• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,566 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Crazy Critters

Fluttershy was writing on a piece of cardboard with a black marker. She held the cardboard away from her, judging her writing. With a nod, she capped her marker and carried her sign outside, flying to one of the smaller floating islands surrounding their house.

She set the sign in front of her, taking a seat on the grass while she tried to find a way to prop up the cardboard. A bright light flashed in front of her, and Discord appeared. "Free Hugs and Talking About How You Feel," he read. Glancing up at her, he said dryly, "I don't think you'll get very many ponies to come by here."

"I know," she said. "I thought I'd see if any of the creatures wanted some attention. I want to make sure they're getting everything they need."

He hummed. "Well, the sign would be a good idea...except most of them don't read Ponish." He put a hand to his chin and muttered, "Actually, I think there's a lot who don't even have eyes..."

"Oh," she said quietly, looking down at the sign she hadn't even figured out how to prop up.

"Which is why you need a new approach!" he declared. He snapped his fingers, creating a cardboard fold on the back of the sign, as well as a large light switch that was in the "off" position. "Just flip that switch, and it'll send a mild telepathic signal telling creatures there's somepony here that'd like to know how they're feeling."

She smiled, flicking the switch. "Thank you, Discord." He smiled and leaned in, his eyes gleaming. "...You want a hug, don't you?" she said with a playful shake of her head. His grin widened as he nodded.

She smiled and wrapped her hooves around his neck, squeezing tightly. "Is this good?" she murmured in his ear. He sighed and leaned his head on top of hers, burying his muzzle into her mane. She giggled, nuzzling against his neck.

Suddenly, Discord fell away from her with a yelp. She gasped, hooves flying to her mouth and about to follow him, but a book flew in front of her with paper wings, silently bearing its fangs at the fallen draconequus.

"Discord? Are you okay?" she cried. He swiftly got back onto his feet and dusted himself off. The book continued bearing its fangs and waved some of its spindly legs at him.

"I'm fine, dear. Just caught me by surprise is all," he assured her. "It looks like you've received your second customer of the day."

She nodded and slowly reached out towards the book. "It's alright," she whispered. "Discord's not going to hurt you." The book glared at the draconequus, ruffling its pages, before flying into her hooves and folding up its wings.

"Oh, so it's affectionate with you, and not the person who made it?" Discord snorted, draping a hand onto her shoulder. The book glared at him and lunged towards his hand with its sharp fangs. He managed to pull away in time, holding his hand to his chest.

"No!" Fluttershy admonished the book. "We do not bite creatures, understand?" The book ruffled its page, cuddling into her chest. "You need to apologize to Discord."

For a second, the book did nothing. She sighed and let go of it, giving it a small nudge in Discord's direction as it hovered in the air. Slowly it fluttered over to him, then extended its spindly arms downward, it's whole body drooping.

"Apology accepted," he said, reaching towards it. She quickly waved her hooves at him, shaking her head and mouthing, Ask first! "May I touch you?" he asked, paw frozen in the air.

The book hesitated, but slowly nodded. Discord stroked its spine gently, and the book's eyes drifted closed. Slowly, and with some silent encouragement from Fluttershy, he stepped closer, until he could cradle the book in his arms. He did so carefully, watching the book warily, but it didn't react, aside from a few tiny flinches.

"There," she said, fluttering over to stroke the book's spine. "See? Discord is a friend." The book ruffled its pages, its mouth-like slit curling into a smile as it snuggled into Discord's fur, draping a few spindly legs over his arms.

Discord scratched at its spine. "Consider yourself lucky. That spot is reserved for only my favorite pony." Fluttershy blushed, though she tried to shake it off. The book's mouth opened in a silent laugh.

"Are you fairly happy with your life, Mr. Book, or it there something you think would make you happier?" she asked. The book tapped below its mouth with a leg, eyes narrowing. It spread its wings out, giving them a soft flap.

"You like to fly?" she translated. It gave her a gesture similar to a nod, bobbing its spine up and down. It used its legs to crawl out of Discord's hold and hang upside-down from his forearm. "And you like to hang from perches." The book nodded again.

It flew up, hovering between the two of them. It gestured to all the empty space around it, then pointed at itself with a leg, holding another straight into the air while the rest of it drooped limply. "...But you're the only one here who likes those things," she said quietly. It slowly nodded.

Discord sighed. "I could make more living books, but...chaos doesn't like repeating itself. Most other flying books I've made don't have legs or fangs, for example." The book's altitude lowered, its wingbeats slowing.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "But I'm sure you have a plan already," he said to her. "You've got so many critters here. Say the word, and I'll take us right to wherever you think is best."

"Let's try the bat sanctuary," she said, offering a foreleg to the book. As it hung from her arm, the three of them were teleported to another floating island with two shimmering blue portals right next to it, and where the sky was much darker.

The island held the opening to a dark cave, with a grove of various fruit trees in the area where they were standing. Said fruit trees had immature fruits slowly growing in places, with multiple types on each tree. One portal opened to a section of the animal sanctuary with similar trees, complete with some bowls filled with fruit, while the other opened to a section of an apple orchard.

The air was heavy with many species of bats, all flying about and either grabbing fruits to suck dry, or snatching tiny, flying specks out of the air. Others were perched in the cave or tree branches, keeping their wings wrapped around their bodies. The book slowly let go of Fluttershy's hoof, flying up to a swarm of the bats. The animals didn't seem to mind as it joined in with their swooping and gliding. It flew back over to Fluttershy and Discord, giving them quick hugs around the neck before flying back up to its new friends.

They waved goodbye as Discord snapped his fingers, teleporting them back to her sign. "I'd say that was a satisfied customer," he declared. "Do you need me for anything else? Some creatures might not want to come near if I'm around."

She smiled. "I might need your help with some things. But if you don't feel comfortable staying..."

He stroked at his beard before his eyes suddenly lit up. He snapped his fingers, and two bags and a silver bell appeared behind her sign. "There's a bag with infinite food, a bag with grooming materials, and a bell to call me if you need me." A withered top hat appeared on his head, which he tipped at her. "I'll see you later, my dear! Good luck!"

And with that, he disappeared with a puff of blue smoke. She smiled and set down, waiting for the next creature to arrive.

The morning seemed to past by quickly, as a steady stream of strange creatures arrived to be hugged and explain their problems. She met one of the carnivorous flowers from Discord's garden, whose only desire was to receive a hug and try something it'd heard about called "photosynthesis". She'd pointed him in the direction of a nearby blue portal streaming sunlight down on a floating patch of soil.

Her next visitor was a flying shark, who was happy to have his wings preened and to get directions to the closest body of saltwater. She had pointed upwards, where a shimmering blue ball was in the distance, and waved as it flew away.

Many other creatures came by, just looking for a little affection. A swarm of eyeballs with wings, a tamed yeti, a large cat-like creature with bright yellow eyes and too many legs...so many colorful, crazy creatures passed by.

Discord appeared behind her as she was waving goodbye to a large fruitbat with pegasus wings. "I figured you could use some refreshment," he said, holding out a tray with a tall glass of lemonade. She smiled as he handed it to her, taking a large swig.

"How's business?" he asked, creating two lawn chairs side by side. She took a seat, sipping at her drink.

"Everything's been going well," she said. "Most creatures are pretty content, and just want a little affection, or a chance to talk with someone. And the ones who need more than a hug are easy enough to direct." She told him about the shark and the flower.

He sighed, stroking at his beard. "I should try and introduce photosynthesis to the others in the garden. It might help themโ€”what's the termโ€”'mellow out'." She nodded.

Suddenly, a pink tendril wrapped itself around Discord's torso, pulling him out of his chair and towards the edge of the island!

He yelped, digging his fingers into the ground before he could be pulled off of the edge. She gasped and flew over, trying to pull the tendril off of him. As she pulled at it, she realized whatever it was made of snapped away easily, before flying back into place. It felt similar to...hair?

More tendrils slammed down near her. Slowly, they pulled themselves upward, and a large figure looked over the edge of the island. With a soft thud, the monster from her own mane landed, glaring at her and Discord, a deep rumbling sound coming from it.

"Excuse me," she said quietly. "Could you please let my husband go?" The mane monster lifted Discord up and glanced between the two of them. It tossed him to the ground with a grunt.

He was immediately on his feet in front of her, using his tail to keep her behind him. His claws were unsheathed, his fangs bared. "What are you here for?" he growled.

It grunted, and jabbed at the sign with a tendril. She lightly pushed his tail aside. "...You want a hug?" The mane monster nodded quickly. "Alright."

She took a few steps towards it, but stopped when Discord grabbed her shoulders. "Fluttershy, what ifโ€”" She patted his paw reassuringly.

"Discord, I've hugged a flying shark, a yeti, and a carnivorous plant today. It'll be fine." He frowned, his hold only loosening slightly. "Besides, you're here to help if something does go wrong."

He sighed and let his hands drop limply from her shoulders, stepping out of her way. She approached the mane monster, stretching her hooves towards it when she was close enough. It grabbed her with several tendrils, pressing her to its large central mass. She pressed her hooves against it as it wrapped more tendrils around her, nuzzling against her face and clinging to the ends of her mane.

The sensation was somewhat enjoyable. The mane was mostly soft, and the only thing she could compare to the experience would be lying on a vertical bed. The only unpleasant part was that twigs or rocks, stuck in the twisting mane, would poke her in the side. After a minute or so, the mane monster seemed to have had enough, and slowly detached itself from her.

It gave her a quick nuzzle, making a rumbling, purring sound. It shifted around, turning to leave. "Wait!" she called, making it and Discord not at her in surprise. "Is there anything you want to talk about?"

The mane monster paused, then extended a larger tendril to her. It was filled with twigs and rocks, and stained with mud. "I'm very sorry about that," she said. "Would you like me to clean it for you?"

It shook its head quickly, pointing a tendril at itself. "You want to clean it yourself?" It nodded.

She glanced over at Discord. "Sweetie, could you make something for me?" She flew over and whispered in his ear, describing her plan. He slowly nodded, grinning, and snapped his fingers.

The space in front of them shifted aside like a shower curtain. On the other side was a large tiled bathroom, with a pool-sized bathtub, surrounded by large bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and mane gel. Hanging on the wall were various brushes, combs, curlers, and straighteners, and off to the side was a pile of fluffy patterned towels.

"Behold! Your own, personal spa!" he declared. "Separated from other parts of the dimension, so no creature will probably bother you!"

He held out a plastic shower ring. "Oh, you'll need this. You can open this space up wherever you want, and when you exit, you'll end up right where you left!" The monster slowly placed the ring on one of its tendrils, entered the bathroom, and closed the fabric of reality behind it.

Fluttershy smiled and wrapped her forehooves around his neck. "Thank you, Discord. That was sweet of you."

He ruffled her mane. "You're the sweet one. It was your idea, after all. Why didn't you tell it that?"

She nuzzled his neck. "Well, I know you haven't had many good interactions in the past. I thought it'd be good for you to start again on the right hoof."

He nuzzled her back. "I hate to say this, but...I think the sign needs to come down for a bit." He grabbed her under her forehooves and held her up, looking at her stomach. She glanced down, and blushed when she realized she was covered in mud and hair...and she had gotten some on Discord.

He reached over and flicked the switch on the sign into the off position, wrapping his tail around it. "Let's get you cleaned up," he cooed, holding her bridal style in his arms as he kicked off of the ground.

"You're covered in mud, too," she whispered, a blush still on her cheeks.

"Well then, if you want to get back to helping creatures, we'll just have to save time and bathe together!" She squeaked and covered her red face with her front hooves, while he laughed and nuzzled behind her ear.

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