• Published 24th Jun 2012
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My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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Wedding Bells and Portals

My New Life

Chapter 59 – Wedding Bells and Portals

Luna's POV

The day had finally come. The day that my entire world would end.

I sat in front of my vanity as servants did my hair and makeup. We had already been sitting around for what seemed the better part of an hour when they had finished. I thanked them as they walked out the door, leaving me to my thoughts.

How did it get to this point? I wondered. Do I have myself to blame?

A knock at the door brought me back to my senses.

"Come in." I called out.

"Oh Luna, you look stunning in that dress." Chrysalis commented.

"I suppose." I said quietly.

"Don't be so excited." She said sarcastically.

"You know how I feel about all of this, yet you mock me?"

"Whoa, whoa. I was just kidding." She threw her hands out defensively.

"I'm sorry. I just feel abandoned. I thought someone would have stopped all this madness by now."

"Well take heart, dear Luna. My husband has gotten word that your sister has been able to make a spell to get to this world."

"Really?" I perked up a bit and looked at her.

"Indeed. They should be arriving any time now."

I then looked away. "Even if they get here, what can they do? Black Heart is a monster that cannot be beaten."

She pulled up a chair and sat next to me. "If I have learned anything about your friends, it's that they can overcome any obstacle. Besides, I've heard they have a secret weapon."

"Secret weapon? Well I hope it is pretty spectacular. Do you have any idea of what it may be?"

"From what I've heard, they don't even know exactly what it is."

"Super. All my hopes lie on something of an unknown nature."

"Yeah. Well, all we can do is put our faith in them. Now buck up, you have a graduation to attend. Then after that-"

"I know, I know. The wedding."

Future Nightshade's POV

"Is everyone ready to go?" I asked the battalion that lay before me.

They all shouted in agreement.

"Good. Our intel says that the vows will be exchanged at 6:00 PM tonight. That is when we will activate our spell so that we can all go through. When we all have gotten to the other side, we will have transformed into humans, though we should have no problems with that as you have had extensive training done in that form already thanks to our skilled unicorns. The only problem you will have is taking out wendigo soldiers. Instructions on how to combat them will be reviewed by Eclipse."

Eclipse walked to the podium at which I stood and nodded at the screen behind him. "Now as we all know, the wendigos are creatures of the cold. Considering that, and based on my research, I believe the only way to destroy them is with a large heat source such as flames. Unfortunately, we are unable to use magic in the human realm, so magic fire is out of the question. However, this does not mean we can't disable them. If you are able to sever the head from the body, the wendigo will cease to function for a while. This is not to say it is an easy feat as wendigos are extremely fast. In fact, it will be down right near impossible to get close to them without a distraction." With that, Eclipse sat down.

I went back to the podium. "I know many of you are wondering how you expect to survive this battle. The truth is I doubt many will survive. But I wouldn't have asked for your sacrifice unless it was for a good cause. The cause being the prevention of the destruction of both our world and the human world. So I say again: Are you ready?"

The battalion shouted again in consensus.

"Fantastic. We begin our assault in 4 hours. Dismissed!"

At that, the battalion went about its duties to prepare for our stand against Black Heart.

"I had no idea you were such a leader."

I turned to see Vapor Sky walking up behind me.

"Oh, you know. You tend to learn these kinds of things when you have lead as many rebellions as I have."

"You've done this before?"

"I have. Though it always turns out the same."

"How's that?"

"Everyone but a lucky few get slaughtered."

"So you expect that to happen again?"

"I sincerely hope not. I am hoping that our spell will work."

"I guess we won't know until we try. Until then, we should all get some rest. We are going to need it."

"Yeah, you are right."

Luna's POV

I was actually kind of excited for the graduation. For one, I finally got to see all my studying come to fruition. And two, I would get to see John Smith again.

"Will Lady Luna please come forward?" Discord asked.

I walked up to the podium.

"Lady Luna. On behalf of us all, it is my pleasure to award you this degree." Discord handed me a rolled up piece of paper. "Smile!" A camera flashed and I walked away from the stand.

"Now time for the wedding!" Discord said, snapping his fingers, causing the hall we were in to turn into a wedding chapel.

"Wait. What about John Smith?" I asked.

"Excuse me?" Discord asked.

"Black Heart promised I would get to see John Smith before he was sent back home."

"Of course my sweet." Black Heart said from behind me, making me jump.

"Don't do that!" I yelled.

He stifled a chuckle. "My bad. Anyways, I kept my promise. Look out the window."

I walked to the window and saw a ship heading out to sea. "It's a boat, so what?"

He held up a pair of binoculars. "Here, use these."

I took them from his hands and held them up, focusing on the ship. I saw John Smith waving at me, but something seemed off about him. Before I could investigate further, the fog enveloped the ship and I lost sight of it.

"There you go, I kept my promise. Now you keep yours."

I sighed. "Fine. I will be back in 2 hours."

After 2 hours, I was escorted from my room to the front doors of the main hall by Bullet Blaster and Red Rum.

"Wait here, Lady Luna." Bullet Blaster said.

"What are we waiting for?"

"Your intro, of course." Red Rum explained.

After a few minutes, I heard an organ play begin to play.

"Ready my dear?" Red Rum asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Red Rum and Bullet Blaster opened the doors and the crowd of world leaders turned to look at us.

I breathed deeply. "Here we go." I said to myself as I began to walk down the aisle.

Future Nightshade's POV

"5 minutes until we deploy!" I shouted. The battalion was in its ranks and ready for combat. I was currently running over the specifics of the symbols I need to create when I got to the other side.

"Here you go, Nightshade." Eclipse said, giving me a vial with a glowing, green liquid inside. "This should let you use your magic for an instant. As the reagents for it were extremely scarce, I was only able to make enough for one use of your magic, so make it count."

"Thanks Eclipse. You sure you won't come?"

"No. The others and I need to stay here and take care of the wives. We'll be rooting for you, though."

"Thanks." I started to turn when he stopped me.



"Kick his ass."

"I will."

Eclipse left and Celestia approached me. "You ready for this?"

"I believe so."

"You have the symbols memorized?"


"Good. What are you going to do about the last part?"

"I think I have an idea. All we can do is hope it works."

"Right. Well, here's hoping it all turns out for the best." She got closer and hugged me. "Be careful."

"Hey. Who do you think you are talking to? I am my father's son after all."

She let go. "That's what I'm afraid of."

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay."

"1 minute until departure!" Vapor Sky yelled.

"Everyone get into positions!" I yelled. I got into my own spot and made sure I had all my equipment. "Here we go."

Luna's POV

After a while of Discord droning on and on about marriage, he finally got to the part with the vows.

"Do you, Lord Black Heart, take Lady Luna as your wife?"

Black Heart looked at me with a grin. "I do."

"And do you, Lady Luna, take Lord Black Heart as your husband?"

I looked out at the crowd, hoping for something to happen. When nothing did, I looked down. "I do." I said solemnly as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"If there are any objections at this time, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Suddenly a loud humming noise filled the hall. We all looked behind us and saw a portal open up.

"Sire, why did you open a portal?" Flash Fire asked.

"I didn't, you buffoon!" Black Heart snapped.

A tall man in blue armor stepped out of the portal. "I object!"

Future Nightshade's POV

I crossed through the portal and saw everyone in the room staring at me.

"I object!" I yelled.

"And just who do you think you are, making such an objection?" He asked.

"My name is Nightshade, and we are here to stop you."

"We?" Black Heart stepped down from the platform. "Who is this we?"

"My battalion and I." I turned to see the portal had closed and that there was no one behind me. "Crap."

"This is a treat. I was starting to think no one would be stupid enough to interrupt my wedding, yet I was delightfully mistaken. Even better, it's my idiot son from the future." He then drew my father's sword from his waist. "It was a pity to find that there was no magic left in this sword, especially since I have no control over splitting molecules like your father did. Sadly, he was able to block that part of his mind when I was created. But no use crying over spilled milk."

As he continued to ramble, I quickly drank the vial and felt magic run through me. I then began to use my magic to make craters in the ground in the shape of the symbols.

"Are you even listening?" Black Heart asked. He was now standing in front of me. He kicked me which sent me flying into the doors behind me.

"Nightshade!" My mother screamed.

"I'm fine." I said, though I very clearly heard something break on impact.

"What do we have here?" He looked at the symbols etched into the marble floor. "Why I have never seen these symbols before? Have a look Discord."

Discord ran down and looked at the symbols as well. "I can't say I have ever seen anything like these before. Though whatever they are, they look complete."

I looked out the window and saw the full moon shining. I grinned. Just a few moments and it will be in the correct position.

Black Heart approached me. "What are you smiling at?" He followed my gaze and saw the moon as well. "You need the power of the moon for something, huh?" He tilted his head back and laughed. "Well you picked a great night for it." He continued to laugh as he walked back to the stage accompanied by Discord.

"Sire, do you want me to destroy his circle?" Red Rum asked, walking beside him.


"No? But sir, he is very clearly trying to ruin your wedding."

"Let him try. I guarantee it won't do a thing."

"As you wish." He bowed and walked back to me, returning to his post at the door.

"Everyone observe!" Black Heart yelled. "Watch this sad man's foolish attempt to stop me!"

Silence encased the room as everyone looked at me and my circle. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the moon was in the right spot for it to shine completely on the circle.

"Behold the means the means of your end, Black Heart!" I yelled with triumph in my voice.

After a few minutes, Black Heart began laughing. "What did I tell you? Just a sad man's delirium."

I looked down and saw that the circle wasn't reacting to the light of the moon at all. "W-what?"

"I thought you of all people would know this after being stuck on this planet for so many years, dear son. This world has no magic of its own. The moon holds no power. The only magic on this plane is my own and that which I bestow." He turned to Sombra and whispered something.

Sombra nodded and walked over to me. He lifted me up by the neck and said, "Lights out, boy." He then punched me in the stomach, shattering my armor and making me spit up blood and then pass out.

Luna's POV

"Nightshade!" I yelled in horror when his body went limp. Sombra dropped him and pulled out a small, silver tube from around his neck. When he blew into it, a wendigo appeared which he directed towards Nightshade. It picked him up and slung him over its shoulder.

I tried to run off the stage, but was blocked by Black Heart putting up his arm and raised his other arm to summon a portal next to Sombra. I looked on as Sombra walked through the portal with the wendigo and my son in tow.

After the portal closed, I turned to Black Heart. "Where are they taking him?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"To the infirmary. They will patch him up and send him home from there."

"Yeah right. You are just sending him to the dungeon."

"I've told you before, there is no dungeon. Now, can we please get on with the wedding?" He spun me around towards Discord and turned towards him as well.

"If there are no further objections, then by the power invested in me, by me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

I looked at Black Heart, who was moving in to kiss me. When he got to me, I tried turn my head, but he grabbed my chin and forced his kiss on me.

The crowd cheered as he broke the kiss and turned us towards them. We walked down the aisle and towards the back. When we reached the doors, Red Rum and Bullet Blaster opened them and Black Heart raised his hand, opening a portal on the other side. We walked through and he closed the portal behind us, leaving us in my room. He walked me over to my bed and pushed me forward onto it.

I turned around and sat up. "There, we're married. Your evil plan to tear my family apart is complete. Now release my children from your virus."

"Virus? Oh yes, the Heart Geode. Funny thing, I made it up."

"You mean there is no such thing as a Heart Geode?"

"Oh no, there is. I would never fib about such a marvelous creation. No, I'm talking about the part where I infected your girls."

I set my hand on my chest and let out a sigh of relief. "They're safe."

"Of course. I'm sure there will be a point in time when they become useful." He laughed.

"You monster! Don't you dare give me relief and then threaten my children again right away!" I yelled.

"Oh calm down, I didn't threaten them. I merely suggested that they have the potential of becoming valuable assets."

"You bastard!" I reached under my pillow and grasped the knife I was given for protection. "I'll kill you so that can never happen!" I pulled it out and stabbed him in the chest.

"Tsk, tsk." He said, shaking his head. He grabbed my hand holding the knife and pulled on it, plucking out the knife as if it was a thorn. "Did you really think that could hurt me?" He wrenched the knife out of my grasp. "With this toothpick, nonetheless."

He tossed it over his shoulder and flicked his finger at me, sending me backwards onto the bed. I tried to move, but found I was paralyzed from the shoulders down. He spun his finger in the air which spun me so that I was laying on the bed in a normal fashion.

"I thought for sure we could work out this next part. I guess I was wrong." He snapped his fingers and my room began to fade away, replaced by a dark, dank cell. My comfortable bed turned into a hard wooden table with restraints, which he began to fasten, one-by-one, around my ankles, waist, and wrists leaving the one by my head undone.

"I knew you were lying about the dungeon." I spat.

"Technically, I didn't as I think of this more as a chamber." He chuckled.

I turned my head as I heard groaning to my right and gasped when I saw Nightshade hanging from the ceiling by shackles around his wrists.

"Let him down this instant!" I demanded.

"Hmm…Nah. I think he is good where he is." Black Heart said waving his hand.

"But he needs medical attention!"

"See, this is your problem. You worry about others who are beyond help when you should worry more about yourself."

"He is not beyond help! He can still be saved!"

"He is right, Mom. It is futile to tend to my wounds." Nightshade whispered in a wheezy voice.

"Nightshade! You're awake!"

"I am."

"You need to help him! Please!" I begged Black Heart.

"Please don't. I will fade soon enough."

"You will not. You are fully conscious and can recover completely if you are treated."

"You don't get it, do you?" Black Heart said. "He means he will literally fade. As in out of existence. His time travel spell can only last for so long without his magic fueling it."

"You're lying."

"He isn't." Nightshade said.

"But then you'll just go back to the future when the spell ends."

"Do you know anything about time travel?" Black Heart asked. "He has altered his timeline. His future doesn't exist anymore. Therefore, neither will he."

"Then give him some of your magic!"

"It won't help!" Nightshade yelled, immediately coughing up blood afterwards. "Only my own magic will work."

"Then send him back to Equestria as you promised!"

"Mother, you need to let go."

I began to cry. "But I just found you."

"Silence!" Black Heart yelled, pointing two fingers as Nightshade's mouth which covered it with a gag. "I am tired of you talking. If you don't mind, I would like to get started." Our attention turned to him and he smiled. "Much better. Now that you two are finished, let me tell you what is going to happen." He began to pace in front of me. "Even though I am elated to finally have you as my wife, there is something more that I want."

"Total world domination?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"No, no. That is already within my grasp." He stopped in front of me. "What I want is true companionship. Something that you sadly will never show. That is, not without some help."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your better half, dear Luna."

My eyes grew wide with terror. "You can't possibly mean-"

"That's right. Luna, I am going to turn you back into Nightmare Moon."

"Then you are going to be severely disappointed. Nightmare Moon is gone. There are no traces of her left in my body. She was expunged when Ark took her dark powers, made her corporeal, then destroyed her himself."

"Come now, Luna. Is your memory damaged? First of all, Ark didn't destroy her, he absorbed her. And in case you've forgotten, I am comprised of Ark and your worthless husband. I have her powers. Second, you are the harbinger of envy. I wouldn't be here if you didn't still have darkness inside of you. Her darkness. You can never truly be rid of her. I mean, you still harbor the Tantabus after all."

"I do, but only to remind myself to never give in to the darkness again."

"Please. You hold on to it so that you can still feel that power. Admit it. You feel weak without it. Weak and alone."

"Shut up!"

"Your envy stems from it. Envy of power."

"I said shut up!"

"You can deny all you want, but the fact is that you still have darkness inside of you and keep it willingly. That makes you vulnerable. Don't worry, though. I am going to turn that weakness into strength." He walked to the wall and pushed a button on a box. "Bring them in."

Doors opened and in walked a servant with a metal tray that held a large syringe and a wendigo that held a struggling person with a bag over their head.

Black Heart took off his shirt and picked up the syringe. "Even though you do indeed have darkness in you, you will need even more as well a jump start." He then stuck the large needle into his chest and pulled out the plunger. I didn't think it too odd that instead of red blood, the syringe extracted a wriggling mass of black ooze. He pulled out the needle and the spot that he extracted it from immediately closed up.

"Here we are." He held up the syringe. "One dose of Grade A Nightmare. Spectacular, isn't it?"

"So you are going to inject me with that. I am going to fight it with all my might and it won't do a thing."

"That may be true, if I were to inject it somewhere like your arm. Even if I injected it into your heart, where it would circulate through your blood the fastest, there is still a chance it wouldn't take."

"Then I guess you shouldn't even try."

"No, at least, not anywhere convenient."

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me Luna, have you heard of lobotomy?"

"Y-you wouldn't." I said with fear in my voice.

"Oh, I would. And I am." He flicked the syringe. "But even injecting this into your brain won't completely transform you. So that is where he comes in." He gestured to the person and the wendigo pulled the bag of their head.

"Kevin!" I gasped.

"That's right. Your teacher and friend. He will be what sets you off." Black Heart looked at the servant with the tray. The servant set it down and walked behind, strapping my head down and placed wired hooks under my eye lids to keep them open.

Black Heart smiled as he walked over to Kevin and removed his gag. "Do you have any last words?"

Kevin looked at me. "Don't be sad, I'm going to be with my wife at long last." He smiled at me. "Goodbye."

Black Heart drew his sword and slashed Kevin's throat, slicing open an artery making him quickly bleed out.

"NOOOO!" I screamed. I looked at Black Heart. "You vile monster!" I screamed in anger.

"Yes, yes. Hold that anger." Black Heart said, wiping his blade off the newly deceased and sheathing it. He then held up the syringe and brought it to my face. "Now hold still. This will hurt a lot." He then jabbed the needle into the corner of my eye.

I screamed so loud, or at least, I think I was screaming as I suddenly couldn't hear. Then my head began to hurt so much, it felt like it was going to explode. The pain became so unbearable, everything became blurry and then I saw nothing.

Future Nightshade's POV

I closed my eyes until my mother stopped screaming, supposedly passing out from the pain. When I opened them again, my mother was motionless and Black Heart was walking back to the intercom on the wall. "Discord and Flash Fire."

They appeared and saluted.

"Please take her to my chambers."

"You really tired her out, huh?" Discord said, nudging Black Heart with his elbow.

"Bow chicka bow wow." Flash Fire laughed.

Black Heart face palmed. "Just take her."

The two undid the restraints, picked her up, and took her out he doors.

Black Heart slowly slid his hand down his face. "Idiots." He then looked at me and grinned. "So what do you think?"

I tried to answer, but there was still a gag in my mouth.

"My bad." He pulled out the gag and dropped it to the floor. "So?"

"I think you are a heartless fiend that is begging to be put down."

"Oh come on. You knew that I would turn her into Nightmare Moon."

"I didn't know it was in such a barbaric way. You and I both know that injecting it into the heart would have been just as effective."

"True, but not as satisfying."

"She also didn't need to see Kevin die."

"Once again, it was just for fun. He didn't have much longer anyways." He explained as he put his shirt back on. "Now then, if you'll excuse me. I have a couple of things to do before my wife wakes up." He opened up a portal and walked into it, throwing up his arm and waving. "Toodle-loo." The portal closed and the servant quickly cleaned up and left along with the wendigo who took his next meal with him as well, leaving me alone. Alone in the silent dungeon with just me thoughts.

"This is it. Black Heart has won. I've failed everyone. And soon, I'll be gone." I thought out loud. "I'm sorry everyone!" My voice echoed off the walls deep into the dungeon. I sighed. "At least my sisters and my younger self are safe."

Just then, a portal opened. I could tell it wasn't Black Heart as this portal was different in that instead of being comprised of shadow, it gave off white light, not unlike the moon.

Voices then began to come out of it. "I told you we should have asked those clicky people for directions." Said a voice of what seemed to be a little girl.

"And I told you that I don't need directions. Dad always said I had a great sense of direction." Said a little boy.

"Misdirection, maybe." The first voice said.

"Say that again."

"How about instead of fighting, you two step through. This portal is getting harder to hold open." Said a third voice of another little girl.

"Fine." The first two said.

Out of the portal first was a little girl with red hair, a yellow shirt and red overalls. She was followed by a slightly smaller boy with purple hair, a black shirt and shorts. Last out of the portal was a girl about the same size as the first with light blue hair and a white sundress. She closed the portal after she came through.

"Wow, what a dump!" The red head exclaimed.

"Shh. That's not a nice thing to say Starfire. This could be someone's house." Said the dress girl.

"Oh come on, Moonbeam. You have to admit that it isn't very inviting." Starfire said.

"I don't think it's someone's house. I think it's a dungeon." The boy said.

"It strikes me as more of a chamber than a dungeon." Starfire said.

Moonbeam rolled her eyes. "What makes you say that, Nightshade?"

"Well, I am not sure how many houses have people chained to the ceiling." Nightshade said, pointing at me.

Starfire and Moonbeam gasped. "Big brother!" They squealed.

I was in a bit of shock. "Is that really you girls?"

"It sure is. Hold on, I'll get you down." Moonbeam pointed her finger at the chain that kept me suspended. "Zap!" She said and white energy shot out of her finger that hit the chains, which sparked and then melted the link it hit. I fell, landing on my feet but quickly dropped to my knees.

"Big brother!" They squealed again, running to me and giving me a hug.

I would have done so back, but my wrists were still in cuffs.

"I'll just take care of that." Moonbeam said, touching the cuffs. "Zap!" The cuffs fell apart and I was able to hug my sisters.

I looked up and saw my younger self giving me a weird look. When my sisters let go, he walked up to me and started to look me up and down. He walked behind me, to each side, and again to the front.

"This is me?" He asked.

"I am."

"Prove it." He said, folding his arms.

I thought for a second. Then pulled out my ring. "We both have Dad's ring."

He pulled out his. "Big deal. You could have made a copy."

I thought again. I took off the remnants of my chest plate and rolled up my sleeve. "We both have the scar from when we fell off Uncle Jack's longboard." I showed him a scar that stretched from the middle of my forearm to my elbow.

He showed me his as well. "Oh yeah. It wasn't too bad, but Kit freaked out just the same."

We both laughed at the thought of Kit freaking out over a small cut.

"I guess he really is me. You guys were right, I do get huge."

"We were talking about the pony you. You're even bigger as a human." Starfire said.

"Hey, I have a question for you three." I said.

"Sure." Moonbeam said.

"How did you get here?"

"Through a portal, silly." Starfire explained.

I rolled my eyes. "I mean how did you get a portal spell? How are you able to use magic?"

Moonbeam kicked at the ground. "Well we found the spell in a library under the castle."

"It has lots of cool stuff like a hat with bells." Starfire chimed in.

"Anyways, we found the scroll and…"

Starswirl the Bearded's Library

"Are you all packed?" Moonbeam asked.

"Sure am." Starfire said, putting her saddlebag on.

"Alright. The scroll says to stare at one point and say the magic words." Moonbeam pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on her head as did Starfire. "Are you ready?"

Starfire nodded, pulling on her shades.

"Then let's go…" Moonbeam paused to put on her sunglasses. "Save the world!" She stared at a wall and said, "Open sesame seed!"

Nothing happened, so she stared again. "Abra kadabra!"

Still nothing. Starfire lifted her glasses. "Are you saying the right words?"

Moonbeam lifted hers as well. "Honestly, I have no idea. The scroll doesn't give the words."

"That's dumb. The hat guy probably hid them in here somewhere." Starfire said.

Moonbeam sighed and looked at big painting of the bearded pony. "Darn jingle-bell man." As she said that, a portal opened on the beard of the painting.

The girls looked at the portal and the high-hoofed each other.

They stacked some boxes so they could reach the portal and stared at it.

"You scared?" Moonbeam asked.

"A little bit. You?"

"Same. We'll be fine though. The scroll says as long as we think about where or who we are going to, we should get there safely. Still…"

Starfire took Moonbeam's hoof. "Good enough for me. Ready?" She lowered her sunglasses once again.

"Ready." Moonbeam put hers on.

They nodded at each other and jumped through.

"For Equestria!"

New York, New York

"Ahhh!" The girls screamed as they fell out of the portal into a dumpster filled with noodles and dumplings.

"Ew, ew, ew!" Moonbeam screeched, jumping out and quickly began flicking the discarded food off her. "So gross!"

"Calm down. It's not that bad." Starfire said, getting out herself and helping her panicking sister.

After they finished wiping each other off, they looked at each other.

"You're human!" They said pointing at each other. "I am?" They started to pat themselves down.

"I guess the spell worked. Way to go!" Starfire said, patting her sister on the back.

"Thanks." She beamed.

"I just thought of something. When Daddy was human, he didn't have magic, right?"


"So now that we are human, do we not have magic either?"

"I don't know. I don't feel any different, do you?" Moonbeam asked.

"Nope. Maybe we should try what Auntie Tia taught us." Starfire suggested.

"Oh yeah. The self-defense magic." Moonbeam looked down the alley they were in and saw a bottle. She pointed her index finger at it and said, "Zap!"

White energy gathered at her fingertip and shot at the bottle, making it melt.

"That was awesome!" Starfire exclaimed. "Now it's my turn." She saw a can sitting on a box and stuck out her thumb and index finger. She pressed down her thumb and said, "Bang!"

A yellow laser shot out of her finger and went straight through the can, leaving a large hole.

"Sweet!" Moonbeam squealed. "So I guess that means our magic works."

"So the next question is: where are we?"

"Well let's get out of this alley and look around." Moonbeam suggested.

They took each other's hands and walked to the end of the alley.

"Whoa!" They both exclaimed, seeing lots of people and super tall buildings that seemed to scrape the sky.

"Are all of these castles?" Moonbeam asked.

"I don't think so. Castles are all super clean. These look like the buildings we saw in Manehatten last year."

"Oh yeah. That was a fun vacation." Moonbeams gaze fell upon all the people that were walking in front of them. "Do you think Daddy is here?"

Starfire tapped her chin. "Nah. Daddy doesn't like big crowds."

"Then why are we here?"

"Maybe he has been here before."

"That is probably it. Well if he isn't here, we just need to go through another portal." Moonbeam said.

"Lead the way."

They went back into the alley and Moonbeam stared at a wall. "Darn jingle-bell man!"

A portal opened and they jumped through, yelling, "For Daddy!"

Mesa, Arizona

They fell out of the portal, screaming, into some bushes.

"Maybe if we put the portal on the ground, it will stop spitting us out in midair." Moonbeam suggested.

"Look on the bright side. At least we fell into bushes this time instead of a dumpster." Starfire grinned.

They helped each other up and dusted off.

"Wow, it's hot here." Moonbeam said, fanning herself with her hand.

"You said it." Starfire tugged on her collar.

"Starfire? Moonbeam?" Someone behind them said.

They turned and saw a young boy running towards.

"Is that?" Moonbeam asked, shielding her eyes with her hand.

The boy got closer.

"It can't be." Starfire said.

As the boy got closer, he tripped and fell.

The girls looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "It is." The two sisters ran over to help up their clumsy brother.

"Nightshade, are you okay?" An older boy said, riding up to them on a long piece of wood with wheels.

"Yeah, that was some fall." Another boy on a bike said.

"I'm fine. Really, I am." Nightshade said, dusting himself off. He turned to his sisters. "It's really you!" He hugged them super tight.

"Yeah, it's us. Can you let go?" Starfire said.

He did and he turned to the two boys. "I guess I should introduce you all." He pointed to the boy on the longboard. "This is Uncle Ammon." Then at the other. "This is Uncle Jack." Then at the girls. "These are my sisters, Moonbeam and Starfire."

"Sisters? You are all the same age but don't look like each other." Jack said.

"Oh, our Mommy said something about that once. I think it's called being fraternal triplets." Moonbeam explained.

"I can't believe you are here! How did you get here?" Nightshade asked excitedly.

"Through a portal. We are on a mission to save the world." Starfire said.

"I'm glad we found you Nightshade. Your super awesome ninja skills could come in handy. Want to come?" Moonbeam asked.

"Yeah I do!" The three siblings high-fived. Nightshade turned to his uncles. "Tell Grandma that I went with my sisters to save the world."

"We can't just tell her that!" Ammon said.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out." Nightshade turned to his sisters. "I'm ready."

"Okay. Now when we go through, make sure you think of Daddy so that we go to him." Moonbeam explained.


Moonbeam stared at the ground this time. "Darn jingle-bell man!" A portal opened and they all jumped through.

Future Nightshade's POV

"And after a couple missteps, we ended up here." Starfire said.

"My favorite was when we found ourselves in the snow-covered forest." Moonbeam said.

"I didn't like that one. It was way too cold and it felt like there was something watching us."

"Oh you're just being paranoid." Moonbeam retorted.

I sat there with my mouth agape.

"Hello. Earth to Big Bro." Starfire said, waving her hand in my face.

"Amazing. You three are simply amazing." I stuttered.

"You know it!" The three high-fived.

"Nightshade, have you tried using magic yet?" I asked.

"No. I never learned self-defense magic from Auntie Tia."

"That's right. You were gone when we learned that." Starfire said.

"Why don't you try anyways?" I suggested.

"Well okay." Young me looked at the wooden table that Mother was on. He raised his fist and punched at it. "Pow!"

Black energy waves shot out of his fist and smashed the table to splinters.

"Holy crap!" I squeaked.

"Ooo. Big Brother said a bad word." Moonbeam said.

I rolled my eyes. Then I had an idea. "You three have magic."

"Very good, Captain Obvious." Starfire said, followed by all three saluting me.

"Ignoring that, you three must be what the second part of the riddle is talking about."

"Riddle? I love riddles!" Moonbeam squealed. "What is it?"

"It goes: The power of earth will signal us, but only when the Moon and Star appear with the Night."

"Well duh. I could have told you that." Moonbeam said.

"Oh yeah, how do you know?" Starfire asked challengingly.

"Because I'm the one who helped Daddy write it."

Once again, shock took over my face. "You and Dad wrote this?"

"Of course. Daddy was struggling to find the right words. He isn't much of a poet."

"So do you know what it means?" I asked.

"The first part, no. Although I can tell you that it has been changed."

"How do you mean?" Nightshade asked.

"Where it says signal us to come. It used to read signal me to come."

"Okay and the second part?" I asked.

"Once again, it is just talking about us three."

"So the circle must need you three to activate it." I said, scratching my chin. "Do you think your portal spell can get us to this?" I drew a picture in the dirt of the circle I made in the main hall.

"I don't see why not." Moonbeam shrugged.

All three of them studied the circle for a minute and then Moonbeam opened a portal on the ground.

"Let's go!" Starfire yelled. Then we all jumped into the portal.

Main Hall

The portal opened in the back of the hall by the doors. I poked my head out of the portal and saw the hall was empty. I stepped out and signaled them to come out. Once we were all out, Moonbeam closed the portal and we all stood around the circle.

"So if I am right, I took care of the earth part in the riddle. Now you three just need to take care of the second part."

"Right!" The three said.

After looking at the circle for a minute, they looked at me.

"What are we supposed to do?" Nightshade asked.

"You aren't supposed to be here." Said a voice behind us.

We all looked and saw Black Heart walking down the aisle.

"Stay behind me guys." I said coaxing the three behind me. I reached for my swords, but realized I didn't have them.

"Did you think I'd let you keep your swords after you were dispatched the first time?" Black Heart said.

"Do what you want with me, but leave these three alone." I said.

"How can I when they pose such a huge threat?"

"Threat? You are afraid of mere children?" I laughed.

"Hey." Starfire said.

"Shh." Moonbeam nudged her.

"No, not of them, but of what they can do." He continued to advance.

"Well if you want to get to them, you will have to go through me."

"No problem." He got to me and punched a hole straight through my stomach.

I dropped to the floor and he kicked me, sending me back into the door again.

"You big meanie!" Moonbeam yelled.

"You can't just hurt Big Bro like that!" Starfire shouted.

"We will show you what happens when someone messes with our family." Nightshade threatened.

They all took positions in the middle of the circle, which I swear had started to slightly glow.

"Ready?" Moonbeam asked.

"Ready." Starfire and Nightshade said.

They raised their hands.




The three attacks shot simultaneously, but instead of shooting at Black Heart, their magic seemed to be absorbed by the circle, which if it wasn't glowing before, then it definitely was now.

"What did you three do?!" Black Heart shouted.

A cloud of smoke, both black and white, appeared above the three siblings and soon enveloped them.

"Prepare for trouble!" Said a voice from the haze.

"I told you we aren't doing that!" Another voice scolded.

"But it fits so perfectly." The first voice whined.

"I said no!"


"Who's there?" Black Heart yelled.

The smoke dispersed and on either side of the circle stood two men. The one on the right wore a black suit while the one on the left wore a white suit. In the middle stood the kids looking awestruck.

The white suited man turned to the kids and knelt down. "Are you three okay? Sorry if we scared you."

"D-Dad?" Nightshade asked.

He chuckled. "Well no, not exactly. I am a friend of his."

"Stop beating around the bush. His name is Ark." The black suited man said. "Now heal that fool of a son and get them out of here."

"Alright, alright. You are so impatient, Pure Heart."

"You're our Daddy?" Moonbeam asked, tugging on the jacket of the black-suited man.

The man in black softly pulled away. "I am not your father."

"But you sound just like him." Starfire said.

"Trust me. You don't want me as your father." He said without taking his eyes off Black Heart. "What's the hold up, Ark?!"

"It takes a minute to heal such a large wound." Ark said, standing over me. "There, that should hold him over until we get out of here." Ark turned to Moonbeam. "Hey sweetie, can you help me with a portal? I'm a bit rusty."

Moonbeam nodded and she held up her hand and said, "Darn jingle-bell man!"

As soon as the portal opened, Ark picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. "Okay kids, hold hands now and think of the throne room in Canterlot."

"But what about Dad?" Nightshade asked.

"Not your father." The black-suited man said over his shoulder.

"He'll be fine. Now come on, into the portal."

"What makes you think I'm just going to let you leave?" Black Heart said with menace. He was about snap his fingers, but found he didn't have a hand to do so.

"Were you using these?" The black-suited man held up a pair of dismembered hands.

"You see, totally fine. Now go." Ark said, coaxing the children into the portal.

Author's Note:

Hey everpony! Sorry for the super creepy part. Pure Heart is back! Kind of. I was originally going to separate the portals part and make it the next chapter, but I thought that this chapter could use some fun. It may not seem like a lot, but this chapter took me months to write and almost half a day to type. So there is that. I am already typing the next chapter and shouldn't be anywhere as gruesome as this one was. The chapter after that is one of my favorites though the portal hopping part of this one was fun to write as well. And I am trying my best to grind these out as fast as I can, but once again, half a day to type. I also have to start looking for another job soon, but I am holding off on that as long as I can so I can just get this finished. Anyways, thanks for reading and please send in some reviews so I know that people are actually reading and enjoying this.

Bro/Sishoof -


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