• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,686 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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Pirates of Canterlot Castle

My New Life

Chapter 48 - Pirates of Canterlot Castle

Pure Heart's POV

"Daddy!" My children screamed as I walked into their room.

"Kids! Come give daddy a big hug." I sat down on the floor and extended my forelegs. They gladly dropped what they were doing and ran into my outstretched legs.

"Oh, how I missed you all so much." I squeezed them all tightly and they squeezed back.

"Daddy, why are you a pony again?" Nightshade asked as I set them all down.

"Oh, you see, um..." I hadn't thought of what I would tell the kids when they saw that I was no longer in my human body.

"He was tired of being a human so he changed back. Just like we did the time we had that fashion show." Luna said, saving the day as she strolled into the room.

I looked to her and mouthed 'Thanks, I owe you one.'

She just winked at me.

"What happened to you guys?" Moonbeam asked, gesturing to our burns.

"We got a little to close to a volcano and the lava burnt us." I blurted out.

Luna raised an eyebrow as if to say, 'Really?'

"Wow! That's crazy! I want to see a volcano!" Starfire said.

I chuckled and mussed up her mane with my hoof. "Maybe someday."

"So does that mean you are a pirate now?" Nightshade asked, pointing to the bandages covering my right eye.

Again I laughed. "Aye! So that makes you bunch of scallywags me crew." I said in my best pirate voice.

"Aye aye captain daddy!" Starfire yelled.

"Argh!" Nightshade exclaimed.

"So what does that make mommy?" Moonbeam asked.

"Hmm... I guess that makes her the wench!" I said aloud. I gave off a hearty laugh but then got a slap in the back of the head.

"You want to change that answer? Because I will make you walk the plank." Luna said with a sneer.

"Oops, my mistake. What I meant to say is that she is the beautiful mistress." I said with a grin.

"That's better."

"Right! Now where is me lizard? Can't be a captain without me lizard." I said.

"Don't you mean parrot, daddy?" Nightshade asked.

"Nope, I mean lizard. I don't have a parrot, so I need me lizard."

I heard a hissing sound come from underneath the children's bed. "Avast, he be under the bed." I turned to Luna. "Mistress Luna. Would ye be so kind as to help the crew find a jolly roger?"

"Find a what?"

"A flag."

"Oh, yes of course."

"Swarthy! Crew, don't make Mistress Mommy do any of the work."

"Aye aye captain!" They saluted and ran off with Luna in tow.

As she passed by, I gave her a kiss. "Take it easy, okay?"

"No problem."

"Come on mommy. Let's find a jolly roger." Starfire said, tugging on her mane.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." She followed them out the door to who knows where.

I chuckled and looked back at the bed. I wonder if he will recognize me? I slowly walked over to the bed and crouched, looking under the bed. "Bubbles?"

I saw him in his battle ready position. "Hey buddy. It's me Pure Heart. Want to come out and play?"

He shook his head.

"Is it because you think I am not him?"

He nodded.

"Well, I can swear to you that I am him. Just give me a chance." I reached under the bed and he whipped me with his tail. "Ow! Come on! You know I am the only one who understands you. What other proof do you need?"

He hissed some more and then finally came out from under the bed.

"Thanks Bubba. You won't regret it." He slowly climbed onto my shoulder, wrapping his tail around my neck for stability, and I scratched him under the chin. "Now then, did you hear that whole pirate thing?"

He growled.

"Oh come on, it will be fun."

Another growl.

"Sweet! Let's do this!"

I walked out of the room with Bubbles and saw the kids were down the hall with a cart and a flag tied to the side. Luna was nowhere to be found.

"Stroke. Stroke. Stroke. Stroke." I heard Moonbeam say. She stood at the front of the cart while Nightshade and Starfire were on the sides, dangling there legs out to push the cart.

"Ahoy! There be a landlubber!" Starfire said.

"Blow him down!" Moonbeam yelled.

Nightshade and Starfire put a little extra oomph into there strokes and they were soon barreling towards me.

"Brace for impact!" Moonbeam said.

Nightshade and Starfire pulled up their legs and they all held on tight.

"Ah crap. This might hurt." I said as I braced myself as well. Of course they were only going a couple miles per hour, so when they did hit me, I barely moved. Just for show, though, I flopped onto my back. Bubbles luckily jumped off of me before hand.

"Oh no! We killed him!" Nightshade yelled.


They all jumped when they saw I was fine.

"Oh daddy! We are so sorry!" Moonbeam said.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine. But now I'm your swabbie." I said. I jumped up onto the cart and they all got back on. "You are the captain now, Moonbeam." I made a motion and Bubbles climbed onto Moonbeam.

"Argh! Let's bring the prisoner back to our island fortress." Starfire said.

"Aye! Swabbie! Turn the ship around and start stroking!" Moonbeam commanded.

"Aye aye!" I turned the cart around and pushed off.

As we went down the hall, I got several strange looks. But I didn't care, I was bonding with my kids.

"Land ho!" Nightshade said aloud as we approached my study.

"Come on you scurvy seadog! Go faster!" Moonbeam said.

"Aye aye, captain!"

We entered the study and I found that they had made a rather impressive fortress of books. They better hope Twilight doesn't see this. I thought.

We stopped at the front of the fortress.

"Queen Mommy! We brought you a prisoner." Moonbeam said.

"Queen Mommy?" I asked.

Luna walked out wearing a short, white skirt and a striped shirt with a black vest. She had hoop ear rings and a captain's hat on her head.

"That is Pirate Queen Mommy to you, swabbie!" She said.

My jaw nearly fell off. She looked smoking hot in that outfit!

"What are you staring at, swabbie?" She turned to the kids. "Take him to the brig!"

"Yes ma'am!" The kids saluted and prodded me inside the fortress where I was put behind a bunch of broom handles. Okay, so it wasn't that big of a fortress. Really, it was kind of a tight squeeze.

"This is mutiny!" I said.

Luna laughed and turned to the kids. "Now go plunder the kitchen. I believe it is snack time."

The kids cheered and ran off towards the kitchen. Luna turned back to me.

"Wow. Someone got pretty deep into character." I said, coming out from behind the brooms.

She blushed. "Um, well, you know. It was for the kids."

"Uh-huh. And the outfit was for the kids, too?" I asked with grin.

She gave a nervous laugh. "I guess I might have gotten a bit carried away."

"A bit? Luna, you built a fortress out of books. Old, rare books."

"Oh, they are just books." She said shrugging.

"Don't let Twilight hear you say that." I said with a laugh. I started to pick up books and put them away. "So where did you learn about piracy? Pipsqueak?" I grinned and she shoved me.

"Hardy har. You are so funny. No, I just have read a lot on the subject."

"And who sparked that interest?"

She sighed. "Pipsqueak."

"Score one for Pure Heart." I pumped my hoof.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, where did you learn so much about piracy?"

"Lots of television as a kid."

"Oh yes, the picture box. I must see one for myself someday."

"I think you would like it." I said as I put the last of the books back on the shelves. "Alright, what next?"

"We better check on our little pirate crew. Make sure they are not completely plundering the kitchen."

"Good idea. I'm a bit hungry anyways."

"Then off to the galley."

"Shall we take the ship?" I asked, gesturing to the cart.

"We shall."

I helped her up on top and I got on the bottom.

"Weigh anchor and hoist the main sail!" Luna said.

"Aye aye, Pirate Queen Luna!" I pushed off towards the kitchen.

"Thank you very much for coming chancellor. I will take your prospect under consideration." Celestia said as she walked out of the conference room. Just as she was stepping into the hallway, she saw Pure Heart and Luna on a cart coming towards her.

"Hi Tia!" They said as they raced past.

She waved with a very confused look on her face. "It's good to have things back to normal." She said shaking her head.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! As promised, I have big news. But first, something I want to rant about. Have you seen the new show on the Hub called SheZow. I saw the commercials for it and thought, 'Great! Now we are encouraging kids to become cross-dressers!' Then I saw a few episodes and I actually have to say it wasn't too bad. I still don't like the idea of showing kids its okay to cross dress though.

Anyways, on to the big news.

As you all know, all amazingly, fantastic things must come to an end. Don't freak out! I am merely saying that I might be ending My New Life at chapter 50. But I will continue the story of course. Everypony will still get to be in the story. Just in the next book. Now, I am going to do my best to wrap it up in the next two chapters, which means they will most likely be long. I'm not sure really, I haven't planned that far ahead. I haven't even began writing the next chapter. So expect a lull for the next month or two. It all depends if I get inspired some more. I will give more details in the next chapter, which I most likely will not post for two weeks or more.

Alright, thanks for reading and please leave a comment or review.

Bro/Sishoof - Ark125

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