• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,687 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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It Has Begun

My New Life

Chapter 49 - It Has Begun

"Come on Daddy! We don't want to be late for the picnic!" Moonbeam shouted, tugging on my mane.

"Calm down sweetie. Winsome Falls isn't going anywhere. Besides, it looks like we are early." I laughed as we walked out of the forest into the twilight of dusk. It had been a few months since the incident at the hive. All of us who went had recovered from our burns, at least most of us. My eye and face still had some healing to do. I guess the fireball I took to the face had caused incredibly severe third degree burns. But I didn't complain, it didn't hurt after all.

Anyways, since we had worked so hard with planning and training for the impending war, I decided that we should all take a break and have a picnic with our close friends. Luna begrudgingly went along with it, saying that it wasn't a good idea. I had finally convinced her though, and here we were.

"Hey guys! Come on over and sit down." Eclipse yelled.

"Uncle Eclipse!" My children screamed as they ran and jumped on top of him.

"Rascals!" He yelled back as he hugged them all.

Me and Luna walked up to the blanket spread on the ground and she laid down.

"Eclipse. Its been awhile." I said as I tried to pry the kids off of him.

"It has. I think around four months. Time flies when you are visiting other countries."

"Indeed it does." I dislodged the last child and they all ran over to the table and got some sweets to munch on.

"So have you been? Had any crazy incidents since we've been gone?"

"Oh, you know. The usual. Got my body back, got my eye burned out of its socket. Same old, same old." I shrugged.

He laughed. "Yeah, I guess those kind of things do happen to you often."

"I guess." I looked over and saw Twilight talking to Luna. It was then that I noticed something. "Hey Eclipse. Sorry to ask, but that isn't just pudge I see on Twi, is it?"

He looked at them and smiled. "Nope. She is pregnant."

I slapped him on the back. "Good for you! Its been five years and you are finally doing it."

"Thanks. Yeah, we finally decided that it was high time we do it. And we did."

"That is awesome. How far along is she?"

"Five months, I think."

"What is it going to be?"

"A boy."

"You must be so proud."

"I am."

"Oh look, some more ponies are arriving." I said, directing our attention to the forest.

"Thank you all for coming. I want to especially thank Pinkie Pie and Vinnie for bringing such great food for our picnic." I said after everypony had arrived. "I will now let Eclipse and Twilight have the spotlight for a very exciting announcement." I stepped down from the podium I had made earlier from rock and sat down as Twilight and Eclipse went to the front.

"After five years, we are finally going to have a child." Twilight said and everypony cheered, except for ShadowBane, who was indifferent. At least he came though.

"And before anyone asks, it is a boy and he is due at the end of September." Eclipse said, causing more cheering.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Celestia asked.

They shook their heads. "Nope. But we will have one before the baby is born." Twilight said.

"Thank you all." Eclipse said as he lead the pregnant Twilight down the steps of the makeshift stage.

"Alright, how is that for crazy? Now then, I do believe that is everything to announce. So go right ahead and dig in."

Everypony began to eat and as I stepped down, I felt a twinge in my right eye. I ignored it and went to sit next to my beautiful wife.

A few hours later, I was approached by Death.

"Pure Heart, I was wondering if you would like to spar."

"Spar? Um, I guess. Where at?"

"Just down the hill near the falls." He said.

"Okay." I turned to Luna. "Hey babe, I am gonna spar with Death for a little bit."

"Alright. Be careful."

"When aren't I careful?" I said with a smirk and kissed her on the cheek.

She rolled her eyes and went back to talking to Tia, Twilight, and Vapor.

"Hey everypony! My Daddy and Uncle Death are gonna fight." Nightshade said aloud. Soon everypony was looking at us as we made our way down the hill.

As soon as we were at the bottom, we stepped into the pool of water.

"Mind if I stretch first, I haven't done this in a while."

"Of course. Take your time old man." He said with smirk.

"Old man? I am only 1732. I think." I said as I stretched out my legs.

"See. You can't even remember how old you are."

"Whatever. I am ready." I said, cracking my neck.

"You sure? I can wait another twenty minutes if you'd like." He said with a laugh.

"Hardy har har. You're hilarious."

"Alright you two, I want a clean fight." Vinnie said as he stepped between the two of us. "Shake hooves and then begin when you are ready."

Vinnie quickly retreated as we shook hooves and as soon as I put my hoof down, the ground beneath it shot up, forcing me up into the air. Then a tendril shot out and grabbed me around the waist.

"You want to quit now before you get hurt?" He said from the ground.

"Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing." I summoned my sword from the ground and slashed the tentacle in two. Then I fell to the ground, landing softly after putting out my wings like a parachute.

"Nope, I'm just getting started." He said.

Luna's POV

"I sure hope Death goes easy on him." I said.

"Wow, Luna. You should have more faith in your husband." Tia said.

"Don't get me wrong. I know Pure can hold is own quite well. It's just that the past couple months, he has seemed a bit more... Tense."

"Tense? He is one of the most laid back ponies I have ever meet." Twilight said.

"He used to be. But a month after the incident at the hive, he seemed to be getting angry at little things. For instance, last month, he couldn't open a jar of pickles. So he ended up throwing it out the window."

"Um, okay. That seems a bit strange." Twilight said.

"He hasn't hurt you, has he?" Celestia asked.

"Hurt me? Please. If he had, you would have known. He would be in the hospital."

"Like that would be an unusual place to find him." Vapor scoffed, causing us all to laugh.

"It looks like the fight is over!" Vinnie yelled.

I looked down the hill and saw Pure Heart on the ground, Death standing over him.

"I win." Death said.

Then Pure Heart seemed to say something that caught him off guard. Pure Heart kicked him off, causing him to fall on his back.

Before Death could get up, Pure Heart was on top of him, his hoof pressing down on Death's throat. He said something else and Death's eyes widened.

"Something isn't right." I said, getting up. I ran down to Pure Heart's side. "Pure Heart?"

He didn't react. He began to press down harder on Death's throat.

"Pure Heart!" I touched him and he faced me.

"What?!" He said.

"Your hurting him!"

He looked back at Death, then back at me. "Oops. My bad." He continued to apply pressure to Death's throat.

"So stop already!"

"Oh! Right!" He took his hoof off Death's throat. Death coughed for a minute. "Sorry about that. I guess I got caught up in the moment." He said, rubbing the back of his head. He held up his hoof. "No hard feelings?"

Death finished coughing and looked at him. "I guess." He shook his hoof.

"Alright, that was a great sparring session. I am gonna get some punch." Pure Heart said. "You coming?" He said looking at me.

"I'll be up in a minute. I wanted to ask Death something."

"Alright." He shrugged and walked up the hill to everypony congratulating him.

"Death, what happened? I know you could of easily gotten out of that hold you were in."

He scratched his head. "To tell you the truth, I don't know. One second, I am standing over him, and the next, you are telling him to get off of me."

"Interesting. Okay, well thanks."

"No, thank you." He winked at me and walked up the hill and I followed suit.

A few days later, I woke up to find that Pure Heart wasn't in bed with me.

"Pure Heart?"

I saw Bubbles on the headboard, sleeping away. But Pure was nowhere to be found. I got out of bed and went into the hallway and started walking. I couldn't contact him mentally, which made me a bit worried.

"Princess Luna?" Vapor Sky said.

"Oh, Vapor. I didn't see you there. Have you by chance seen my husband?"

"Oh yeah. I saw him go to the garden with your kids a while ago."

"Okay thanks."

I walked out to the garden and saw my children sitting around a hole in the ground. I walked up behind them and sat down, staring at the hole as well for a few moments.

"Hello my children."

"Hi mommy." They all said, not looking away for a second.

"What are you three doing?"

"Waiting for daddy." Starfire said.

"Oh. Where is he?"

"In the hole." Moonbeam said.

"In the hole?" I took a closer look and saw that the hole was very deep. "He's down there?"

"Yep." Nightshade said.

"Why are you waiting for him?"

"To surprise him." Nightshade said.

"You mean he doesn't know that you are out here?"

"Nope, we followed him." Said Starfire.

"And you have just been sitting here, waiting for him?"


"For how long?"

"Umm. I think maybe a hour."

"A hour? What is he doing down there?"

"Don't know."

"Well I do know that you three are supposed to be asleep. Come on."

"Ahh. Do we have to?" They whined.

"Yes. And don't give me any lip, I won't have it." I scooted them along with my wing and they begrudgingly started to walk. "Go on. I'll be up in a little bit."

As soon as they were inside, I looked back to the hole.

"Here goes nothing." I jumped into the hole and fell for what seemed like an eternity. Finally I landed, gently touching ground with aid of my wings, causing dirt to stir up.

After the dust settled, I saw a door made of dark-colored crystal. I knocked on it. "Pure Heart? Are you in there?"

I put my ear to the door and heard a faint rustling sound. "Pure Heart?" I pushed on the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"What are you doing?" Said a voice from behind me.

I turned around and saw a figure in the shadows. "Pure Heart?"

He laughed. "Oh, is that who you were hoping for? Sorry to disappoint." He stepped forward and revealing himself as Pure Heart.

"What are you talking about? You are Pure Heart."

"Has it really been that long since we've spoken? I thought for sure my voice would give it away. Maybe this will help." He unwrapped the bandages from his head, revealing his right eye. I gasped. "So now you remember. Well now that you know who I am, I can't let you go free." He stomped his hoof and crystal encased my legs. "Good night, Princess Luna."

"Luna. Luna! Wake up!"

"What? Huh?" I bolted upright, hitting something.

"Ow, my snout."

I reached over and turned on the lamp on the nightstand.

"Pure Heart?"

"Ugh. I think my nose is bleeding." He said, taking a tissue from his nightstand and shoving it up his nose. He then took another one and dabbed under my eyes.

I shied away from him.

"Luna calm down. I'm just wiping away your tears."

"Pure Heart? Is that really you?"

"Um, yeah. Who else would it be?"

"Oh, Pure Heart!" I embraced him really hard. "I thought you were... And then I was... And the kids." I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Shh. Its okay. It was just a dream." He said, rubbing my back.

"But that's just it. It wasn't a dream. It was a nightmare and it was real."

"It just seemed real. Now, go back to sleep."

"I can't. Not without knowing."

"Knowing what?"

"Will you please take off your bandage?" I asked.

He seemed stunned at my request. "Take off my bandage? I think that will only give you more nightmares."

"Please. It will set my mind at ease."

He sighed. "Fine." He slowly lifted his hooves to the bandages and started to unravel them.

After a minute he had them all off and on the bed.

I stared at him, flabbergasted at what I saw.

His eye was scabbed over and the rest of his face was scarred immensely. The parts of his head that weren't black were rough with ooze seeping out.

"I told you it wasn't a good idea."

"No, its fine. I'm just happy that it wasn't true."

"That what wasn't true?"

"Nothing." I kissed him on the cheek. "I am going to go back to sleep. Thank you."

He smiled. "No problem." He got up and out of bed.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to put on new bandages."

"Oh, sorry."

"No, its okay. It was worth it to put your mind at ease." He blew me a kiss and then headed towards the bathroom. "Sleep well." He said before disappearing into the bathroom.

Nightshade's POV

I woke up to the sound of something crashing to the floor. "Damn it!" I heard someone say.

"Moonbeam, did you hear that?" I asked her, pushing on her side to get her up.

"No, I didn't hear anything. You must have been dreaming. Go back to sleep." She said without moving.

"Well I am going to check it out." I said, jumping out of bed and slowly making my way to the door.

I opened it quietly and took a peak outside just to see Daddy, putting a vase back together with his magic. What is Daddy doing up at this time of day? I wondered. He put the vase back and walked down the hallway quickly.

I stepped out from my room and turned myself invisible, wanting to follow him. We walked down several more halls and down into the basement, the whole time I made sure to step quietly so I wasn't heard.

We finally came to a large door made of stone and metal. He stuck his horn into a hole in the door and it shook, opening itself wide. He walked in and I followed him before the door could shut.

"Here it is." He said, pulling a sheet off a large mirror. "By the way, good job following me here, Nightshade." He laughed.

I made myself visible again. "How did you know?"

"You may be able to hide yourself in the shadows, but you are far from being a ninja. You make sound every time you take a step. You also need to control your breathing." He never turned away from the mirror while he talked to me. "Now if you will excuse me, I have some old friends I need to talk to. But first."

His horn lit up with magic and I was lifted into the air. "Daddy, what are you doing?"

"Daddy? How cute. You thought I was your father." I was brought in front of him. "Tell me, son, would your Daddy kill someone for no reason?"

"Of course you wouldn't, Daddy."

"See, that is where you are wrong. Your father has killed many for no reason but the thrill of the kill. He is a murderer."

"No, its not true. My Daddy would never do something that bad." I said, beginning to cry.

"But he has. Now, while you stew over that, I am going to do something." Both of his eyes began to glow purple and I began to feel tired. "Nighty night, Nightshade."

"Nightshade, what's wrong?" I heard someone say.

I opened my eyes and saw Mommy looking at me.

"Mommy!" I said, jumping out of bed into her forelegs, sobbing into her shoulder. "I followed Daddy, but it wasn't Daddy. It was someone else, and they went to a mirror, and he said that Daddy liked to kill others."

"Shh, its okay. Mommy knows just how you feel. I also had a nightmare today. But you don't have to worry, because none of it was real."

I sniffed. "Even the part about Daddy killing other ponies for fun?"

"Especially that part. Now, you just go back to sleep." She said, putting me back into bed. She tucked me in and kissed me on the forehead. "Sleep well." She then walked out of the room, leaving me in the dark in between my two sleeping sisters.

"There is nothing to worry about. It was just a bad dream." I said to myself, though I wondered if it really was.

Pure Heart's POV

I woke up to a splitting headache. "Where is some Tylenol when you need it?" I said aloud. I threw my legs over the edge of the bed and rubbed my temples. I got up and as soon as I began to walk towards the bathroom, I heard a jingling noise.

"What the huh?" I felt something around my neck and looked down to see a gold chain with a ring on it. I undid the chain's clasp and took a look at the ring. "Nah, it couldn't be." It was a gold ring with an onyx square in it.

"What couldn't be?" Luna said walking up behind me.

"This ring, it belonged to my grandfather. And to his father before him." I gave it to Luna and she looked it over.

"Interesting. How did it get here?"

"I am not sure. I left it behind in the human world when I died."

"Well, what do you want to do with it?"

"Well, I don't really need it anymore, so I think I will give it to Nightshade. You know, carry on the tradition. Its what Rick would if wanted."


"My grandfather. We called him Rick to distinguish him from my other grandfather."

"I see. Well, I am sure Nightshade will be thrilled."

"I hope so."

"Nightshade!" I yelled down the hall.

"Yes, Daddy." He said, not looking me in the eye.

"Hey buddy, what's wrong?"

He sighed. "Yesterday, I had a nightmare. About you going to a mirror and I followed you. But I found out it wasn't you. And this pony that looked liked you told me that you had killed ponies before for fun. When I woke up, Mommy said that it was just a dream and that you would never do that. Is it true?"

I scratched my head and then gave out a sigh. "Come with me son."

We walked out to the garden and laid down under my favorite tree.

"Son, I don't know why or how, but your dream was somewhat true."

He gasped.

"Now before you get the wrong idea, listen to me. This was a time when I was not myself. I thought I was a pony named Darkly Facade. And he did enjoy killing others. But that wasn't me. I was, you could say, asleep, yet I was fully aware of what I was doing. My mind was being manipulated by an evil spirit. Had I known who I really was, I would have never done such horrible things."

"So you did kill other ponies?"

"In a sense, yes."

He came up to me and gave me a hug. "Its okay, Daddy. I forgive you."

I hugged him back. "Thanks son. Now I have something for you." I pulled out the ring and chain. "These belonged to my grandfather and the ring was given to him by his father. He was unable to give it to his son, but insisted that I have it. So now I want to give it to you."

"Oh wow! That is so cool!" He bent down and I hooked it around his neck. He admired it for a minute and then gave me another hug. "Thank you so much, Daddy. I love you."

"I love you, too." I smiled and hugged him tight.

As I hugged him, I noticed that he seemed to be fading. "Nightshade, what are you doing?"

"I'm not doing anything." He looked at me with a terrified expression. "Daddy, help me!"

"Don't worry, son! Everything is fine!"

Soon, just his head remained. As it slowly dissipated, he screamed. "Daaaadddddyyyyy!"

His last word echoed into the night. He had completely vanished, leaving me alone in the garden.


Author's Note:

Hey everypony! I am really sorry about not posting for awhile, but with school starting and work schedules changing, as well as the lack of inspiration, its been hard to get to writing. I want to tell you that the last chapter won't be coming for a month or two as well. It will be a doozy though, so I can promise you that. Who knows, maybe I will get a burst of inspiration and write in the next two weeks. Anyways, thanks for reading and please comment or review.

Brohoof - Ark125

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