• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,567 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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I'm Not Fluffy!

"Oh, I can't wait to see the butterfly exhibition!" Fluttershy said, practically prancing down Ponyville's street. "What do you think they'll have? Monarchs? Painted Ladies?"

Discord, floating along behind her, snapped his fingers. In a flash of light, his mane had lengthened to his shoulders, he was wearing a white dress with random splashes of color, and his face and arms were colored with paint. "Well, we'll just have to see, won't we?" he said, flashing out of his ensemble.

She giggled and nuzzled his cheek, before prancing ahead. "Oh, this is so exciting! I still can't believe that the Equestrian Society for Insect Preservation is bringing their traveling butterfly exhibit to Ponyville for the day!"

He chuckled. "Oh, yes. Quite a shock that they decided to visit the place High Princess Twilight and Princess Fluttershy, lover of all animals, used to live and where the other Princesses live. I can't imagine what made them choose this town to stop in."

Fluttershy blushed. "Y-you know what I mean. I'm just so excited that they're here!"

"Yes, I know. I just love teasing you," he said, poking her cheek. She giggled. Discord's ears perked up at the sound...and picked up something else—the soft but fast wingbeats of a pegasus.

One of his eyes rolled back into his skull, the pupil glowing a bright red. Through his skull and a tint of green, he saw a familiar pegasus with a short mane flying just behind them, pushing a cloud in front of her. It stood out quite a bit on a clear, sunny day, the wonderful weather the reason why they had decided to walk through town. She was biting her lip, probably concentrating on being stealthy while keeping up with them.

He plugged his nose and exhaled, and his eyeball slid back into a normal position with a pop. "Rainbow Dash is following us," he whispered to Fluttershy. Her eyes widened, and she almost turned around. "No, don't look. She shouldn't know that I've spotted her yet."

"Why can't we say hello?" Fluttershy said quietly, moving forwards as Discord kept floating along.

"Because she's trying to be sneaky, and bringing a cloud with her," Discord whispered. "She's probably trying to get revenge on me for what happened last week."

"Prank Day? But she didn't seem mad at you..."

"No, but that doesn't change that I pranked her, and pranksters will pull pranks for revenge, even after the funniest of pranks," he said. "Just act normal, keep walking to the exhibit. But when I give the signal, dodge to the right. I'll go left."

"O-okay," Fluttershy said, continuing to walk along. She and Discord continued down the road, while Discord rolled his eye back into his skull again, watching Rainbow closely.

Rainbow approached them, pushing the cloud until it was practically above him. Just a few feet away, she shoved it forward with her hooves so that it was right above them, then wheeled around and bucked it with her back hooves.

"Now!" Discord said, springing away from where he was standing. Fluttershy quickly did the same, almost tripping over her hooves. A second later, a purple liquid began to rain from Rainbow's cloud where he had just been standing.

"Hah!" he yelled, pointing up at Rainbow. "You're going to have to be sneakier than that to—"


Pinkie leapt from the bushes right behind him, splashing some kind of liquid onto his back. "Ugh!" he shouted, shivering and shaking his fur. Pinkie leapt backward, but all of the liquid seemed to seep into his fur instead of flying off.

Fluttershy quickly approached him, looking a little worried, while Rainbow and Pinkie were biting their lips and staring at him with wide eyes. He sighed. "Okay, what did you two just—"


The fur on his torso, neck, and left arm suddenly puffed up to several times its normal size. "Gotcha!" Rainbow and Pinkie shouted together before they snorted, then started to laugh, collapsing against each other.

"D-discord," Fluttershy said, placing a hoof into his chest fur. "T-this is a new look for you." A hoof was against her mouth, and she was biting the corners of her mouth. "You're so...fluffy."

A bright red blush covered his cheeks. "I'm not fluffy," he whined, his lips forming into a pout. Rainbow and Pinkie laughed harder, tears starting to pour out of their eyes. Even Fluttershy seemed to be struggling to keep from laughing, tears pouring from her eyes as she made a 'pfft' sound.

Discord huffed and crossed his arms, pouting. "Oh, sure, laugh it up. Take a picture! Enjoy my utter humiliation!" He saw a pony and changeling duo staring at him, smirking. "What are you staring at!?"

They fled, snickering. Rainbow and Pinkie had collapsed into a heap on the ground, Rainbow pounding at the ground with her hoof. Fluttershy placed a hoof on his shoulder, making him turn to look at her. She was grinning widely. "I think it makes you look...cute," she said with a small giggle.

His blush grew brighter. Rainbow and Pinkie seemed to be finally calming down from their chuckling fit. "Ha ha ha," he said in a deadpan voice. He snapped his fingers, intending to smooth his fur back down. It did so—for about a second and a half before puffing back up again. He groaned and ran a talon through it, before lifting a finger up to sniff it. There was an unmistakable taint of magic, enough that his magic wouldn't be enough to fix his fur with brute force.

He thought about it for a bit, snapping his fingers a few times, to no effect. Ugh, potions, he thought, remembering that Pinkie had thrown some liquid on him. I barely know anything about potions... With a sigh, he turned to his attackers and said, "Now, do either of you ladies know when this," he gestured to his torso. "Is supposed to wear off?"

Pinkie shrugged. "I don't remember if there was a time limit on it..." Rainbow shrugged and shook her head, chuckling.

Discord glared at them, then grinned. "Well, then...!" he snapped his fingers, and Rainbow and Pinkie disappeared, replaced by large balls on fur, one cyan, one pink. "We'll all have to suffer through this together until one of us remembers a way to get rid of this effect," he said, slinging an arm around each of them.

Rainbow lifted her fuzzy hooves and looked down and them. "Gah!" she said. "What did you do!?" She frantically tried to smooth down her fur, but it refused.

"A mere fate tangling spell...in our fur," Discord explained. "As long as I remain like this, so will you."

"Agh!" Rainbow shouted. "How could you do this!? I can't let AJ see me like this!"

Pinkie was examining her reflection in a nearby shop window, making faces at herself. "Ah, c'mon Dashie!" she said. "I think we all look cute like this!" She stuck out her tongue and bounced up and down, shaking her fur back and forth.

Rainbow groaned, dragging her hooves down her face. "Okay. Okay." She took a deep breath and flew up to Discord, poking him in the nose. "Look, this was supposed to be just a simple revenge prank for what you did to us on Prank Day."

"The potion for this was something we picked up from Zecora," she said. "Go talk to her if you want to reverse the effect."

"Thank you," Discord said. "C'mon, Flutternutter. We can swing by Zecora's and fix this before the butterfly exhibition!"

Fluttershy giggled and wrapped a forehoof around his now-fluffy left arm, pressing herself against his side, her check into his fur. He waved to Rainbow and Pinkie, then snapped his fingers and disappeared in a flash of light.

"Zecora!" Discord said as they appeared in her hut. "Rainbow and Pinkie used one of your potions on me!"

Zecora looked up from her cauldron at him. A hoof flew to her mouth, and she chuckled, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Ah, yes, the potion that increases the volume of creature’s fur. Those two bought it and ran away in a blur."

"Yeah, and they used it on me as a prank," Discord said, his cheeks turning red. "Can I just wait until this wears off? I don't understand potion magic enough to counteract it."

Zecora shook her head. "This potion does not wear off with time, I’m afraid. It is only something to be removed with aid."

"Aid, huh?" Discord said, looking down at himself. He snapped his fingers, and a buzzing electric razor appeared in his paw. "Which is worse...too much fur, or none at all?"

Fluttershy put a hoof over his paw. "Let's...not do anything drastic," she said. "There's another way, right?" she asked, looking back at Zecora.

Zecora nodded. "I know of a way to rid you of this, to right your fur that is now amiss. Only another potion, a cure, will do it, but I will need some time to brew it."

"What? I have to wait to fix this!?" Discord said, gesturing to his torso. He narrowed his eyes. "And did you just rhyme the same word?"

Fluttershy placed a hoof on his shoulder. "How soon can it be ready?" she asked.

"Return once the moon is out, and I will be done by then without a doubt," Zecora said, already browsing her shelves of herbs. "I’m sorry for not already having this boon. I did not think those two would use it so soon."

"I have to wait that long!?" he groaned. Zecora nodded solemnly. He growled and grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. "Fine. I guess I can just hide away in Chaosville until then," he said, raising his fingers into a snapping position.

Fluttershy grabbed his hand. "But what about the exhibition?" she said. "I really wanted to spend time with you today...I don't want to go without you."

He sighed, letting his hand fall to his side. "Do I have to go in person?" he said. "I could just use a spell so we can talk with each other while you go to the exhibition, while I hide at home."

She shook her head, narrowing her eyes. "You know I prefer being with you in person," she said. He glared at one of the masks on Zecora's wall, and she lightly reached up to caress his cheek. "Please, Cordy?" she said. "It won't be that bad..."

He bit his tongue before he started to argue. "...Alright, fine. I'll go out like this...in public," he said, placing a hand to his forehead and leaning against the wall dramatically. He heard a snicker from Zecora, who he shot a quick glare at. "Can you just give me, say...five minutes, before we head out?"

Fluttershy nodded, and he snapped his fingers, creating a small shower with opaque walls where he was standing. The wall in front of him was a mirror, which let him see how bad his fur was. He grimaced at the site and snapped his fingers again, creating a small hourglass that hovered in front of him, a bottle of mane gel, and a comb.

As the sand poured from the top to the bottom of the glass, he poured hair gel onto his fur and brushed it in with the comb. He did this until all of his fur was slick, slimy, and smoothed down. The hourglass rattled and chimed, indicating that his time was up.

"Okay, I'm ready!" he declared, waving away the shower stall and stepping out to Fluttershy. "How is it now?"

She bit the corners of her lips. "You look very, um...shiny," she said, a small giggled coming out of her mouth.

He huffed. "Well, I think I'll get fewer strange looks like this."

Zecora looked up from her cauldron and shook her head with a chuckle. "I’m afraid that all of that gel is quite a waste. Nothing can stop the potion when with your fur it is interlaced."

"Say what now?" he said. Just as he spoke, his fur quivered...and poofed up again, flinging the gel that was in it in all directions, coating both Fluttershy and Zecora.

Zecora wiped the gel off of her face. "Have a little patience, friend. Once this cure is done, your woes will end."

"Ugh, patience," Discord said with a gag, snapping his fingers and getting rid of the hair gel. "Isn't there anything I can do to help speed things along?"

"I already have all the herbs I need," she said, lighting a fire under the cauldron. "And I fear your lack of knowledge would only impede."

He sputtered. Fluttershy wrapped a forehoof across his back, and he turned to her, pouting. She bit her lips, clearly trying not to giggle. "Discord...let's just go to the exhibition," she said. "After that, we can go to Chaosville until the cure is ready."

"Fine," he said. "But I'm taking us right there! The less creatures that see me like this, the better!" He turned to Zecora, tipping a black bowler hat to her. "See you later, wannabe poet."

With that, he slung an arm around Fluttershy and snapped his fingers. They both disappeared in a flash of light.

With a flash of light, they appeared in the clearing of the exhibition, where several creatures were milling around to look at the butterflies in nearly-transparent netted cages, talking with some of the ponies in green uniforms who were standing next to each butterfly cage.

Fluttershy gasped and began flitting around, twisting in place as she tried to take in everything at once. "Oh my goodness! Look at the monarchs! And blue morphos! And peacock butterflies!"

As she babbled on and on about how many wonderful butterfly species they had, Discord rubbed at his arm and glanced over his shoulder at a nearby group of ponies. They were staring at him, and a few of them were giggling, hooves covering their mouths. He growled, his tail shaking and making a rattling sound. His hackles stood up, and he immediately cursed them internally for making him fluffier.

"Discord?" he heard Fluttershy ask. She had stopped her flitting about and was hovering in front of him, clasping her forehooves together. "Are you okay?"

"Never better," he said, not quite finding the energy to sound cheerful. "Why?"

"You're grinding your teeth and scowling," she said. "Are you mad about your fur?" He grunted and crossed his arms. "Oh." She looked down at the ground. "We can go home, if you want. We could try to see the exhibition when it visits some other town..."

"It's fine. We're already here," he said. "I just...don't like that creatures are laughing at me. I know I'm normally a jokester, but I hate it when I'm the punchline against my will."

Fluttershy looked over at the group he had been glaring at. He glanced back and saw that they had turned away to watch the butterflies. There were still a few people here and there that he saw chuckling, though. Fluttershy giggled, and he snapped his head back in her direction, wearing a hurt expression.

"I'm sorry," she said. "But...you do look very silly." He pouted and lowered his head, his face turning bright red. She placed a hoof under his chin and lifted his head back up to look him in the eyes.

"But Discord, I don't mean to be cruel. Neither did Rainbow or Pinkie. And I'm sure no one else who's laughing is trying to be mean," she said. "But be honest...if you saw me poofed up the way you are, would you laugh?"

He closed his eyes and envisioned it—Fluttershy, her fur fluffed up the way Rainbow and Pinkie's had been. Despite himself, he let out a small chuckle.

"See?" she said. "It's funny." He opened his eyes, forcing a small grin on his face.

"I guess I do look...ridiculous," he said with a chuckle. "It's just different, not being able to...stop looking ridiculous."

She smiled, a pink blush forming on her cheeks. "I-If it helps, I think it makes you look...cute. Very c-cuddly."

A deep red blush formed on his face. He turned his head to look in another direction, but glanced back and opened his arms to her. With a grin, she flew into his chest, nestling herself into his fur. "So soft," she said with a small giggle. "Thank you."

He patted the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling his snout into her mane. His ears flicked around, a part of him still worried and dreading giggles and laughter. Instead, he heard...cooing. Ponies saying how cute he and Fluttershy were, or simply making a sound of happiness. He didn't hear a single hint of mockery.

His blush grew brighter, and he swiveled his ears away. "You're right," he whispered to her. "Everycreature seems to mean well." He chuckled. "Though I know I shouldn't let strangers' opinions bother me..."

She nuzzled his chest before pulling away and looking up at him. "Of course," she said. "Now, do you want to look at all of these exhibits with me? And maybe go out for lunch afterward?"

"Of course, dearest," he said, placing an arm under her to comfortably support her against his chest. "I think I've held us up long enough. Where to first?"

She pointed out one of the exhibits, and he carried her over. She leaned back into his fur as they talked with the worker nearby, who was struggling to keep a straight face.

Through their time at the exhibit, and in the park they ate their picnic lunch, chuckles and giggles followed. But Discord ignored them, thinking and laughing to himself that he did look funny...and that was the point of Rainbow and Pinkie's prank.

"Sorry for being such a poor sport," Discord said to Rainbow and Pinkie as he slathered the cream Zecora had given him onto his fur. "As I already said to my sweet Fluttershy, I don't like being the punchline of a joke...and least without it being my choice."

The cream absorbed itself into his fur. A few seconds later, with a phoomp, it flattened into its normal look. As it did so, Rainbow and Pinkie went from being balls of fur to normal-looking ponies again.

Rainbow scoffed. "Yeah, seriously. You pranked us first, we were just getting you back! Dragging us into it was uncalled for." She rubbed at the back of her head. "Though I guess dealing with it all day may have been going too far...I only dealt with your cloud for an hour or so."

Pinkie beamed. "Well, I thought it was fun! We all looked so silly." She giggled. "It was fun, seeing how everyone reacted to me!"

"Glad you enjoyed yourself, Pinkie," Rainbow said. "AJ wouldn't stop laughing at me! It was humiliating!" She buried her red face in her hooves.

"Sorry, Rainbow," Discord said. "If it makes you feel any better, Fluttershy thought I looked ridiculous, too."

"It does, a little bit," Rainbow said. She yawned. "Now, if you don't mind, I've gotta turn in early tonight. There's a whole bunch of new recruits coming in tomorrow, and I need to be up as early as possible!"

"Of course," Discord said. "Sorry for keeping you up." He snapped his fingers, and a shimmering portal appeared in front of her, showing Sweet Apple Acres just after sunset. Rainbow waved goodbye and flew through, the portal zipping closed behind her.

"Thanks for giving us dinner, Discord," Pinkie said, bouncing to her hooves. "But I also have to go. Cheese is probably waiting for me." She started heading towards the door. "Don't worry, I can find my way back home from here."

Discord's face paled, and he quickly rushed in front of the door, spreading his arms to block her path. "Oooh no you don't," he said. "You think I'm going to let you wander unchecked through my dimension again? No can do, Mrs. Sandwich Pie." He snapped his fingers, and she disappeared in a flash of light.

With a sigh of relief, he wiped his brow. "Discord?" Fluttershy said, stepping from the hallway. "Did Zecora's cure work?"

"Like a charm," he said, twirling in place to show off his not-fluffy fur. "Thank you for the idea of inviting them to dinner. I wasn't sure what the best way to apologize would be."

"Did that go well, too?" she asked, flying over to him and placing a hoof on his paw.

"Oh, yes," he said. "Pinkie wasn't mad in the first place, and Rainbow...well, I think she might still be mad, but she's less mad now." He sighed. "I'll just have to remember to just accept her next prank with poise and dignity...as is in my nature," he said, putting a bright pink sticky note with writing in glitter pen onto his antler.

Fluttershy giggled and kissed his cheek. She yawned and glanced over at the clock. "Goodness, it's later than I thought," she said. "I think it's time to head to bed."

He scooped her into his arms bridal style. "Of course, my dear," he said, snapping his tail feathers and teleporting them both to their bedroom.

Author's Note:

Thank you to Eveeka for the idea for this chapter, and for this piece of art:


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