• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,567 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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A Most Chaotic Day

As soon as they appeared in the kitchen, Discord snapped his fingers. Tall stacks of pancakes appeared at both of their places at the table. He pulled her chair out for her, nuzzling her cheek before teleporting into his chair. He quickly began snarfing down his pancakes.

She followed his example and began to dig in. Her nose scrunched up for a second as she took a bite of two different pancakes. One tasted like oranges, and the other like green tea. She carefully took another bite, and now that she was expecting the odd flavor combination...it wasn't that bad.

Discord shoveled three pancakes down his throat, then asked, "Is it good?" She nodded, taking a bite from lower down in the stack. Strawberries and chocolate chips.

He hummed in thought for a second before snapping his fingers again. With a flash of light, tall, oddly-shaped glasses of chocolate milk appeared in front of them, complete with bendy straws. As she sipped at the sugary drink, he snapped his fingers again, and an apple appeared in front of herโ€”shaped like a cartoonish heart.

She giggled and took a bite out of the fruit, while he summoned himself a square-shaped orange. They ate for a while, more pancakes appearing from nowhere as he summoned even more unusual fruits, until they leaned back in their chairs, their plates and glasses emptied.

Discord sat up and teleported next to her. "Would you like to go spelunking, finally?" he said, offering her his arm. She smiled and nodded, looping her foreleg around his elbow. He snapped his fingers, and the plates and glasses flew off of the table and smashed to the floor, while brooms and dustpans appeared and started sweeping up the mess.

With another snap of his fingers, they appeared at the mouth of a dark cave, just off-center on a small, floating patch of earth. He released his hold on her and began snapping his fingers in a steady rhythm, new things appearing on her body with each flash.

First, a teal helmet appeared on her head, situating itself snugly against her skull. A light on top flickered on, casting a pale pink light. Next, pads strapped themselves onto her knees, then pillows onto her wings. A harness and rope appeared around her waist, and it cinched itself snugly into her coat.

She glanced up and saw Discord wearing a similar harness, which the other end of the rope was attached to. He tightened the strap of a neon-rainbow helmet on his head, before bending down and checking the straps under her chin.

"Discord," she said quietly, "Aren't the pillows a bit much?"

He scoffed. "Keeping you safe from any scrapes is never too much!" He cupped his hand under her chin a second longer before pulling away and checking her harness.

"But Discord, I can't use my wings like this."

"I'll be your wings."

She shook her head. "But...isn't all this going against a most chaotic day?" She felt his hands freeze. "If you're just looking out for me, and we're not adventuring together...how can we be chaotic together?"

He paused. The pillows deflated like balloons, falling limply to the ground. "I suppose you're right," he said, floating in front of her, kissing her cheek as he passed.

"Are you ready to go exploring, my lady?" he said, tightening the harness around his torso. She smiled and nodded, and the two of them stepped towards the mouth of the cave.

The floor was smooth, though it sloped gently downwards. They walked further in, Discord opening his palm to release tiny globes of golden light that lit their path.

It wasn't long before they reached a great chasm, deep and dark. He flicked his paw, and the globes of light floated across, lighting up the flat stone wall on the other side. Words were deeply etched into it, embedded with glittering gems.

My dear Fluttershy, I'm glad you agreed to this trip. I love you more than anything in the universe, which is why I hope you enjoy our little trip to the deepest parts of this cavern. I wish for nothing more than for you to be happy. There was a heart at the end, filled with rubies.

She lifted a hoof to her heart. "Oh...is this why you wanted me to come with you?" He nodded, blushing. She smiled and flew up to lightly peck his cheek. "You're too sweet."

His blush started to actually glow, casting a dim light on the stone walls. The golden globes turned a slight shade of pink. With a cough, he lightly tugged on the rope that was connecting them. It held taut, and he nodded in satisfaction.

"Ready?" he asked. She nodded, peering warily down the dark chasm. The light globes hovered downwards and spread apart, lighting a large portion of the gap.

"Together?" he said. She nodded again, approaching the cliff carefully. He snapped his tail feathers, and suction cups appeared on his hands and her front hooves.

With a deep breath, she slowly walked backward, using her wings to hover in the air over the edge.

Discord, also hovering, quickly dropped down and attached himself to the wall. She followed at a slower pace, carefully placing her suction cups on the stone. She glanced over at him, placing her back hooves into convenient cracks in the wall and nodding.

With a smile, he carefully moved downโ€”one hand at a time, his legs moving with each hand. She followed his motion two hooves at a time.

They quietly continued straight down the wall, slowly and steadily.

They reached the bottom of the flat wall and found a winding tunnel filled with stalagmites, stalactites, and elegantly carved pillars. Large gems stuck out of the walls, glittering under the light of the globes.

Discord snapped away the suction cups, and they walked down the tunnel, chatting about various topics, from the books they were reading, to how the sanctuary and Celestia were doing.

After some minutes of walking, turning left and right, up and down, they came to a perfectly square room made out of a shiny black stone.

"Odd," Discord said. "This is unnatural...almost orderly." He carefully stuck out his dragon toe, lightly tapping the stone floor before yanking it away.

"Is it...too orderly?" she asked, a little worried. "After all the order you dealt with last night..."

He stroked his beard. "It's out of place enough that I should be fine. Besides, we just need to get to the other side."

With a deep breath, he stepped into the room...and froze. Quickly, she rushed forward, looking up at him...and also stopped.

The room, even though it looked perfectly still, was vibrating. As soon as her hooves touched the floor, the vibration traveled up her body. It was...strange, to say the least. It felt like her skeleton was shaking right under her skin.

"L-l-let's get out of here," she said, teeth shivering in her mouth. He swiftly nodded, and they rushed to the other side of the room, their hoofsteps echoing loudly against the black walls.

As soon as they were in the tunnel again, they breathed a sigh of relief. "That was...odd," she said, shivering.

He nodded. "I wasn't expecting that. I hope that there aren't any dangerous random rooms." Under his breath, he muttered, "I should have checked this place before I brought you down here."

She took hold of his paw, smiling up at him. "I know you'll keep me safe," she said. "Besides, isn't it more fun to experience this together?"

He paused for a second, then smiled and nodded. They continued down the tunnel, still chatting happily as they continued.

Hours passed by, the tunnel turning in impossible directions. There were parts with sheer flat walls that went up or down, which they scaled as easily as the first one, and several other random rooms that appeared along their path.

There was a room where gravity suddenly inverted, and they had to walk across the ceiling. Discord had to catch her in his arms, as she was so surprised by the sudden flip. There was another room that looked just like a forest clearing, complete with thick foliage, birdsong, and a bright blue sky. Some investigation revealed the sky was painted and the birdsong was from speakers, but the plants were all real. A room that was a maze of mirrors, another filled with gold (which Discord had shoved them through without stopping), one where a strong wind blew through, even though there weren't any openings besides the tunnel...there were so many oddities down here.

But as she assured Discord after he caught her in the inverted gravity room, exploring a place like this was fun and exciting, especially with him by her side.

Discord pulled a pocket watch out of thin air, opening it up to reveal a wildly spinning compass needle. "Looks like we're almost to the end," he said, tossing the compass/watch over his shoulder. "I'd guess there's just one more room before we reach the end of the cave."

"How can you tell?" she asked.

"Magic," he said, waving his hands and creating a sparkling rainbow between them.

She giggled, covering her mouth with a hoof. The tunnel curved upwards and to the right, the gems changing color from yellow to blue crystals as they followed the path.

In just minutes, they entered a large domed cavern. On the other side was the exit, with jugged stone outcroppings that looked like fangs, and a clear view of Chaosville's purple sky.

The floor of the cavern was a crystal-clear lake, with a glowing moss growing deep on the bottom. The ceiling was covered with star-shaped diamonds, which shimmered as the sky outside shifted.

Discord wriggled and shrugged off his harness, tossing his helmet off to the side. "Guess we'll have to swim across," he said, snapping his fingers. Her harness and shoulder pads loosened and fell to the ground as she undid the strap of her helmet.

Just as he was about to dive in, her stomach suddenly growled. She placed a hoof on her belly, a light blush on her cheeks. "I guess we've been down here for a while," he said. "Well, I suppose we could have a picnic lunch outside. Ooooor..."

He snapped up a picnic basket, then stepped closer to the lake. He whipped out a neon yellow blanket, and threw it over the surface of the lake. The water rippled, but the blanket refused to sink and remained completely dry.

He stepped onto the blanket, dropping the basket in the center. The blanket rippled and sank under his feet, but still remained dry. He knelt next to the edge and held a paw out to her, grinning.

She smiled and took his paw, stepping carefully on the blanket. It reminded her of a waterbedโ€”a solid, dry surface that sank easily under her weight, wobbling underneath her. She took a seat next to Discord.

He held his fingers in the snapping position, then paused and glanced at her. "Do you trust me, even if this is a crazy idea?" he asked.

She smiled and leaned against his side. "Always."

He smiled and snapped. The blanket began slowly sinking into the water.

She tensed a little, grabbing onto his arm. "It's okay," he assured her. "Look." He pointed at the edge of the blanket.

Looking closer, she saw that even though it was sinking, no water was flowing onto the blanket. In fact, as it sank totally beneath the surface, a film of water pressed closer, but appeared to be pushed back.

Seconds later, they were completely underwater. With a thwip, the water flowed above their heads, enclosing them in a bubble of air.

Discord flicked his finger, and they began to drift around the lake. "Is this alright?" he asked. "I can take us somewhere else if you want."

She shook her head, reaching towards the basket. "No, this is...interesting." She glanced up at the shimmering diamonds through the filter of the water's surface. "It's beautiful down here."

She opened the lid, and the basket unfolded itself into a smaller woven blanket, covered in heaps of sandwiches, smoothies, and kale chips.

She started nibbling on a triangle cucumber sandwich, while he munched on a foot-long stuffed with lettuce, ketchup, and mayo, opening it up and tossing a handful of kale chips on before continuing to eat.

Their bubble drifted through the water, bouncing off of the walls, as they made their way through the pile of food. Just as they finished off the last foot-long sandwich together, a flower grew in the center of the blanket, blooming open to reveal scoops of pink ice cream, the leaves twisting into spoons.

She carefully plucked a spoon and took a small bite. "Strawberry," she said, taking another bite from the same scoop. Her brow furrowed in confusion. "It's bubblegum now."

Discord snatched the other spoon and took a large bite. "Pink lotus. I think it changes with every bite." He took another bite. "Yep. It just became raspberry."

They kept eating, each bite a different flavor. Once they finished, she set down her spoon and set a hoof on her stomach. "That was really good," she said. "But I'm not sure I want to move much right now. What can we do that's chaotic without moving?"

He snapped his fingers, and the blanket floated upwards, their bubble popping as they broke the surface. The blanket hovered up a few more inches into the air, fluttering underneath them.

Discord spread out, laying on his stomach next to her. "We can go exploring and relax at the same time if you'd like," he said.

She smiled and laid on her stomach, shifting forward so she was laying under his arm. "That sounds lovely," she said.

With a smile, he flicked his hands as though he were holding invisible reins. The blanket hovered forward and out the tunnel exit, fluttering forward into the shifting sky of Chaosville.

They had soared over Chaosville's unusual features for an hour or so, even joining a group of flying sharks as they migrated from an ocean sphere to a towering spire of saltwater before continuing their adventure.

After a while, they flew back to their house, folding the blanket and putting it in the clothes and carpets closet. They went into the crafts room and started painting together, splattering colors of paint onto a blank canvas without any sort of pattern, occasionally flicking bits of paint onto each other.

Once every white spot was covered, Discord blew a yellow flame onto the canvas. The paint immediately dried, and he wiped a smudge of green paint off of his forehead (leaving an even larger smear of pink paint).

"I think this is our most chaotic work yet," he said. "Where should we hang this one?"

She narrowed her eyes, looking at the colorful splotches. "This part here almost looks like a fruit bowl," she said, pointing at some roundish red and green spots, and some linear yellow ones. "Why don't we put it in the kitchen?"

He nodded and wiped his hands on her coat, to which she playfully tried to squirm away. He carefully picked up the canvas and disappeared in a flash of light for a few seconds, before reappearing by her side.

He coughed up a pocket watch, opening it up and looking at the time. "It's almost six," he said. "I guess we were exploring for longer than I thought." He tossed the watch onto a nearby table, where brushes began to paint it gold and silver.

She glanced at her mane, or more specifically, the blue paint that had gotten stuck in it. "We should wash up first. We had a pretty big lunch, so we could probably wait a little longer for dinner." He nodded. "Do you want to use the bath first? You have a lot more paint on you."

He smirked. "I have a better idea." He brushed his fingers through her mane, leaning down to kiss her.

"Oh," she said, blushing. "O-okay. I-it's been a while since we've bathed together."

He smiled and scooped her into his arms before teleporting the two of them away.

Forty-five minutes later, they appeared in the kitchen, their coats clean and glossy and their faces flushed.

Discord began rooting through the cupboards, tossing foodstuffs over his shoulder and muttering to himself. After a few moments, he groaned and slumped to the ground.

"What's wrong?" she asked, rubbing the top of his head with the tip of her wing.

He looked up, pouting, and said, "I want to make us a wonderfully chaotic dinner...but none of the ideas I can think of are good enough to finish a day like today!" He flopped back against the ground, placing his hands over his head. "What sort of chaos spirit am I!?"

She sighed and kissed his cheek. "You always have good ideas. You just need to think a little more." She walked over to the stove. "I'll make us a kettle of tea, and you can just relax, alright? Think your ideas through."

As the tea boiled, he rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. She watched as he drew invisible plans in the air with his finger, before frowning in disgust and crumbling up the plan. "It's alright," she said. "Just calm down, and try to let the ideas come naturally."

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Slowly, he lifted his hands again and began to mold at the airโ€”this time, much more gently and carefully, his eyes and mouth twitching slightly as he focused in on whatever idea he was having.

She carefully set the teacup and saucer down on the floor next to him. His nose twitched, and he slowly opened his eyes and sat up, letting the cup float into his paw. He took a dainty sip as she sat next to him, still molding an invisible idea with his free claw.

"I think I have something," he said after his fifth sip of tea. "Nothing too crazy, but something I think you'll like."

She set her teacup down. "Oh? What is it?" She scooted forward a little, her front hooves tapping eagerly on the ground.

He smirked and snapped his fingers. They were teleported to the couch, the tea kettle and teacups floating in after them from the kitchen. He pulled large silver trays of sandwiches and cookies from thin air, piling them onto the table.

Off to the side, he lit a blue flame under a floating teapot, his teacup settling into his paw. "As I said, nothing too crazy...but I wouldn't say this is a normal dinner, either," he said, gesturing to more teapots and plates of snacks that had suddenly arrived.

She smiled and plucked her teacup out of the air. "Just like old times," she said with a smile. "Did you make cucumber sandwiches?"

He nodded, and a plate full of them floated over to her. "And even some carrot-ginger ones," he said as he took a large bite out of one of said sandwiches. "Though I still don't think I'll ever make them as well as you did."

She took a small bite out of a cucumber sandwich. "Well, you still make these as well as ever," she said. He smiled, his pupils becoming wide and shiny.

As they talked and ate, he shifted closer to her, and she to him, until they were leaning against each other. They continued sipping their tea and nibbling on snacks, though the talking was mostly replaced with soft cuddling and gentle petting. The cuckoo clock chirped several times, and the plates and teapots slowly emptied.

She yawned, snuggling into his chest fur as she let her teacup slip out of her grip. Discord caught it with his tail, chuckling. "Sleepy now, are we? After all that tea?"

She whined and poked his chest, adjusting herself against him. He chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Well, you may be fine sleeping on top of me, but I'd like to spend tonight in a bed." His arms wrapped around her. "I'm going to move you, okay?"

She tried to say 'yes', but all she could manage was a soft mumble. It must have been enough, because she heard him snap his fingers, and felt the air shift around her in the way it did whenever they teleported. She was lifted off of his chest and placed on top of a bed.

She groaned and reached out towards him. He kissed her forehead and pulled the bedsheets up to her chest. "I'm here," he said, slithering under the covers. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead again. "I'll always be here."

She smiled and snuggled into him, letting her body relax in his hold. "Love you," she murmured.

"Love you too," he said, just before she drifted off to sleep.

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