• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,567 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Delight in Debauchery

The bell rang, and the students all jumped to their feet, gathering their items. "Goodbye, class!" Fluttershy said cheerfully. "Remember to have your paper on rare creatures ready to give to Miss Applebloom by Monday! Have a good weekend!" The students returned her wishes and filed out the door, leaving her behind in an empty classroom.

With a sigh, she sat behind the desk and took a sip of hot tea. The school is so different now, she thought to herself. There are more students, and things seem more...school-like. But still a bit like how it used to be... She took another sip of tea, then glanced up at the clock. An hour until Applebloom's next class...I should prepare for that.

She refiled through pieces of paper in Applebloom's desk until she found one titled, "The Study of Wild Creatures: 11 am class." She began to read through it, only looking up when a bright flash of light appeared in front of her.

Discord leaned over the desk, looking at her expectantly. She lightly kissed him on the lips, then said, "I'm afraid I'm not done yet. I still have one more class before noon, and two after that."

Discord groaned, deflating like a balloon until his chin hit the surface of the desk. "But Flutershhhhy," he whined. "I wanted to spend time with you today! I've already waited for most of the morning! Can't you just skip the rest of the classes?" He pouted, his pupils widening into a pitiful look.

She sighed and fixed him with a hard stare. "Discord, I agreed to substitute for Applebloom weeks ago. She deserves to have a day to herself every once in a while, and I promised I would take care of all her classes. I'm not going to back out on a promise." He snorted, glaring down at the desk and the papers on it.

She brushed a hoof through his mane, causing a shiver to travel down his spine to the end of his tail. "But I'd be happy to have lunch with you after my next class," she said. "And I can spend some of my time in between classes with you...as long as you understand that you might not get my full attention."

He lifted his head and tilted it in confusion. "Why not?"

"Because I have to read through Applebloom's lesson plan and figure out what she wants each class to do," she responded, pointing at the paper in front of her. "I need to spend at least some part of the time between classes focusing on it."

He floated to her side of the desk, scanning over the paper as he placed his hands on her shoulders. "Ugh," he groaned. "Aren't you a substitute? Just give the kiddos a puzzle, or have them read their books or something."

She leaned back against his chest. "Discord, Applebloom went to the trouble of writing out the lesson plans. The least I can do is follow them."

Discord grumbled, scratching behind her ear. "Can I at least spend some of the in-between times with you, with your full attention?"

She nodded. "Of course." She tilted her head up to kiss his cheek. "In fact, we can spend some time together once I finish reading this."

He grinned and let go of her shoulders, backing away quietly, though his tail brushed against her side, and stayed there. Her eyes scanned over the paper several times until she was certain that she was prepared for the class. She glanced up at the clock—ten minutes had passed—then turned around to see what Discord was up to.

He was doodling circles and lines on the chalkboard, and various shapes that seemed to move and shift around and inside each other. The margins contained some complex formulas that made her head throb just looking at them, one of which he was just finishing, his tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth.

"Discord?" she said. He flinched, dropping the piece of chalk. "What is that?"

He dusted off his hands, a large chalk cloud appearing and floating up to the ceiling. "Just a model of traveling through the fifth dimension by twisting the fourth," he said, blowing chalk dust off of his drawings.

She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at it. Her head throbbed. "I...don't get it," she said.

"That's good," he said, nodding and patting her head. "Most ponies who do get it have gone insane. And I prefer that you stay sane."

She bit her lip. "...Maybe you should get rid of it before a student sees it." A pair of unicorns walked by the door. One of them glanced at the chalkboard. Their face grew flushed, then pale, and they put a hoof to their forehead, hurrying past.

Discord winced. "Whoops. You're right." He pulled his chalk drawings off of the chalkboard and rolled them up like a scroll before shoving them into his ear. "I've got to remember to keep stuff like that at home."

He smirked and leaned towards her, placing his hands on both sides of her, trapping her between him and the desk. "But you called my name," he purred, "And you know I can't be gotten rid of after that." He leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers.

She returned the kiss, her eyes sliding closed. He groaned and increased the pressure, brushing his tongue against her lips as his hands started to brush against her sides.

She pulled away and gasped, her eyes opening. "Discord!" she said, "I don't mind spending time with you, but...we can't do that kind of thing here! What if a student saw us?"

"I'm sure most of them know what two married creatures do in their own homes," he said, rubbing a thumb in circles at the nape of her neck. "Besides, it's just kissing...intensely. It's not like we're...you know..."

Fluttershy's face flushed bright red. "I-I don't think...I mean, we're behind the desk...they might think we're..." She trailed off, her blush spreading to her ears and neck. "B-besides, s-some of the students are pretty young. I-I don't want any of them seeing us..."

Discord snapped his fingers, and the classroom door shut itself. He leaned forward again, his lips aiming for her neck this time. Quickly, she put a hoof up to stop him, and pointed at the door.

"It doesn't lock," she said. "Someone could come in at any time. A-and there's that window." She pointed out the small window in the doorway—not large or low enough that anyone just coming by would see them, but large enough that any student trying to peek in and see if the substitute was available would get a full few of them making out. Discord groaned and let go of her sides, sliding down to the floor with a huff.

"Stupid school," he grumbled. He pouted, crossing his arms and glaring off to the side.

She sighed and shook her head. "Oh, Discord." She got off of her chair and brushed behind his ear with a wingtip. "You know we can do things like that once we're at home. You just need to have a little patience."

"Don't wanna," he grumbled, flicking an ear and turning his head. His eye seemed to catch on something, and after a few seconds, his pout shifted into a grin. "What's that?" he asked, pointing in the direction he was looking.

She followed his gaze to a simple doorway. "I think that's the supply closet for Applebloom's potions class," she said. "Why do you...?" She glanced back at him, and realized he was wearing an even larger grin on his face. "Discord?"

His grin grew, stretching past his face. "That door doesn't have a window," he said. "And if we closed it and turned the lights off in here..."

Her eyes widened in realization. "Oh...but what if a student needs my help?" she asked.

He shrugged. "Honestly, most of them will just wait for their regular teacher to return to answer all their questions. And you've already read through what you're doing for your next class, so what's the harm?"

She glanced between him and the closet. She shivered as she thought about the idea, her feathers ruffling slightly. "I could miss the class," she said weakly. "You're very distracting."

He chuckled and snapped his fingers, creating an alarm clock in his paw. "Set for five minutes before it starts," he said, twisting the key on the back. "Anything else, Professor Shy?" he asked, tail wagging, a hopeful expression on his face.

She paused for a few seconds, before finally saying, "O-okay. Let's do this." He smiled and offered her his arm, escorting her to the closet door. With a snap of his fingers, the lights went out and the door creaked open in front of them. As soon as they floated through, it creaked back closed behind them.

The first thing Fluttershy realized about the closet was that it was pitch-black. The second thing was that the smell of dust and potion ingredients mixed together in the air to create a sort of musty smell, one that tickled her sinuses. She sneezed. "Excuse me," she said, wiping at her nose.

"Gesundheit," he said. "Now, let's get a little bit of light on the subject..." He shifted a little, and she saw his paw open, tiny dots of light floating out from his palm and spreading through the corners of the closet. It was a small space, with shelves on both sides filled with jars and bottles of ingredients.

Discord dropped the alarm clock on a nearby shelf, glancing around the closet. "Now, let's see..." he said. With a snap of his fingers, the walls and shelves spread out, leaving them with more space. "Much better," he said, wrapping his arms around Fluttershy and pinning her to the plaid chaise lounge that had suddenly appeared.

He began to trail kisses along her neck, letting his fang graze her skin after each kiss. She felt a shiver go down her spine and sighed, relaxing onto the chaise and gazing at him. He glanced up at her and smirked, this time letting his fang come close to scratching her. She squeaked and squirmed, feathers ruffling.

His hands began to explore her sides as he continued kissing her neck, this time moving upwards. She sighed and wrapped her hooves around his neck, brushing them through his mane and behind his ears, reaching as far down his back as she could. He traced the edge of her wing with a finger, making her gasp and squeeze his neck tightly.

Finally, he pulled away from her neck and kissed her on the lips. He tangled his fingers in her mane, while she buried her hooves in his. They each pulled the other closer, deeper into the kiss, Discord even lifting her off of the chaise. They separated moments later with a click, each panting for breath.

Discord sighed and placed his head against her chest, still running his fingers through her mane. He shifted until his ear was right above her heart, and stopped, closing his eyes as he stroked her mane. She brushed her lips against his forehead.

"Please don't be mad later," he murmured. "It's just...I want to be close to you." His arms tightened around her. "I need you."

She wrapped a wing over his upper back. "Is it...one of those days?" she whispered. After a pause, she felt him nod. "Don't worry. I'm here." She kissed his forehead again. "I'll be here with you for as long as I can."

He snuggled into her, and she held her wing tighter against him. After minutes ticked by, with him unmoving, he stirred and began to trail kisses up her neck.

"B-better now?" she asked. He nodded, trailing his fang against her skin while tracing the edge of her wing with a finger. She shivered and relaxed back onto the chaise, rubbing at his shoulders as he continued trailing kisses.

Time passed by in a blur, the two of them tangling together, exchanging kisses with passion. They were in the middle of a passionate kiss, each of them holding the other close, when the closet door creaked open. Both of their eyes widened and shifted over to the doorway.

Starlight Glimmer stood there, eyes wide and mouth open. The three of them stared at each other for a few seconds, until the ringing of the alarm clock snapped them out of it.

Starlight coughed and turned away, a light blush on her cheeks. "I...just wanted to check that Fluttershy was doing fine, but it seems you're busy!" she said with a laugh. Fluttershy pulled out of the kiss and buried her bright red face in Discord's fur.

Starlight coughed again. "You should probably get ready for class, Fluttershy. Can I...talk with both of you in my office during lunch hour?" Discord tapped Fluttershy's head. She whispered a 'yes', which he relayed. "Great! I'll, um, see you later!" Starlight said, quickly turning and dashing out of the room.

Discord quickly straightened up and peeked out the door, looking in all directions. He turned back and gave her a thumbs-up, and they both exited the closet. Fluttershy took a seat behind the desk and began taking deep breaths, trying to get rid of the heat in her face.

Discord floated over with a hairbrush in his paw and began to brush her mane back into place. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy," he said. "I honestly believed we wouldn't get caught. I'm sorry I dragged you into such...wanton actions." He paused in his brushing, then shrugged and continued. "Actually, no. I'm only sorry we got caught."

She fanned her face as she felt her blush heat up. "I-it's fine, Discord. You said you needed closeness, and you did your best to keep us hidden." She tapped her hooves together. "It's embarrassing, but at least it wasn't a student who caught us."

After a few more seconds of him brushing her mane, she whispered, "B-besides, it was kind of...exciting." She heard Discord drop the hairbrush, and turned to see a stunned expression on his face, complete with a slight pink blush.

He shook his head and faced her with a grin. "I'll have to keep that in mind," he purred, running his claw under her chin. She smiled, trying to keep her blush from spreading.

She giggled, pushing his claw away. "Discord, you need to go. I'll see you after class, okay?"

"I'll bring you lunch," he said, kissing her lightly on the cheek. "And I'll make sure Starlight knows the whole thing was one hundred percent my idea. You won't get in any trouble."

She kissed his cheek right before he snapped his fingers. He grinned and disappeared in a flash of light. She took a deep breath and turned to face the desks, waiting for the students to arrive.

Starlight looked over her desk at the two of them, her forehooves clasped together. Fluttershy shifted in her seat, glancing over at Discord. He looked as cool as a cucumber, relaxing on a lawn chair and eating a bowl of macaroni that filled the whole room with the smell of garlic.

Starlight sighed, opening the window behind her with her magic. "So...do either of you have a good explanation as to why you were making out in a potion closet?"

Discord raised his hand. "It was my idea, Headmare. I wanted to spend some quality time with my wife, and that closet seemed like the best way to not get caught."

Fluttershy added, "We didn't want any students seeing us...and I didn't want to leave the school grounds."

Starlight sighed, rubbing at the bridge of her nose. "Well, it might have worked...except the door wasn't exactly soundproof. How did you two think I knew to check in there?" Fluttershy and Discord both blushed, though Discord tried to hide his by shoving his head into his bowl.

Starlight sighed. "I understand that you're married, you two, but couldn't this sort of thing wait until you got home?"

Fluttershy gulped and said, "I would have waited, but Discord needed me. We needed to be close to each other." She reached out and grabbed Discord's paw. He slowly tightened it around her hoof, lifting his head up and smiling at her, noodles dripping down his face.

Starlight's expression softened. She took a sip from the cocoa mug next to her. "Alright. Discord, do you care to explain why you needed to be so close immediately?"

Discord frowned, glancing down at his bowl. Fluttershy placed her other hoof on his upper arm, patting it gently. "I just...need to be close to her, sometimes. Not often, but every once in a blue moon," he mumbled. "I just like to hold her, listen to her heartbeat...I just feel anxious until I can do that."

Starlight took another sip of her cocoa. "Alright. You say that this feeling doesn't happen that often?"

Fluttershy and Discord both nodded. "It's been over a year since this last happened, right, Cordy?" Fluttershy said, looking up at him. He nodded, patting her forehoof.

Starlight sighed. "Okay, good. I only have two things to say. First, as your friend: Discord, if those feelings happen any more frequently, I really recommend you see a therapist. I'm fairly sure it's not healthy."

"Second, as Headmare: seriously, both of you, please save the making out for when you're at home. At the very least, if you really can't wait, soundproof the closet door and put up a sign saying not to open the door. Alright?"

Fluttershy and Discord nodded, Fluttershy with a blush on her face. Starlight smiled and stood up. "Okay, that's all I had to say. Do you two want to come eat lunch with me in the cafeteria?"

Fluttershy smiled. "That'd be lovely."

Discord snapped his fingers and teleported the three of them into the cafeteria. Another snap, and a large gourmet salad appeared in front of Fluttershy. He held her chair out for her before taking his seat.

He swiped the noodles off of his face and continued to eat his macaroni, starting a conversation with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle about their classes. Fluttershy and Starlight talked about her classes until the five of them merged their conversations into one.

Discord wrapped a wing over Fluttershy's back as they talked, leaning closer to her. She smiled up at him, looking carefully into his eyes. He smiled back, and his eyes showed it was genuine. He looked happy, without any sort of worry or anxiety he was trying to hide from her.

The smile began more mischievous as he 'accidentally' brushed the edge of her wing with his own as he folded it. She shivered and grinned back. "Later," she mouthed. He grinned and turned back to the lunch and conversation.

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