• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,565 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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In Trouble

"Borrrred," Discord hissed under his breath. Fluttershy shushed him, placing her hoof on his lion arm.

Today was the meeting between the leaders of various kingdoms. Dragon Lord Ember, Changeling King Thorax, Yak Prince Rutherford, and Queen Novo of the seaponies and hippogrifs were all in attendance. The Griffons had sent multiple dignitaries, as no leader had been formally chosen yet. And of course, the Protectors of Equestria hosted the meeting, with their significant others joining.

Discord hated the meeting. He had a love-hate relationship with politics: they could cause such chaos, but most of the time, they were dull and boring. The Council of Friendship meetings were the rare, fun exception. Diplomatic meetings like this one were very much on the boring side of things.

He fidgeted, wondering if he could mess with the yak prince's fur without any creature noticing. Fluttershy, the one good thing at this meeting, gave his arm a gentle pat.

He tuned back into Princess Twilight's chattering. She was going on about trade agreements, and helping the Abyssinians recover from the Storm King' s attack a few years ago, and blah, blah, blah...a tapping at the nearby window interrupted her. The leaders all turned their heads.

One of the royal swans was flying there, looking annoyed. "Oh dear," said Fluttershy. "I'll see what's wrong. Continue without me." She gave Discord a kiss on the cheek before trotting down the hall, looking for a window that could open.

He inhaled when the door closed behind her. Okay, the only good thing about this meeting is gone, he thought. But she trusts me to be on my best behavior. Just daydream until she comes back...

Twilight had continued talking, and it seemed she was finally wrapping up. "...But before we can do any of that, there's some paperwork we need to fill out!" A large stack of papers appeared in a flash of magenta magic.

Rainbow, Pinkie, and Cheese groaned. Ember and several griffons were clearly biting back groans of their own. Discord bit down on his tongue, clamping his hands together. Just a few more minutes...

Twilight gave a large stack to each group of dignitaries, keeping one for herself. "After this, we'll need to work on the math of financially supporting their kingdom!," she chirped.

"AUUUGH!" Every creature's head turned towards him. He had swiftly stood up, knocking his chair. "I can't take it any more!"

The table was suddenly upside down, the papers hovering in the air like a cloud. He made finger guns and started firing at the papers, shouting, "Bang!" with each shot. The papers reacted differently, from catching on fire to turning into a multicolored liquid.

"My papers!," cried Twilight, reaching out with magic to save her work. She was ignored, and a pink cloud started to form at the ceiling of the room. The Protectors gasped, while the dignitaries simply rose their eyebrows. Rarity formed a magic shield above herself. Spike rushed over to Ember, quickly telling her to shield herself with a wing. Rainbow held a protective wing over Applejack, who held her hat above Rainbow. Pinkie and Cheese started bouncing around the room, urging the rain to come.

With a loud crack, chocolate rain poured down. Discord, Pinkie, and Cheese laughed, opening their arms invitingly and drinking in the sweet liquid. The rest of the members groaned and shrieked as the downpour soaked them. Those who had shielded themselves shuddered and tried to avoid the growing puddles.

Discord chuckled, closing his eyes. If only every meeting could be like this...


His eyes snapped open, and his head snapped towards the door. The rain suddenly stopped, the cloud disappearing with a soft puff of air. He grinned sheepishly at his wife, who was glaring at him from the doorway.

"I...was bored?," he said with a shrug and chuckle.

Fluttershy stormed into their living room, pacing back and forth as Discord floated in behind her. "It...it wasn't that bad..." he muttered. Her head snapped towards him.

"Not that bad!? Discord, you ruined Twilight's paperwork, and you soaked the leaders of multiple kingdoms in chocolate milk! In what world is that not bad?"

He hung his head. She sighed. "I just...I only left for a minute, and you started causing trouble." She rubbed at her forehead, walking towards the kitchen. He followed a good distance behind her, head still hung low.

She quickly fixed her own dinner, which she ate in silence. He summoned up a large chocolate bar and ate it without even bothering to unwrap it. Once she was done, she stood up and glanced over at him.

Her eyes softened, and his ears lifted slightly, a small smile forming up his face. She narrowed her eyes, and his ears and smile fell.

"You know I love you, sweetie," she said softly, "But I'm also angry with you right now." He slowly reached out towards her mane, but she turned away. "I...need some time to cool down. I'm going to turn in early tonight."

She left the kitchen. He followed, thinking she was heading towards their bedroom. Instead, she stopped partway down the hall and opened the door that connected to her old cottage. She glanced back at him and sighed, but walked through the door.

He stood there quietly for a few seconds. The idea of following her crossed his mind, as did sneaking in later. He quickly discarded those ideas, knowing it would only make her angrier. He floated down towards their bedroom, figuring there was no reason for him to not turn in early, too.

Discord tossed and turned, flinging bedsheets every which way. He sat up and grabbed the squiggly-handed clock that laid on his nightstand. It was only 8 at night. He groaned and fell back onto his pillows, throwing the clock at the wall.

He usually wasn't this restless. Back before knowing Fluttershy, he didn't have any form of sleep schedule, choosing to nap or hibernate whenever he felt tired, and to play whenever he wasn't. But after a few times when he woke up his dear friend with his excited late-night visits, he adjusted into a sleep schedule that matched her own.

Some nights he was restless, but they were few and far between. And he hadn't experienced a completely sleepless night since he had married Fluttershy. Having her next to him calmed him in even his most wound-up states. Her soft breathing was like a lullaby to him, and feeling her soft fur and mane soothed him in a way he'd never known before.

He grunted and stood up, pacing on the bed. Before, he'd go cause some chaos until he'd used enough magic to tire himself out, but that was what got him in this situation in the first place. He considered the sleeping pills Fluttershy kept for her animals, but realized she wouldn't be happy if he used up her supplies. That, and last time he tried that, she had lectured him on proper use of medicine and made him promise to never take any medicine again before talking with her about it.

He laid down, trying to assure himself that it was just one night. A sudden thought make him sit back up. What if it wouldn't be one night? What if she was still angry at him tomorrow?

It was unlikely, but...she was so furious. And what if she didn't come back so they could make breakfast together? What if he didn't see her at lunch? The thoughts were making his head spin. He quickly slapped himself, then teleported to his thinking tree.

"Okay," he muttered. "If I want Fluttershy to stop being mad...well, I could wait, but I haven't seen her get this mad in years. If I fixed the problem that made her angry, maybe she'd forgive me?" With a snap of his fingers, a notepad appeared in his claw.

"I could time travel to before the meeting and warn my past self to not cause trouble," he wrote down. He bit the end of his pencil, then quickly scribbled that out. "Bad idea. I never listen to myself, and Fluttershy might be mad if I caused some kind of paradox."

"So I need to fix the problem I have right now," he mused.

He nibbled at the end of his pencil again, quickly jotting things down every minute or so. Finally, he stuck his pencil behind his ear and held the notepad a good distance away from him, squinting. "Hopefully this will work," he mused, snapping his claws and disappearing in a flash of light.

The sun was starting to rise. Discord got to his feet and checked his reflection in a hand mirror. His bags didn't look too obvious. He glanced towards the upper window of Fluttershy's cottage, where he knew her bedroom was. She almost always woke up around the crack of dawn, so all he needed to do was wait a few more minutes.

Shadows began to shift in the windowpane. A second later, a light flicked on, and he could just see a hint of a pegasus's shadow. With a smile, he snapped his fingers, summoning a boombox. He twisted the volume dial as far as it could go, holding the box above his head, then pressed the play button,.

Music blared, scaring the nearby birds out of their trees. He heard rapid movement from inside, and a second later, the window was thrown open. He grinned as Fluttershy poked her head out, and begin to sing , "And I~! Will always love you~!"

He winced and dropped his boombox when something struck him in the back of the head. His head turned around completely, and he saw a family of squirrels up in the branches of a nearby tree, chattering angrily and shaking their paws at him. One threw an acorn at him, which he flicked back. "No respect for the beauty of music," he scoffed, his head snapping back into its normal orientation.

Fluttershy opened the window further, flying out at landing next to him. "Discord, what are you doing?"

He grinned as he picked the boombox back up. "I came to serenade you sweetly before I apologized for my actions."

She blinked, looking away for a second. She turned back to him, narrowing her eyes, her lips pressed tightly into a stern expression. "Sweetie, you know I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."

He laughed, resisting the urge to pat her head. If she was still mad, that wouldn't end well. "My dear, you think I haven't learned that lesson? Take a look." With a snap of his fingers, several nearby clouds zipped over to his side. They began to churn, then crystal-clear images appeared inside each of them.

In each cloud was a different scene. Thorax and Ember seemed to just be waking up in their respective rooms. Prince Rutherford was inside a hut of some sort, a frown on his face. A group of griffons were sitting around a table, loudly complaining about various things. Queen Novo was sitting on her throne in the underwater palace, looking unhappy. Each of their friends were also in a cloud, all of them asleep in bed. Each of them still had some stains of chocolate in their fur, feathers, or scales.

A knock came from outside each cloud frame. Each creature lifted their head, the sleeping ones blinking awake. All of them approached whatever door the knocking had come from and opened it. Outside each door was a small, hand-woven gift basket, with a card attached with a piece of rainbow-colored twine. The creatures all grabbed the basket and brought it inside, confused expressions on their faces.

They slowly began to unpack their baskets. Thorax received soap bars. Ember and Spike had deluxe scale polish. The griffons had received a feather-cleaning solution. Queen Novo's contained the polish and the feather solution. Each of their friends got shampoo, and Prince Rutherford got an extra-large bottle.

Ember was the first to rip the card off of the twine and read it. Others followed suit, one by one. Discord swirled his finger in the air, and the clouds' perspective shifted so Fluttershy was able to read over their shoulders.

Dear Dragon Lord Ember,

I'm sorry that you had to experience my outburst of boredom at the meeting of neighboring kingdoms. It was a grievous mistake on my part, and I do hope my actions had not sullied your opinions of Equestria. I hope that you find the contents of this basket useful.

Great Apologizes,

Discord, Spirit of Chaos, Prince of Kindness

The other letters to the leaders were similar. In the letters to their friends, he was much less formal, apologizing for "losing it", for ruining Rarity's mane, Applejack's hat, and setting Twilight's papers on fire.

They watched as one of the griffons scoffed. "His way of apologizing is a dinky gift basket? Why, that's almost more offensive than being doused in chocolate milk."

Another picked up the basket. "Eh. Maybe there's at least something good in here." He tipped over the basket, spilling the bottles of feather cleaner onto the table. He frowned at shook it...and gold coins began pouring out.

All of the griffon's eyes widened as bits kept pouring out. The flow only stopped when the top of the pile reached the opening of the basket. One of the older griffons lifted up a bit, holding it up to his eye, and then biting it with his beak. "It's real," he whispered.

The group was silent for a second. Then they began to cheer, all of them grabbing bits and throwing them into their pockets or bags. Their image slowly faded away, and the cloud drifted away in the wind. The others were already rifling through their own baskets.

Ember's was full of various gems. By the look on her face, they were of high quality. Spike also had gems, as well as various comic books and colorful dice. Thorax had crayons, paint, and papers, which he looked excited about. Rutherford pulled out a basket, which held another basket, which had another basket...and he was smashing them rapidly, which was probably a good sign. Queen Novo only pulled out two pieces of paper—a gift certificate to Ponyville spa, and a note that read "I.O.U one personalized gift, courtesy of Chaos, Inc."

Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich poured out a pile of chocolates. Discord's ear twitched as he heard their cheers —not just from the cloud, but from town. Rarity pulled out several bottles of shampoo and conditioner, and several rolls of glittering silk. Applejack pulled out an animated memory book of all of Rainbow Dash's Wonderbolt shows, while Rainbow pulled out a bottle of Sweet Apple Acres cider he had been holding onto. Twilight used her magic to bring whatever was in her basket out.

It was piles of papers—copies of the ones he had destroyed. A lightbulb appeared over his head, and he quickly snapped his fingers. About a dozen books spilled out of the basket, though they somehow avoided the giant stack of papers.

The image in each cloud faded away, and they all drifted off in different directions. "I gave apologies to every creature I actually...affected!," he said smugly. He froze, then asked cautiously, "You're...not still mad, are you? Did I do good?"

She suddenly flew at him, wrapping her forehooves around his neck. "You did wonderfully," she whispered in his ear. She nuzzled his cheek, an action he quickly returned. "And of course I'm not angry. You fixed your mistake, and you already know..."

She pulled away and held his cheeks in between her hooves. "I just can't stay mad at that cute face of yours," she cooed.

He turned completely red and turned away. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Fluttershy turn a bright shade of pink and cover her mouth, also looking away. "Besides, I...missed you last night," she quietly admitted, her cheeks turning an even brighter pink.

He snaked his arms around her, giving her a small kiss on the cheek. "I missed you too," he whispered. "Why don't we just spend a quiet day at home?" She nodded, and with a snap of his fingers, they appeared in their bedroom in Chaosville. He gently laid her down on the bed before coiling his body around hers, closing his eyes and smiling peacefully.

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