• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,567 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Something Sweet to Bite

"Fluttershy!" Discord said cheerfully, poking his head into the library. She lifted her head, setting down the book she had been reading. "I just finished making something for the trick-or-treaters...wanna see?"

"Alright," she said, standing up and flying over to him. "But isn't it a bit early to set everything up? Nightmare Night is a week away..."

"I'm just getting the items ready," he said, snapping his fingers and teleporting them into the kitchen. "I won't set up the actual spell on your cottage until the holiday." He grinned, and took a position opposite her at the table. "Now, are you ready to see my creations?"

She nodded, and he reached under the table. He grunted, lifting a large pumpkin up and dropping it onto the table. There was a picture of a lollipop painted on the side facing her. With a snap, a vine handle grew on its top, and he grabbed it and lifted it, showing how easy it was for him now. Then, he grabbed the cut stem on top and gave it a twist...pulling it off. He nudged it towards her, and she peeked inside.

It was stuffed to the brim with all sorts of candy—from piles of candy corn and caramel squares to large swirled lollipops and chocolate bars as big as her hoof. The entire pumpkin was full of a wide variety of candy, and she could taste the sugar (and cavities) just by looking at it.

"Should I add more?" Discord asked. She quickly shook her head.

"This is plenty!" she said. "Maybe even too much..."

He scoffed and waved off the notion. "There is never a thing such as too much candy," he said. "Oh, and do you want to see something really interesting?" She nodded, and he turned the pumpkin over, spilling all the candy onto the counter—more than she had thought was in it, and more than the pumpkin should have been able to hold. He dropped the empty pumpkin and slid to her side, holding his breath.

"Three...two...one..." he said. When he was done, the pumpkin disappeared in a puff of orange smoke that smelled of pumpkin spice. He grinned and blew the smoke away to reveal a large pumpkin pie.

He grinned and clapped his hands. "Isn't this neat?" he said. "Anyone who knocks on the door will get a bunch of candy, and a pie! Aren't I a genius?"

She smiled. "It is pretty neat..." she said quietly. "But Discord...don't you think this might be too much candy? And what if some kids try to get even more candy than they should, by coming back to the house again?"

"Again, there's no such thing as too much candy," he said. "Besides, any adults will probably monitor their candy intake for the next few days. It'll be fine. As for ponies trying to get seconds..." A devious grin spread on his face.

"The spell I put on the door knows who's been by, and who hasn't. If someone tries to get more than their fair share...they'll have a special surprise waiting for them." His devious grin only growing wider, he held up a black pot and slowly opened the lid a crack.

She immediately plugged her nose at the stench that came out, something close to rotten eggs and spoiled milk. Discord snapped the lid closed and vanished the pot, using a paper fan to wave the stink out towards the open window.

"And to make sure everything really is fair," he said. "The goodie pumpkins have anti-theft measures. Only the person who knocked on the door can grab onto it, and anyone who tries to take it from them without their freely given, verbal permission..." He snapped his fingers and made another candy-filled pumpkin, then placed a plastic hoof on the handle. He reached for the handle...only for part of the vine to suddenly uncurl and smack his paw away.

He rubbed his hand, looking pleased with himself as he sent the pumpkin away. "I think I've covered everything," he said. "What do you think?"

"I think..." she said, pausing as he shoved his face in front of hers, his eyes wide and pleading. "...that you've thought of everything!" Discord cheered, leaping into the air and doing a backflip. "But, Discord...what are you doing for Nightmare Night?"

He paused mid-flip and floated to the ground, filing his claws. "Oh, probably the same as last year," he said. "Dress up in a costume, get some candy, and go scare some ponies. Maybe team up with Lulu." He looked up. "Unless you want me to be the guardian of your pillow fort."

She scuffed a hoof on the ground. "Actually, I...I won't be spending this year in a pillow fort." He gasped, a happy smile coming onto his face. "I'm going to spend the evening in the sanctuary." There was the sound of a record scratch, and his face fell.

"B-but..." he said, lip quivering. "I understand wanting to spend Nightmare Night at home...but if you're going out, why can't you spend it having fun with me!" He paused. "And our other friends, I suppose."

"I don't really want to go out..." she said. "But last year, someone threw rotten eggs into the sanctuary, and toilet paper into the trees...and some black cats and snakes went missing." She shuddered. "When they found their way back, they told such awful stories of being taken just to scare other ponies...I have to stay in the sanctuary and make sure that doesn't happen again."

"Can't someone else be the lookout?" he asked. "If you wanted, I could do it, and you could stay at home."

She quickly shook her head. "Oh, no! Zecora and Dr. Fauna are both busy that night, and I couldn't ask any of the volunteers to give up their plans to help me." She grabbed his paw. "And...you've done so much planning for the night, I don't want you to waste it by doing something I should be doing."

"...not a waste," he said, gripping her hoof. "But, if you're sure you don't want to let me take over and stay here...in our safe house...in our cozy bed...where nothing scary could happen..."

She sighed and shook her head. "Nice try, Discord," she said. "But my mind is made up. I'm going to stay in the sanctuary for as long as I can, to watch for trouble."

"Bah humbug," he grunted, making her shake her head again and fly up to kiss his cheek.

The week passed quickly, and Nightmare Night finally arrived. Discord finished setting up the spell on the cottage, while Fluttershy prepared for a hopefully calm, quiet evening in the sanctuary. Discord helped her pack a pair of saddlebags (black with glittery pumpkin buttons) full of books, warm blankets, and several goodie bags of candy.

"Thank you for helping," she said as she slid them on. "Is there anything I could help you with?"

He grinned. "No, thank you. The spell is on your cottage, and I have my costume and pranks all prepared." His smile fell. "Are you sure you don't want me to watch the sanctuary instead?"

She nodded. "As I said...you've put a lot of work into getting ready. I'd hate to make you waste your night like that." She adjusted the straps of her saddlebags. "Now, why don't we have a quick supper together?"

Discord nodded, seeming cheered up by the idea of being able to make a spooky meal. Screaming cheese on toast, corn on the cob that 'bled' butter (and in some surprising cases, tomato soup), peeled grapes with painted irises, bubbling cups of brown liquid that tasted like fizzy chocolate milk...and the main course, a haysteak that had been slathered in a thick tomato paste, with pieces of corn and cauliflower scattered on it. It was very spooky and a bit gross, almost too much for her taste, but it all tasted good.

"And now...for dessert!" he said with a grin, holding out a covered tray shaped like a skull. He whisked it off with a flourish, revealing—a pumpkin pie covered in chocolate syrup and candy corn, surrounded by caramel-glazed popcorn balls. "I know, not the most original," he admitted as he passed her a large slice of pie and a popcorn ball. "But these seem to be traditional treats...sort of. I figured it wouldn't hurt to give them a try."

She smiled and took a bite of the pie. It was almost too sweet, but it still tasted good. She complimented him and paced herself, while Discord quickly devoured several slices and balls in a row.

Finally, she finished, and with a sigh, pushed herself away from the table. "I'm going to head out now," she said. "Thank you for dinner...and happy Nightmare Night." He nodded, keeping his eyes trained on her as she walked out the door, pumpkin filling smeared across his chin. She went through the living room and out one of the portals outside, landing in the sanctuary.

Several animals greeted her warmly, and some black cats and snakes rubbed themselves against her hooves. "Hello there," she said. "I'm going to stay with you all and make sure no one can hurt you again." They thanked her, and all the animals started to nudge her towards a specific corner of the sanctuary.

They guided her to a small grove, where a pile of soft leaves had been laid under a tree. The trees were packed close enough that she wouldn't be easily seen, but there was still plenty of moonlight streaming into the spot. "Oh my," she said. "Thank you, everyone. This is perfect."

She sat on the leaves and covered herself with a blanket, pulling out one of her books as her animal friends cuddled close. She smiled and leaned back against the tree, reading parts of the story aloud to her gathered friends.

Time passed, the last bit of sunlight giving way to complete moonlight. Several of her animal friends had gone to sleep, while others had wandered off to scan the area. She had finished the first of her books and helped herself to a few of the candies in her saddlebags, and was just getting started on her second book. Even if she wasn't at home, it seemed that tonight would be peaceful.

A rustling in the leaves made her ears perk up. She lifted her head out of her book and quickly looked around, her heart racing. Thoughts of pranksters, thieves, or even worse...real monsters, flowed through her mind. But there was nothing in sight but the shadowed trees, her dozing animal friends, and the starry night sky.

With a few deep breaths and a sigh, she leaned back against the tree trunk and opened the book again. She tried to get lost in the story, but the niggling feeling that she wasn't alone refused to leave her. She heard the snap of a twig, and her head quickly shot up.

For a second, in the shadows in front of her, she saw the gleam of two predatory eyes...and a pair of glittering white fangs. She gasped, backing up against the tree. But as soon as she blinked, the shadows were empty, and she was alone again...though a few of her animal friends had woken up and were looking at her curiously.

"I...it's just my imagination," she told them. "I'm just seeing things in the shadows because it's Nightmare Night...right?" Seraphim frowned unsurely, then raised his head to yap at the others.

"Search the area for anything suspicious!" he said. "This is no time to rest! It is Nightmare Night, after all." Several of the animals groaned and complained, but all of them got up and wandered away, scanning the nearby area. Seraphim gave a smile and nod to Fluttershy before hopping away into the shadows.

She let out a sigh, leaning back against the tree. It did make her feel better, knowing that her animal friends were all looking out for her...it brought back old memories of Nightmare Nights back in her cottage. With a smile, she opened her book back up and began to read.

But before she could get very far, a small drop of red liquid fell from above, splattering right in the middle of the page.

Her blood ran cold, and she slowly tilted her head upwards. There, in the branches above, was a shadowy figure. It seemed formless, and the only things she could make out were its glowing red eyes and sharp white fangs. She inhaled, but before she could scream, the figure pounced, and she was enveloped in darkness, pressed close against something thick and furry.

"What a fright," it hissed in an almost sing-song voice. "Give us something sweet to bite." Sharp fangs pressed themselves against her neck, and she gasped, squeezing her eyes shut.

The fangs slowly trailed against her skin, before meeting with a click and pulling away—though not without placing another tiny nip on her neck. She shivered and slowly opened her eyes as she felt the fangs leave her skin, tilting her head back.

A tiny bit of moonlight illuminated her captor's face—wearing a smug grin, with two fangs sticking out of his mouth, and red liquid painted onto his lips. There was a black cape tied around his neck, which enveloped both of them. She frowned, glaring up at him, and his grin only seemed to grow wider.

"Discord," she said. "That wasn't funny at all. You really scared me!" His ears drooped, and his arms fell to his sides, releasing the cape and letting moonlight shine on both of them.

"...sorry," he said quietly. "I wanted to do something to get you in the spooky spirit...but I suppose this wasn't the way."

"It wasn't," she said, leaning against his chest. "It was too scary..." She laid her head there, listening to his heartbeat and trying to calm her own.

"I'm sorry," he said again, draping his cape over her and stroking her mane gently. "I only meant to give a little scare...but I went overboard. If it'll make it up to you...I didn't come just to scare you."

She opened her eyes and lifted her head slightly. "Hmm?"

"I came to say that I had an idea to protect the sanctuary," he said. "I'll cast a spell of fog around it that will repel anyone, or anything, that tries to enter. Anything inside will be undamaged, your animals will stay safe, and the fog will evaporate when the sun comes up."

She paused...and then smiled. "That...that sounds like a really good idea!" she said. She frowned. "But I'm still not going to spend Nightmare Night with you, especially not after what you just did."

He sighed, his ears lowering. "I...I thought you might say that," he said. "But, I found something else..." He reached into a pocket of his cape and pulled out a flyer, showing it off to her.

"Nightmare Night: Treats without Tricks," she read aloud. "Come to Spruce Street, where all can enjoy trick-or-treating without any scares. Costumes allowed, but nothing gory, inappropriate, or overly scary."

She glanced up at him, and he rubbed the back of his neck. "I...thought it could be fun," he said. "We could get candy together without you feeling scared...but I guess I mucked that up, didn't I?" She nodded, and he sighed.

"I can open up a portal and make you a pillow fort back at home...unless you want to stay in the sanctuary," he said. "Either way, I can put up the protection spell." He held his claws in a snapping position, his paw still holding her close to his chest. "What would you like?"

She paused to think about it. Her fright from earlier had vanished, and Discord seemed truly sorry to have scared her like that. He was sweet to think of her, and...it felt nice, being so close to him. "Maybe..." she said. "Maybe we can just go down that one street together. And after that, I'll go home."

Discord was frozen for a second...and then his eyes widened and filled with sparkles, his mouth stretching into a grin as he gasped. "You'll come with me and have fun!? You really will!?" he said.

She giggled. "Just for the one street," she said. "And then I'll go back home."

"Right, right, of course," he said, standing up and cradling her in his arms. "First order of business..." He snapped his fingers, and the dome of fog suddenly appeared over them. "Second...I think you need a costume, my dear."

He snapped his fingers again, and she glanced down at herself. He had given her a sparkling white dress that draped down her body—but it didn't extend all the way to her hooves, which now had white-and-pink slippers on them. She shifted her wings, and realized that they now had thin wing-bling that made them look like pink butterfly wings.

"Do you like it?" he asked, setting her gently on the ground, a mirror appearing on the tree trunk. She nodded and smiled, turning to look at all of it.

"I love it," she said, which made his grin become even wider.

"Now!" he said. "To that street! I'd take us there right away, but I want to savor this moment by walking to town. Do tell me if your hooves get tired." He started walking forward.

She giggled and followed alongside him, watching as he parted the fog like a curtain and bowed, allowing her to step through first. He apologized again for scaring her, and once he was assured that he was forgiven, but warned to not do it again, he launched into tales of his other conquests in scaring ponies.

She had to admit, most of them made her giggle...especially since he assured her that the victims had been good sports about it.

They eventually came close to her cottage, and she could already hear screams of fright and delight from the town. Before she could keep walking towards them, though, Discord suddenly grabbed her and dragged her with him into the nearby bushes.

"Shh," he said. "Watch this." He snuck a little closer, and she copied his movement. They had a good vantage point of her cottage, which was covered in cobwebs and creeping vines. Next to the door was a sign written on in red paint: Knock on door. Take only one. She peered out at a group of teenage ponies, all cheering as they looked into the goodie pumpkins they had received. The last one left knocked on the door, which opened, a thorny vine dropping the pumpkin into his hooves.

"Hey, guys," one said. "If this place just gives out candy..." They all grinned, and the oldest looking approached the door, lifting his hoof and knocking on it with a smug grin.

The door opened...but instead of a thorny vine, there was a hissing statue of Chrysalis. "Only one!" it screeched, sounding like a high-pitched version of Discord. Then, just as the pony's face went pale and he started to back away, the statue spat a green goo at him.

It soaked into his coat, practically glowing under the moonlight, and Fluttershy could smell it even from where she was. The whole group screeched, pinching their noses. She heard Discord chuckling beside her, the bush shaking due to his laughter.

One member of the group looked particularly angry. "This isn't fair!" he said. "We only wanted a little more candy!" He used his magic to lift up an egg, hurtling it towards the house.

Fluttershy winced and whimpered, but Discord reached over and placed a reassuring paw on top of her hoof. She watched as the egg sailed towards her old home...and just before hitting the wall, suddenly froze in midair and flew back towards the pony who had thrown it.

He shrieked and tried to run away, but the egg followed him, getting faster and faster. It struck the back of his head when he was almost to the bridge, making him stumble and fall into the stream. The bush shook even more, and Discord, unable to contain himself, began laughing loudly, the sound echoing through the clearing.

The teenagers jumped, looking every which way. "G-g-guys," a pegasus said, shaking. "Do you think this house is...haunted?"

They froze at the word, and Fluttershy saw Discord twitch his finger, sending a cold wind in their direction. A grin spread on her face, and she held her hooves to her mouth. "Yes it iiiiiiis," she said in her spookiest voice. "If you don't leave now, the consequences will be, um...diiiiiire."

The unicorn who had pulled himself out of the stream seemed to relax a bit. "Well, how are we supposed to be scared of a ghost that sounds like that?" He laughed, and his friends joined in uneasily. Fluttershy whimpered, her ears pressing against her skull. She heard a rumbling sound, and saw Discord's eyes had turned an eerie red.

"Oh, was that not scary enough?" he said, his voice echoing through the clearing. "I guess you must think you're tough enough for the...worst stuff I have." He chuckled darkly, and fire sprang up between their hooves and the cottage.

The group screamed, turning and running over the bridge and back towards town, dragging their bold unicorn and petulant smelly friends behind them. Discord laughed evilly in his booming voice that echoed behind them...and once they were out of sight, kept laughing in his normal voice.

"Did you see that!?" he cackled, emerging from the bush. "The looks on their faces were priceless!"

She laughed and walked back out onto the path. He leaned against her, giggling, and she kept laughing along, until they were both out of breath and using the other for support.

Discord let out one last chuckle and held his fingers in a snapping position. "That was fun," he said. "Now...we've had a good walk, so why don't we skip the spooks in town and get right to our spook-free motherload of sweets?" She smiled and nodded, and he snapped, teleporting them to the "Treats without Tricks" event.

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