• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,565 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Sugar High

Fluttershy took a sip of tea, turning another page of her book. Discord had been invited to the treat-tasting party by Pinkie and Cheese and had eagerly left after lunch. While Chaosville was very rarely ever completely silent or still, it tended to calm down whenever Discord wasn't around.

She took another sip of her tea. While she preferred reading while cuddled next to her husband, she had learned to not read any romance novels next to him. Inevitably, he would read over her shoulder and start snickering at something, which inevitably led to her bopping him on the nose with the book's spine and having to switch to another book.

With him gone, she could finally read the romance novel she had been meaning to finish months ago. The story of a pirate captain and his noble damsel...and she could still hear Discord snickering at the back of her kind, pointing out how cheesy the dialogue was. She giggled a little, then groaned and placed a hoof against her face.

Why does his stupid cute laugh haunt me when I'm trying to enjoy myself? she thought with a sigh, slowly closing the book. Next time I read it, I'm not going to think about Discord.

She glanced at the clock. Discord was a few minutes late, but she told herself that didn't mean anything, except that he was enjoying the party. He regularly fell behind schedules, at least whenever they had any sort of schedule.

As she was thinking this, the front door was flung open with great force, slamming against the wall. "I'm home!" Discord shouted. "Where's my sweet darling wifey?"

She waved a hoof from her seat. "I'm right here, Discord." His head snapped towards her, his eyes slowly focusing in on her, his face lighting up as a wide grin spread on his face.

"Fluttershy!" he squealed, rushing towards her. Before she could blink, he had wrapped his arms around her and was crushing her against his chest, burying his muzzle in her mane. "I missed yoooouuuu," he moaned, nuzzling the top of her head.

"It's only been a few hours," she said, stroking his mane. "Did something happen at the party?"

"Yes. Everything was delicious," he said, "That's what happened. They had cakes and cupcakes and truffles and cookies..." She heard him lick his lips. She adjusted her head to press her ear against his chest. It was beating rapidly, like it was the drummer of a rock show and his ribs were its drum set.

She pulled away and lifted her head, looking him in the eyes. He was visibly shaking. "Discord, are you okay?" she asked, lifting a hoof to the side of his face.

"Okay? I'm more than okay!" he chirped. "I feel great!" He cupped her cheeks with his hands and began to pepper her face with kisses.

She whined and recoiled a little. His mouthβ€”his whole muzzle, reallyβ€”was covered in something sticky, along with a multitude of crumbs. And each kiss left unpleasant sticky residue in her coat.

After a few seconds of bathing her in a shower of kisses, his lips finally pressed against hers. For the few seconds he remained there, moving his mouth against hers, she tasted a number of candies. Marshmallow, caramel, and chocolate were all she could identify before he pulled away and pressed her close to his chest again.

She sighed. "You're in the middle of a sugar high, aren't you?"

"Maaaaybe," he said, nuzzling against her cheek. "I love you."

She patted the top of his head. "I love you, too. Now, how about we go to our bedroom and lie down quietly so you can sleep this off?" She took his paw and was about to lead him away, but he squirmed out of her hold.

"Nooo!" he moaned. "I want to go explore! I'm going to go find the best flowers in Chaosville and bring them here!" He dropped her and jumped onto his feet. "I must make the best declaration of love for the best pony!"

She bit her lip as he started striding towards the door. If he keeps flipping back and forth between ideas like this, what if he wanders off and gets lost? What if something hurts him while he's distracted? What if he tries to pick the carnivorous flowers? She rushed forward and grabbed onto his paw.

"Actually, I just remembered I need help with something. Something only my brave, handsome, and sometimes-reasonable husband can take care of," she said.

He dropped to his knees, lopping one of his arms over her shoulder. "Oh? What is it?"

She gulped. "Well...in the sanctuary, there's a...creature! Yes, a strange creature that isn't one of the ones I care for. And it's been...stealing food! So I need you to search the sanctuary and catch it."

He nodded and stood up, quickly saluting her before turning on his heel. "Oh, and you can't use any magic near it!" she shouted after him. "It can sense it, and that will only scare it into hiding. And you don't need to search anywhere else for it if you don't see it. Don't leave the sanctuary."

He nodded and ran to the edge of the island, swan-diving into a portal. Fluttershy rushed down the hallway, searching for a mirror. When she found one, she asked it, "Can you show me Discord, please?"

Her reflection glanced away. "I'm sorry, I'm not that kind of mirror. I think there's one in the Cloud Lounge that can help you." Fluttershy nodded, thanked it, and began looking for the Cloud Lounge. The room wasn't difficult to find, as the door was made out of cloud.

She hurried into the room, which was entirely made of cloud, including the furniture. The only parts not made from clouds were the window (which showed a sunny blue sky with puffy clouds) and a large mirror on the wall.

"Can you show me Discord, please?" she asked her reflection. It nodded at her, and the inside of the mirror seemed to be covered in steam, before clearing and showing a blurry image of the sanctuary, where Discord was rushing back and forth.

She sighed and sat down on a nearby chair. "Hopefully he doesn't do anything foolish," she said to herself. She watched as he dove into a small lake, looking underwater. She sighed. "Anything too foolish, at least."

For the next hour or so, she watched him dash back and forth through the sanctuary. At first, he moved in a blur, only slowing down to investigate nooks and crannies. As time went by, though, he started moving at a slower pace, and his searching became more methodical and careful, as opposed to sticking his head into random areas to look around.

Since he was acting less recklessly now, she supposed the sugar high was starting to wear off. She left the lounge and went into the kitchen, where she pulled out a blender-like device with "JUICER" written on the neon green base in dark blue letters.

She found a cupboard full of small portals, each with different shimmering pictures of fruits. She started reaching into the portals, grabbing apples, blueberries, and strawberries. She threw them into the device and pressed the large red button.

The inside started to glow brightly. She ducked just as things started flying out the top: apple cores, tiny seeds, and strawberry leaves. The glowing slowly died down after the throwing finished, and a purplish liquid was inside. She grabbed a glass, filled it with the liquid, and flew out of the house and through one of the sanctuary portals.

She spotted Discord wandering around the perimeter of the fish pond and flew over to his side. "Have you calmed down?" she asked, hovering just out of his arm's reach. He glanced at her before staring down at his feet and sheepishly nodding.

"The hunt was fake, wasn't it? And you sent me on it because I was acting...like I was, right?" he said.

She nodded. "Only because I was worried you'd get in trouble trying to do something reckless, bouncing off of ideas like that." She glanced around. "All of the animals here have learned not to bother you if you act strange or aloof. And you were acting...fairly strange."

She handed him the glass of juice. "I kept an eye on you in one of the mirrors. Just in case," she said, rubbing her front hooves together. "I'm sorry I tricked you like this."

He waved it off. "Oh, you did it for my own good. Besides, until I realized it was probably fake, I was happy to be doing something for you." He raised the glass to his lips, then stopped and eyed it warily.

"It's sugar-free," she told him. "I made it with the juicer." He looked relieved and took a small sip. Then a large gulp. Then he began to chug down the rest of the glass.

"There's more at home," she told him. "And I think you should drink some water with it, then rest for a little bit." She flew under his lion arm, wrapping a foreleg behind his back.

He finished his drink and nodded. "You're right. It seems after every large sugar high, there's a large crash!" He chuckled a little, and she smiled up at him.

His legs suddenly slumped under him, and she had to quickly beat her wings in order to hold him up. "Aaaand there it is," he moaned. The glass slipped out of his talons and fell to the ground.

She grunted. "Discord, can you please snap us back home? Into the bedroom?" He sluggishly nodded and raised his eagle claw, managing to snap them once before his arm slumped back down his side.

They appeared in their bedroom, actually standing on the bed. Carefully, she slowly lowered the upper half of his body until he was flat on the bed. She adjusted his head and neck so they were actually on a pillow, and pulled the covers up to his chin.

"I'll go get you some more juice and water, okay?" she told him, stroking his mane. "I'll be back in a minute." She kissed his forehead, which caused a smile to stretch on his face. She pulled away and flew out the door.

Just a few minutes later, she flew back in, holding a glass of juice in one hoof and a cup of ice water in the other. Discord's eyes were closed, and his breathing was deep. She silently placed the cups on the nightstand, and one of his eyes slowly peered open. "Flutters?" he groaned.

She shushed him, stroking his mane. "Did I wake you?"

"Noooo," he groaned. "Wasn't sleep." His paw wriggled out from under the covers, flopping onto the pillow to point at the glasses. "Juice?"

She grabbed the juice glass, using her other hoof to help him sit up. He slowly grasped it in both hands, and she helped him lift it to his mouth a slowly drink it. Once he had emptied it, she set the glass to the side and grabbed the water. "Drink this too, please," she said, placing it in his hands.

He drank it just as greedily, with a little help from her. Once he was done, she stroked his cheek gently before pushing down on his shoulders, encouraging him to slide back into a lying position. She pulled the covers back up to his chin and stroked his mane, kissing him on the forehead.

"I'll be back in just a minute," she told him. He whined, and she kissed his forehead again. "One minute." She went into their bathroom and turned on the sink faucet, scrubbing at her face with warm water. After patting herself dry with a towel, she grabbed a washcloth, soaked it in water, and went back to Discord.

She carefully rubbed at his muzzle, trying to remove all of the sticky residues. He whined and shifted, but didn't push her away. After a few seconds, he was clean, and she gave him a small kiss on the lips. She tossed the washcloth back into the bathroom and stroked his mane. He sighed and rolled over, leaning into her touch.

"Do you want me to stay until you fall asleep?" she whispered. He eagerly nodded, and she giggled. "Alright." She moved to her side of the bed and lay down next to him, letting her head rest on top of his shoulder.

"Sleep well, Discord," she said, still stroking his mane. She watched as his eyes slowly fluttered closed, his breathing becoming heavier. She didn't pull away from him until she was certain he was fast asleep.

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