• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,565 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Baby Bunnies

Discord took a large sip out of his mug of piping hot black licorice, shuffling the copy of Equestria Daily he held upside-down in his hands. He leaned back in his floating armchair, setting his mug on a nearby floating book in such a way that a passerby could see it had #1 Chaos Being! printed on it.

He glanced up at the melting clock on the ceiling, growling to himself and thrashing his tail when he saw that only a minute had passed since he last checked it. He glared down at the paper in his hands, as though it was its fault that his darling wife hadn't come home yet.

Sighing, he tossed it off to the side and pulled out a blank piece of paper, which he began to doodle on with glitter pens. Arrows and spirals formed, which only he could interpret as being an approximate guide to Chaosville's current state—more specifically, a guide to areas he wanted to show off to Fluttershy.

He quickly finished the guide (since he had already memorized it) and started to tap his feet on the ground. He took another sip of black licorice, the mug's words changing to #1 Husband!, and glanced up at the clock. Only another two minutes had passed.

With a groan, he flung himself onto a nearby couch, posing with a hand on his chest and forehead to signal to the world how utterly horrible the world was to him. "What's taking her so long?" he said. "I swear, if one of those little fuzzballs is causing trouble for her, I'll—"

Suddenly, the front door burst open, and Fluttershy flew in. Discord was startled enough that he yelped and tumbled to the ground, missing the portal on the ground by just a few inches.

"Discord!" she cried. "Come quick, to the sanctuary! We need a camera, and towels, and carrot extract, and, and..."

Discord lifted himself off of the ground and flew over to her, placing a paw over her mouth. "Fluttershy, it's fine," he said. And he knew it was—if it was an emergency, she would have been dragging him to the site by his arm as soon as he was close enough. "Take a deep breath, and tell me what's going on."

She inhaled deeply, and he pulled his hand off of her muzzle. "Dawn just gave birth! To eight kits!" she said. "We need a camera to take pictures, and towels for the kits, and carrot extract for Dawn!"

"Got it!" Discord said, snapping his fingers and creating everything she had listed. "Let's go!"

Another snap of his fingers, and they were teleported to a warren in a quiet corner of the sanctuary. A large group of bunnies was gathered in a circle around one particular den, noses twitching, but most of them stayed a good distance away, and stepped aside as Fluttershy and Discord walked past.

Just at the entrance of the den were eight bunnies. The smallest one, with white, fluffy fur, squeaked as they approached, alerting the others. She hopped forward and nuzzled her head against Fluttershy's hoof. Five other bunnies leapt forward and nuzzled against her, an affection she returned.

Discord turned away and made a quiet gagging sound, sticking out his tongue.

One of the bunnies who hadn't run over to Fluttershy was glaring at him. He glared back. Seraphim had gained most of his father's personality—including his dislike for Discord, and tendency to cause trouble for his wife. At least the rest of them took after him after his mellowing out, he thought, baring his fangs.

Seraphim was unfazed, but the other rabbit shivered and cowered away. This rabbit had pure black fur, and if he remembered right, was Dawn's mate, and a fairly new addition to the sanctuary. Discord stopped his scowling and glanced back over at Fluttershy, who was trying to keep the carrot extract out of reach of the pudgiest of the bunnies.

"No, Carrots," she said sternly. "This is for Dawn. I'm sure she's very tired, and she needs this extract to get her energy back." The rabbit huffed and crossed her arms, but stopped reaching for the bottle.

"Okay, everyone. I'm going to check in on Dawn and her kits." She glanced over at Discord. "Can you help me? I might need an extra pair of hands."

Dawn's mate waved his arms in protest at that, blocking the den as much as he could with his stubby arms. "Midnight, Discord isn't going to hurt her or your kits. He's very helpful, and you can trust him." The rabbit glanced between her and Discord, but was gently nudged away by another of Angel's children—the largest of them.

He nodded to Fluttershy, who sighed in relief. "Thank you, Guardian," she said. "I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here to keep the peace." A tiny smile appeared on Guardian's muzzle, and he focused his attention on calming Midnight.

Discord shrank down and climbed onto Fluttershy's shoulder. She nuzzled the top of his head, then walked towards the den, bending down and climbing in once she was close enough.

A tired white bunny lifted her head, smiling softly at Fluttershy. She leaned forward to nuzzle her favorite pony's muzzle, before carefully shifting to show both of them what was nestled against her belly.

Eight little pink blobs were sucking on her belly, a few whining when she shifted. Discord wrinkled his nose when he saw there were still a few beads of blood on the hairless little things.

"Oh, they're so precious," Fluttershy whispered to Dawn, reaching back behind her and bringing the carrot extract forward. She placed a few drops of it on Dawn's tongue, who smiled gratefully. Discord flashed the camera into his arms and began to take pictures.

Fluttershy brought out the towel and began to gently wipe the pink blobs dry. Discord kept snapping pictures, holding onto her mane to keep himself steady as she worked, and snapping the towels clean when she was done with them. Once the kits were clean, she gave Dawn another few drops of carrot extract.

"Okay," she said. "Do you feel ready to let the others see your kits yet?"

Dawn squeaked something at her, and Fluttershy nodded. She backed out of the den and looked at the group of bunnies waiting anxiously outside. "She says she feels tired, but she wants Midnight and Dusk to come in."

Midnight bolted past her into the den, chattering quickly. A white bunny who resembled Dawn exactly, aside from the fact he was male and had a few grey spots on his back, hopped forward more calmly, nodding a thanks to Fluttershy before he entered.

A white-and-brown bunny hopped up to Fluttershy and began making hand gestures. Fluttershy shook her head. "I don't know, Coco. Dawn is very tired, and she might not want to see visitors for a while." The bunny's ears drooped.

Another white bunny hopped up and made a small hand gesture, stretching her tiny arms out in front of her. Fluttershy smiled. "Well...Discord, do you remember how we helped Duchess after she had kits?"

He flashed back to his normal size and snorted. "I was busy trying to keep Demon Bunny from tearing up the whole sanctuary from nervousness. You're the one who helped Duchess."

She hovered up and whispered in his ear, "Please, Discord. Maybe this will help make Seraphim less angry with you."

Discord blinked, and glanced over at the gray bunny whose glare was awfully familiar. "But...I remember that with our help, Angel brought her some of her favorite flowers to make her feel better." Fluttershy nodded.

"So Vanilla, I think the best way to help Dawn is to bring her something to eat once she feels like having visitors," she said. The white bunny beamed and began to hop away, with all of her siblings but Seraphim following close behind.

The gray bunny glowered at Discord for a few more seconds, before huffing and hopping away in the opposite direction of his siblings. Fluttershy sighed. "I worry about him sometimes, Discord," she said. "All of his other siblings took after Angel after he saw how important the sanctuary was to me. But Seraphim..."

"Is like a nastier Angel," Discord said. "Including his hatred for me." He looked at the other bunnies near a patch of flowers. Guardian was holding a batch of flowers that Vanilla was carefully picking and adding to, Coco and Cherub were struggling together to dig up a very large flower, and Carrots was nibbling on a rose bush, holding a small flower in her paw. "The others at least seem pretty neutral about me."

"Cherub likes you," she said. "Remember when she could fit in your paw, and she would nibble on your fingers?"

A smile flickered on his face. "Cherub likes everyone, Fluttershy," he said. "But Seraphim seems to hold a special dislike for me."

Her smile wavered, and she looked down at the ground. "Hey," he said, placing a hand on top of her head. "It's not your fault. I probably did something to mess with him that I've forgotten about, and he's just holding a grudge." He scratched behind her ear, making her coo softly. "Besides, you had some great-grandkids now. Isn't that worth celebrating?"

She giggled, a smile coming back to her face. "Yes, I suppose so," she said. After a few seconds of silence, she said quietly, "I-I think we should visit Angel today."

His mouth twitched. "Are...are you sure?" She nodded, and with a quiet sigh, he scooped her into his arms and flapped his wings, hovering to a particular corner of the rabbit warren.

A good distance away from the dens, just at the edge of a field of flowers, Discord stopped and landed on the ground, setting Fluttershy down gently. She took a deep breath and glanced up at him. He placed a hand between her shoulders and snapped his fingers, creating a small bouquet of white carrot flowers.

With another deep breath, Fluttershy took the bouquet and began walking down the path between the flowers. Discord walked behind her, watching her carefully as he wrung his hands together.

She stopped in the middle of the field, right in front of two polished gray stones. One read Duchess, and the other read Angel.

She sat down in front of Angel's stone, setting the bouquet down carefully, tracing the five engraved letters with her hoof. "G-good morning, Angel," she said. "I know it's been a while. Dawn just gave birth today, to eight healthy kits." She smiled. "You're a grandpa now."

Discord silently sat down beside her. Fluttershy sniffed, blinking quickly. "I wish you could see them, Angel," she said. "You didn't...I wish you could have seen more of your own kits growing up." She wiped at her eyes. "It...it wasn't long enough. I should have worked harder, done more to help you—"

Discord quickly wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close to his side. "Shhhh," he said. "Don't think like that. How long did Angel live, when you raised him from a kit?"

She sniffled. "F-fifteen years."

"And how long did you say most rabbits live?" he said, stroking her mane.

"E-eight to twelve years," she mumbled, burying her face in his fur.

"He lived longer than most rabbits," he continued. "He had a mate, and he was there to see the first few years of his kits' life...and he had you as a mother." He kissed the top of her head. "I think his life was as full and happy as it was long."

He summoned a silk handkerchief and wiped her face. She sniffled, but had stopped crying. "I-I know," she said. "I just...wish he could be here."

"Well...you're here for him, aren't you?" he said. "And I'm sure he'd want you to be happy today."

She sniffled and nodded, forcing a smile on her face and snuggling into his fur. "Thank you, Discord. I don't know what I'd do without you."

He kissed the top of her head. "You're welcome." He placed his forehead against hers. "Do you...want some time alone with the furball?"

She paused, then nodded slowly. "I'd like that," she said, placing a hoof on his paw. "I-I won't cry anymore, I promise."

"Good," he murmured, kissing the corner of her eye. She closed it and giggled. He stroked her mane, smoothing it back into place, before slowly standing up.

"I'll make sure the junior furballs don't tear up all the flower beds," he said. He snapped his fingers, making a glass bottle full of carrot extract. "Before I leave, do you mind if I share this with him?"

She shook her head. He poured some extract into two shot glasses, handing one to Fluttershy. "I have to admit...it's not the same without you, Demon Bunny," he said. "I can still feel where you bit me on the nose."

He sighed and overturned the bottle, pouring the extract on the grave. He quickly drank his own extract, while Fluttershy sipped at hers. "See you later, hairball," he said, placing the empty shot glass down, running his fingers through Fluttershy's mane one last time before teleporting away.

He had hidden at the edge of the flower field for a minute or two, invisible, watching Fluttershy carefully. Once he saw that she was talking calmly, almost happily, to Angel, he teleported back to the warren, summoning a pair of binoculars to scan for rabbits.

He quickly caught Carrots before she sank her teeth into the rainbow tulips he had made to spice up the flower patch, and placed a salad topped with carrots and cherries in front of her. She carefully set her small flower down and began to eat.

He began snapping his fingers in a rhythm, creating new flowers where the young rabbits had dug them up. As an afterthought, he made a rosebush towards the center where each bloom was a different color, and began to file away at the prickles to dull them.

A thumping to his right made his ears perk up. He glanced over at the gray bunny who was glaring up at him, smacking one of his back paws on the ground. "Hello there, Thumper. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Seraphim chattered something at him. Discord cleaned his ears out with a toothbrush and shrugged. "Sorry, couldn't catch that. I don't speak fuzzball, and unfortunately, my translator is busy at the moment. So if this can wait..."

Seraphim shook his head and chattered faster, more angrily, pointing at his ears, then at Discord. Discord rolled his eyes and reached into his ear, twisting a few dials inside. He pulled his hand out and flapped his ears a few times before saying, "Now, care to repeat what you said?"

Seraphim glared at him. "What did you just do?"

"Oh, I just adjusted my language knowledge to include rabbits," Discord said, filing his claws.

"Why don't you include it all the time, Wormhorse!?" Seraphim said with a glare.

"Well, it's never completely off. I can pick up a few words, especially when you're insulting me," he said with a wide grin, showing off a few extra fangs. "And leaving it on all the time gives me a headache. I don't know how my Fluttershy can stand hearing everything chatter all day."

He placed an ice pack on his forehead as two rabbits ran by, chatting merrily about the flower bed. "Ugh, just tell me what you want so I can adjust it back," he grumbled.

Seraphim glared at him. "Why did you visit Father's grave? You hate him, and he hates you!"

Discord bit his tongue before he could say something about how it was hard for Angel to hate anything in his situation, and kept biting until he could think of a good answer, his lips puckering. "I don't hate the fuzzb—Angel," he said. "Oh, we argued, we fueded...he bit me pretty badly on the nose once...but we eventually got along. Even if it was because we realized we both cared about Fluttershy."

"He had his time with Fluttershy, and I had mine. We shared a few bottles of carrot extract together after a long day at the sanctuary. I was there when all eight of you junior puffba—young bunnies were born." He held up his arm, and a sheet of photographs draped down like a cloak, revealing pictures of eight pink, hairless kits nursing off of a grey-and-brown rabbit. In one picture in the corner, Discord was taking a selfie while giving a peace sign, as Fluttershy rolled her eyes with a smile in the background, tending to the newborns.

Seraphim's glare hardened. "Why do you insult him, then? I've heard you call him Demon and fuzzball!"

Discord chuckled. "Old habits die hard. And before we got along, he really was a tiny demon!" He pulled his nose off of his face and held it out to Seraphim, pointing at a certain spot. "He bit me right there, once! When I was just minding my own business, cuddling Fluttershy! He bit me and drew blood!"

Seraphim cringed, pushing away his nose. Discord slapped it back onto his face, and the bunny sighed in relief. Cracks started appearing on the top of Discord's head, and he cringed and slapped another ice pack of top of them. "Get to the point quickly, please. I can already feel the headache," he moaned.

"You don't hate my father," Seraphim said, staring up at him. After a few seconds, he sighed. "I don't have anything else to say."

"Thank chaos," Discord said, reaching into his ear again and quickly turning the dial. He sighed in relief, dropped the ice packs, and began putting strips of masking tape over the cracks on his head. Seraphim scoffed and hopped away.

"Discord?" Fluttershy said from behind him, making his ears perk up. "Are you okay?"

He turned to face her, grinning. "Oh yes, I'm perfectly fine! Why do you ask?" She pointed at where he had clumsily taped over the cracks. "Oh. That. Just a minor headache. Nothing to worry about!"

She frowned slightly, then flew up to lightly kiss the center of the cracks. He sighed, hearts forming in his eyes as he slumped to the ground. Only Fluttershy's hooves under his head kept him from banging his chin against the ground.

She sighed and shook her head, gently landing on the ground and letting go of Discord's head. He floated a few inches above the ground, smirking at her, and snapped his fingers. The cracks and masking tape both disappeared. She shook her head at him. "Did you really have a headache?"

"A small one," he said. "And it went away quickly. Like I said, nothing to worry about." He floated closer to her. "I wouldn't mind another kiss, though. Just to be sure it's fine."

She laughed and kissed him in the same spot. "What were you doing that gave you a headache?" she asked, running a hoof through his mane.

"Talking with Seraphim. It went surprisingly well. He just asked me a few questions and left," he said, laying down on the ground, leaning his head against Fluttershy's chest. "Did you have enough time with Angel?"

She nodded, sitting down and wrapping her hooves around his neck. "Y-yeah. Thank you for letting me have some time alone with him."

"It's really no problem," he said. "He's your bunny. You should have time alone if you want it."

The sound of hopping paws made them look up. Angel's children were hopping up to the den were Dawn was resting. Vanilla and Guardian both carried large bunches of flowers, Coco and Cherub were working together to carry several flowers larger than both of them, and Carrots followed behind with a few small but delicious-looking flowers.

"They're all so sweet," Fluttershy said, smiling. Then, her eye caught on something further back. "Is that...?"

Discord glanced in the direction she was looking...and his jaw detached from his face, falling to the ground. Seraphim, with a scowl on his face, was hopping along behind his siblings, carrying a large bouquet of various flowers.

"Those are all of Dawn's favorites," Fluttershy said as he fished around for his jaw. "Except for that tulip..."

Discord popped his jaw back into place, just as Seraphim paused a few feet away from them. He stared at Discord for a few seconds before tossing the tulip towards him. It landed on the ground a few feet away, and Seraphim continued on his way to Dawn's den.

Narrowing his eyes, Discord carefully grabbed the tulip with his claw and twisted it around, holding it away from his body. He recognized it as one of his creations now: a tulip with petals that were yellow on the outside, but all colors of the rainbow on the inside, constantly swirling and shifting.

"A peace offering?" he said, bringing it closer and showing it to Fluttershy.

"I guess so," she remarked. "Whatever his questions were...maybe your answer made him change his mind about you."

"Hmm," Discord said, twirling the tulip between his fingers a few more times before sticking it behind Fluttershy's ear. "Maybe. Now, if only that meant he would stop causing trouble for you..."

They watched as the bunnies handed their bouquets to Dusk and Midnight, who then moved them inside the den. They both seemed confused when Seraphim came up, but he quickly shoved the bouquet into their paws and hopped away.

He paused by Fluttershy and Discord again, eyes lingering on Discord's, before squeaking something at Fluttershy and hopping away.

"What'd he say?" Discord asked.

"...He just said 'sorry'," Fluttershy responded. A small smile appeared on her face. "Angel needed to take baby steps, too. I'm glad to see Seraphim really is his son."

Discord chuckled, curling his body around her. "Let's hope none of your new great-grandkids ends up a troublemaker. I think dealing with two was enough."

She giggled, laying her head on top of his. He shifted himself so that she could lay comfortably in his coils and he could wrap his arms around her, and laid his head down carefully, not wanting to jostle her. She sighed and shifted so that she was snuggling into his neck instead of the top of his head.

They laid there, snuggling against each other, while Discord snapped up new flowers and showed them off to Fluttershy, making her laugh and compliment him. As soon as the flower bed was replenished, they pried away from each other and checked on a tired but happy Dawn one last time before heading back home.

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