• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,567 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Boredom and Distractions

The study in Fluttershy and Discord's home was rarely used. It had taken her some time to convince him of the importance of holding onto "boring" files in case they were needed in the future, and to have a space to fill them all out. He had relented, but only if he could add his own flair to the room.

Which was why each wall was a different color, each of them pastel and easy on the eyes, why the chair could transform into any type of chair you wanted with the press of a button, why the desk was ornately carved and almost as big as a table, and why there was a vending machine pressed flush against the filing cabinets.

But even if it wasn't used often, there were times that called for its use.

Fluttershy sighed, pulling another sheet of paper off of a very large stack next to her. She glanced at all the numbers on it, then at the tall stack of blank forms, and finally at the very, very small pile of papers she had filled out. Biting back a groan, she took her quill in her mouth and began to fill in all the blank spots on the paper.

When she was halfway done, she heard Discord teleport behind her. She carefully tossed the quill aside and away from the papers, just as he planted his hands on her shoulders.

"Fluttershy!" he exclaimed. "I just found a new cave in of Chaosville, a bit north-south of here. Let's go spelunking! The day is young!"

She sighed, leaning her head back against his chest. "Discord...I'd love to, but I can't. You know how I'm going to a convention for sanctuary owners soon?" He nodded. "Well, the last time I went, I was completely shocked by everything I needed to go to make my sanctuary...well, official."

She gestured to the paperwork. "Besides the expenses I need to list, along with earned donations, I have to fill out insurance forms for multiple types of weather, state which animals have been taken in and released, what new projects have been build since last time, signed forms from anyone who's helped at the sanctuary...and so on."

He gawked at the pile. "That looks...incredibly boring. And somewhat pointless, considering that I can magically enchant any protection and undo any damage, plus create any supplies and structures you need."

She sighed. "I know. But they don't list 'Lord of Chaos' as an insurance provider, unfortunately." She kissed him lightly on the cheek. "I have to fill out a few extra forms to explain what I mean by 'other' as my insurance. I actually need you to sign a few forms for that...and ones for when you helped at the sanctuary." She reached into one of the drawers of the desk and handed him several pieces of paper and turned back to her work.

He whined. "But...don't you want to go have some fun, instead?"

"I don't like it any more than you do, Discord," she said, continuing to fill out a form. "But it's something that needs to be done. Honestly, I shouldn't have waited this late to do it all." She finished the form, and grabbed the next one. "You can go spelunking without me. This is going to take a while."

He stepped back a bit as she started filling out the next form. He watched her for a few moments, going through such a dull routine, before he couldn't stand the sight and averted his eyes, snapping his fingers to teleport away.

It was close to noon. Discord was pacing back at forth along the trunk of his thinking tree. After scrawling his signature on the forms she had given him and teleporting them back to her, he was at a loss as to what he should do. He had considered exploring the cave by himself, as Fluttershy suggested, but then he wouldn't get to see her face when she saw the declaration of love he had carved just inside the entrance.

He had found other ways to pass the time, from checking on Fluttershy's animals to reading a few books, but his mind just kept drifting to his poor wife, doing such dull work. He groaned and draped himself over one of the tree branches.

"What could I do to help her?" he mused. "I'm terrible with paperwork. Just the thought of it..." He shuddered, his tongue sticking out of his mouth. "Ugh, no. There must be some other way I can be helpful." He tapped his chin, and after a few moments, a lit oil lamp appeared above his head.

He snapped his fingers, and a platter of cucumber sandwiches and a glass of lemonade appeared in his paw. With another snap, he was back in the study, where Fluttershy was still hard at work. The pile of blank papers seemed to be getting smaller, but was still quite large.

"Fluttershy," he said quietly. "I brought you lunch."

She jolted a little, like she hadn't realized he was there. She glanced back at him, and the smile he wore drooped when he saw how tired her eyes seemed. "Hmm?" she said, gazing in his direction lazily. He held the platter out to her, before carefully floating it onto the desk.

"Oh, lunch!" she said, the light coming back into her eyes, her stomach growling. "Thank you, Discord. I didn't realize how hungry I was getting." She bit into a sandwich, smiling at him with her cheeks bulged out, before turning back and writing on her papers again.

He groaned. "Sweetheart, shouldn't you take a break? Even just to eat lunch?"

She shook her head and swallowed her sandwich. "I don't have time for a break. A form can take one to ten minutes to fill out, depending on what I have to reference. If they all take ten minutes, or more," she glanced warily at the pile. "I won't be able to finish this today."

He sighed, ears and limbs dropping limply. "I understand," he muttered. Then, his face lit up, a candle appearing on his head. "Actually, what if I did something to help you to relax while you're working?"

She paused in her writing. "...Okay," she said. "You can try. But you have to promise to stop if I say it's too distracting."

He smiled, placing a paw to his chest. "I promise." With that said, he placed his hands on her shoulders as she bent down to write, gently kneading at her skin. She shivered with a soft sigh, almost dropping her quill, but managed to hold on and continue writing.

This continued for a few more minutes. Fluttershy nibbled at her sandwiches and sipped her lemonade, slowly working her way through each sheet of paper, while Discord continued his massage. After some time kneading her shoulders, he started to move down her back, rubbing her muscles in a circular motion.

It was when he had just gotten to her wings, and had spread one out to pinch and rub at the joint, when she quietly said, "Stop, please." He froze and slowly pulled away, and she tucked her wing back against her body.

She lowered her head, ears flattening against her head. "It feels nice, but it's too distracting," she said around the quill. "Could you please leave? We can have dinner together later."

He tilted his head, frowning. "My dear, I understand the massage being distracting, but I can think of something else that's less—"

Suddenly, she dropped the quill and whipped around, pressing her lips against his. "—Mmf," he finished. With a groan from the back of her throat, she wrapped her hooves around his neck, pressing her closer to him. With a sigh, he allowed himself to be pulled closer, his eyes drifting shut as she moved her smooth lips against his own.

After several long, amazing seconds, she pulled away from him, gasping for breath, her eyes wide and shining. He opened his eyes, not gasping, but still taking deep breaths. With a breathless voice, she whispered, "You're the distraction." She nuzzled the side of his face. "The best distraction. I could spend all day like this..."

He moved to nuzzle her in turn, but she pulled away and gave him a look. He paused for a second, before his eyes caught on the stack of papers and widened. "Oh!" he said. "Oh, oh, oh...I'm sorry." He set her back in her chair and took a few steps back. "Enjoy your lunch. I'll see you at dinner."

He snapped his fingers and disappeared in a flash of light.

He managed to stay out of the study for the whole afternoon. Once six o'clock came around, he flashed over to the kitchen. Fluttershy wasn't there. With a sigh, he snapped his fingers, creating a cauldron of hot soup, sitting on a small flame on the stove, and two large plates appeared on the table—one with a normal salad, the other with receipts and paper clips. Narrowing his eyes, he added chocolate shakes to both places at the table.

Nodding to himself, he snapped his fingers again, teleporting in front of the mahogany door to the study. He lightly knocked at it, and after a few seconds, he heard a shuffling sound, followed by soft hoofsteps. She opened the door and looked up at him with tired eyes.

"It's past six," he said. "I know the paperwork is important, but you've been in here all day. You should set work aside for now and take a break."

She blinked for a few seconds, then smiled tiredly. "I'm almost done, anyway," she said, opening the door a little further. It was true, as only a few more forms were sitting in the blank pile. "I can finish them up after supper."

He smiled and offered her his arm, escorting her as he snapped them to the kitchen. She smiled when she saw her salad and shake, and eagerly dug into her meal. "And there's soup when you're done with that," he said between a mouthful of paper and metal.

Dinner was a quiet affair, as she was tired and seemed uninterested in talking. He was more than happy to oblige, simply enjoying his meal and making sure she didn't start using her salad or soup as a pillow. After the meal, complete with a bowl of ice cream for each of them, she slowly got out of her chair. He quickly got up and rushed to her side, but she just smiled and brushed at his mane.

"I'm fine," she said. "I just have a few more forms to fill out, and then I'll lie down." He sighed and snapped his fingers, teleporting them to the study. She settled herself on the chair, adjusting a lever to make herself more comfortable. He went over to the vending machine and dispensed a can of strawberry milk, watching as she wrote on the last few pieces of paper.

With a sigh, she set the last one aside. "Done," she said quietly. She turned to Discord, a soft smile on her face. "I'll lie down for a bit, right after I put this stack away." She opened a drawer on the filing cabinet next to him...and her face fell, her eyes widening.

"What's wrong?" he asked as the pile floated itself into the drawer.

Carefully, she pulled something out of the drawer: another large stack of papers. "This is for the sanctuary, too..." she said with a whimper. The new pile floated over onto the desk.

She whimpered again, her ears pressing flat against her head. With a moan, she pressed a hoof to her forehead. "That first stack took me all day to finish! If I don't start this one now—!" She rushed towards the chair, but Discord slid in front of her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"No," he said sternly. "You have worked on this all day. I'm not going to let you work on it all night, too."


"It will still be there in the morning," he said, still in a stern voice. The worry in her eyes made him soften his voice and continue, "And if you stop right now and go to bed, eat a decent breakfast in the morning, and let me pack you a lunch...I'll leave you alone with your paperwork all day."

She pursed her lips together into a frown. With a whimper, she nodded, letting herself fall limply into his arms. He cradled her gently against his chest, flying to their bedroom. Her head lay weakly against him, her eyes already fluttering closed as she let out a tiny yawn.

She only stirred briefly when he tucked her under the covers, moaning softly and reaching towards him. He kissed her cheek, and she sighed and snuggled into her pillow with a smile. He smiled, pulling the covers up to her chin and stroking her mane gently.

With a sigh, he glanced at his side of the bed. He shook his head and turned away, tiptoeing out of the room before snapping his fingers and teleporting back to the study.

He flipped through the first few papers that were on the top of the pile, biting back a groan. He stretched his arm towards the vending machine and pulled out a steaming mug of coffee, topped with a dollop of whipped cream and sprinkle of cinnamon.

He took a sip of the bitter drink, poured in a bottle of chocolate syrup, and set it aside before turning back to the papers, cracking his knuckles.

Fluttershy slowly blinked awake, stretching out with a yawn. She smiled sleepily as she blinked awake, but frowned with a soft groan when she remembered the mound of papers she had to do today.

She glanced over at Discord's side of the bed. To her surprise, he was missing. He must be in the kitchen, she thought. She crawled out of bed and headed to her kitchen. That room was almost empty.

That's odd, she thought with a frown. I wanted to at least say 'Good morning' before I had to start working. With a sigh and shake of her head, she grabbed an apple from the fridge and ate it. After that, and waiting a few more minutes to see if Discord would show up, she sighed and walked towards the study.

She opened the door, but froze in the doorway. Discord was fast asleep, his cheek pressed against the desk as he snored away. She carefully approached him, avoiding the numerous empty mugs that were scattered across the floor. Once she was close enough, she saw that there was a quill tightly gripped in his claw, and both of his palms were stained with ink.

Realization hit her, and she looked at the stack of papers next to him. The first was completed—with correct information, she noted. She flipped through a few of the others and saw they were all filled out with correct information.

With a gasp and smile, she wrapped her hooves around his neck and nuzzled the side of his face. "Oh, you," she said into his ear. "You wonderful, wonderful..." She kissed his cheek.

He shifted in her hooves, slowly blinking awake. She continued nuzzling him and kissing his cheek until he was awake enough to respond with his own kiss on her cheek.

"I take it you already figured out I..." he muttered. She nodded eagerly.

"Sweetie, were you up all night? You didn't have to...!"

He held a claw up. "Please. Like I was going to let you shut yourself up in one room for another day."

She nuzzled his cheek again, before pulling away and placing her hooves on his shoulders, looking him in the eye. "Are you feeling alright? Doing something orderly like that..."

He waved it off. "Eh, the room's chaotic enough, especially with all the coffee cups scattered around." He rubbed at the back of his neck. "Also, a lot of the papers might be out of order..."

She shook her head, but smiled. "Oh, Discord." She wrapped her hooves around him, leaning against his torso. "Well, even if you feel fine...we should have a chaotic day together, just to be safe." She looked up and winked at him. "I think you mentioned a new cave?"

He smiled. "Yes...but you can't start a chaotic day without a full stomach of chaotic breakfast!" He snapped his fingers and teleported the two of them to the kitchen, leaving the tall stack of papers behind on the desk.

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