• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,567 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Foalsitting Folly

"Discord?" Fluttershy called, flying through the halls of their house. "Dinner's ready!" After a few seconds of silence, she called, "I made a bowl of leftovers soup!"

No response. That was worrying. Leftovers soup was one of his favorite dishes, as it was made by throwing random leftover food into a pot and boiling it. She kept flying forward, this time opening doors as she went.

Finally, she found him in his memory museum. He was standing in front of one of his glass-covered items, staring straight forward. "There you are!" she softly exclaimed. "I was starting to get worried!" He made a noncommittal noise in response, not moving an inch. She followed his gaze.

It was his Cutie Mark Crusader uniform. Across the glass flashed images of his adventures with the trio, some of which she recognized from their time travel trip. She slowly, quietly approached him. When she was close enough, she nudged her head under his paw.

He blinked out of the stupor he was in, scratching at her head with a sigh. "Thank you, Flutters," he sighed, running his fingers through her mane. "I don't know what came over me there."

She nuzzled against his hand. "Do you miss the crusaders?" she asked, "Because I could invite the three over to dinner sometime, if you'd like..."

"That might be nice. But that's...not quite what I was thinking about..." he mumbled. She lifted her head away to look up at him. He sighed. "I guess I miss our adventures. Back when they were young, fearless, and determined, ready to go on any chaotic adventure if it sounded fun enough."

"But they're all grown up now. They've got responsibilities, and they don't have that same chaotic spark in them." He sighed. "I think I just miss having young ponies run around with me and get into trouble."

He shook his head and turned to her with a smile. "But dinner with them sometime does sound lovely! I'd enjoy catching up with my fellow crusaders. But for now, I believe I heard you say something about leftovers soup?"

She nodded, and he floated out the door. She followed, deep in thought as she mulled over Discord's words.

The doorbell to Sugarcube Corner rang. "Hi Fluttershy!" Pinkie cried from behind the counter, waving. "What can I get you?"

"Pinkie, I was just wondering...do you need a foalsitter for Lil Cheese?" she asked.

Pinkie smiled. "At the moment, yes! For some reason, we can almost never get the same sitter twice! Are you and Discord offering?"

Fluttershy scuffed at the ground. "Well...I'm offering. I thought that if you said yes, I'd talk to Discord about it afterwards."

Pinkie grinned. "Do you know what the best way to convince him is?" Before Fluttershy could respond, she reached underneath the counter and held up a small yellow-coated, pink-maned colt. "This utterly cute face!"

The young foal gazed up at her, his bright green eyes widening. "Auntie Shy!" he cheered, reaching out to her with his hooves. Fluttershy could feel her heart melting inside her chest. Pinkie gently placed the colt in her front hooves.

"He likes you already!" she squeed. Lil Cheese giggled and babbled up at her. Pinkie smiled at Fluttershy. "Now that I think about it, Cheese Sandwich and I have some things we want to catch up on. Why don't I fetch you a list for him, and today can be a trial run? I mean, if you're not busy."

Fluttershy shook her head. "I'm not busy today...although this might give Discord a shock..."

"He'll be fine," Pinkie said. "One second! I'll get that list and tell Cheese!" She ran into the kitchen, then back out in the next second. "Okay! He said a trial run sounds like a good idea. Here's Lil Cheese's list." She handed Fluttershy a small scroll.

She leaned down and kissed Lil Cheese's forehead. The foal giggled and squirmed. "Be good for Auntie Shy!" Pinkie said, nuzzling the top of his head. He smiled and nodded, a wide grin on his face.

Fluttershy smiled as Pinkie placed an "On Break" sign on the counter and ran back into the kitchen. She adjusted her grip on the foal and flew out of the door.

She flew through the shimmering portal and to the front door. With her hooves full, she used her mouth to pull on a small rope off to the side. A large quantity of bells started ringing inside.

Just a second after, the door opened. "Welcome home, Fluttershy!" Discord cheered. "How was your trip...into..." He was staring at Lil Cheese, who was gawking right back at him.

After a few seconds of silence, Discord jumped into the air. "Sweet Celestia, we made a kid!" He began floating back and forth in the air shakily, babbling to himself about fatherhood and pregnancy. Fluttershy sighed and tapped his shoulder with her wing.

"Discord," she said quietly, "This is Lil Cheese. He's Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich's son, and he's a few years old." She gently set him down on the ground, and he began to run around and explore the odd room. "I asked Pinkie if she needed a foalsitter, and she thouggt we could use today as a trial run."

He blinked, then breathed a large sigh of relief, wiping drops of sweat off of his brow. "I...I honestly thought we'd made a kid, somehow."

She sat down on the couch and began to unscroll the list. "Discord, you've seen him before."

"Only a few times! And besides, that kid has an uncanny resemblance to you." He pointed to different parts of the colt. "Yellow coat, pink mane, greenish eyes...need I continue?"

She blinked. "...Huh." Shaking her head, she unrolled the scroll and began to read. "Okay. We have a list of his favorite foods, what times he normally eats, and when bedtime is. Oh, and a note from Pinkie: 'Please bring him back around 8:30'. That's half an hour after his bedtime."

She glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's almost noon. Cheese, what would you like for lunch?"

The colt pursed his lips, his brow furrowing. "Grill cheese!" he declared. She giggled and smiled.

"Alright. Discord, can you keep him out of trouble while I make lunch?" He nodded, and she headed into the kitchen.

After a few minutes of preparation of sizzling bread, she had made six grilled cheese sandwiches. She placed three on one plate, two on another, and one on the smaller plate. She glanced at the list, then added a hoofful of grapes on the plate with one sandwich. She placed them on the table and flew back into the living room.

Discord had created soft, colorful blocks which were now floating around the room. Cheese was currently busy stacking them into a tall tower, and Discord lay on the ground next to him, giving the tower magic nudges here and there to make sure it remained stable.

"Lunch is ready!" she announced. Cheese cheered and rushed towards the door, knocking over his block tower. Discord chuckled and got onto his feet.

As soon as he was in the kitchen, he snapped his fingers. The table shrank to a smaller size and became oval-shaped, and a third chair appeared. Cheese gasped and clapped his front hooves together. Fluttershy grabbed him under his forelegs and lifted him up into the chair. With another snap of Discord's fingers, the seat rose so that he could easily see and reach above the table.

Discord and Fluttershy sat down. Cheese rolled his grapes around on his plate. "Can I get ketchsup, please?" he asked Fluttershy, his green eyes widening. Discord snapped his fingers, and a bottle of ketchup appeared in the colt's hooves. "Thank you!"

He poured the ketchup on his grapes, and began to messily eat them one-by-one. Fluttershy and Discord just ate their sandwiches, unfazed. Discord even snapped up his own grapes with ketchup and began eating them. Fluttershy just sighed and rolled her eyes playfully at him.

In the end, she honestly wasn't sure if more food made it in Cheese's stomach or in his coat. His hooves and mouth were coated in ketchup and battered with bread crumbs. "Did you get enough to eat?" she asked. He nodded cheerfully in response.

She flew over to the sink and grabbed a washcloth, soaking it in warm water. Lil Cheese looked apprehensive as she came back over. She carefully wiped at his hooves, but he began to fuss when she wiped his mouth. "Almost done," she told him. She withdrew, though he gave her a betrayed look, crossing his forelegs with a huff.

"Lil Cheese, would you like to play a game?" Discord asked. "If you act upset like this, you won't be able to have any fun..."

Lil Cheese's pout shrank, and he grinned. "Can we play Hide 'n Seek?"

Discord grinned. "Of course! Oh, but first..." He snapped his fingers, and Fluttershy felt the air shift in the way it did when he rearranged the house. He wrapped an arm around Fluttershy and whispered in her ear, "The house is foal-proofed now. Any dangerous rooms are on the opposite side of the dimension."

"Thank you," she whispered back. Out loud she said, "Okay, Cheese! Do you want to hide or seek?"

"Hide!" he chirped happily. Discord snapped his fingers and made a gong appear.

"How's this? I'll count to one hundred, and hit this when I'm done. Then I'll try to find you without magic. Let's say there's a time limit of...ten minutes for this round?" Lil Cheese nodded enthusiastically. "Alright then..."

He closed his eyes and began to count out loud. Lil Cheese scampered out of the room, while Fluttershy followed close behind. She watched as he ran down a hall and darted into the fruits room before diving into a barrel of apples. She opened the door across from his hiding place, making sure to close it behind her.

The statue collection. The carpet was real green grass, and statues of all kinds—marble, onyx even glass—were scattered through the room. She gulped and looked for one large enough to hide behind. The gong echoed through the house. Quickly, she jumped behind a random stone statue, crouching low to the ground.

He heard Discord's wing beats. "Hmm. Now if I were a young kid or a lovely pegasus, where would I hide?" Fluttershy blushed, crouching even lower. She held her breath as the door opened.

She started to curl in on herself as his footsteps came closer and closer. All of a sudden, there was silence. With a silent sigh, she planted her hooves on the ground and flipped herself onto her back.

Discord had been right behind her. Her sudden movement made him yelp in surprise, jumping into the air. With a pout, he asked, "How did you know I was there?"

She shook her head. "After how many times you've surprised me like that, you think I wouldn't see it coming?"

"Hmm. I guess this means I'll have to find new ways to surprise you," he purred, kissing her neck. In her ear, he whispered, "I know Lil Cheese is in the other room. He left the door open."

"So you're...stalling?" she asked.

He nodded. "I mean, he's a kid! If hiding makes him feel good, I can give him a bit of leeway...for a few rounds, at least. Until he knows the house better." He tapped his fingers together. "I mean...if you think that's a good idea. I haven't foalsat before."

She kissed his cheek. "No...that's a good idea. We can stall for a little bit."

He raised his voice. "Well, I've found you! Let's go search down the hall!" They left the room and flew down the hall, ignoring the fruits room.

After about three more minutes, consumed by going down the hall, exchanging kisses, and coming back, they entered the fruits room. "I wonder if he's in here?" Discord said. She smiled, and began to fish around in a barrel of durians, while he fished in a tub of dragonfruits.

The next barrel he dived into was the apple barrel. He came back out holding a squirming, laughing Cheese. "Again!" he shouted. Discord and Fluttershy chuckled.

"Do you want to hide again?" Discord asked, receiving a nod in response. "Alright. Fluttershy, why don't you seek this time?" In a flash, the three of them were by the gong in the kitchen. She smiled, closed her eyes, and began to count.

The afternoon flew by in a series of games. After several more games of Hide and Seek, including one where Cheese was the seeker and Discord had decided curling around Fluttershy was the best way to hide, the colt had grown tired of the game.

Then he had asked to play tag. Discord had agreed, after widening the hallways and turning all the furniture into plush versions of itself. This was fortunate, as Cheese bumped into quite a lot of furniture as he ran. After several games of that, during which Cheese and Discord never seemed to run out of energy, Cheese became bored with that game, too.

Discord had then pulled out a game of Twister, which Cheese eagerly agreed to. During their second game, Fluttershy finally noticed the time on the wall. It was six o' clock. "Oh my," she said. "Cheese, what would you like for dinner?"

"Noodles!" he said a second before falling on his stomach.

"Alright..." She flew into the kitchen and grabbed Pinkie's list, scanning over his favorite foods. "Macaroni and cheese...he calls them 'noodles'," she read aloud. Setting the list down, she began to search the cupboards.

After some searching, and happy shrieks from the other room, she found some macaroni noodles. She started boiling them in a pot, and searched the fridge for cheese, milk, and butter.

As the noodles were boiling, she sliced up some apples, making sure the quarter for Lil Cheese was as thinly sliced as possible. She finished making the mac and cheese, and distributed it and the apples on three plates. She set them on the table and flew back into the living room.

Cheese was struggling to stand, with his back hooves crossed against each other, and one of his forehooves stretched out to the far corner. Discord, on the other hand, was balancing with ease, not even needing to use his magic. "Dinner's ready!" she told them.

Lil Cheese huffed in response. "Not leaving 'til I beat him!"

Discord sighed. "Kiddo, I am the champion at this game. Are you sure you don't want to break for a nice meal?"

"No!" Cheese shouted.

Fluttershy sighed. "Lil Cheese, if you want to beat him, I can help you." The colt looked up at her, eyes squinting as he thought over the idea. After wobbling on his hooves again, he nodded.

She approached Discord's head. He looked at her nervously. "Um, sweetheart? What exactly are you going to do?"

"Discord..." she said quietly. With a quick motion, she kissed his cheek and wrapped her hooves around his neck. "I love you," she cooed.

"Buh..." His face flushed bright red, and his limbs shuddered...before he slumped to the ground with a contented sigh. Lil Cheese cheered and leapt to his hooves.

"Alright, Cheese," she said, ruffling his poofy mane. "Why don't you go into the kitchen and wash up?" He nodded and bounced away, a wide smile on his face. She aporoached her husband.

He glared up at her. "You play dirty," he growled as he stumbled back onto his feet.

She smirked and brushed his back with her wing. "Thanks to your influence, sweetie," she cooed. She pulled away her wing and headed towards the kitchen.

Before she could get very far, though, Discord grabbed her shoulders, picked her up, and pressed his lips against hers. She sighed, eyes slowly starting to drift shut, before she quickly blinked awake and pulled away. "Discord, Lil Cheese is waiting," she told him. He pouted, so she quickly kissed his snout and said, "So we'll have to pick this up later."

And with that, he let her go, and they both entered the kitchen.

After several minutes of messy eating, followed by several more minutes Fluttershy trying to catch Lil Cheese and clean him off, dinner had finshed. Discord tossed the dishes into the sink, where they began to scrub themselves clean, splashing soapy water onto the floor.

"Can we play Hide n' Seek again?" Cheese asked, bouncing on his hooves. Fluttershy glanced at the clock of the living room wall.

Seven o' clock. His bedtime is in an hour, she thought. We shouldn't do anything to rile him up too much... "How about a board game?" she said aloud.

Cheese huffed. "I don't wanna play a bored game. 'S boring."

"Au contraire, my little pony!" chimed Discord. "You just haven't found the right board game to play! Now, let's see..." He snapped his fingers, and a blue treasure chest appeared in front of him. He plunged in and began digging through.

He held up a green and black box. "Hmm...fun, but a little too spooky for you." He tossed it over his shoulder and pulled out a simple chess box. "Might be too complicated or boring for you." He dropped it and pulled out a stack of thick books, sheets of paper, and dice that was taller than the chest itself. He grinned, but then frowned and said, "No, O&O is definitely too complicated for you."

He dropped the stack, which fell into the chest with a loud thud. Fluttershy came to his side and peered into the jumbled mess. A light blue box with gold lettering on it caught her eye. "What about this?" she asked, pulling it out of the chest.

"Lost Cities..." he read. "That's a good one! A little too much math and number stuff for my taste, but still fun! And easy enough to learn. Plus, a full game lasts about an hour." He carefully took the box from her and showed it to Lil Cheese. "What do you think of this?"

Cheese scrutinized the box. "What's it about?"

Discord let go of the box, which floated over to a table, opened itself up, and let all the game pieces fly out and set themselves into place. He grabbed the instructions and began explaining to the other two while they took their seats.

As Discord talked, Lil Cheese looked more and more interested, until finally declaring he wanted to play. After a minute or so of explaining rules, dealing cards, and deciding who got what color of pieces, the three began the game.

Lil Cheese turned out to be quite a good strategist, and won the game. Fluttershy was in second place, five points behind him, while Discord was ten points behind her. She looked at him, and he quickly winked as the games started to put itself away, floating back over to the box.

After checking the wall clock, Fluttershy said softly, "Alright, Lil Cheese. It's time for bed."

He crossed his hooves. "I'm not tired, Auntie Shy," he huffed.

"Okay," she said. "Why don't you just lie down quietly for a bit, and I'll sing you a lullaby?"

Lil Cheese hesitated for a second, but then laid down on the couch. Discord snapped his fingers, and a pillow and blanket appeared, which he snuggled into. Fluttershy took a deep breath and began to sing some of her favorite lullabies.

After finishing the second one, she paused and saw that Cheese was breathing soundly, sleeping peacefully. She smiled and pulled the blanket up to his chin before backing away.

She glanced over and saw that Discord was leaning against the wall and smiling at her. "Have I ever mentioned how lovely your voice is?" he sighed. She blushed, glancing away. "How much longer until we drop him off?"

She glanced at the clock. "A little less than half an hour," she whispered. "Hopefully we can take him to Pinkie without waking him up."

He nodded, then nuzzled her cheek. "Thanks for this," he whispered. "I really did miss...having a young kid around." He sighed, plopping his head on her shoulder. "But I forget it could be...tiring. And a bit repetitive."

She smiled at rubbed at the back of his neck. "Do I need to put you to bed, too?" She said teasingly. He hummed. "...Are you actually thinking about it?"


Less than half an hour of quiet cuddling later, Fluttershy carefully scooped Lil Cheese into her hooves. Discord snapped his fingers, and the two of them appeared outside of Sugar Cube Corner. He knocked on the door.

It was slowly opened by Pinkie Pie, who peered carefully at the sleeping colt. "Oh, good! You got him to sleep," she whispered, carefully taking him into her own hooves and placing him on her back before heading into the back.

They carefully stepped in. Cheese Sandwich stepped forward and shook hooves with them. "I can't thank you enough," he said. "He was just a bundle of energy today. I don't know how you convinced him to go to bed!"

Pinkie came back out. "So, how did it go?"

Fluttershy smiled. "It went very well! He was a little fussy, but also polite. Though it was very...tiring." Discord nodded.

Pinkie pulled them both into a hug. "Well, I'm so glad you did this! Cheese and I finally got some inventory done, and had some alone time!" She let go and trotted over to the counter. "I know you don't really need money because magic, so...cupcake?"

She held out a platter with two cupcakes. One appeared to be vanilla, covered with yellow frosting, while the other looked like chocolate, and had rainbow frosting and sprinkles on it. Discord snagged the chocolate one and bit into it, while Fluttershy grabbed the other and carefully unwrapped it.

She took a bite. "Pinkie, this is delicious!"

"I agree," Discord said. "Is that...chili powder?"

"We had extra in the pantry," Cheese Sandwich said. "Pinkie figured you'd like it."

Fluttershy smiled. "Thank you, Pinkie. We'd love to do this again," she said, glancing at Discord. He smiled, and lopped an arm over her shoulders.

"I think it's about time we be off," he said. "Ready, dear?" Nodding to him, and waving goodbye to Pinkie and Cheese, they disappeared in a flash of light.

As soon as they were back home, Discord slumped to the floor with a moan. Fluttershy sighed. "Sweetie, I don't think I can carry you to bed. Can you get to the bedroom while I put these cupcakes away?"

He groaned and began to slither away. She flew into the kitchen and quickly found a bag and cupboard to put their cupcakes in, before flying to their bedroom.

Discord was just finishing crawling onto the bed. Sighing, she pulled the sheets out from under him and lifted them up to his chin. She slid under the covers and kissed him on the forehead. "Good night, Discord." With a sigh, she snuggled into her pillow, already feeling Discord's arms drape over her.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she could feel the world around her become fuzzier, more distant. Just before she drifted completely off into sleep, she heard him sleepily mumble something.

"Should we have one?"

Author's Note:

Idea provided by misskoifishpony! I hope this contained all the cuteness you hoped for. :twilightsmile:

Is the last line going to be brought up again? Probably not in this story. I might start another story about this idea that may reference to this one, but that's probably not going to happen. But if proper inspiration strikes...!

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