• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,566 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Leftovers Longing

Fluttershy opened the front door and stepped inside. "I'm home!" she called. There was no response. He must be busy, she thought, setting down her saddlebags and massaging her withers.

Her stomach growled, and she headed into the kitchen. I'll have a snack, rest on the couch for a bit, and then find Discord, she thought to herself. If I remember right, there should be some cheesecake left...

She opened the fridge door...and froze, staring into it. Nearly every shelf had been completely cleared, as well as the fruit compartments and the butter tray. Curiously, she picked up one of the drink cartons and found that it was very light, almost half-empty.

She blinked and glanced over at the counter, now noticing the slight mess that was there, and spilled on the stove. She searched the cupboards and found a lot of them picked over, too, though not in as bad of a state as the fridge.

She munched on an apple and fixed herself a piece of buttered toast, mulling over what to do. If he ate everything, she thought. He could be upset...or he might have just been really hungry or bored...but I should probably find where he is, to make sure he's okay.

With that in mind, she quickly finished her snack and washed it down with some ice water, then headed out of the kitchen and into the hallway. She opened every door and poked her head in, quietly calling his name.

She eventually found him in the statue room, sulking near a glass statue of him surfing on clouds, and drinking from a huge pot of stew. It bubbled and gave off an indescribable scent. She sighed and sat down next to him, though making sure to give him plenty of space.

"Discord?" she said. "You look troubled by something."

He grunted, scooping out some soup and drinking it. "Nothing," he said. "Nothing that matters, at least." He pushed the pot towards her. "Leftover stew?"

"No, thank you," she said. She placed her hoof near his hand. "But Discord...I don't think it's nothing. You look really upset."

He pouted, drinking two more spoonfuls of stew as he wrapped his paw around her hoof. "It's...this," he said finally, pulling a newspaper out of thin air with his tail and holding it out to her.

She carefully took it away from him, noting that parts of it had been cut into strings of snowflakes or drawn on in pen, with just the article in front left untouched.

"Cloudsdale Is Preparing For the First Annual Wind-Surfing Wonders Event," she read. Discord hissed and grumbled, and she closed her mouth, skimming the rest of the article in silence.

Once she was done, she carefully set it down. "So...it's hosted by the Wonderbolts, and only those who are known for their skills are invited to perform for the first year," she said. "Though anyone is welcome to come and watch..."

"Watch, eat little foods on platters, and make small talk, while only a group of chosen ponies gets to do the fun stuff?" he grunted. "Oh yes, that sounds just as exciting as surfing the high winds, doing battle with whatever puny thing those pegasi can cook up."

She frowned. "I know you're upset about this," she said. "But you don't have to be rude..."

"Upset!?" he squawked. "Upset!? Why would I be upset? I never got an invitation, but who cares? Not me!" He picked up the pot of stew and guzzled it, broth dripping down his chin.

She paused and waited as he continued ranting, wiping his muzzle with a handkerchief and sending the empty pot floating off somewhere (hopefully the kitchen). Once he had calmed down a bit, she shifted closer, catching his attention, and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"Discord," she said. "Remember what we talked about?"

"That pony events are stupid and not worth my time in the first place?" he grunted.

She shook her head, biting back a sigh. "Be honest," she said. "How do you feel?"

"That it's a stupid event!" he said. "A stupid event that I would have been really good at...and they didn't even bother sending me an invitation!" He stood up and began to pace. "I tackle their sandstorms and chase away tornadoes, but should I be given a chance to show off my skills? No! I use magic and not just my wings, so that automatically makes me bad, just like any other time I use my magic to do something!" He crossed his arms and fell to the ground, pouting.

She flew over and gently rubbed his back. "It's good that you're honest," she said. "And it's okay to be upset...though I'm sure they didn't snub you for any of those reasons." Discord snorted. "Really, I mean it. Remember how you told me your Gala ticket was late? It wasn't really anypony's fault you didn't get it right away...someone just made a mistake and got lost."

"Mistake or not," he grunted, "I'm not invited to compete, and I can't see the future and see if they'll keep not inviting me." He sat up, leaning close to her and nuzzling her shoulder. "I know it's a silly thing, but..."

"But you want to go and show off how good you are." She reached up to rub behind his ear, making him relax slightly, a quiet rumble coming from the back of his throat. "If you really want to go to this, you should talk to Rainbow," she said. "She's associated with the Wonderbolts, so maybe she can find you an invitation."

His head and ears both shot up, and a grin spread on his face, his eyes gleaming. "Yeeees," he said, his voice almost a hiss. "If I can get a invite from Rainbow, they'll regret that they never invited me in the first place!"

"Discord," she said sternly. "You'd better not be thinking about repeating what happened at the Gala...and the school."

He flinched, his plotting expression morphing into a guilty one. "...maybe just a little," he said. "Just small things like breaking their records for the next thousand years, maybe causing a bit of inclement weather, scaring a few of the rookies..."

She shook her head. "We've talked about that, too," she said. "Remember?"

He sighed and nodded, his ears drooping. "By doing things like that, to get back at them...it just makes them want to not invite me to any events in the future," he recited. "So if I want to go to events, and keep being included...I have to be on my best behavior."

She smiled and nodded. "That's right," she said. "And...even if we do talk to Rainbow, you might not be able to join. Everything could be set up already...but we can at least find out why you weren't invited. And we're not going to force her to put you on the roster. Understand?"

He sighed and nodded. "I understand. And...I guess I've never officially done wind-surfing competetively," he admitted. "That might be why I wasn't on whatever list they had..."

"Maybe," she said. She smiled and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "And, if it's worth anything...I've always thought you were the best at wind surfing. Even if watching you do it is a little scary..."

He looked at her, smiling softly. "...that's worth a lot," he said, placing his paw over her hoof. "And if it's worth anything to you...knowing you get worried about me when I do things like that feels...good, in a way." He blushed a little. "I-I mean, I hate to see you worry, but to know that you're worried about my safety feels...nice?"

She smiled and wrapped one wing around him. "Maybe you can show off you skills outside the event," she said. "I'm sure Rainbow would like to watch, too."

"Yeah...maybe I can even compete with her!" he said with a grin. "Oh, it'd be so fun...to clash against her, and see that smug look fall off of her face..."

She just chuckled and shook her head. "I'm glad you're feeling better about this," she says. "Maybe we can talk to Rainbow tomorrow, over lunch? About seeing why you weren't invited and asking her for a friendly contest."

"Sounds delightful," he said. "Though...I suppose if we're the ones hosting lunch, I should probably replenish what we had in the fridge."

"I can help with that," she said, standing up. Before she could get far, Discord grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Thank you," he whispered in her ear, his breath tickling. "It's...hard to talk about...feelings," he said, his voice holding contempt for the word.

She just smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. "You're welcome," she said. "And I really appreciate...how far you've come. In being able to admit that you feel hurt."

"Only because of you," he said, pulling away and booping her nose. She giggled and blushed. "Now, why don't we plan a four-and-a-half course meal that will stun Rainbow into inviting me?"

She laughed. "How do you make 'half' a course?" she asked, flying out of the room with him by her side.

"I have no idea!" he said cheerfully. "Let's try and figure it out!"

She laughed again. "Oh, Discord," she said. "You know that you're irreplaceable, right?"

"I know," he said with a hint of smugness...after hesitating and looking at her adoringly for a second. "And you're just as irreplaceable, Flutterbuddy." They flew in silence for a bit, both smiling at each other.

His eyes suddenly gleamed, and his grin spread. "Say...maybe you should try windsurfing with Rainbow and I!" he declared.

"W-what?" she said. "Don't be silly...I've never done it before. You two would easily win..."

"But it would be fun!" he declared. "And I could teach you some tricks...oooh, it would really sting Rainbow's pride if we both beat her!"

They continued this topic all the way to the kitchen, Fluttershy being unsure, while Discord repeated again how fun and chaotic it would be. She let out a sigh as he described in detail how windsurfing was so much better than plain flying...but still smiled at his enthusiasm. She interrupted his rant by leaning against him once they reached the kitchen, wrapping her forehooves around him.

"I'm...glad you're feeling better," was her explanation for the sudden gesture. Slowly, he wrapped his own arms around her, pulling her close. They eventually pulled apart, tapping their noses together before finally separating.

"Alright...so how do we make half a dish?" she said, walking over to the counter. "That seems like a good start for half of a course."

"I like the way you think," Discord said, stepping up next to her and summoning a cookbook. They poured over the pages together, leaning closer and closer to each other. The rest of the day passed by in a busy, fun-filled blur, mostly taken up by the two of them making crazy dishes together.

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