• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,686 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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My New Life

Chapter 3 – Introducing…

We appeared in front of Tia's living quarters. I knocked on her door.

"Hold on!" She said from within.

A few seconds later, the door opened to a tall white figure with a green face.

"Holy crap! It's an alien!" I yelled.

"Ha ha, very funny Pure." She said through her mud mask.

"You know I had to. By the way, we have company."

"Eep!" She slammed the door. "I'll be out in a minute!"

I was on my back laughing super hard.

A minute later, Tia stepped out in her royal attire. "Hello Pure Heart, who is your guest?"

I was about to answer, but then I realized I didn't know his name. I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment. "I actually haven't asked him his name yet."

"Of course you haven't." She rolled her eyes. "Did it just occur to you that you could of just let a bad pony into the castle?"

"Um… no. But I found him face down in a lake, so I thought I should help."

"If I can clear something up." The black s alicorn said.

"You may."

"Well first of all, I assure you, I have no bad intentions. Secondly, my name is Andrew, but my friends call me Andy."

"Well, I am glad you have no bad intentions."

"Andy huh?" I said, tapping my forehoof on my chin. "Odd name for a resident of Equestria."

"That's another thing, I'm not from Equestria."

"Oh? Then where are you from?" Tia asked.

"Uh… Ohio."

My eyes grew big, "Your human?"

"Yes. How do you know about humans?" He asked with a confused look.

I nearly flipped out, "I'm human, too!"

Now it was his turn to nearly flip out. "No freakin' way!"

"Yeah man!"

"Brohoof?" He held up held up his hoof, which of course I pounded.


"Wow! This is amazing! Not only was I saved by an alicorn, who turns out to be a prince, but you are a MLP: FIM fan as well!"

"Um, could you two stop yelling or go somewhere else? I would very much like to go back to bed with the last hours of night."

"Oops, sorry Tia. Kinda forgot you were standing there. Good night."

"Good night Pure Heart and Andy." She yawned and then walked back into her room and closed the door.

I turned back to Andy, "So, um… You hungry?"

He was about to speak when his stomach beat him to the punch.

I chuckled, "I'll take that as a yes. Come on, we can raid the kitchen."

"Sound good to me."

20 Minutes Later

"So, how is that salad?"

He held up his hoof as if to give me a thumbs up, but I knew what he meant.

After he finished, I decided it was a good time to ask about him.


"Yes Prince Pur-" I cut him off.

"Please, just call me Pure Heart."


"Anyways, how did you end up here in Equestria?"

He leaned back in his chair against the kitchen wall.

"I don't really know. I remember having a crappy day and decided to go blow off some steam by going to see Gone with the Wind at the local movie theater. Next thing I know, there is a terrible wind storm which completely destroys the theater. Then all I remember after that is you punching me in the gut."

"Yeah, still sorry about that." I said, smoothing back my mane.

"It's fine."

"But man that is pretty ironic."

"What is?"

"You saw Gone with the Wind at a theater that ends up getting destroyed in a wind storm."

He thought about it, then chuckled, "Yeah, that is pretty funny now that I think about it."

We both laughed at the thought of this for a couple moments before settling down.

"So, what is your pony name gonna be?"

"Pony name?"

"Yeah. You know, the name we should call you so other ponies don't get suspicious."

"Well, how about Eclipse."

"Eclipse, huh? I would of thought something like Wind Storm or Air Tossed."

"Ha ha, very funny. No, I like Eclipse."

"M'kay. Eclipse it is then."

A few moments of silence passed by.

"So, um… What now?"

"I guess finding you a place to stay is the next priority."

"Can I make a request?"


He fell backwards in shock and landed on the floor with a thud.

"Wow, I was just kidding." I chuckled as I extended my hoof to help him up. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay. Anyways, I would like to request Ponyville."

"Okay, though we should probably wait until morning to find you a proper place to stay."



"No, I'm kidding. Everypony is obviously sleeping right now."

I rubbed my chin in thought, "Weeelllllll…"

"Well what?"

"There is one pony I can think of that is most likely still awake."

One Hour Later

"Knock knock." I said at Twilight Sparkle's door.

"Why don't you just knock?" Eclipse asked.

"Cause this is funnier."

"Ooo- kay."

"KNOCKITY-KNOCK-KNOCK!" I yelled at the door.

"Man it's a good thing everypony is asleep, or else they might think you are nuts."

Finally, we heard hoofsteps coming towards the door. "I'm coming, I'm coming. Keep your horseshoes on."

A few seconds later, Twilight opened the door.

"Prince Pure Heart, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Well, I was just in the neighborhood."

She gave me a look.

"Okay, maybe I wasn't. Anyways, I was hoping you could do me a favor."

"Sure. Why not?"

"Great." I stepped aside to let Eclipse walk into view. "Twilight Sparkle, I would like to introduce Eclipse. Eclipse, I believe you already know Twilight Sparkle."

"What do you mean 'already know' me?" She asked with her brow raised.

"He means I have heard many things about you. I mean, who hasn't heard things about you."

"Eclipse, she know about humans."

"Oh, good." He let out a sigh of relief.

"Pure Heart, what does me knowing you are human have to do with anything?"

"I can explain," Eclipse said. "I am also human."



"Where are my manners, please come in." She gestured.

"Actually Twilight, I need to get back to my nightly rounds. I just came by to ask if Eclipse could stay here with you for a while."

"Of course. I would love to have a fellow unicorn stay with me."

"Um, actually, I'm an alicorn."

Her eyes got big with glee. "Really?" He nodded and stepped into the light a bit more and spread out his wings. "Wonderful! Even better! I have even more questions for you then!"

"Well, I've got to get going." I motioned Eclipse closer. "Careful, she'll talk your ear off."

"I heard that!"

"Oops! Gotta go! Bye!"

With that I stepped backwards and shot up into the air.

"Whoa, that was close. I nearly had to sit for a lecture on magic or something."

After around twenty minutes of flying, I began to think out loud.

"Let's see what to do now?"

"Hey bro, why you talkin' to yourself?"

"It just so happens I like to talk- WAIT!" I came careening to a stop, nearly slamming into a cloud. "Who said that?"

"Right here."

I looked to my left and saw a white alicorn laying back on a cloud.

"Wow, I didn't see you there."

"Probably because I didn't want you to see me."

I flew back over to him and landed on the rather large cloud. Sticking out my hoof, I said, "Prince Pure Heart."

He lifted his leg out from behind his head and shook mine. "Death."

"Death? Kind of a funny name for a white alicorn."

"Trust me, after seeing what I can do to people, you would think it fits me perfectly."

"People? As in humans?"

"Yeah, as in humans."

"Are you saying you are from Earth, too?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Man, another human in Equestria. Oh Celestia will just love to hear about this."

"Celestia? You think I can meet her?"

"Yeah man."

"Sweet." He began to get up, popping his back as he stood. Now I didn't realize until he stood, but he was taller than me, probably as tall as Tia actually.

He had a flowing mane much like Tia as well, though his was red like fire and acted more like it too. He had eyes like Nightmare Moon's but were blood red. Another strange thing is that he had two different wings, the left being a bat wing like the night guards, and the other being like any normal wing except more, how should I say, angelic. Did I mention he was big!

I kind of just stood there in shock and awe at the behemoth that stood before me.

He waved his hoof un my face, "Hey buddy. You okay?"

I blinked and smiled, "Yeah. Um, ready to go?"

"Hold on, let me put on my jacket." He reached behind him and grabbed a black leather jacket that had a dragon design on the back. As he was putting it on, I noticed something else about him. He had a cutie mark, though his was anything but cute.

His cutie mark was a skull with black and red tendrils bursting out of it. The really weird thing about it was that it acted kind of like one of those hologram cards. You look at it one way, the tendrils are normal, but when you look at it from a different angle, the tendrils seemed to surge with electricity. And when you look at it a different way, the tendrils looked as if they were being consumed in flames. Yeah, this guy seemed to emanate an aura of extreme awesome.

"If you are done staring at my butt, I'm ready to go."

"I wasn't staring at your butt! I was looking at your cutie mark!"

"Whoa. Take it easy. I was just kidding."

If he was, he didn't show it. Mostly because of the ever present stoic expression he seemed to have.

"Right... Okay, off to meet Celestia!"

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