• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,687 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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Meet Death

My New Life

Chapter 4 – Meet Death

"So Death..." I began to say as the wind currents pushed us forward.


"Where are you originally from?"

"New York City."

"Ah, hardcore pony from hardcore city, huh?"


We flew in silence for another 30 minutes until Canterlot came into view.

"There it is, the best place in Equestria." I said proudly.

"It's bigger than I imagined."

I chuckled, "Believe me, New York City is much bigger. Of course I only lived there for a month."

"I'll take your word for it."

"Alright there is the castle, though Celestia is probably still asleep. But she will need to wake up soon raise the sun. In the mean time, would you like to meet my family?"

"Uh, sure. Why, not?"


We touched down on the landing pad and walked up to the doors.

"Good evening sir." The guards said as they saluted me.


They dropped their salute and opened the doors. "Will you notify Princess Celestia, as soon as she is up and has raised the sun, that I have someone I would like her to meet?"

"Yes my liege."

They saluted again and closed the doors as soon as we walked through.

"Wow, how very... official. Do you like that kind of thing?"

"Meh, it's okay. I'd like it better if they just called me Pure Heart, but the continue to insist."

We walked down several hallways, passing many servants and guards along the way. The whole time, they kind of just stared at Death with a mix of confusion, fear, and wariness on their faces.

"Why do they all look at me like that?"

"Dude, you are a white alicorn with red eyes and different wings. Who wouldn't stare?"

"Oh, I see." He said in his normal voice, though I thought I detected a hint of a solemn tone.

I patted him on the back, "Hey man, don't worry about it. They will get used to it. They got used to me when I had only one wing within a week. So it shouldn't take that long for you either."

"You only had one wing?" He asked with a confused look.

"Yeah, I'll tell you about it someday. Oh, here we are."

We stopped in front of my room. "Okay, be very quiet, they might still be asleep."

He nodded and I opened the door. Suddenly laughter came spilling out of the room as well as shouting.

"Starfire you come down here this instant!"

I turned to Death, "I guess they're awake." I grinned and walked in.

I nearly bust a gut laughing at the scene that lay before me. I saw Luna running around the room trying her best to catch Starfire, who was laughing at the fact she couldn't get caught. Her two siblings sat on the bed, giggling at the antics they were witnessing.

"Oh Luuuna, I'm home!"

Luna stopped chasing Starfire around the room for a moment. "Pure Heart! Thank goodness you are back! I can't catch Starfire!"

Suddenly, a tendril shot out of the floor and gently wrapped around Starfire's midriff.

"Holy crap! What is that?"

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Death said.

I looked at him and saw that his tail seemed to be planted into the ground. It twitched and he said, "Here you go."

I looked back into the room and saw the tendril slowly retract, still with Starfire in its grasp. Just as it was almost entirely about to disperse, it placed Starfire on the ground, completely unscathed. In fact, she had the biggest grin on her face, not scared in the slightest.

Luna ran to her and embraced her. "Oh my dear, sweet Starfire, you scared me." She planted kisses all over her face, once again, causing her to giggle.

I turned back to Death, "Dude, what the heck was that?"

"Sorry, guess I should have warned you about my powers."

"You have the power to grab children?" I asked with a smirk.

"NO! I have the powers of Alex Mercer. Except I can use them for good as well."

"Oh, I see. Well come on in."

We trotted in as Luna was setting Starfire on the bed.

"Luna." She turned around to face me, still watching the kids out of the corner of her eye.

"Yes Pure?"

I beckoned Death forward, "I would like you to meet Death."

He bowed and said, "Mi' Lady."

"Pleasure to meet you Death. I am Princess Luna and these..." She took a step back and gestured to the triplets, "Are my children. Starfire, the one I was previously chasing. Moonbeam, the eldest of the three. And Nightshade, the youngest one."

"It is a great honor to meet all of you."

"Alright, so now that we all have meet, what would you like to do Death?"

"I would really like to meet Princess Celestia."

"Oh, that reminds me. It is time to for me to lower the moon."

"Let me grab the kids so they can watch." I scooped up the triplets and placed them on my back. They all laughed as they sat there. "You can some too Death."


The six of us stepped out onto the balcony and Luna began to lower the moon. As she did so, the first bright rays of the sun began to appear from the horizon as Celestia did her part.

The kids actually didn't seem to notice what was happening. They were too busy tugging on my mane and wings. It didn't bother me too much though.

Death on the other hoof was a little awe struck from what I could tell after he said, "Beautiful." Though his expression seemed to stay the same.

"Yes she is." I said as I nuzzled my wife. She blushed and kissed me on the cheek. "Honey, will you take the kids? I need to *yawn* take Death to meet Celestia."

"No way. You are going to bed."

"But I'm not *yawn* tired." I whined at her.

"No buts. You take the kids and go to sleep."

"But they aren't tired either."

She raised her eyebrow and smiled, "Oh really?"

"Yeah, see?" I turned my head to see them all cuddled up to each other, breathing peacefully as they slept.

"Go on. Get to bed and I will take Death to see my sister."

"Fine." I turned to Death. "Sorry man."

"Hey, it's okay with me. Brohoof?"

We slammed hooves and walked back inside. I walked over to my bed and levitated the kids off my back and onto the bed without disturbing them. Then I slid into bed with them.

"Sweet dreams." Luna said before turning off the light and walking out with Death behind her.

Luna's POV

I closed the door slowly as to not wake up the children, then I turned to face Death.

"So Death, quite an unusual name for a white alicorn, is it not?"

"Wow, Pure Heart said just about the same exact thing."

"Did he now? That is quite interesting." We began to walk down the corridor as we talked. "So?"

"So what?"

"I asked you a question."

"Oh, right. Well, do you think it can wait until we get to Princess Celestia? Just so I don't have to explain myself twice."

"I suppose so."


We walked in silence until we reached Tia's room.

"Celestia, there is somepony here that wants to meet you." I called through the door.

"Luna, if this is another one of your pranks, I swear, the moon won't seem so bad."

She opened the door. "Yes?"

"Tia, this is Death."

"Hello Princess Celestia. How do you do?"

"Good. Can I help you with something?" She asked.

"Actually yes. I would like to ask you out on a date."

My jaw dropped after he said that. I looked at Tia, wondering how mad she would be at this pony for being so forward as to straight up ask her out on a date. To my surprise, she smiled.

"Hmm... okay. But first can I learn more about you?"

"Yes, Princess Luna wanted to know more about me as well."

"Excellent, let us go to my private study to have this discussion."

A couple minutes later, we were sitting on the couches in my sister's place of work. After getting some tea ready, Tia took a sip and then asked the first question.

"Where are you from?" Tia asked.

"New York City."

"Really? I have never heard of that city before."

"Probably because I am not from Equestria at all."

"Then where does this 'New York City' reside?" Tia asked.


Me and Tia both gasped, "Isn't that where Pure Heart is from?"

"Yes, but that means..."

"Yes. I am a human."

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