire."

"Pleased to meet ya Mr. President." Flash Fire said shaking Obama's hand vigorously.

Hushed questions could be heard around the room.

"What happened?"

"How did they do that?"

"Is this some kind of new military technology?"

"No my fellow representatives. What you just witnessed was something beyond your comprehension. It is called 'magic'." Black Heart explained.

"What do you plan to do with your camera? No one will air such absurd footage." The rep of Canada said.

"That's fine because we are filming live to the whole world! Hit it!" Black Heart said.

(Present) Nightshade's POV

I was watching TV with Julie and Marcy late at night. It was a show called Family Feud and the host of the show was very funny. The show seemed to be one of their favorites.

Anyways, right as the host was reading off a card, the TV went blank. "Mom, the TV is broken!" Marcy yelled out.

"We interrupt your pitiful and meaningless lives for a very special announcement." The TV said.

"Nevermind! It's working again!" Marcy yelled.

The screen flickered and showed a man standing at a podium. "Hello people of planet Earth. My name is Black Heart and I am here at the United Nations in New York City. Currently with me is President Barrack Obama and my two body guards. Say hello boys."

The camera zoomed out showing two hideous creatures that gave off ferocious howls.

"Hey, that man looks familiar." I said.

"President Obama? Yeah, we all know who he is." Julie said.

"No, not him, the man that is talking. He looks a lot like my dad."

"Really?" Marcy asked.

I took a closer look at the TV. "Yes, I am sure that is my dad. He just has different colored hair."

Just then the phone rang and Kit picked it up. "Hello? Oh hey Mom... The TV? Zach is on the TV?" Kit came into the room and looked at the TV. "I agree that looks like Zach. Alright I'll talk to you about it later. Bye." She hung up the phone and looked at me. "Nightshade, do you think that is your dad?"

"It sure looks like him."

"Shh. He is talking again." Marcy said.

"I suppose you are wondering what I am doing, interrupting your shows. Well I have an announcement. I, the ruler of Antarctica, am going to get married." There was some clapping. "Thank you. I am getting married to Princess Luna of Equestria." An image of my mom in human form appeared on screen. "I want the ruler of every country to attend our wedding. Being sent to them right now is the registry with what I want as a wedding gift." He held up a piece of paper. "You will notice there is only one item on the list. It is for them to give me the sovereignty over their country." There was a gasp in the room he stood. "A toaster would be nice too, but the sovereignty thing is mandatory."

"And what if we don't comply with your outrageous demands?" The camera turned to face another man, the caption at the bottom said he was the representative of Israel.

"I am so glad you asked." The camera turned back to Black Heart. "If you will turn your attention to this screen behind me." He snapped his fingers and a large TV appeared behind him. "On the screen you see the distant image of an island. This island is one of the Florida Keys. Now watch closely." He held up his hand in front of the screen and slowly began to close his hand into a fist. As he did, the island began to shake violently and birds could be seen fleeing from the island. The island soon split in half and as he closed his hand completely, the island sank into the depths of the sea.

Everyone gasped and he smiled.

"That is not my daddy. My daddy would never do such a horrible thing." I said.

"Yes everyone, I have the power to destroy lives and that was only one way I could do it. That was only small scale and was just to show how powerful I am. I can do a lot worse. Don't think that you can beat me either. In such an event that I was defeated, which will never happen because you humans are petty and stupid, I have rigged up a thermonuclear bomb and placed it deep under the ice of Antarctica so if I was to die, it would melt all the ice and flood the planet."

"You monster!" The representative of Iran said. He jumped up on the table he sat behind and reached into his coat, pulling out a small firearm. "I will show you!" He pulled the trigger and in a second the projectile flew right in front of the camera lens. But the bullet never made contact as Black Heart had vanished.

"That was a dumb move." Black Heart said, appearing in front of the rep. He took hold of the man's wrist that held the gun as he pulled out a sword from the ground. "I believe the punishment for stealing in your country is losing a hand. So I will be kind." With a swift motion, Black Heart brought the sword down on the man's shoulder, severing it.

"Ahh!" The man screamed as he stumbled backward off the table. The representatives sitting next to him quickly went to work to help the man. One pulled off his shirt and made a turn a kit as the other began to call what I assume was 911.

"You see my friends, I was not kidding. Do not cross me." Black Heart dropped the man's arm on to the desk and walked to, then down the steps back to the stage with the sword over his shoulder. "I am the most powerful being on this planet. No, I am not an angry god. I am much, much worse." Once he stood behind the podium again, he threw the sword down, causing the blade to bury itself deep into the stage. Grasping the sides of the podium, he spoke again. "In Greek mythology, there were four deities that came before the gods. I now declare myself to be the fifth."

"What are you saying?" Obama asked.

Black Heart smirked and turned, staring straight into the camera. "I am Black Heart! Ruler of Antarctica and soon the planet Earth! And I... Am a Titan!"

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! Sorry that it has been a few months, but I got lazy. Anyways, I have a bit of advice for you all. If you own a car, make sure to check the oil level at least once a week. Make sure you change your oil every 3000 miles as well. I tell you this because I have once again killed my car by neglecting the oil. Don't make my $3000 mistake, check your oil! Not much else to say except that this chapter in no way reflects my views of the world or other countries. If you took offense from this chapter, I do humbly apologize. I am in no way, shape, or form a terrorist. Alright, thanks for reading and please leave a review or comment.

Bro/Sishoof - Ark125

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