• Published 24th Jun 2012
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My New Life - Ark125

Sequel to Pony Split. Pure Heart will have many new experiences in his new life.

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An Old Friend and a Plan

My New Life

Chapter 9 – An Old Friend and a Plan

Let's see, I stole a glance of the clock on city hall. Wow, I still have 3 hours until we have to head home. I thought to myself.

I was out walking around Ponyville, just trying to pass the time. I wonder what the guards are doing? I walked into a nearby cafe, (yes cafe, no bars here, sorry), and I just so happened to see them sitting in a booth with another pegasus. I walked over to where they were sitting.

"Mind if I sit with you gentlecolts?"

"Your majesty! Of course not!" They both stood up and saluted.

"Please, settle down. Right now I am just a friend."

"Sorry, please join us." The first one said.

I nodded and sat.

"Wow, haven't seen anypony salute in a long time." The other pegasus chuckled.

"Okay... So what were you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Oh, you know, the good times we had together in the royal guard academy."

"Funny, I've never seen you around the palace before."

"That's because I am retired."

My jaw nearly hit the table. "Retired? But you're my age."

"Right, but the Princess suggested I settle down."

"Hmm. And what is your name?"

"White Rush."

"Well, White Rush, I would like it very much if you will accompany me to the palace this evening."

"Sure, I want to see how Princess Celestia is doing anyway."

We talked for a couple more hours. I learned all about the process by which royal guards are trained.

"Oh my, look at the time. We need to be back at the palace in an hour." I slid out of the booth and let White Rush out. Now that he stood up, I got a better look at him.

He was cyan with a white streak going through his wings. His mane and tail were white and his eyes were icy blue.

As we walked out of the cafe, we carried a light conversation for the five minute walk back to Twilight's.

I knocked on the front door and waited. Eclipse opened the door and I have to say, he looked pretty spiffy. His mane was combed and he was wearing a shirt and tie.

"Oh, here to pick up your kids?" He asked.

"Yeah, they still asleep?"

"Yep, come on in." He gestured us in.

"Eclipse, this is White Rush. I'm going to get the kids then we will be off."

I started towards the stairs. I passed QuickSilver who was still reading. He seemed to be humming as well, and actually I knew the tune.

"Clint Eastwood."

He looked up, "Huh?"

"The tune you were humming, Clint Eastwood by the Gorillaz. I love that song. Del the Ghost Rapper does a great job in it unlike Rock the House."

He kind of just stared at me. "Wow, I thought I was the only one who would know about them."

"Nope. Hey if you want, you can borrow my mp3, it has some of their songs on it plus a lot of other songs including fan music."

"That would be awesome!" He jumped up in excitement.

"Okay, just be sure to take good care of it." I said as I pulled it out for him.

"I will! Oh man, this is so epic! Thank you so much!"

"You are welcome." I smiled and walked away as he put the ear buds in and began to listen to music.

I got the kids and thanked Twilight for letting them nap in her room. "Okay, let's get home before mommy has a tantrum." I said as I strapped the kids in, mussing Nightshade's mane, to which he giggled.

The guards were already in place and White Rush got into the chariot with me and the kids.

"Have fun on your date Eclipse and Twilight!" I yelled as we took off.

They waved bye and the went about their business.

One Hour Later

"You are two minutes late!" Luna screamed.

"Um, sorry." I said, pouting.

"Don't give me that look."

"Dude, who is wearing the pants in your family?" White Rush chuckled.

Luna turned towards him. "Shut up Michael!"

I came out of my funk and stared at White Rush.


White Rush facehoofed, then said, "Yeah, Michael. That is my real name."

"Oh, so we have another human in Equestria." I said.

"Another human?" He asked in surprise.

"Yep. You are the fourth human I know in Equestia. But it sounds like you have been here even longer than me."

"That is correct Pure Heart. He was a member of the Royal Guard for two years before he retired." Luna explained as she got the kids out of the chariot.

"Why did you retire?"

"Well, I kind of had a falling out with a few of the guards." He rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"I should say so." Said a regal voice from behind.

"Oh, Princess Celestia. How are you?" White Rush said as he bowed.

"Oh, you know. Same old, same old. But back to what I was saying. He stopped an uprising within the guard which unfortunately ended in an injury that caused him to retire."

"It was only a small flesh wound."

"Small? You had a large gash in your stomach." Tia shook her head, "Anyways, he was one of the best guards we ever had. Though, now I fear that without his presence, another uprising is rumored to be brought to pass."

"Hmm, this indeed is a problem. But what can be done?" Luna asked after the servants took the now sleeping kids to the bedroom.

"Well I would offer up my services, but I am afraid I might be too easily recognized." White Rush said.

"Right. What we need is somepony that has no trouble blending in but still had the strength to stop an event. But who?" Celestia pondered.

"I have an idea," I said. Everypony looked at me. "But can we continue this conversation in the study? Also, somepony get Death, he should be there when I explain my plan."

Everypony agreed and we began walking.

One Week Later – White Rush's POV

Wow, what a week. First I get called out of retirement and then I get promoted to co-captain of the guard, the other being Shining Armor of course.

Right now, I was pairing up the new recruits with some of the guards who new their way around the academy for orientation.

"Alright, the last on the list." I ran my hoof down the list to the bottom. "Vapor Sky." I said in to the megaphone.

A cyan pegasus with a red and pink mane and tail stepped forward. She saluted, "Yes Sir."

"You are assigned to Scorched Earth." A dark brown earth pony stepped out of the ranks. His mane and tail were black with scarlet streaks.

He saluted and walked over to Vapor Sky to stand next to her.

"Now that everypony has a partner, report to your assigned quarters and get settled. Dinner will be at 1800 hours. Dismissed!"

Everypony saluted and then began to disperse to their respective bunkers.

Shining Armor walked up behind me. "What do you think?"

I shrugged, "I really have no idea. Do you think an earth pony was such a great choice?"

"Maybe. To tell you the truth, I really have no idea either. But from what I have heard about him, I should be able to hold his own."

"I hope so. I don't want to be the one to inform them that he failed."

"You and me both."

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