• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,567 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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EZ Baking

Discord yawned loudly, rolling onto his stomach and stretching out like a cat. He smacked his lips and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, recalling the last bits of the dream he had. He wasn't able to remember much: just that he had been with Fluttershy, and the two of them were gloriously happy...

He rolled onto his side to look lovingly at his wife, still fast asleep. He gently ran a talon through her mane, and she mumbled sleepily, a soft smile forming on her face as she shifted closer to him. He gasped softly, his heart skipping a beat.

He shifted closer, draping his arm over her, simply lying still and watching her sleep. Her chest rose and fell slowly, her face perfectly framed by her pink mane. He sighed, wondering how in the world he ever managed to deserve this.

Soon, she began stirring awake. The second she started blinking her eyes open, he leaned forward and lightly kissed her nose. "Good morning," he whispered. "I love you."

She smiled, wrapping her hooves around him and kissing his nose. "I love you, too," she whispered back before nestling her cheek into his fur.

He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, laying his chin on top of her head. They stayed like that for a few moments, basking in each other's presence. Discord smiled, his whole body feeling light and warm.

Time passed by, until Fluttershy sighed. "I'd love to do this all day," she said. "But I have to go to the sanctuary today."

He groaned and rolled his eyes. "Oh, alright," he said. "If you must be responsible, we can't have you doing that on an empty stomach." He kissed her neck as he snapped his fingers, teleporting them to the kitchen.

They made pancakes together, Discord keeping Fluttershy pressed against his stomach the whole time. Even when she sat down at the opposite end of the table as him, he reached out with his tail to wrap it around her back hooves, making her giggle a little.

"I'll see you for lunch?" she said after she had finished her pancakes (with extra chocolate chips). He nodded with a smile, and she flew over to kiss him on the cheek. "I love you! Have a nice day!" she said cheerfully as she flew out the front door.

He sighed and watched as she left, his pupils transforming into hearts. I love her, he thought blissfully. The bliss seemed to die down once she was out of his sight, and he sighed sadly. I should show her how much I love her.

The thought made his eyes widen, and he began to stroke his beard. The thought wasn't anything new—he regularly did things to spoil Fluttershy or show his sheer adoration. But this was the first time in a while that the thought came from out of nowhere.

He hummed and stroked his beard, floating out of the kitchen and wondering what he should do. A candle appeared above his head with a ding! and he teleported into the memory museum, right in front of an applewood chest with a carving of him and Fluttershy on it.

He quickly opened the chest and shifted through the materials, before finally pulling out a binder that read EZ Baking on the front. "A home-made, hand-cooked lunch sounds like a great way to show appreciation for my dear Fluttershy!" he said, hugging the book to his chest.

He opened it and flipped through the pages as he floated back to the kitchen. "Let's see...I'll want a dessert, of course. A fruit platter would be nice...and a main dish is a must," he said to himself, his tail scribbling on a notebook floating behind him. "Oh! And tea to drink."

He sat down at the table. "So...what dessert, and what main dish?" he mused. "For that matter...what should be on the fruit platter?"

He quickly wrote down a list of fruits and vegetables, then nodded to himself. "Alright. For the main dish...cucumber sandwiches and carrot-ginger sandwiches," he said, scribbling that on his palm. "Now...the dessert."

He flipped through the book a few times, growling a little to himself. "Nothing in here is especially important to me and Fluttershy!" he groaned. "No teacakes, no type of cookie she's made me..." He sighed, remembering the treats Fluttershy made for him in the past, raising his fingers to snap them into existence.

He quickly shook his head and slapped down his hand. "No. I want to make it without magic, to show her how much she truly means to me." He grimaced. "Even if me baking without magic hasn't ended well..."

Tiny lightbulbs appeared on top of his horns. "A chocolate cake!" he said to himself, flipping to the page with the recipe. "Or, no...chocolate cupcakes! The same thing, but different!" He flipped to the cupcakes recipe.

His eyes flicked over the page. "I should do these first, just to make sure they're done right," he mused. "I can make the sandwiches while they're in the oven." He snapped his fingers and make a pink chef's hat and apron appear on him. "Alright. Let's do this!"

He teleported over to the counter with the book. "Okay, first...'wash your hands and preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit'," he read, cranking the oven dial to the correct temperature with his tail while spraying his hands with a jet of soapy water. "'Line a muffin pan with paper or foil liners'." He flicked his hands dry, then snapped his fingers and made an iron muffin tray with five rows of three, then shuffled some paper liners before dealing them like cards into the tray.

"'Sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa, and salt'," he read. He snapped his fingers, and the ingredients floated from the cupboards, settling themselves in front of him. "Might as well get the others, too," he said, snapping his fingers. The rest of the ingredients from his and Fluttershy's last baking attempt floated to him from the fridge and cupboard.

"Alright," he said, snapping his fingers and creating a lab coat and goggles on himself. "Baking needs precise measurements. I can't mess this part up." Carefully, slowly, he measured out each of the ingredients and placed them aside, writing the name of the ingredient on each measuring cup and spoon in black marker.

He created a large plastic bowl in front of him, tossing in the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and cocoa. He picked up the salt, then paused, using his claw to take a few small grains out before dropping them onto his tongue. "Yep, that's salt," he said, dropping it into the bowl. "Now...sifting."

He made a large spoon in his hand and began to stir the ingredients with great energy. A few small clouds of white powder puffed up, threatening to hit him in the face, which made him slow down slightly. In the end, though, he still ended up with some white powder in his beard. He paused when the powder was a light brown color, and glanced over at the book to compare it to Pinkie's photo. "That looks about right."

"'In a separate bowl, cream together butter and sugar until light and fluffy'." He shoved the flour mixture to the side, making another large bowl in front of him. He tossed them in, summoning a whisk in his hand and stirring rapidly until the creamy mixture splashed against the sides of the bowl. "'Add eggs, beat well'."

He grabbed one egg in each hand and held them above the bowl. He adjusted his fingers, then pulled back both ends of the eggshells, causing them to crack open and making the yolk fall into the bowl. He glanced back at the book as he whisked them into the cream. "Whoopsie, that was supposed to be one at a time." He glanced down at his cream, turning a soft yellow.

"Ah, well," he said with a shrug, grabbing the vanilla with his tail and tossing it in, still whisking. He kept this up, glancing between his work and the photo in the book, slowing to a stop when they matched.

"Okay...'add the flour mixture alternately with milk, beat well'," he read. "What did Fluttershy say last time...? Do it in small amounts?"

He grabbed the dry ingredients bowl and tipped it, pouring only some of its contents into his bowl. He began to stir it again, this time a bit more slowly, remembering the 'folding' motion that Fluttershy had taught him to use.

He continued, adding the milk and then the dry mixture, stirring between each addition. Soon, the mixture became a smooth, chocolate brown mixture that matched Pinkie's picture. He stirred it a few more times, then stopped and glanced back at the instructions.

"Then...that's it," he said. "I just need to put it in the tray, then in the oven." He glanced between the photo and his batter again. "Looks about right...but maybe I should do a taste test!"

He summoned a silver spoon, scooping out a little of the batter and bringing it to his mouth. He paused and pulled the spoon away, pursing his lips in thought. "Wait...hasn't Fluttershy said that raw eggs can cause illnesses?"

He stroked his beard, then shrugged. "Eh, I'm the Spirit of Chaos. A little bit of egg isn't going to cause me any trouble." He shoved the spoon into his mouth, swishing the batter around with his tongue.

"Mmm. Tastes like sweet chocolate," he mumbled before swallowing. "Maybe I should do another test, to be safe." He was about to take another spoonful, but an image of Fluttershy flashed in his mind, of her enjoying a perfect cupcake during their picnic.

He shivered, then shook his head. "I mustn't be greedy," he said to himself. "These are meant for Fluttershy." He raised his claw, and the batter was lifted up in a golden aura. With a few twitches of his fingers, the batter was divided into fifteen equal-sized spheres, which he then carefully levitated into the papers.

He swiped some sweat off of his forehead, then grabbed the tray and stuck it into the oven. "How long does it need?" he said as he peered back at the book. "Let's see...fifteen minutes." He pulled a wooden timer out of thin air, twisting the dial and setting it next to the oven.

With that, he snapped his fingers and teleported a few feet down the counter, snapping his fingers again to make a bowl, large plate, and loaf of bread.

"Alright. Sandwich time," he said, reaching into the cupboards and grabbing a bundle of carrots and a container of ginger. He tossed the carrots into the bowl and began to wildly mash at them, pausing to calmly add a pinch of ginger every few seconds.

The front of the timer opened like two small doors, and a yellow cuckoo bird flew out, chirping and flying circles around Discord's head. "I get it, I get it," he said, shooing it away. "I'll get them out in a second." He finished spreading the carrot-ginger spread on the sandwich and set it on the plate.

He slid over to the oven, snapping bright yellow oven mitts onto his hands. He pulled open the door, grabbed the tray, and placed it on the cooling rack. He slammed the oven door closed, twisting the dial off with his tail.

The cuckoo bird flew away, perching itself on top of its timer. Discord leaned down to inspect the cupcakes, holding the book up just behind them and glancing between his creations and the finished picture.

"That's not right..." he said, glancing between them. His cupcakes were bigger than Pinkie's, and their tops completely poured over the edges of the paper.

"I followed all the instructions!" he complained, throttling the book. "I didn't mix up the salt and sugar! I measured things properly! I even tasted the batter to make sure it was okay!"

He groaned, flopping his head on the counter. "Where did I go wrong?" he moaned, his claw lazily tracing over Pinkie's hoofwriting. "Chocolate Cupcakes. Prep time fifteen minutes, cook time fifteen minutes, thirty minutes total. Makes sixteen servings..."

He froze. He slowly lifted his head and looked over at his cupcake tray, pointing at them and counting under his breath. "...Fifteen," he finished. He glanced between the book, then his cupcakes, before sighing and pressing his paw against his forehead.

"I put enough batter for sixteen cupcakes in fifteen papers," he groaned. "No wonder they grew monstrously huge."

He bit his lip, then glanced at the clock. There's still enough time to try again! he thought to himself. He then glanced over at the half-finished sandwich plates, looking lonesome without a fruit platter by its side. But I still have to finish those...

He shrugged, sliding back over to the sandwich tray and grabbing two more slices of bread. "I'll finish this and the fruit tray, then think about trying to remake the desserts," he said aloud, globbing carrot-ginger mixture onto one slice of bread and spreading it unevenly.

With that in mind, he began piling more sandwiches onto the plate.

Some time passed, and he now had a plate filled to the brim with sandwiches, another plate of chopped fruits and vegetables, and a steaming kettle of rosehip green tea. "And fifteen mutant cupcakes," he said to himself, staring at the oversized desserts.

He glanced at a nearby melting clock, then back at his desserts. "Well...they're edible, at least," he said to himself. "And they don't need to be perfect, really. If Fluttershy will enjoy them, that's good enough for me."

He snapped his fingers, and the paper liners peeled themselves away, struggling to pull out of the swollen tops. He ran a white scanner over the cupcakes, the reading coming back negative for any paper. "Now...for decoration," he said, snapping his fingers and making frosting and icing pipes to his right, and bowls of sprinkles, glitters, and candy toppings on his left.

He made blue plastic gloves on his hands, stretching and snapping them into place, grinning widely. He grabbed the first cupcake and the nearest frosting pipe and started working.

"Phew," he said, wiping sweat off of his forehead and setting the cupcake carefully on its plate with the others. He did a quick count, making sure he had gotten all of them, before carefully covering them with a plastic lid, enchanting it with a quick spell to make sure the only source of gravity was the plate—no way would he let them just tip over, after all his hard work!

He snapped his fingers and created a small wicker picnic basket. He carefully stacked everything inside, starting with the cupcakes and ending with the still-steaming tea kettle, without the basket bulging an inch. Just before closing it, he snapped his fingers and made a plaid blanket and a small, varied cheese tray, tucking them into the basket as well.

"Now everything is ready," he said to himself. "I just need to wait..." he glanced at the clock. "Another hour and a half before I can pick her up."

He snapped his fingers and teleported into their bedroom, flinging open the wardrobe and browsing the contents. "Now, should I dress for the occasion?" he said aloud, holding a black-and-white striped suit to himself. He shook his head, then held up a poofy orange dress.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his reflection. He turned to peer closer at the mirror set in the wardrobe door, wincing at the sight. His beard had white powder in it, and there were smears of frosting and icing over his face and in his hair, including one large, glittery smear on his forehead. He glanced down at his hands, noticing that they were covered in glitter and hints of icing. And now that he was appraising himself, he realized he was wearing a cologne of sweets and sweat.

"I should probably make myself presentable first," he said, snapping his fingers and getting rid of the frosting he had left on his clothing, then snapping his tail feathers and teleporting into the bathroom.

After a quick shower, and choosing his cologne and outfit, he teleported to the library. It was a library that could have put even Twilight's to shame—each of the four walls was a shelf of books, stretching from the floor to the ceiling, which was so high up you almost couldn't see the top. Staircases and ladders lined the shelves at various locations, and there were multiple doors and balconies spread along the walls, each forming its own comfortable reading space. Books flew around the area, performing tricks or sleeping on the shelves. The only thing Twilight would hate about it was that, for the most part, it was completely unorganized.

He began floating along the disorganized shelves and searching for a book. A book fluttered past him, catching his eye. A green, smiling orb with arms was waving at him from the cover, holding a suitcase in one hand. "Oh, I wouldn't mind revisiting that," Discord said, diving after the book.

After a short chase through the library, he managed to catch it in a net, flopping down on one of the soft couches on the ground, next to a tranquil pool of water, with a glass statue of a group of ponies with their muzzles buried in books as its centerpiece. One of them bore some resemblance to Twilight.

He stroked the book's spine, making it stop struggling and open up. He stretched out and lounged on the couch, allowing himself to be lost in the book's world.

A beeping sound pulled him out of an alien planet and made him glance down at his wrist, where a black watch was beeping and flashing with blue lights, the digital numbers telling him he had fifteen minutes to get ready for the picnic. He pressed a button on the side, making it go silent and turn into a cloud of mist that was blown away with a small gust of wind.

He pulled a sparkly bookmark out of his ear and placed it in the book, which snapped itself closed before flying back up to its fellow books. He snapped his fingers and teleported back to their bedroom. He splashed a few drops of the lemon-lime cologne on himself, then grabbed a simple, flowery sunhat off of the rack and put it on his head. He paused, then grabbed a white one with a pink ribbon wrapped above its brim, then teleported into the kitchen.

He slung the picnic basket onto his shoulder, tucking the white sunhat between the handles and lid, then began to pace back and forth, leaving a trail of navy blue footprints behind him, glancing at the clock every few seconds.

At the five minute mark, he groaned, throwing his hands up into the air. "Why am I even waiting!?" he said. He paused, then lowered his arms, placing a hand to his chin. "No, really, why am I waiting? She's probably finishing up her morning chores now, and it's close enough to noon that she's probably hungry for lunch."

He snapped his fingers, teleporting to the animal sanctuary and ducking behind a tree, peering out at Fluttershy. She was having a conversation with a group of doves and stroking their wings, smoothing some ruffled feathers. The birds listened carefully, then flew away to different nests.

Discord stepped from out behind the tree. "Good afternoon, my dear!" he said cheerfully. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Discord!" she said, flying forward and hugging him around the neck. "No, I just finished talking with the doves. They were having a problem with stealing sticks from each other's nests."

"What drama," he said. "Perhaps you'd like to take a break and enjoy a picnic lunch with me?" He held out the basket, and her eyes lit up with a smile.

"Oh, yes!" she said. "I'd love too! Do you have any place in mind for the picnic?"

"Of course," he said, gently grabbing her hoof and snapping his tail feathers. They teleported to a hillside, covered in beautiful white flowers, with a few small blue and pink blooms sprinkled throughout.

Fluttershy flew forward, glancing around the area. "This isn't that far away. I can see Ponyville that way, and my old cottage is over there," she said, realization slowly dawning. "This is...where we had our first picnic together."

"Indeed it is," he said, placing the white sunhat on top of her head. "You urged me not to crush any of the flowers, I recall."

"And you didn't," she said with a smile. "You moved a patch of flowers so that we could have our picnic without hurting them." She leaned against his side. "And that made me sure that your powers could be used to protect ponies, not hurt them."

He blushed, twirling a strand of her mane around his finger. "Well, if we're going to reminisce on the past, we might as well do it with full stomachs," he said. He snapped his fingers, and a large circle of flowers jumped out of the ground and began to run around the area, their roots acting like legs.

Fluttershy giggled as the flowers began dancing with each other, while Discord whipped out the blanket and spread it out on the empty space on the ground. He sat down on the blanket and dropped the basket, patting the space next to him. She smiled and laid on her stomach, still watching the flowers dance and play with each other.

Discord pulled everything out of the basket, except for the cupcakes. He laid out everything else and created teacups for Fluttershy and himself. She nibbled on a piece of radish while he poured tea into both of their cups.

"I made all of this myself," he boasted. "And not with magic! Well, most of the ingredients were made with magic...but I cut and prepared everything myself! Except for the cheese, that's just magic." He picked up an apple slice, which was thin on one end and thick on the other. "You can...kind of tell they're not magic."

"Well, I think everything looks good," Fluttershy said, taking a sip of tea and grabbing a cucumber sandwich, taking a large bite. She smiled widely, her eyes closed as her cheeks bulged. He grinned and chuckled, dipping a sliver of swiss cheese into his tea before eating it.

She chatted about the sanctuary as they ate, pausing to compliment his sandwiches every once in a while. Each kind word made his heart flutter and a wide grin spread on his face. He cracked a few jokes, using his magic to make them come to life, making her burst into fits of giggles.

Almost too soon for him, they had finished off all the sandwiches and cleared the cheese and "fruit" tray. Fluttershy sighed, leaning back and placing her hooves on her stomach.

"That was wonderful," she said, closing her eyes. "Why don't we lay here for a few minutes...before I have to go back to the sanctuary."

He chuckled, placing his hands behind his head and leaning back next to her. "That does sound nice..." He opened his eyes. "But the picnic's not done yet!"

He quickly sat up and began digging through the picnic basket, while Fluttershy sat up and watched him curiously. He got a grip on the cupcake platter, then paused and looked up at her.

"I present to you—dessert!" he said, pulling out the platter and whipping off the top.

She gasped, a hoof going to her mouth. He looked down, wondering if he had messed something up. Eight cupcakes, arranged in two lines, with one large, glittery letter iced on each, read I LOVE YOU. The other seven cupcakes, each with a different pattern and style, were arranged in a circle around them.

He glanced back up at Fluttershy, who was pulling both hooves away from her mouth. "Oh, Discord," she said. "It's..."

"Sloppy, I know," he said, looking away. "I mean, they should taste fine, but I still made them too big. I'm still not good at making these by hand, without magic."

"No..." she said. "It's beautiful...and very sweet." She leaned around the platter to kiss him on the cheek.

He could feel his face warming up. "Maybe save the compliments until you taste them," he said, handing her a cupcake with white, glittery frosting, with a blue sugar snowflake crookedly stuck on top. "I didn't mix up the salt and sugar this time, but that doesn't mean I didn't miss something else."

She took a large bite out of the cupcake, closing her eyes and smiling. "It's amazing!" she said after swallowing. She took another large bite, smearing a bit of the white frosting on the side of her mouth.

He smirked, watching as she finished her cupcake. He chuckled a little, seeing that she hadn't noticed the frosting yet. His chuckle grew a little louder when she tilted her head, a questioning look in her eyes.

"Oh, you have a little something right here," he said, pointing at the corner of his lips. She blinked, then tried to lick the frosting off where he had pointed, missing the largest glob of it.

"Did I get it?" she asked.

He chuckled and shook his head. "No. Here, let me help you." He tilted her chin up with his talon and pressed his lips against her lightly. He flicked his tongue in the spot where the frosting was, scooping it off of her lips and into his mouth. He ran his tongue across the rest of her lips. She cooed softly, and he could feel her smiling.

"Mmm," he said, pulling away. "That was quite...delicious." Fluttershy's face turned bright red, and he chuckled, holding the platter out to her again.

"A-aren't you going to have one?" she asked, shaking off her embarrassment and reaching out for a cupcake with black frosting and teal icing, arranged to look like rose petals.

He shook his head. "I made these all for you, my dear. Please, help yourself to however many you want."

She frowned, grabbing a different cupcake—one with a large pile of lime green frost, with a sheen of clear icing on top. There was a blue candy tophat and red candy bowtie, and a thin line of black icing formed a thin, squiggly mouth. "Have one!" she insisted, placing it into his paw.

"Oh, no," he said. "This one is loaded with frosting, you'll love it. I insist you have it." He placed it in her hoof, which made her frown.

She narrowed her eyes, then tried to hand it to him again...when suddenly, her path changed, and she tried to shove it into his mouth. Tried, because he had closed his mouth, meaning she only managed to smear the frosting all over his lips.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" she said, pulling back with the mess of a cupcake. "I just...wanted you to have one, too," she said, looking down sadly at the cupcake. "And I ended up ruining all the work you put into it..."

Her sad expression was breaking him. "Okay, I'll eat some," he said, taking the cupcake gently out of her hooves. "And don't worry about the frosting," he said. "I mean, it was meant to be eaten and destroyed in the first place." He took a bite out of the cupcake, licking his lips and picking up some of the green frosting.

She smiled. "I know, but...it looked so good!" She looked back at the rest of the cupcakes—the letter ones, the black-and-teal rose, one whose sides were painted to look like a simple teacup, with the top unfrosted to look like dark tea, an upside-down one that looked like a simple version of her old cottage, one that had a grumpy-looking bunny face on top, and one that was frosted completely white, with a pink frosting rose on top.

"They all look amazing," she said. "I almost feel bad eating them..."

Discord pulled out a camera and snapped a few photos. "There. I saved the designs. And don't forget, I can always make them again with my magic!"

She picked up the black rose cupcake and took a bite out of it. "What about the cupcakes we've already eaten?"

He flung the camera over his shoulder, where it sprouted bat wings and disappeared into a blue portal with clocks inside of it. "About to be taken care of," he said. "Or rather, already taken care of."

She giggled as he finished off the Smooze cupcake, taking a few more bites of her own. "You've got a little something right here," she said, pointing at her muzzle.

"Oh?" he said, swiping his tongue in a few spots. "Care to help me get rid of it?" he purred, leaning forward.

She blushed red and nodded, leaning forward to meet his lips. Her tongue exited her mouth and began to gently and cautiously run along his muzzle, picking up globs of frosting as it went.

She slowly pulled away once his muzzle was clean, leaning up to lick a little bit off the top of his nose before turning back to her own cupcake. He smiled and grabbed one of the letter cupcakes, digging in.

They passed time like that, Discord doing his best to eat his cupcakes slowly, to make sure that Fluttershy could get plenty. After two more cupcakes, she stopped and placed a hoof to her stomach. "I don't think I can eat anymore," she said. "You can have the rest if you'd like."

He looked down and patted his own bulging stomach. "No, I think I should stop, too," he said, putting the lid back on the cupcakes left, sticking the platter into the basket and tossing it through a portal, where it landed on a hat rack. "We can eat the rest later, for supper," he said.

She nodded, rolling over to lean against his side. "I think I'll rest for a few minutes," she said. "Before I go back to the sanctuary."

"I'll go with you," he said, wrapping an arm around her. "I'd like to lend you a hand with work today."

"Thank you," she said. After a few moments, she opened her eyes and sat up. "By the way...what made you decide to make all this without magic?" she asked. Her eyes widened, and a hoof flew to her mouth. "Oh...and the cologne, the location...is today some important date? I'm sorry, Discord, I forgot!"

He quickly shook his head, patting the top of her head. "No, no, no, don't worry, Fluttershy," he said, rolling over to hug her. "There isn't anything particularly important about today. I just...wanted to do something special, to show how much I care about you."

"Oh..." she said. "That's...so sweet of you." She leaned her head against his neck and nuzzled him. "Thank you...this really was wonderful."

"I'm just glad you're happy," he said, twirling strands of her mane around his fingers.

"Very happy," she said, kissing him on the cheek.

"...you might not be so happy when you see the state I left the kitchen in," he said. Fluttershy snorted, trying to stifle her laughter in his fur. He laughed, stroking his hand down her back. Once their laughter had calmed, she sighed and snuggled herself into his fur, closing her eyes.

He smiled down at her, tightening his grip around her and closing his eyes, content to hear her breathing and feel her heartbeat above his.

In just a few minutes, she would sit up and insist that she must go back to the sanctuary to care for the animals, and probably say that she should make dinner tonight since he was so kind as to make lunch. But for now...it was just the two of them, bellies full and a sweet taste on their lips, the sun shining down on them...and nothing else mattered.

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