• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,555 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Dancing in the Rain

Fluttershy lingered in the sanctuary that afternoon, even after finishing all of her tasks. She glanced to the sky every so often, watching as teams of pegasi brought out a blanket of grey clouds.

She inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of nature and anticipation hanging in the air. The first rainshower of spring was coming.

"Hello, Flutters!" Discord's voice said from behind her. She turned and saw that he was wearing a fancy suit, holding an inside-out umbrella in his paw. "Looking forward to the coming storm?"

She smiled, stifling a giggle at his ensemble. "It's not going to be much of a storm," she said. "Just enough of a rain shower to give all of the trees and flowers and other plants the water they need to grow."

"Yes, yes," he sighed, swinging his umbrella around, causing it to change color with each revolution. "I don't understand why they can't at least toss a little bit of lightning in there, spice it up a bit."

She couldn't help but giggle. "I don't understand how weather ponies decide what goes in a storm," she said. "Um...what are you wearing?"

"My rainsuit!" he said cheerfully, slinging the umbrella over his shoulder as a blue flower bloomed on his lapel. "Specifically designed to be fun, comfortable...and to get a laugh out of the loveliest of pegasi."

That broke her. She began laughing loudly, ending up so out of breath that she needed to lean against his side for support. He chuckled at her reaction, adding a few fancy pieces to his ensemble to keep her laugher going—until he ended up with five cufflinks, a striped top hat, and a gold chain necklace.

She wheezed, recovering her breath with a few giggles escaping. He patted her back, his fancy outfit melting away as she slowly managed to calm down.

Once she had her breath back, she lifted her head to grin at him. "Do you want to join me for the rainshower?" she said. "I know it won't be terribly exciting, but it will still be fun."

He pursed his lips in thought, glancing between her and the darkening sky. "Sure, why not?" he said with a small grin. "I'm sure I'll find a way to have fun with it."

"I'm sure you will," she said with a bright smile, rubbing against his side. She led the way towards the hills around the sanctuary—somewhere out of the way, with plenty of space for the two of them.

She sat on the grass, looking up at the sky. Discord sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her and holding her close. His fingers drummed against her shoulder as she nestled into his fur.

After a minute or so passed by, he spoke up. "Is it going to start anytime soon?" His fingers' drumming increased. "Or am I going to have to take matters into my own hands?"

"Discord," she said, wrapping a foreleg around him. "Don't mess with the weather, please."

"I won't! But I still want to do something to speed it up. The pegasi are gone, shouldn't the rain start soon?" He glared up at the clouds, then held a megaphone to his mouth. "Hey! Hurry it up, up there!"

To her surprise, a raindrop landed on her nose. She blinked in shock, going a little cross-eyed as she tried to look at her muzzle. More raindrops began to shower down on them.

"Sweet chaos, I was not expecting that to work," Discord said, holding out his paw to catch the raindrops. "I'm even more amazing than I thought! Commanding weather like that should be enough to give Rainbow a run for her money."

She laughed, standing up and feeling the dampening grass under her hooves. "I guess you are," she said with a soft laugh. The rain poured down, more and more of it falling down the longer the shower went on.

Discord laughed, dancing and weaving through the raindrops. She giggled at his antics, watching as he headed towards the top of the hill.

Fluttershy smiled and lifted her head to look at the sky. Rain poured down her face, soaking into her mane and causing it to stick to her face. It was peaceful...the rain was a wonderful type of spring rain that wasn't cold at all.

A joyful shriek broke the peace, and Discord tumbled down the hill right past her, splashing her with mud.

"Hey!" she shouted after him as he kept rolling. He continued shrieking and laughing, eventually sliding to a stop at the bottom of the hill.

He grinned up at her as mud dripped off of his body. "Why don't you catch me and do something about it?" he taunted, his grin stretching past his cheeks.

She scowled playfully at him and tried to gallop down the hill. It was more slippery than she thought, and she had to stumble to keep a stable footing. Discord laughed, standing up and shaking the mud off of himself.

Then, an idea came to her mind. With a grin, she took a few steps backward, leapt forward...and began to slide down the hill directly towards him.

Of course, she lost direction almost right away and spun out of control as she accelerated down the slope. She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping that there was nothing directly in her path.

She ended up tumbling over herself, and landed in a heap somewhere at the bottom of the hill. Once her head felt like it was done spinning, she opened her eyes...and saw Discord looking down at her, his shoulders shaking as his lips curled into a wavy line.

"Don't laugh," she said with a slight pout, rolling over and getting back onto her hooves. Still, Discord began to snicker, though he covered his mouth with his hands to try and stifle it.

Once back on her hooves, she shook herself to rid herself of the mud. Some of it stuck to Discord's legs, but most was simply being washed off by the warm rain. She sighed and looked up at the sky again, trying to reclaim that sense of peace.

"I-I have to say," Discord managed to force between chuckles. "That was quite a performance. I'd give it a two times pi out of ten."

She glanced over at him. His grin was wide, and his shoulders were still shaking a bit from repressed laughter. She glanced back down and scuffed at the muddy ground, digging a hole for a new puddle to begin forming.

"I mean it!" he said. "Okay, I'm being a little teasing, but that was an impressive tumble-slide. Did you have fun?"

"Not...really," she said. "I didn't like losing control." She paused and thought for a moment. "Though...it was a little fun before I flipped over myself..."

"That's the spirit!" he cheered. "It's a simple, exciting pleasure, rolling down hills...why should foals have all the fun?" He bounced on his heels, placing his hands on her shoulders with an excited grin.

"C'mon, we can both slide down together," he said, pointing towards the top of the hill. "Once you have the, ah, 'steering' down, it's quite fun. A thrilling, chaotic ride!"

"Well..." She had jumped down the slope after him the first time without much hesitation. And it really hadn't been so bad, aside from... "What if I end up tumbling over myself again? Or if I run into something?"

"Oh, but tumbling over and over and over yourself can be fun!" Discord said, floating into the air and tying his serpentine body into knots. She raised an eyebrow, and he slowly lowered himself to the ground, still with the knots in his torso. "But, ah...there's nothing to run into on this hill, see?"

He gestured to said hill, which was fairly plain, all things considered. No rocks or trees...only a few small patches of flowers here and there. With a snap of his fingers, the flowers all hopped out of the ground, fashioned umbrellas from twigs and grass, and wandered off. Another snap, and a few tiny pebbles floated up into the air and swam away.

"Perfectly safe!" he announced, turning to her with a broad grin. "Please...once with me, for me?"

With his enthusiasm, and her worries addressed, she found herself a bit less hesitant. "Well...I can at least try it again," she said. His grin widened even more. "Can you show me how to...not tumble over myself?"

"Of course," he said, untying his torso. "It's easy, really—just try to stay on your stomach, or back if you prefer, and don't overbalance your weight in one direction." He began to skate up the muddy hill on his bare feet, carving the beds of tiny rivers as he went.

"That's it?" she asked, trotting to keep up with her. Every step, her hooves sank into the mud with a slosh. "And...what do I do if I end up overbalancing?"

"Ah...hm," he said, scratching his nose. "I think the best thing to do is...nothing. Don't flail around to fix it, or you might, um...roll over a limb and...hurt it. So just...stay calm and wait until you make it to the bottom of the hill."

"...okay." It didn't sound like an ideal solution to her, but if it was the best Discord could think of...well, she'd try to avoid getting into that situation.

They soon made it to the top of the hill. Discord brushed some rain out of his eyes and scrutinized the hill...and then her.

He poked at her hooves, guiding her into a position that didn't feel that much different than how she had been naturally standing. He stroked a paw down her back, slicking down her wet fur.

She shivered a bit at his touch, but leaned closer to him. "Ah ah ah," he said, nudging her back into position before getting onto all fours beside her.

"Now, on three," he said. "We'll both dive forward and slide down the hill together. Ready?"

She nodded, and he grinned and turned to face the hill. "One...two...three!" he said, lunging forward. She lunged forward alongside him, landing on her belly as she made it over the curve of the hill.

The grass and mud were slippery, and she quickly accelerated forward. She shifted every so often to keep herself from tipping over. She heard Discord laughing merrily, and lifted her head to look at him.

There was a wide grin on his face, a gleam in his eyes even as mud sprayed on him. She couldn't help but smile a little at his happiness...and realized too late that she had unconsciously started leaning towards him, and was now heading straight for him.

She ended up sliding right into him...knocking them both a bit off balance.

The two of them started to tumble. She squeaked as her world began to flip, but Discord wrapped his arms and body around her, holding her close and...laughing. Though it was hard for her to focus on anything (the spinning made her very dizzy), she glanced up and saw that he was laughing merrily, a wide grin on his face as mud splashed around them.

His laughter was infectious, and she couldn't help but smile and laugh, too.

They eventually splatted to a stop at the bottom, where they both laid on top of each other, giggling and panting as rain soaked into their fur.

"One more time?" he said, sitting up and wiping some mud off of her face. She eagerly nodded, and they headed back to the top of the hill.

They stayed in the hills for the whole rainstorm—sliding and rolling down hills, dancing and weaving in the rain, and throwing mudballs at each other. The two of them laughed the whole time, their fun only coming to an end when the rain slowly stopped.

Discord scooped her into his arms as the clouds began to fade, a few pegasi coming to corral them away. With a snap of his fingers, they teleported to the middle of their living room.

He stretched, then dropped to all fours and shook himself like a dog. Fluttershy squeaked and tried to shield herself...not that it would have done much good, since she was just as soaked as he was.

Now a bit drier, Discord stood back up on his feet and dabbed at her mane with a handkerchief. Large globs of mud were dislodged, and she brushed a hoof through her mane to see just how bad it was. Her hoof came back muddy...well, muddier.

"Well!" he said, tossing the handkerchief away. It shook itself off and flew out a window. "We can't stay like this, can we? Our coats are much too fabulous to be stained with mud the whole day...and I can't risk letting you catch a spring cold from that rain!" He scooped her up, holding her underneath her forelegs. "A nice, warm bath is just what we both need."

She hummed in delight at the thought. "Yes...yes please," she murmured, leaning back against his chest. "Together?"

"Naturally," he said with a smirk. "You should get warm as soon as possible, but I'm much too impatient to wait for my turn."

She giggled and nestled into his fur, the mud stuck to both of them making a few unpleasant sounds. He smiled and nuzzled her forehead, smearing a bit more mud into her coat. With a wave of his tail, they both teleported into the bathroom.

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