• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,567 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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A "Real" Date

Fluttershy and Discord were sitting on a bench in the middle of Ponyville, watching creatures go by and enjoying the feeling of warm sun on their fur. Fluttershy smiled and shifted closer to Discord, wrapping a forehoof around him. He draped an arm over her shoulders, pulling her closer.

He snapped his fingers, and they were both holding ice cream cones. She licked at her mint chip one, while he nibbled at his orange peel-caramel swirl scoop. "Thank you, Discord," she said. "It was nice to have lunch in town."

He shrugged. "Well, you mentioned liking that place the other day. I figured I should treat you."

She giggled. "You're always treating me to something! Is that what you have to say about us visiting the New Golden Oaks Library?"

"Nah," he said. "I just wanted to check it out, and having you with me was a good excuse." She laughed and poked him in the side, and he ruffled her mane playfully.

The sound of hoofsteps approaching made them stop playing and glance up. Rainbow Dash was approaching them, a wide grin on her face. "Wow," she said, "I mean, you guys act cutesy all the time, but I think this is the first time in a while I've seen you on a real date."

Fluttershy and Discord both tilted their heads. "What do you mean, a real date?" Discord asked, licking at his ice cream.

"You know! Just going out, doing stuff together," Rainbow said. "Dedicating a block of time to each other, and not just happening to be together when you're doing something else."

Fluttershy licked at her ice cream, glancing up at Discord, who she could feel shaking next to her. "And how else would you define a...real date?" he asked, his smile a hair too wide.

Rainbow didn't notice, as she put a hoof to her chin in thought. "Um...well, AJ and I aren't big on mushy stuff. But I think most couples have dinner a lot?" She nodded to herself. "Yeah. Fancy dinners with candles, getting all dressed up, sharing a dance...all that romance jazz."

Discord froze up, then quickly stood up straight. "Fluttershy, when was the last time we had a date night like that?" he said in a thin, hushed voice.

She gulped, carefully reaching out to him. "Discord..."

"It's been...a few moons, at least," he muttered. "I'm so sorry, my dear! I promised you I'd cherish you, give you everything, but I can't even remember to arrange romantic evenings for us!"

"Discord, please, calm down," she said, gently touching his paw.

His eyes gleamed. "Well, no longer!" he declared. "I shall give my darling wife the best, most romantic date of her life!" With that, he disappeared in a flash of light, his ice cream cone falling to the ground.

She glared at Rainbow. "Now look what you've done!" she scolded. "You've convinced him he's done something wrong, and now he's going to beat himself up over it!"

Rainbow's head drooped. "Sorry, Fluttershy," she sighed. "I just wanted to say how good you two look together. I guess my mouth got away from my brain again." Her ears drooped. "Heh. I was just telling AJ I was getting better at not doing that. Is there...any way I can make it up to you two?"

Fluttershy sighed, her ears drooping. "No, I...I'm sorry I snapped at you. I just hate seeing Discord act like this, worrying and working himself to the bone." She rubbed at her temples. "I'll talk to him soon, after he has some time to calm down." She shifted over, patting the space on the bench beside her. "How are you and Applejack doing?"

Rainbow's head lifted, her eyes lighting up as she took a seat and began to chatter about her wife. Fluttershy smiled.

After a nice chat with Rainbow, she had gone to the animal sanctuary. Each of the portals was open, but covered by a large "Do Not Disturb" sign, each of which showed a different picture of Discord: him cooking something, sleeping in bed, or holding out a bouquet of roses, to name a few.

She sighed and turned away from the portals, spending the afternoon checking up on all of her animals. As the sun started to set, all of the signs disappeared in a flash, and a golden envelope appeared in front of her. She plucked it out of the air and opened it, pulling out a golden card with silver, cursive writing.

Dear, Sweet Fluttershy,

Please come home as soon as possible. I promise you that there, you shall have the time of your life. Prepare yourself, my dear, for a most romantic evening, carefully prepared by your charming husband.

I'll see you soon, my love.

Hugs and Kisses,


She smiled, tucking the card back into its envelope and flying through the portal. She opened the front door, only to find the inside very dimly lit, and a trail of glowing rose petals leading to the kitchen.

"Discord?" she called, setting the card on a side table. He didn't respond, but the light of the petals flashed. With a soft sigh, she followed the path into the kitchen.

The room was completely unrecognizable. Counters and cabinets had disappeared in favor of framed photographs of their wedding and previous dates. The walls were now a light, uniform shade of pink, with red hearts scattered about randomly. A crystal chandelier hung above a round wooden table with mismatched legs. Two tall candles were lit in the center of the table, and off to the side was a floating violin playing soft music.

Discord stood at the end of the petal trail, wringing his hands together with a wide grin on his face. He was wearing a sky blue tuxedo with an electric green tie. She saw him snap his tail feathers, and felt something drape over her. She glanced down at herself and saw a shimmering, forest green dress.

She slowly approached Discord, who bowed at the waist. "My lady," he purred, kissing her hoof. "Allow me to welcome you to La Maison du Chaos."

She blushed, glancing away. "Discord, you..."

"I know, I've outdone myself!" he said with a beam, offering her his arm. She looped her foreleg through it, and fluttered her wings as he escorted her to the table. He let go of her to pull her chair out from her, gently pushing her back in before taking his own seat opposite her.

"You look lovely tonight, my dear," he said as the wine glasses in front of them began to fill with ice water. He snapped his fingers, and covered dishes appeared in front of them. Another snap, and the covers lifted before disappearing.

Both of them had a large, steaming haysteak, with a size of glazed carrots and romaine lettuce with radish slices. "I hope you enjoy the selection tonight," he said. "If not, I can always change it."

"No, it looks delicious," she said, taking a bite of carrot. He smiled and began to saw at his haysteak. For the next few moments, the only sounds were their utensils scraping against their plates and the violin playing some romantic piece. She glanced up at him, only to see he was blatantly staring at her. She blushed and looked back down at her plate.

He gulped, sighed, and set down his silverware. "Fluttershy, is...is everything alright? You look unhappy." He glanced around the room. "Is the decor too much? I can change it to something a little more subtle..."

She sighed. "It's not that. Everything looks lovely, and this was very kind of you to do, but...Discord, you really didn't have to do all of this."

"Oh, but I wanted to!" he said, gently cupping her hoof in his hands.

She gave him a stern look. "Did you want to do it because you want us to both be happy, or did you want to do it to prove to yourself that you're a good husband? Or to Rainbow Dash that you can act romantically?"

He grunted, letting go of her hoof to twiddle his fingers. "...A little from column A, a little by column B," he muttered.

She sighed and reached across the table, placing her hoof on his shoulder. "Discord, you are a great husband. Every day, you make me happy. Do I need to remind you of everything you've done for me? Making me breakfast in bed, showing me so many wonderful things, caring for me when I'm sick?"

"Discord, you make me feel loved. You don't need to act by any creature's opinion on what romance should be." She let her hoof slide down onto the top of his paw. "And you don't need to do anything to try to impress me. You know I love you."

He was quiet for a moment, silently setting his claw on top of her hoof. "...I've messed up, haven't I?" he sighed. "I was so worried that I was somehow failing you as a husband that I immediately left you alone and didn't say anything to you until now." He pressed his face into his hands. "Sweet chaos, I was so concerned with making things perfect for you I ended up abandoning you."

She quickly flew around the table and hugged him around the neck. "Sweetie, it's okay," she said, rubbing at the back of his neck. "I understood why you did it. You had the best intentions, and you did plan a lovely evening for us." She kissed his cheek. "I just don't want you to feel pressured to do anything for me."

He sighed and leaned into her chest. "I'm sorry. We were having such a lovely morning, but what Rainbow said just got to me, and..."

"She says she's sorry, by the way," she murmured. "She was just trying to say we looked good together, and didn't word it well."

He smiled. "As always, you have calmed my worries." He kissed her neck. "I don't suppose I could turn this fancy dinner into a thank-you celebration? Or would you prefer something else?"

She nuzzled his cheek. "No, the dinner is nice. Could I have some chocolate milk instead of water, though?" He snapped his fingers, and both of their glasses were full of chocolate milk. She sat back in her seat and began to eat again.

"So how did you come up with these ideas?" she asked, taking a sip of milk. "The decorations, the music...this food?"

"Oh, I based it on some of our past dates, and just cranked it up to eleven," he said as he leaned back in his chair. "This dish, though? Straight from a popular romantic restaurant in Canterlot. This dish and these sides are some of their most popular choices."

He sipped at his drink. "...Incidentally, I may or may not have been banned from a restaurant for sneaking into the back and looking at their recipes." She snorted, spitting out the lettuce she was eating. She covered her mouth with a blush, still laughing.

He joined in her laughter, and they kept laughing until they were leaning on the table, tears streaming down their faces. They finally managed to catch their breath, looking at the other with red faces. Discord giggled. "I love you." She smiled brightly.

He appeared next to her, holding out his paw. "Dinner can wait for a moment. Take my paw, my darling, and we shall dance through the stars!"

She giggled as she took his paw. "There are no stars here! The sun hasn't even set in Equestria!" He smirked and snapped his fingers, and green, glowing, plastic stars floated around them as the room itself dimmed. She smiled and shook her head, fluttering her wings as he floated upwards.

They twirled in the air, the violin music becoming louder as the rest of the world seemed to melt away. She wrapped one hoof around his neck, the other held in his paw, while his claw lay at her waist. He led her in a few spins and dips, even tossing her into the air before catching her one time, but seemed content to simply glide about the room with her for the most part.

Discord's stomach suddenly gurgled. He grimaced, and she giggled. "Maybe we should continue dinner," she suggested, touching her nose against his for a brief second. He sighed and let go of her, slowly drifting back down into his chair.

They continued eating, chattering about how their afternoons went. After a conversation about how Angel's children were doing and how he had snuck into Canterlot castle to find a good chandelier design, their plates were polished clean.

Discord snapped his fingers, and the table was bare, aside from the candles. "I'll take care of them once I bring the sink back," he told her. He rubbed at the back of his neck. "After this, I had kind of planned to serve a really rich chocolate cake. Complete the whole 'fancy dinner' shtick."

"But I just remembered...we never finished our ice cream earlier, did we? After I left you so rudely." He held his hands out, weighing the options. "Which would you prefer?"

She smiled. "Ice cream sounds nice." He snapped his fingers, and they were both holding ice cream cones. She licked her scoop, flavored chocolate with a caramel swirl, while his was a uniform pink color. He licked it, glancing around the room in thought.

He snapped his fingers again, and the two of them appeared outside of their house, on a wooden bench. A school of flying sharks passed them as they continued eating their ice cream. "This is much better," he said, lopping an arm over her shoulders.

"Yes," she sighed, leaning into his shoulder as fireworks began exploding in the sky above them. They watched the show for a while, before he moved onto creating and sculpting clouds for her entertainment. He snuck a bite out of her cone, and she immediately responded by licking his.

"Is that...strawberries and cotton candy?" she asked. When he nodded, she continued, "It's not bad. You'll have to make it for me sometime."

She snuggled closer to him, continuing to eat her cone. They stayed pressed against each other long after they had finished their desserts, watching the skies of Chaosville twist around, changing slowly into a darker shade of purple.

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