• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,555 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Discord appeared in the living room with a flash of light. Fluttershy quickly set her sewing aside just before he wrapped his arms around her.

"Good afternoon!" he said cheerfully as she hugged him back. He placed a kiss on the top of her head, then took a step back. "What have you been up to?"

"Oh, not much," she said. "Just mending a few things." She gestured to the pile of clothes next to her, full of stitched-up socks and dresses. "How was your visit with Twilight?"

"It went well!" he said. "And guess what we have now~." He pulled an envelope from out of nowhere, which opened on its own to reveal two golden Gala tickets.

She gasped, her eyes sparkling. "Gala tickets? Already!?"

"She probably didn't want to risk me getting them late and starting another...ahem," he said, looking away. "Incident."

"The Gala's not for another month, though, right?" she asked. He nodded, and she relaxed.

He pulled out one of the tickets and dropped onto one knee. "Fluttershy, love of my life...would you do me the honor of being my plus-one to the Gala?" he said, holding the ticket out to her.

She beamed, placing her hoof on his palm, holding the ticket between them. "I would love to," she said earnestly.

He beamed, handing the ticket to her and jumping to his feet. "So, what should we do with this other one?" he said, waving it around. "Give it to Smooze again? He was the life of the party last time!"

"As long as he doesn't cover the ballroom in ooze or eat all of the snack tables again, I don't think Twilight will have any complaints," she said. He grinned and snapped his fingers, sending the envelope and ticket away in a flash of light.

"We have our tickets, and we've determined that we're going as each other's plus-one," he said, slipping their golden ticket into a glass case and hanging it in a prominent place on the wall. "Now all that's left is..."

"Figuring out what to wear," she said. "I could ask Rarity for a dress, but...I think she's mentioned being swamped with everyone else getting ready for the Gala."

"Yes, and she won't make my best suit and dress ideas!" he complained.

"...didn't you want a dress made of needles and stained glass, once?" she said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, well...maybe it would have taken some magic, but it couldn't have been that hard to create," he said, crossing his arms. A dress appeared on him, made of silver needles that flowed gracefully down his body. On his chest were a few stained-glass pieces, forming a picture of himself.

"With your magic, we could make our own outfits," she pointed out. "Or at least come up with some designs so Rarity doesn't have to do all of the work."

"Capital idea, my dear," he said, patting her head. "But oh, what outfits to make? I'm always just brimming with ideas!" He snapped his fingers at a rapid tempo, causing several outfits to appear and disappear on both of them. Fluttershy blinked as she saw all kinds of dresses appear on her, from smooth silk black ones to feathery ones that had all the colors of the rainbow.

"I just don't know what to choose!" Discord bemoaned, making their last outfits vanish and falling backward onto a fainting couch. "How can Rarity pick any one design for anyone!?"

She stepped closer, patting his shoulder. He was being a bit overdramatic, but his statements probably revealed a hint of how he was truly feeling. "Slow down, take a deep breath," she said, stroking his neck. "Just relax, and let the ideas come to you."

He inhaled in and out through his nose, slowly closing his eyes. She continued stroking his neck as he relaxed...until his eyes suddenly sprang open, a lightbulb appearing above his head. "Matching outfits!" he declared, hopping off of his fainting couch.

"Matching?" she said, tilting her head. "But...that doesn't sound very chaotic. And we have different tastes in clothes."

"Wait...maybe 'matching' isn't a perfect term," he said, stroking his beard. "What I meant to say is...we wear outfits that work as a pair, matching in theme. But individually, our outfits will be opposite of each other!"

"Opposites like...blue versus orange?" she said.

He stroked his beard and snapped his fingers. His old orange suit appeared on him, while a sky-blue dress appeared on her. "That could work," he said. "Or chocolate and marshmallow..." He snapped his fingers again, changing his suit to chocolate brown and spritzing a sweet cologne on his wrists, while her dress became white and puffy with a golden brown hem.

"Or hero and villain," he said. With another snap, her outfit changed to that of Saddle Rager's, while he now wore a red-and-black suit that was complete with a black eye mask and red scarf, which had a gold eight-arrowed pin shimmering in the light.

"So...there's a lot of different themes we could use," she said. "And it does sound fun, but...how can we choose one?"

He stroked his beard in thought, then pointed a finger into the air, another lightbulb appearing above his head. "A fashion show, of course!" he said. "With the best draconequus model and designer ever...me!" He snapped his fingers while they were still held in the air, and three copies of himself appeared behind him in a flash of light, all of them crossing their arms and looking smug.

"That does sound like a good idea," she said. "So...which themes will you all be modeling?"

The Discords all began to loudly talk over each other, listing what they wanted to use...and bickering whenever two of them said the same thing. The original Discord rolled his eyes, snapped up a top hat, and tossed in several slips of paper.

"Want to add an idea to the hat?" he asked in a whisper, holding it out of her. She thought for a few moments...and then nodded. He handed her some slips of paper and a quill, and she took the time to jot a few things down—'night and day', 'sun and rain', 'plants and animals', and 'the natural world'. She thought for a few more moments, then shrugged and tossed her ideas into the hat.

Discord shook the hat, shuffling the papers around. Then, he turned to his still-bickering copies, pressed his fingers to his lips, and gave a long, shrill whistle. Each of the copies winced, covering their ears.

"Alright, you three," he said, shaking the hat at them. "Each of you is going to grab a paper from this hat that tells you what theme you'll work with. You'll each make one set of designs, then present them to us, your lovely judges." He wrapped an arm around Fluttershy, and the other Discords murmured and stepped forward to the hat.

"Only three designs?" she asked as each of the copies grabbed a slip of paper.

"Well...three to start with," he admitted. Each of the copies read their prompts and grinned. "I mean, if we don't set a limit, we could be here all day, trying on different outfits. And as fun as that sounds..."

"It also sounds like it could be exhausting after a while," she said. "And I know you can come up with lots of different design ideas, but me?" She shrugged. "I might be able to sew one, but I can't design dresses as nearly as well as Rarity."

"Or me!" he boasted. With a snap of his fingers, a desk appeared in front of each of his copies, stocked with plenty of paper and colored pencils. Each of them sat down and began furiously sketching ideas.

"And the two of us will judge their work...though I might have to ask you to model, as well," he said. "We'll judge each set of outfits, determining whether they're good..." He held up a round sign with a blue circle, and a dinging sound played. "...or bad." He held up a sign of the same shape and size, but with a red X painted on. A buzzing sound played.

"Alright," she said. "And then at the end, we choose whichever outfit set we liked best? Or keep going until we find one we like?"

"Precisely!" he declared, tapping her nose. "Now, while the three of them are working, I'll get the stage set up. If you want, you could put in your two cents on their—"

"No, not yet!" one of the drawing Discords shouted, covering his paper.

"It's meant to be a surprise!" another added.

The Discord next to her sighed, rolling his eyes. "Fine...why don't you help me with the stage?" he suggested.

"Alright," she said. "Though I'm not sure how much help I'll be."

"Oh, your help will be just what I need!" he said. He held up two swatches of fabric in his arms. "Which do you think would be best for the curtains—sapphire or boysenberry?"

Discord's magic meant that creating the stage was a snap—as soon as they agreed on a design idea, he could snap it into reality. Which was why only fifteen minutes after they had started, they were seated along the side of a glossy black runway with sapphire curtains and small globes of light along the side.

Discord was juggling his acceptance and rejection signs, while more of his voices whispered and hissed from behind the curtains. "Are you ready?" he asked her, catching the signs and setting them beside his chair.

"I think so," she said. "Are you?"

"I guess we'll find out," he said. He summoned a megaphone and started shouting into it. "Hey, you three! Whenever you're ready, start showing off!" He paused and then added, "And if you're not, hurry it up, before we miss the Gala!"

"Discord!" she said, nudging his side. He chuckled, setting the megaphone aside.

"I'm almost done! Me first!" one of the Discords behind the curtain said. She heard a lot of shuffling sounds, then silence as the curtains shifted slightly...and then, the lights of the room and runway slowly dimmed. "Prepare for Discord, and his theme for today...elements!" he announced, his voice echoing through the room.

A few flames flared along the sides of the makeshift runway, making her blink in surprise. A goat hoof slowly emerged from the curtains...and then, Discord pushed through, shoving the curtains aside as the flames leapt up, growing in intensity.

He strode forward with confidence, slowly showing off his outfit. Fluttershy's jaw dropped, and she was unable to take her eyes off of him.

His beard and eyebrows, instead of being white and fluffy, were now golden orange flames. A silver tiara sat between his horns, shaped almost like a flame, and his black high heels clicked against the ground. He was wearing a sparkling red-and-orange dress, which trailed just behind his tail.

He smirked and came to a stop in front of them. "Like it?" he said. "I figured, what's more elemental and powerful than fire?" He spun on his heels, the dress twirling around him. Flames swirled in the air around him.

Discord clapped beside her. "Outstanding! Brava!" he cheered. "Wonderful showmanship."

"Thank you, thank you," the Discord on stage said, taking a bow. His eyes flicked over and locked with Fluttershy's. "And...what does the other lovely judge think of this ensemble?"

"I have...a couple of questions," she said.

"Fire away," he declared, smirking smugly as embers sparked from his tiara and traveled up his horns.

"Um...would I be sheathed in fire, too?" she asked, nervously eyeing the embers and the tongues of flame still licking at the hem of his dress.

"Of course not!" he said. "You can wear an outfit representing water, of course." He snapped his fingers, enveloping her in a flash of light.

She was now dressed in a flowing dress in different shades of blue, with sequins sparkling around her chest, and a thin, fluffy white scarf was wrapped around her neck. She noticed that even her mane had been styled—brushed until it almost looked wild, with mane glitter added and even a few seashells sprinkled in.

She glanced down at her hooves, where there were shoes made of a comfortable sea-green crystal, then back up at Discord. He seemed absolutely breathtaken with her. "What could be better than calm water to balance out raging fire?" he said, his eyes still locked on her. "And who better to balance out my...excessiveness than Fluttershy, with her gentle nature?"

His words made her blush and smile softly. "I wanted our set to show creatures how utterly divine you are," he continued, eyes sparkling. "And you certainly look the part. A beautiful sea goddess..."

"You stole my idea!" another Discord roared, storming out from behind the curtains. "Fluttershy as a wild divine being of water was part of my outfit set!"

"Well...I guess it's back to the drawing board with you," the current Discord said, sticking out his tongue.

"I guess it is!" the angry one roared. He threw some crumpled-up sheets of paper at his opponent...but not before coating them in ketchup.

The first one scoffed, twirling around quickly. Flames whirled around him, burning the papers to embers before they could even touch him. "That's enough!" the judging Discord shouted through his megaphone. "Fiery, keep answering questions. Pitcher, get off the stage!"

"Pitcher" huffed, turning his nose up into the air and strutting back behind the curtains. "Fiery" looked smug, turning his attention back to Fluttershy.

"I didn't need to steal anything...I came up with and presented the idea first, so it's mine," he said. "How do you like your dress?"

"It's very nice," she said. "And very comfortable, but...I'd still like to ask you a few questions about yours."

He beamed, twirling around. "Isn't it gorgeous?" he said. "And I really think I have the figure to pull this off, don't you?"

"Well, yes, but...I have a serious question about it," she said. He froze in place, and she noticed how the Discord next to her tensed slightly.

"Is that dress...safe?" she asked.

"...define 'safe'," he said.

She narrowed her eyes. "Safe meaning that it won't accidentally set anything on fire."

"...define 'accidentally'," he said after a much longer pause. She narrowed her eyes even further, and he held up his hands in defense. "It won't, it won't! I am in complete control of these flames! ...I'm pretty sure."

Fluttershy exchanged glances with the Discord next to her. "I might need to think about this one," she said. "I mean...it's very impressive! I'm just worried about...well..."

"Me burning the castle down," he finished. "Which, as fun as it sounds, would completely ruin our night at the Gala and upset Twilight." He turned his attention to the stage and waved his copy away. "Next!"

The copy sighed, snapping his fingers and taking the outfit off of Fluttershy before striding backstage, his head held lower than when he came out. "It's a beautiful dress, really!" she called out to assure him. "I just...need time to consider it."

His head perked up just as he was pulling back the curtains, and he turned back to look at her. He gave her a small smile, then headed backstage.

"Alright, alright!" Discord said, clapping his hands. The lights in the room returned to normal, and the runway flames disappeared as he grabbed his megaphone. "Who's next!?"

"Not me, since I have to redo my work!" one of them snapped. There was the sound of a scuffle backstage.

"Break it up, you two!" Discord yelled. "Is anyone actually ready?"

"I am!" another said, poking their muzzle out of the curtains to speak. "My theme was 'mirror opposites'. Coming up with something that showed we're two sides of the same coin wasn't that hard."

Fluttershy turned to the Discord next to her, her brows furrowing. "Is that what 'mirror opposites' means?"

"I thought it was," he said with a shrug. "I mean...you and your reflection look the same, just inverted in ways, right?"

She frowned, mulling this over, while he turned back to the stage. "Okay, show us your thing before we die of boredom," he said.

Discord stepped out from the curtains, flipping an imaginary mane over his shoulders and posing. He was wearing a pure white suit, with only a black tie and black rose on his lapel standing out.

"Like it?" he said. "I know it's a bit simpler than my usual fare, but it'd be great for matching with you, dear Fluttershy."

He snapped his fingers, and she was enveloped in a flash of light. When it disappeared, she was wearing a black suit with a white tie and a white rose.

"Ooh," she said, looking down at herself. "It's very formal..."

"Yes, but very plain," Discord snarked from next to her. The current model gasped, reeling back. "Sure, it'd be fun for maybe an hour, maybe even with cameras focused on us as we do crazy stuff, but for the full Gala?" He held up his rejection sign, the buzzer sounding.

"But sometimes, simplicity can be good," Fluttershy argued as the outfit was snapped off of her. "And it'd surprise anyone who was expecting something extravagant from you, right?"

"That is true..." he said, stroking his beard. He turned to his copy. "Put your outfit set into cold storage, would you? I can pull them out for us for any boring royal ceremonies we have to go to. Give those prissy nobles a small shock."

His copy nodded, walking backstage with a spring in his step. As soon as he was gone, the next copy walked out. He wasn't wearing anything besides the annoyed expression on his face.

"Um...Discord?" she said, causing them both to look at her. "Were you able to finish your design? You can have more time if you need it..."

"Well," he said, sniffing haughtily. "I did actually manage to remake my idea, since someone stole my first one..." A lion arm appeared from the curtains, throwing a black high heel at the back of his head.

"Could you please explain what your theme is?" the judging Discord said with a sigh. "And then actually show us what you came up with?"

"Certainly," the Discord model said, straightening up a bit. "I drew 'the natural world'. My first thought was sea and sky, but since someone already took the 'divine water being' idea—" This time, it was the flame-like tiara flung at him, which he didn't even react to. "—I decided to go with 'seasons'."

He raised his hand above his head and snapped. A black cloud appeared above his head, and large snowflakes showered on top of him. They swirled around his body, slowly turning into fabric as he closed his eyes and lifted his head.

A snow-white, sparkling shawl formed, long enough to go from his shoulders to the ground. The sleeves were long, draping down at his sides. He slowly lowered the arm he had used to snap and tucked his hands into the large sleeves.

With a nod, the storm cloud above him also swirled and transformed into fabric, forming a black, hooded cape that flowed over his back and settled on top of his head.

"Well?" he said with a slight smirk, tilting his head. Light glinted off of something around his neck, and dangling from his ears—icicle-themed jewelry, she realized.

"Very impressive," Fluttershy said, clapping her hooves. Even the judging Discord clapped a little. "So...if you're winter, would that make me spring?"

The modeling Discord beamed, holding up a confirmation sign like the judging Discord's, complete with dinging sounds. "Congratulations! Give the mare a prize!" He snapped his fingers to make the spring outfit appear on her.

It was a forest-green dress, with patterns of vines and roses all along it. Her shoes were dark green, with vines stemming from them and climbing up her legs, complete with tiny white flowers. Her mane was twisted into a braid, with several colorful flowers woven in.

"It's beautiful," she said with a smile. "I love it." She glanced up to see that the previous two models had poked their heads out, glaring at the current model with envy.

"Oh, sure, no one's ever thought of giving Fluttershy a forest-themed dress!" one of them heckled. "Boooo!" the other added, giving a thumbs-down.

"I guess you should have thought of it first," the current model said, sticking his tongue out at the two of them. The others snarled back.

"Oh, please don't fight again!" Fluttershy quickly said. "All of your designs are lovely, really!" All three of them slowly relaxed, though they still glared at each other.

"I think we've seen enough," the judging Discord next to her said. "It's time for Fluttershy and me to make our final decision!" He snapped his fingers, and the three copies vanished. Another snap, and six photographs appeared floating in front of the two of them—arranged in pairs, showing off Discord and Fluttershy wearing each designed outfit.

Discord's eyes flicked over the photos, while Fluttershy frowned in thought. "I don't know," she admitted. "I like all of your ideas—even the fire dress! As long as it's safe, it would be nice..."

"Yeah..." he said, scratching his head. "None of them are terrible. Sure, I don't want to wear that for the full Gala," he pointed at the white and black suits. "But it's not a terrible outfit. And it's hard to choose between the other two..."

The two of them mulled over the photos for a while longer, sipping at tea that Discord summoned for them, but neither could fully say they preferred one outfit over all the others...they were all just too good. Discord sighed, setting down his teacup. "Well...we might have to wait and try to come up with more ideas," he said. "Keep going until we find the perfect—" A lightbulb appeared above his head.

"Did you have another outfit idea?" she asked.

"In a way, I suppose," he said. "What if we pulled a Rarity?"

"What do you mean?" she asked, her brows furrowing.

"I mean, what if we continuously change our outfits throughout the evening?" he said. "We can wear different outfits without them ending up too uncomfortable or boring..."

"And we can wear all the other outfits you thought of!" she said happily. "More than just the three you just showed off..."

"That's right!" he declared. "We can be hero and villain, chocolate and marshmallow, and orange and blue! ...with a couple of tweaks on the last one to keep it interesting."

"And we can wear whatever other ideas we think of in the future..." she said, mind wandering.

"And I can make a spell that provides us with automatic costume changes, so we don't have to miss a single second of the Gala!" he said. "...and I can loan Rarity a copy of the spell once I've completed it."

"I'm sure she'd appreciate that," she said. "It'd be great for modeling the outfits she makes."

"...and maybe the gift will be enough to convince her to make my needle and glass dress!" he said quietly, his eyes gleaming.

She pressed a hoof to her lips, but couldn't stifle a snort as she shook her head at him. He laughed, wrapping an arm around her and holding her close. He was already snapping his fingers, causing odd dresses and suits to float through the air, and making magic tingle against her skin. She smiled and leaned a little closer, watching as his chaotic ideas floated through the air in front of them.

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