• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 2,686 Views, 181 Comments

My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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Education and Mops

My New Life

Chapter 57 - Education and Mops

Luna's POV

"Good grief, studying sure is tiring." I said aloud as I backed up from my desk and stretched my arms over my head. Leaning back in my chair, I closed my eyes and tried to think about all the things that I had reviewed. Tomorrow I had a big test that covered every subject that I had been studying. The teacher called it a 'final exam' and said that it was a common practice among human colleges to issue such a test, though it was not usually as extreme as this one was going to be.

My teacher, Mr. Yaeger, is a very kind, old man that still had traces of his German accent in his voice when he spoke. He helped me through the material and explained things when I didn't understand. He even would comfort me when I would tear up from thinking about my situation. He is definitely a wise scholar and an even greater person.

"How is the studying going, froiline?" He asked, walking in front of my desk.

"It's going." I sighed, letting my chair fall back on all four legs.

He pulled up his chair and sat down next to me. "Don't worry, my dear." He said patting my hand. "It is almost over. Once you pass the test tomorrow, you'll be done with your studies."

"Mr. Yaeger, may I ask you something?"

"Of course Luna, but please, call me Kevin. After tomorrow, you will no longer be my student and so I find that such formalities are not needed any longer." He said smiling, causing his face to show it's age.

"After tomorrow, what will happen to you?"

He smoothed out his white mustache as he took a moment. "I suppose I'll go back home and continue my retirement."

"Did that scoundrel really drag you out of retirement? I ought to give him a piece of my mind."

"Don't worry about it. Retirement is not all that it's cracked up to be. I was so incredibly bored, I was taking up knitting. KNITTING!" He said laughing, causing me to laugh as well.

After we calmed down, I looked at him as he removed the small glasses from his nose and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Do you not have anyone to go home to? Any family to see?"

"No. I'm afraid that I was an only child and so was my wife."

"What about your children?"

He shook his head. "We never had children. Unfortunately, my wife was barren."

"And your wife?"

He sighed. "My sweet Liza died years ago."

"I'm so sorry. I did not mean to bring up such hard memories."

"No, it's quite alright. I love remembering her. She and I had a wonderful life together with spectacular memories. And I know that someday, I'll get to see her again."

"What? Are you some kind of necromancer?"

He gave a hearty laugh. "You are a funny one. No, I mean in heaven."

"Heaven? Ah yes, I remember. The Christian belief of paradise after death."

"Indeed. She and I will once again be together and we can be together forever."

"Together forever... That must be nice." I said sadly, looking at the bracelet on my wrist.

He took my hand and slowly rubbed his thumb over the back of it. "My dear. You said that you and your husband were eternally bound, correct?"

I slowly nodded.

"Then you will see him again."

"You sound so sure of that. How can you be so confident?"

I felt him wipe a tear from my cheek with his thumb. "Because love never dies."

I looked at his face and and saw him smiling, so I smiled back. "Thank you."

"You are very much welcome." He patted my hand then stood. "Well I believe that will do it for today." He walked over to his desk and placed a few books into his bag.

I picked up my books and notes put them into my own bag. I stood and stretched out my legs for a moment and picked up my bag.

I said bye to Mr. Yaeger and had just walked out the door when I felt my feet fly out from under me as I hit the ground with a thump.

"Luna, are you alright?" Mr. Yaeger said, helping me to my feet.

"I'm fine. Just a sore backside." I looked around and saw that the floor was wet and knew who the culprit was. "Mop-man." I whispered.

"Excuse me?"

"Mop-man. The guy who is always mopping the floor. That is what I call him since I don't know his name. Anyway, this isn't the first time I've slipped on the wet floor."

"So you are talking about the janitor?" He asked.


"Have you talked to him about this?"

"Well I've tried, but every time I confront him, he ignores me and continues to mop. I have even tried speaking in the Royal Canterlot Voice, and he still doesn't respond. It is quite rude."

"Well there he is now." He said, pointing him out. "How about I come with you this time and see what I can do?"

I agreed and we walked down the hallway, carefully, and then Mr. Yaeger tapped him on the shoulder. The man ceased mopping and turned around.

"Hello my good sir. This young lady would like to have a word with you."

Mop-man took a finger and pointed to himself and then to his ear and moved it down to his mouth.

"Well that is just rude." I said.

"What is?"

"Didn't you see it? He made a rude gesture at me."

Mr. Yaeger laughed at this.

Mop-man made a few more gestures and then Mr. Yaeger made some back. Then Mop-man began to chuckle as well.

"Now you're doing it too? Is there a virus going around or something?" I said with an annoyed tone.

"I am sorry my dear. We're not making rude gestures, we're signing."

"But there is an obvious lack of documents and writing utensils for you to be doing that."

"You misunderstand. Not signing as in writing your name, but signing as in talking through hand gestures. It is a very common means of communication among the deaf."

"Deaf? You mean this man can't hear me?"


"What is his name?"

Kevin made more gestures and the man made some back.

"Jacob Smith."

"Nice to formally meet you, Jacob Smith." I said, extending my hand. Jacob took it and shook, smiling wide. He then signed more.

"'It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Lady Luna.'" Kevin translated.

A bright red light began to flash from his hip. He reached for his belt and pulled out a small device that seemed to buzz. He looked at it and put it back on his belt. He looked at us and signed once again.

"'I'm sorry, but I have to go. There is a mess that needs to be cleaned. Goodbye.'" Kevin again translated.

I simply waved goodbye as did Jacob and he walked away with his mop and bucket. I then looked at Kevin. "So you know sign language as well, huh?"

"Just American Sign Language. A childhood friend of mine was deaf and I learned from him."

"I thought you grew up in Germany."

"I did. He did too. He was born in the United States and moved to Germany when he was ten."

"I see." I yawned.

"Well I see that you are tired, so I am going to let you go." Kevin said, bowing. "Have a good night, Lady Luna. And watch out for those wet floors." He looked up and winked, causing me to slightly blush.

"Alright. You have a good night as well." I said as I waved and walked down the hall.

After traversing the many halls, I finally reached my room and opened the door. When I walked in, I heard a crinkling sound come from under my feet. I looked down and found a folded paper with my name on it and picked it up. Closing the door, I walked further into my room and threw my book bag onto my bed and then sat down myself. I opened the paper and read what was written.

'Please meet me tonight at 11 PM in the hallway next to the statue garden. Don't tell anyone.'

A chilling breeze ran through the halls as I walked through them. When I approached the garden, I felt a hand cover my mouth and pull me backwards into a doorway. Once inside, the door shut, cutting off all light in the room. I heard a click and a dim light came on just above my head. The hand let go and when it retreated, I caught a glimpse of a gold band around the ring finger. I turned to see Jacob Smith standing there with his finger over his mouth, signaling me to keep quiet. He then went and sat on a small bed and patted next to him which I supposed meant he wanted me to sit next to him.

As I did, he picked up a pad of paper and a pen from a small table next to his bed and began to write. I took a moment to look around the room and found that it was not very big. It actually appeared to be a utility closet that also served as his quarters. One side held a shelf with several cleaning products and supplies and the other side held his bed, a table with a book on it, and a cabinet.

There was not much else to actually look at except a single photo hanging on the wall with what looked like a woman with brown hair that appeared to be laughing lying down in some grass with her arms stretched upwards. She was very beautiful from her stunning brown eyes to her slender hands on which was a gold band. In her hands, she held a little girl with brown hair as well that also was laughing.

A tap on my shoulder brought my attention back to Jacob. He handed me the pad and pointed to what he had written to which I read.

'Sorry about grabbing you like that, but I needed to speak with you. While it is true that I am deaf, I can read lips very well, so I as long as I can see your mouth I can understand what you are saying, just make sure to whisper. Though I can't hear what you are saying, these walls have ears. Now for what I asked you here for. I believe you are in great danger, Lady Luna.'

Facing him, I handed him the pad and whispered, "That really comes as no surprise to me. This castle is filled with deadly wendigos."

He quickly wrote something and then gave the pad back with his reply.

'Those beasts are not what I am referring to. In fact, they are docile compared to what I have seen.'

"What have you seen?"

'I have not actually seen it, but I have seen the henchmen of Black Heart talk about it. They think that since I am deaf, I don't know what they are saying, so they tend to talk about confidential things when I am around.'

"What are you talking about?"

'A monster. The likes of which I have never heard of. They said that it can only be seen when you face it directly and when you do see it, you see the manifestation of your most terrifying nightmares. That is all I know about it.'

"But what does that have to do with me?"

He gave me a sad look and then put the pen down to the paper began to write. As he did, I look over his shoulder to see what it was he was writing.

'Black Heart plans to'

As he was forming the next letter, the door slammed open, causing the pen to slip and tear the page. We both looked up and saw a wendigo standing there. It reached out with its long, gruesome arms and grabbed Jacob by the throat. Just as it did, Jacob quickly held up his left hand and opened it so the palm was facing right and then with his right hand stuck out his index finger. He then placed his right hand against his left palm and slid it forward towards me and repeated the action. The wendigo squeezed his neck more and Jacob began to struggle.

"Stop that at once!" I yelled while leaping towards the beast and trying to pull its decayed fingers away from Jacob's neck. The wendigo let out a growl and pushed me aside like I was an insect.

"Now, now. Be kind to your queen." Red Rum said, stepping into the room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We are simply here to collect this man. He has been a suspected conspirator against Lord Black Heart for some time now and shall be thrown into the dungeon for his treason." He then shrugged his shoulders. "Shame really, he was quite good at his job. I suppose it really is always the quiet ones." He let out a small chuckle.

"The dungeon? I didn't know there was a dungeon, though I guess I really shouldn't be surprised."

"Indeed, we do. Though I have heard it is quite empty at the moment." He said smiling.

"I demand to see this dungeon at once."

"You wish. The only one allowed inside is Black Heart as only he knows where it is."

"How do you even know it exists then?"

"He has talked about it before."

"Then take me to Black Heart."

"He is training right now and doesn't want to be disturbed."

"I don't care. I order you to take me to him."

"It is not a good idea."

"You said yourself that I am your queen. Would you deny a direct order from your matriarch?"

Red Rum sighed. "Fine, I'll take you to him. Follow me." He walked out of the room and started down the hall.

I looked at Jacob who stared back at me. "I will make sure you are unharmed and returned back to your family. I owe you that much." I mouthed. He nodded as the wendigo turned and went the opposite direction that we were going.

"Come now Lady Luna. You shouldn't be alone in these halls at night." Red Rum said, having returned to where I was and extending his elbow for me to hold on to.

I turned to look at Jacob again but the wendigo had disappeared with him. Turning back to Red Rum, I ignored his gesture and walked down the hall. I heard him sigh again and then he quickly caught up to me and lead the way.

After twenty minutes, we arrived at a paper screen door that seemed to have been repaired several times. Sounds of grunting and heavy breathing were easily heard through the paper. Red Rum extended his fist and knocked on the wooden frame surrounding the door and the sounds stopped.

"What do you want?" Said a voice from inside.

"You have a visitor, my Lord." Red Rum announced.

"You know very well I am not to be disrupted when I am training. For this, you shall be-"

"Let me in, Black Heart! I demand an explanation!" I yelled through the screen.

There was silence for a moment, but then the door clicked and the screen door slid open to reveal a bald, white man in a white robe with black trim.

"Enter." Said the voice.

We did and I found that the room we walked into was a large dojo. The room was moderately lit with florescent lights hanging from the ceiling and all the walls were stark white causing the room to seem brighter than it was. The outskirts of the floor were made of hard wood and the rest was covered in a thin, blue mat. The room was lightly furnished with a few weapons hanging on the walls and a small table made of black metal and a glass top on the side. Two chairs made of the same metal sat on both sides.

In the center of the room stood Black Heart next to a large wooden dummy in white gi pants land no shirt with his long, black hair tied back. Even though I can not stand him, I have to admit that his figure is quite impressive.

"Welcome my beloved. I am sorry you have to see me like this. Please, sit. I'll be with you in a few minutes." He stretched out his arm and gestured to the table.

I nodded and walked to the table as Black Heart walked to the back of the room and opened a door, went in and closed the door behind him. Turning my attention back to the table, I saw a tall man in a black suit standing next to it with a metal cart in front of him. His suit left no skin showing except for his pale face, upon which he had a curly, black mustache and slicked-back black hair. He pulled out one of the chairs and beckoned me with his hand to sit, to which I did and he pushed me in.

"Tea, Madam Luna?" He asked in a foreign accent, holding up a white teapot with a blue stripe through the middle.

"Yes, please."

He picked up a saucer with a small cup on it, both of which shared the same design as the teapot, and poured the brown liquid from the teapot into the cup. He held out the saucer and I gratefully accepted.

I took a sip of the warm, soothing drink and was reminded of the many socials I attended back in Equestria. The way that Tia would always take a bite of the cake and get crumbs all over her snout, and I would giggle about it with Pure Heart for the rest of the day. And the way that he would do his best to make sure I never stopped smiling during those dull meetings. Those times seemed so far in the past now, it's almost seems like I imagined those memories.

"Here you go, madam." The tall man said, holding out a handkerchief.

I hadn't realized that I had begun to tear up a bit. Once again I thanked him and took the cloth and dabbed my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I haven't even asked you for your name." I said to him.

"Jean Claude, madam." He said, taking my cup and filling it again.

"Well thank you again, Mister Claude." I held out his handkerchief.

"Your welcome, madam." He took it and stuffed it into his pocket.

As I took another sip of the tea, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the door in the back open again, letting steam escape from the room. Out came Black Heart, patting down his head with a towel. He was now wearing black shorts and a black t-shirt.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, love." He said as walked across the room towards me.

"Don't call me that." I said before taking another sip of the tea.

"Is it so wrong to display affection towards the one I am betrothed to?" He asked, lifting my chin to look at my face.

For a moment, I got lost in his eyes, not from their beauty but from how much evil I could see in them. I then simply knocked his hand away with my own and turned my head, but I could very well tell he was smiling.

Taking a seat himself, Jean poured him some tea as well.

"Thank you Jean. You are dismissed, leave the teapot here."

"Yes, Lord Black Heart." He bowed and then wheeled the silver cart out the door I entered through and closed it behind him.

Now I was alone with Black Heart, in a room full of weapons none-the-less. Though he seemed very content with his tea. We sat there for a few minutes in silence.

Finally, after what seemed to be forever, he set down his tea cup and then crossed his right leg over his left and placed his clasped hands on the table, looking me straight in the eyes and wearing a small smile like he was glad to see me.

"Now my dear, what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

I was a bit stunned. Here was the man that took my husband away from me, the man who threatened to destroy the entire world if it did not surrender to him, yet he acted like a total gentleman.

Pulling my thoughts together, I spoke. "What is the meaning this?"

"You will have to be more specific."

"The janitor?"

"So you know who he is then?"

"Of course. What kind of man would I be not to know the name of the man I hired myself?"

"You hired him?"

"Indeed I did. You may not of known this, but Sign Language was the only other language Pure Heart ever learned. At least to the point of being somewhat fluent."

"Then tell me what his name is."

"Lurch of course."

I furrowed my brow. "What?"

He laughed. "I'm kidding. His name is Jacob Smith."

"Good, now tell me where the dungeon is so that I can speak to him."

"You thought I would put him in a dungeon? How evil do you think I am?"

"Well, you have threatened my children."

"Fair enough. Yes, I put him in the dungeon. But you can't see him."

"And why not?"

"He can not be disturbed." He took a sip of his own tea.

"And again, why not?"

"Because he is preparing to go home. Surely you saw that picture of his?"

I thought back to the photo of the woman and little girl and nodded.

"I'm sending him home to be with his family."

"You are sending him home after all the atrocities that he has probably seen here?"

"Of course not, I'm going to erase his memory of this place. I have some part of humanity left."

"And what of his family?"

"They will be given a substantial amount of money for the trouble I have caused them. I know it can't replace the time lost and heal the pain they suffered, but it's the best I can do."

"...Alright. But I want to be there when he departs."

He smiled. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

I stifled a small yawn and he frowned. "Oh my. I can't believe that slipped my mind. Here I am chatting away, when you should be resting for your big test tomorrow. We need to get you to bed." Before I could protest, he snapped his fingers and a servant, this one a young maiden, walked into the room. "Would you escort Lady Luna back to her chambers?"

"Yes my Lord." The girl curtsied to Black Heart and turned to me. "This way my Lady." She outstretched her arm in a direction.

I stood up and began walking the way she had directed. Just as I was exiting the room, I heard Black Heart say out loud, "Good night my love," to which I just shivered.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! I thank you all for waiting for this chapter to come out. Tell you the truth, it has been mostly done for several months now and I just now finished it. Sorry about that. You know how life is. Anywho, my goal is to finish this book before my birthday, and I am going to try my hardest to just that. So, get ready and spread the word that I finishing this thing once and for all. Thanks to all who have waited patiently for this chapter and I hope to see you all comment.

Bro/Sishoof -


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