• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,566 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Winter Wonderland

Winter in Ponyville. A time when the air grew cold and snow lined the ground. Animals migrated away or hibernated, while ponies chose to stay inside their warm, cozy houses.

Discord glanced at the frosted window as he tied a third scarf around his beloved Fluttershy. Chaosville knew no seasons, or any weather aside from which he decided should exist. He tried to convince his lovely pegasus that he could create any snow she wanted, even warm snow, but she declined. She insisted that they go to her old cottage to play in the cold, wet, normal Equestrian snow.

Well, he thought as he slid a thick hat on top of her head. I refuse to allow my sweetheart to feel too cold!

He stepped back for a second to admire his handiwork. Fluttershy was bundled in a sky-blue coat and bright pink snowpants. She had large, fuzzy green boots on her hooves, and thick, white knitted wing bling on her wings. He had given her three scarves, two hats, and a set of earmuffs. He smiled and clasped his hands together. "Ready to go, my dear?"

She narrowed her eyes at him—the only visible part of her—and shook off the scarves and hats. "What are you doing?" he asked. "You need those to stay warm!" He picked them up and approached her, but she held up a hoof to stop him.

"It's not that cold, Discord. You don't need to coddle me," she told him. "Look. I'll wear one scarf and the earmuffs." She wrapped one of said scarves back around her neck. "But I don't need three scarves or the hats. I actually don't need the wing bling or pants, either..." With a bit of wriggling, she removed said articles of clothing.

He pouted a little. "But you could catch a cold!" She sighed and gave him a stern look.

"Discord, I've spent plenty of time outside in winter before I even met you. I am fully capable of handling myself. You know that."

He frowned and scuffed at the carpet with his goat hoof. "...I know. I'm sorry. I just...want to keep you safe."

She flew up and hugged him, rubbing at the back of his neck. "I know you do. And it's very sweet of you. But you have to understand that I know what I can and can't handle." She nuzzled him, and began to point to the discarded clothing articles.

"I've never flown well in wing bling, especially heavy, thick material. I don't know where you got the idea of those pants from, but I'm not sure I could move well in them. And you'd put so many scarves on me, I'm not sure I'd have been able to talk with you."

He blinked. "Oh. I see. May I...at least enchant your coat? Make it a little warmer, without altering the material?" She paused, but then nodded. He snapped his fingers, and the coat started to generate a small heat field.

She smiled. "Thank you. Are you ready to go?" He snapped his fingers, and a multicolored scarf wrapped around his neck. She looked at the single article and rose an eyebrow, but trotted over to the door. "Okay. It's time to have some winter fun!"

She flung open her door and plunged into the snow. With a laugh, she began tromping around in her backyard, creating hoofprints in the snow. He chuckled and jogged to catch up with her as she tried to catch a snowflake on her tongue.

His own tongue snapped out, stretching out with his magic and grabbing one just before it landed on her tongue. She pulled her tongue back in her mouth and glared at him. He could see her fighting to stop herself from smiling.

He smirked. "What? I had to do a taste test to make sure these snowflakes are good enough for you!" He smacked his lips. "Mmm. Could use more sugar."

He jumped when something cold and wet hit him in the side of his head. He whipped around he saw that Fluttershy had packed together some snowballs and was tucking them into her tail. A gleam was visible in her eyes.

He grinned. "Oh? Is this a challenge, Mrs. Chaos?" She smirked and whipped her tail, sending the snowball flying at his face. He bent over backwards, his spine turning into rubber, and he watched the snowball sail over him.

He snapped back into place. "Ah, I see how it is." With that, he dove into the snowdrift and began tunneling underneath her.

When he found where she approximately was, he stopped and grinned. He dug at the snow underneath her, turning it into a soft pile of powder, and only leaving a thin layer on top. He backed away from his pitfall trap, and then struck the thin layer with his tail.

The snow quickly crumbled away, and Fluttershy fell into the hole with a shriek, some snowballs falling out of her tail. She lifted herself from the soft snow pile, some white powder still on her nose.

"Hi, sweetheart," he cooed, dusting snow off of her. "I know I'm good, but I didn't think you'd fall for me again." He pecked her lightly on the lips.

She snorted, trying to stop her laughter, and threw one of her dropped snowballs at his face. It landed on his cheek, but he only laughed and burst out of the snow, flying towards a snowdrift in the distance. She flung a barrage of snowballs at his retreating backside, many of which managed to hit him.

He ducked behind his snowdrift and packed snowballs as fast as he could. With an armful, he whipped around and began flinging them haphazardly in her direction. Most of them missed, but he was throwing so many of them (and making more with his tail) that he was still hitting her with quite a few.

The attack forced her to duck low to the ground and dig a small hole for herself, pushing snow forward to make a small wall. He leapt over the snowdrift, holding a large boulder of a snowball to attack with, but three snowballs to the face made him drop it and retreat to his drift.

For the next minutes, their interactions consisted of thrown snowballs, teasing taunts, and the kisses he would cheerfully blow at her to make her giggle and lose concentration. Neither of them was able to get close to the others' defensive spot without getting hit with a barrage of snowballs.

Discord lay with his back against the drift, forming a mountain of snowballs while checking over his shoulder every so often. Distracting her is fun, but it's not enough, he mused. Teleportation would make this an easy win, but that'd just take the fun out of this.

He lifted the pile of snowballs with his magic. "An all-out attack, though...effective and fun," he said aloud. Carefully, he peered over the top of his drift, searching for the sign of a blue jacket in her little hidey-hole. He couldn't see anything besides the white snow. He stood up a little taller, leaning a little closer. Still no sign of her. "Where..."

"Yaaah!" He whipped around, just in time to be hit by snowballs from head to toe. Fluttershy had burst from the snow behind him, and was flinging as many snowballs as her tail and hooves could hold. He slumped to the ground, half-covered in snow.

She approached him, snagging some ammunition from his pile. "Do you surrender?" she asked. He swiftly nodded, waving a small white flag. "Alright. There's just one thing I ask for in your surrender..." He gulped.

She leaned forward. "A-A k-kiss," she stammered, her face turning pink. He resisted the urge to grab her cheeks and gush about how adorable she was, and sat up to lightly kiss her on the lips.

That wasn't enough, apparently, as she grabbed his cheeks and pressed their lips closer together. He smiled and obliged, gently moving his mouth and increasing the pressure of the kiss. By the time they pulled away, panting, he was cupping her chin, and she was practically laying on his chest.

She smiled. "Thank you, Discord. I don't think I've ever had a snowball fight that fun!"

He brushed some snow out of her mane. "Well, you certainly looked like you were having fun. Clever girl, using my own trick against me." She blushed.

She crawled off of him, shaking the snow off of her coat. "Do you want to build a snowpony?" she asked. "If the snow's good for snowballs, it should be good for building other things."

He smiled. "That sounds delightful. But if this is one of those pony childhood things, you might have to help me out. I'm...not exactly an expert in that sort of stuff."

She smiled. "Well, the way we need to start is to first make a snowball. Now, here's the hard part: don't throw it at me."

"Oops," he said with a smirk, lightly tossing the snowball he'd made at her. She giggled.

"Well, once you make the snowball, you have to roll it around to make it really big. As big as you can!" He obliged, pushing the second small snowball he had made along the ground. Eventually, it reached the point where it was difficult for him to move without magic. He lifted his hand, prepared to give it a little magic shove, but Fluttershy came up beside him and began pushing the ball with him.

After a few more minutes of that, they made a ball a little shorter than Fluttershy, and were unable to push it any further. "That should be good enough," she told him. "Now, some ponies like to actually carve out legs, but I normally do a simpler style of packing snow around the bottom until it's less round and more...like a hill, I guess. Can you do that while I work on the head?"

He nodded, and started shoving snow up against the lump. Every so often, he glanced over at Fluttershy, who was rolling another ball of snow of the ground not too far off, this time rolling it into a more oval shape. Just as he was finishing, she rolled it back over to him.

"Can you help me lift this?" He nodded, scooped up the head, and plopped it on top of the pile. She flew up and adjusted it so that it was on straight, patting some more snow on top of it. She began using her hooves to mold it, making the snout narrower and the rest of the head rounder. Discord helped by sculpting small, triangular ears on top.

"And now, all we need to do is add the eyes!" she cheerfully told him. "Most ponies use coal, or buttons...what should we do?" He stroked his beard, deep in thought.

His head transformed into a light bulb, and he snapped his fingers. Two large peppermints appeared in his hands. "Would these work?"

She nodded. "Let's finish them together." He handed her one of the peppermints, and they both placed them on at the same time. They took a step back to admire their handiwork.

Discord frowned. "I don't know...it looks nice, but something's missing."

"Hmm." Fluttershy's face lit up. "Oh! Of course! They need a friend!" She began to roll up another ball of snow. He smiled and joined her, taking an opportunity or three to lean against her shoulder.

After a few more minutes of working, the snowpony had a new friend with chocolate chip cookies for eyes. "There. It's perfect," she said as they looked at their work.

He tilted his head. The ears he made were mismatched in size, the bodies were strange lumps with clearly visible handprints, and the eyes were probably going to be stolen by some passing foals sooner or later. He glanced over at Fluttershy's smiling face. "Yeah...it is," he said, slowly draping his arm over her shoulder.

As he nuzzled the top of her head, he noticed something. "You're mane's cold," he murmured after pulling away.

She reached up and brushed a hoof through it. "Huh. It is."

"You're not too cold, are you?" he asked, rubbing at her shoulders. She shook her head.

"No. That enchantment is working wonderfully." She smiled. "I think we can fit in a sled ride before I get too cold. That is, if you're up for—" He had already summoned a large wooden sled and was bouncing up and down on his feet. She stifled a laugh. "Alright. Let's go find a nice hill."

It only took about a minute of searching to spot a tall hill with next to no trees on its slope, completely covered with thick, fluffy snow. As soon as it was in Discord's line of sight, he teleported the two of them up to the top.

He dropped the sled down on the ground and took a seat, grabbing onto the thin twine that acted as reins. Fluttershy carefully crawled onto the contraption, settling herself in between his arms and leaning back against his chest. She smiled up at him, and he used his tail to push them over the edge.

It was a thrilling ride down to the bottom. The wind rushed through their manes, making Discord tear up a bit from its sting. Fluttershy shrieked when the wind first hit them, but was soon laughing and letting it push her against his torso. All too soon, they began to slow down as they reached the bottom.

He smiled and ruffled her mussed mane. "That was fairly short," he remarked. "Do you think we can squeeze in one or two more?"

She paused, thinking about it. "Oh, a few more wouldn't hurt," she decided. He grinned and snapped his fingers, teleporting them back to the top.

After three more rides down, she tapped lightly at his chest. "My wings feel kind of numb," she said. "We should probably go inside."

In a flash, they appeared in her old cottage. A roaring fire sprung up in the fireplace, a comfy couch pulling itself up next to it. All of her winter garb carefully peeled itself away from her body and hung itself above some kind of rug/sponge hybrid. Discord floated over to the couch and flopped down, sprawling out with a sigh.

Fluttershy laid down and snuggled up next to him. "I think there's just one more thing we need to complete this winter fun trip," she murmured.

He looked down at her. "My dear Fluttershy, you must warm up before you even think of going back out!"

She shook her head and nestled into his fur. "No, no. We don't need to go back out. All we need is some hot chocolate and peanut butter crackers. And maybe a nice blanket."

He snapped his fingers. In a flash of light, mugs full of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows appeared in their hooves and hands, a large plate of peanut butter crackers floated beside them, and a thick red blanket fell on top of them.

"Thank you, Discord," she said, taking a sip of her cocoa. "This is nice." She shifted slightly, curling closer to him.

He chuckled. "When we're warmed up, we can do this again. We could make an army of snowponies to fight for us in our snowball fight! We could go ice skating! We could go sledding down an even higher hill! We—" Fluttershy yawned softly, snuggling into his fur.

"...We could rest and wait until tomorrow," he said, pulling the blanket further up over her. She smiled sleepily, and took another sip of her cocoa.

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