• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,688 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty

My New Life

Chapter 14 – Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty

That Night

“Okay, I believe we have everything we need to catch this menace.” Luna said.

“Then let's be off.” I said in anticipation.

“You both be careful in there.” Chief Green Feather warned.

“Oh please, you are talking to two skilled fighters in combat and in magic. I think we will do just fine.” I said in assurance.

We waved at the chief and then began our trek into the jungle.

1 Hour Later

“Gah! Stupid tree!” I said as I rubbed my face from the tree branch that just hit me.

“Are you okay?” Luna asked.

“Yeah, I'm fine. Though I'm about ready to burn this jungle to the ground.” I said.

“Well, I think we are getting closer, so it shouldn't take much longer. Look at these tracks.” She gestured to large paw prints in the ground.

“Good eye honey. Let's go.”

I ran ahead of Luna and she quickly followed.

After twenty or so minutes of following tracks, we noticed another set of tracks.

“Are those hoof prints?” I asked.

“Indeed they are.” Luna confirmed.

I facehoofed, “Great! We have been going around in circles, haven't we?”

“Pure Heart, there is only one set of hoof tracks, and they are smaller than either of ours.”

“Wait, so there is another pony out here? Do you think the panthers took her hostage?”

“Don't be ridiculous. They obviously are making the pony their next meal.”

“Well then we have to help them.” I said, righteously indignant. I took another step and stopped.

“What are you doing?” Luna asked.

“Shh... listen.”

We both remained quiet. Sure enough, there was a low growling coming from the trees. I looked up into them to see multiple sets of yellow eyes staring back at me.

“I think those are panthers.” I said.

“Really? How did you guess?” Luna said sarcastically.

Suddenly all the eyes slowly blinked out of existence. Yet, we still heard growling come from nearby. Then I heard something else.

“What do you mean go talk to them?”

I turned around, “Did you say something?”

Luna shook her head.

More growling.

“Yes, I know you are the leader of the pack and that I am only a guest. But...”

A snarl sounded.


Suddenly, a large black panther jumped down from a tree, landing with a heavy thud on all fours. Then something else landed behind it. All I saw was a flash of blue, because it hid behind the large panther.

The panther growled again, and slowly the other creature came out of hiding.

“What do you want?” Said a dark blue unicorn.

“Um, uh...” I stuttered.

“We are looking for the blue panther.” Luna said.

“Really now?” The unicorn said slyly.

“Yes, we are here to stop its antics. The nearby village is quite upset.” Luna retorted.

“Hey, they were just harmless pranks.” The unicorn defended.

“Wait a minute! You're a pony!” I said.

“No, really?” She said sarcastically.

“Yet you live in the jungle and communicate with panthers?”

“Yes, but actually I'm good with all felines.”

“And you are saying you are the one causing a disturbance?” Luna asked.

“I'm blue and I hang out with panthers, so what do you think?”

“...Oh my gosh! The blue panther is a pony!” I realized.

Luna and the unicorn both looked at me with a 'No way' look.

Luna shook her head. “Regardless, you must be taken in.” Luna stepped forward only to have the large panther take a swipe. I saw it coming and jumped in the way of the panthers claws, slashing my side instead. Thank Celestia I was wearing my armor or I would be in a lot of pain right now.

“Wow, chill out Torvok, I'll go with them, it's no big deal.” The blue unicorn walked up to the panther and gave it a hug, to which it responded by purring. It was kind of weird to see such a large cat giving off such a small noise, but it was also a little heart warming.

Torvok the panther growled.

“I will miss you too. Thank you for allowing me to stay with your pack.” She let go of the black cat and walked towards us. “I'm ready.” She bowed her head in submission.

“Pure Heart, would you please lock her magic?” Luna asked.

“Um, sure.” My horn glowed and the blue unicorns horn began to be encased in crystal.

“Good, now miss...”

“Kat Scratch.”

“Excuse me?” Luna asked.

“My name is Kat Scratch.”

“Alright, Miss Kat Scratch, if you would please come along, you will be apologizing the villagers and then your fate will be decided.”

She nodded her head. “Yes, ma'am. But if I may ask, who are you ponies?”

Luna stepped forward, “I am Princess Luna, ruler of the night.” She gestured to me, “This is my companion, Prince Pure Heart.”

I nodded my head. “Pleasure to meet you, Miss Scratch.”

She once again nodded her head.

“Good, now off we go. I will take the lead and Prince Pure Heart will take up the rear.” We filed into a line and went forward.

On the way out of the jungle, we heard many cries of sorrow coming from around us. I knew that it must have been the panthers saying their goodbyes to Kat Scratch.

As we walked, something occurred to me. “Miss Scratch?”

She turned her head. “Yes, sir?”

“What prompted you to travel with a pack of wild panthers in the first place?”

Apparently, this caught Luna's interest as well, for she began to slowly lag backwards until our straight line formation became more of a side-by-side formation, making us look more like a group of friends than two ponies escorting a prisoner.

“Well, I kind of have had an attraction to felines ever since I was a filly.”

“But don't you have parents who you could be with?” Luna asked.

At this, Kat's ears flattened, and she seemed to become a little more distant. “No, they died when I was 10 years old.”

“I'm sorry to hear that. How did they die?” I asked.

“I came home one day after being out with my panther friends and found my house in ruins. No one else in the village knew what had happened except that there was a dark stallion that had been looking for a place to stay. My parents had always been very trusting, so they probably let this stallion into their home without even thinking about it. After learning this, I ran back into the jungle where I began to live amongst the panthers, losing my trust in other ponies, until I was old enough to be out on my own. When I was 17, I decided that said time had come, and embarked on my journey across Equestria in search of the one who killed my parents. And that is what I have been doing for the past two years of my life.” After she finished, she clammed up completely.

“Wow, that is some story.” Luna said.

“Indeed. No wonder you feel the need to play pranks. Though it is good you do not go as far as to hurt others.” I said.

She remained quiet.

Luna? I said to my wife telepathically.

Yes, Pure.

I think that her sentencing should be turned into just a warning.

She gave me a surprised look. Funny, I was kind of thinking the same thing. But she at least needs to have some kind of consequence for her actions.

Yeah, I guess so. But I think I have an idea of what it could be.

Please, do tell.

I smirked. Okay, so this what we do.

A Little Bit Later

“Once again, I am truly sorry for what I have done. I had no idea that my pranks would be taken so seriously. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me.” Kat said, finishing her apology speech to the village. She then took a few steps back.

The villagers began to murmur and shake their heads in response. Seeing this, I took a step forward.

“Come now, no one was severely injured by any of her pranks. So it shouldn't be to hard to forgive her.”

The crowd muttered confirmations but still didn't seemed to be sold. I turned to look at Luna for help and what I saw I knew would sell them.

“Look at her, does she look like a heartless pony.” I gestured back towards where Luna stood.

Luna gave me a very disdainful look.

I chuckled, “Not you dear. Behind you.”

Luna turned to see Kat taking swipes at her ethereal tail. It was like Kat was actually part cat, for she concentrated on trying to catch it.

Luna must have been given in, for she smiled and began to flick her tail from side to side. I turned back to the villagers and saw compassion in their eyes.

Chief Green Feather came forward, “I believe now it is time for a vote. All those who pardon Miss Scratch from her pranks as long as she promises to not do it again, say 'I'.”

“I.” The crowd responded.

“Any opposed?”


“The vote is unanimous. Kat Scratch, you are hereby pardoned of your faults against this village.”

The crowd stomped their hooves in approval.

After the crowd began to disperse, and the chief thanked us again for the help, I turned back to Kat to see she was still playing with Luna's tail. I walked up to her and got their attention.

“Well, now that everything has been cleared up, there is still the matter of your punishment.”

Kat stopped and looked back up to me. “But I thought I was pardoned.”

“You were, by the village. Since we were brought into this, there will be a consequence.”

“Oh, well okay.” She looked down.

I started to laugh. “How was I Luna?”

“Very convincing honey.”

Kat looked up in confusion. “Wait, what?”

“That was the brunt of your punishment. Being pranked back.” I chuckled.

Kat didn't seem to happy, but then she loosened up and laughed too. “Okay, I have to admit, that was funny.”

“Good, now for part two. This is not going to be very bad. We just saying that you will be assisting a good friend of ours for a while.” Luna said.

“That seems fair. When do I start?”

“As soon as we get there.” With that, I walked up to the side of Kat and lowered my head underneath her.

“What are you do-ING?!” She shrieked as I flipped her onto my back.

“Hold on tight.” I instructed her. She reached around my neck and locked her hooves together. “Off to Ponyville!” I ran and lifted off the ground Luna coming up right behind me.

Some Time Later

We landed on top of a hill that lead down to a cottage that was surrounded by animals.

“Last stop, Ponyville.” I hollered back to Kat.

“Oh, we are here already?” Kat asked, apparently having fallen asleep on the trip.

“Yes, we are. And it looks like we arrived in time for her morning rounds.” Luna said, gesturing towards the cottage.

Sure enough, as the sun began to rise, a yellow pegasus trotted out of the house, followed by a little white rabbit.

Kat jumped off and we all walked down to meet the pink haired animal care-taker.

“Good morning Fluttershy!” I yelled.

“EEEP!” Fluttershy dropped the bag of chicken feed she had and jumped into a nearby bush. The dropped seed caused all the chickens to frenzy for it.

“Pure, you have to be quieter around her.” Luna scolded.

“Yeah, says the one who yelled whenever she talked to somepony for her first year back.” I remarked, rolling my eyes.

She shook her head, and trotted up to the shivering shrubbery. “Ms. Fluttershy, please come out. It is just Princess Luna and her doofus husband.”

“I heard that!” I yelled from across the yard.

Luna chuckled and began to speak with Fluttershy, who did come out of the bush.

Kat Scratch looked to me. “You guys are married?”

“Of course. Isn't it obvious?”

“Well, I guess. But you are like, what, 26 years old?”

“Actually, I am only 20. I can see your confusion though. Others have thought I look older than I really am.”

“Well, still, that means there is a large age difference between you two.” She reasoned.

“What's your point?” I asked with a bemused look.

“I am just wondering, why are you attracted to somepony that is at least 1000 years older than you? I mean, you are pretty much my age and she is so... old.”

I cringed and looked at her. “She isn't old, she is just... wise.”

“I'm just saying that she seems to be pretty ancient compared to you. Don't you think you would be happier with somepony that is around your own age?”

I shook my head and stared at Luna. “You wouldn't understand.”

“Try me.”

I sighed. “Just drop it.”


I grew a bit more tense. “I said drop it.” I seethed out venom in each word I spoke.

She seemed a bit frightened. “Sorry...”

I began to settle down. “No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. Please though, just mind you own business when it comes to my affairs. Okay?”

“Okay.” She lightened up a bit.

Luna and Fluttershy walked over to us. “Kat Scratch, I want you to meet Fluttershy.”

“It's a pleasure to meet you.” Fluttershy said quietly.

“The pleasure is mine.” Kat whispered back.

“Pure Heart, please remove the lock from her magic.”

I did so without uttering a word.

“Good. Now Kat Scratch, Fluttershy is to be your mentor and supervisor. She will monitor your progress and send me weekly reports on your rehabilitation to show kindness towards others. This will be your sentence, and will end when she sees fit. Understood?”

“Yes Princess.” Kat bowed.

“Good. Then we will be off. Goodbye everypony.” Luna waved and then she and I took off.

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