• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,687 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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A Rum Do

My New Life

Chapter 11 – A Rum Do

3 Weeks Later

"I wonder what is for dinner tonight?" Scorch said.

"I will give you one guess."

"Hay and oats?"


"Man, when I get out of here, I'm gonna make sure this place gets better meals."

"What can you do about it?" I asked him.

"Um, you know. I can make a petition." He said half smirking.

"I'd sign that." I said smiling.

"HAY AND OATS AGAIN!" A voice yelled across the cafeteria.

Scorch chuckled, "Sounds like somepony else agrees as well." He turned to see who was making the commotion.

"Can't they ever serve us anything else but this slop! Why do we get this garbage when the royals sit fat butts, getting fatter and fatter everyday.

"What a jerk. He really needs to learn some manners." I said.

Red Rum was your typical jerk. He was bigger than most other ponies, and so makes him think he can push others around. He has a black and red coat with a black tail and mane. He was a unicorn and quite a strong one at that.

"I bet that loser Celestia is eating her own weight in cake right now while her emo of a sister goes on about how horrible her life is. And don't even get me started about that idiot prince."

I shook my head, "That was very low blow, even for him. Right Scorch?" I looked back at Scorched Earth and saw him tensing up. "Scorch?"

"Who does he think he is? How dare he insult the royal family like that. I have half a mind to go over there and teach him a lesson."

"Scorch, don't let him get to you. I would like to give him a piece of my mind as much as you, but there is no reason to start a fight. Just let it go."

"Yeah, I guess your right."

"If you ask me, I think being under the rule of Discord would be much better than having those stupid mares as our rulers. They should just banish themselves to the sun and moon." Red Rum stated to his group of friends.

"That tears it!" Scorch began to stand up.

I reached out and grabbed his leg. "Scorch, don't do something you may regret."

"Don't worry, I'm just going to have a chat with him." He shook my grip and walked over to the table where Red Rum and his posse sat.

"Hey look boys. This newbie wants to join us." Rum said. The others snickered.

"No, I don't. I just came over to give you a warning." Scorch said.

"You hear that boss? He wants to warn us." One of the goons said. Everypony else at the table chuckled.

"Shut up and pay attention you putrid wretch!" He snapped.

At this point, I decided I should be prepared to intervene in case things got ugly.

Scorch took a breath and began to speak, "Now we have all had to put up with your whining and other crap, and I am fine with that. But no one, and I mean no one, insults the Royal Family. This academy was established to prepare stallions and mares to protect the Royal Family with their lives, be it from by attacks by physical means or by words. Many great ponies have sacrificed their lives to do just that and by insulting the Royal Family you dishonor those ponies and the foundation that this academy was established. That means you are dishonoring every pony here, including yourself. But worst of all, your insults dishonor the Royal Family and I can not and will not stand by while you continue to utter such foul words." He took a breath. His speech had gathered the attention of every pony in the cafeteria.

"So now you have a choice, Red Rum. Choice A. You shape up, get a better attitude and respect everything we stand for. Choice B. You keep your attitude and walk out of this academy and never taint these halls with your vile presence ever again. Or Choice C. You keep you attitude and stick around, continuing to push me until there is nothing left of you except a stain of your red rum blood surrounded by stanchions with a plaque that reads: 'A reminder to anypony who reads this. Keep your standards high and protect the honor of this country. Or end up as a stain of a spilled alcoholic beverage."

Every pony in the cafeteria had wide eyes with mouths agape.

"So Red Rum, make your choice." He said after a pause.

All of a sudden, their was clopping, followed by even more until the entire room was applauding his speech.

Scorch stepped back and turned around, beginning to walk away.

I ran up to Scorch, "That was amazing Scorch!"

Before he could say or do anything, a spear of black energy pinned itself right in front of him, effectively stopping him in his tracks.

"I'm not done with you! You think you are so great with your big words. How pathetic. Show me what you got. Don't be shy, I know who you really are."

"Do you now?"

"You are just a some quarry worker that the Royals saw as a good pet. Do you have some great sob story about they helped your family in their time of need? Or are you just some butt kisser?"

Scorch ground his teeth. "Really, don't tempt me."

"Oh, I am so scared. Hah! What are you going to do, throw rocks at me?"

Scorch turned to face Red Rum. Instead of advancing towards him, Scorch closed his eyes and seemed to begin to concentrate. Suddenly, a nearby column of marble began to shake. Cracks appeared in the column and it shattered. It's like it just exploded, but the shards of marble just seemed to float in place instead of flying all over the room. The shards began to spin and then redirected their points towards Red Rum.

"SCORCH!" White Rush yelled as Scorch floated into the air by what seemed like telekinesis.

"Huh? What?" Scorch looked around confused.

"Scorched Earth, you and Red Rum are to meet each other on the training field tomorrow at 1200 hours. That is where you will finish this dispute. Until then, you are to go back to your living quarters. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir." They both said in unison.

"Good. Dismissed!"

Scorch was released from the telekinetic field that held him and he walked out of the cafeteria.

One Hour Later

"Scorched Earth?" I called out as I walked into our room.


I set down my bags and looked at him. He was laying on his back. A piece of coal was floating above his outstretched hoof.

"So I guess my secret is out, huh?"

"The one where you told me a lie about who you really were or the one where about you being an Earth pony with powers?"

He sat up and stared me down. "Did I ever admit that I was who Red Rum said I was?"

His stare was formidable but it was no Fluttershy stare. "No, you didn't. But does that mean you really are Scorched Earth?"

"For all intents and purposes, yes. I am Scorched Earth.

I let out a sigh. "Fine."

He gave me a smile. "Don't worry. This will all be over soon."

I shrugged and walked over to the bunk bed and sat on the bottom bunk. Scorch went back to laying on his back and playing with his lump of coal.

"Do you know what it takes to make a diamond?" Scorch asked.

I shook my head.

"Scientists on Earth have no idea either. What they do know is that they are found deep within the Earth's crust. They hypothesize that diamonds are made through lots of pressure, heat, and time. Other than that, they don't know how to make real diamonds. And yet, jewelers pump out diamond rings like its going out of style."

"But you just said they couldn't make diamonds."

"I said they couldn't make real diamonds. They are perfectly able to make cubic zirconia."


"Fake diamonds. You see coal is basically graphite, which is mostly composed of carbon but. Diamond is also composed of carbon, but their molecular structure is very different." As he said this, he tightened his hoof, which caused the piece of coal to be crushed to a fine powder.

"Basically, if you apply high pressure and lots of heat..." He paused to concentrate on the powder which he currently held between his hooves. His hooves began to glow white hot. "The atoms will fuse turning the rather unstable formation of molecules to become organized." He parted his hooves and a diamond now floated between them.

"That is amazing. But what does that have to do with anything?"

"Not much. I guess what I am saying is strong bonds take a while to make. If you don't just let nature take its course and instead try to force it..." He set the diamond on the ground and slowly stood up. "You get a cheap fake which is easily destroyed." Once completely on his hooves, he raised his foreleg and brought his hoof down on the diamond, causing it to shatter like glass.

"So what you are saying is that forced relationships can easily be shattered?"

"Huh? Uh... sure." He smirked. "Though I was really just practicing."

"Practicing making fake diamonds?"

"No, practicing how easy it is going to be to crush Red Rum tomorrow."

"...Wow, you went from inspiring to exceedingly morbid in a couple seconds." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Meh, it's what I do." He grinned.

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