• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,566 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Catnip Craziness 2: Return of Catcord

Fluttershy hummed a merry tune as she stepped inside the house, her saddlebags filled to the brim with supplies for her animals. The prices at the market today had been good, and she even had enough leftover bits to buy some more things for the kitten room without guilt!

As she walked through the living room towards the kitchen, a swarm of books flew past her, nearly knocking her off of her hooves. She spun in place, covering her head with her hooves as they flew by. Too late, she realized the strap on her saddlebags was coming undone.

She yelped and reached out, trying to hold it closed. But just before she grabbed it, the cat toys, cat food, and catnip she had bought all spilled onto the floor. The cat food cans were dented but intact, and the toys just bounced away, but the bag of catnip split open, spilling all over the floor.

The books flew past, down another hallway. Off in the distance, she could hear Discord giving a warcry, and she could already picture him swinging a net around, war paint covering his face. She giggled, then glanced down at the mess at her feet.

Maybe I can save most of it, she thought as she scooped some cans into her hooves. Even if I can't, I'll need to grab a broom.

She flew into the kitchen, looking for a place to set down her burden and find a broom.

A minute later, she flew back into the living room without her saddlebags, and with a broom held in her front hooves. She dropped the broom in surprise when she saw that Discord was lying down, curled up over the catnip spill. Off to the side was a butterfly net, a large broom and dustpan, and a softly humming vacuum.

"Again, Cordy?" she said with a sigh. He rolled over to face her, his pupils so wide they almost filled up his entire eyes, and stuck his tongue out at her. There were some flecks of yellow paint on his face, but he licked his paw and swiped them away before rolling onto his belly and breathing in deeply, his tail thrashing.

Fluttershy giggled. "My, who left such a large, cute kitty in our living room?" Discord just purred loudly, rolling around in the catnip until it covered him completely. He stopped on his back and stared up at the ceiling, the tip of his tongue sticking out of his mouth.

Fluttershy giggled again, walking forward and rubbing her hooves through the thick, soft fur of his belly. He purred again, batting at her hooves whenever they were within his reach. After a minute of rubbing, he sat up and little more and grabbed her hooves, lightly gnawing on one of them.

"Aw, Discord," she said with a giggle and shake of her head. She tried to pull her hooves away, but he pulled back. "Cordy, I need my hooves." He ignored her, rubbing his cheek against the flat parts of her hooves with a loud purr.

Glancing around her, she saw the various cat toys that had also been scattered on the floor. Grinning, she snagged a nearby toy with her tail—one that looked like a fishing pole, with a rod attached to a string, which held a soft toy that looked like a fish. Using her tail, she swished it past his nose.

His eyes followed the shiny fish toy. She swung it back again. His grip on her hooves loosened. She swung it past his nose again.

This time, he let go of her hooves to try and grab at the toy. She took the chance to pull her hooves away and hover up into the air, pulling the toy out of his reach just a second before he grabbed it.

She removed the toy from her tail and held it in her hooves, dangling it above him as she hovered in the air. He kept trying to grab it with his hands, growling each time he missed. With another giggle, she said, "Maybe I should buy catnip more often. You look like you're having fun."

Discord squirmed, then leapt into the air, grabbing the fish in his mouth and pulling the rod out of her hooves. He landed on the floor with a thud, but seemed unhurt, as he focused on gnawing and batting at the rod.

She giggled as he rolled on the floor, focused entirely on beating and smacking the object he had captured. "You really are a cat," she said with a laugh. "And much more energetic than last time." She looked around her, and her eyes laid on a small, plush mouse toy, which had catnip inside.

"I wonder..." she said, picking it up. "Discord, would you like a catnip mouse?" She held it out towards him, making his ears perk up. He dropped the mangled fish-and-rod toy, sitting up to sniff and stare at the mouse she was holding. He tilted his head, sniffing another side.

"Do you want it?" she asked, giving it a little shake. He made a strange sound, somewhere between a growl and meow. She laughed, shaking her head. "I'll take that as a 'yes'." She dropped it on the ground, right in front of his paw and claw.

Quick as a flash, he grabbed the mouse in his mouth, jumped into the air, and ran out of the room, all of his fur and feathers puffed up, much like a scared or startled cat.

"Oh dear," she said. "I hope he doesn't do anything crazy...well, crazier than usual."

Just as she finished saying that, she heard the sound of crashing coming from down the hallway, probably from him bumping into walls as he tried to turn around corners. She bit her lip and ran after him. "I'd better make sure he doesn't hurt himself...or destroy our home."

She ran through the halls, trying to find out where he had gone. None of the doors were open, and she was certain he wasn't...aware enough to close a door behind him.

Just a she was thinking this, the sound of shattering glass from the hallway to her right made her ears perk up. "Oh no," she said, galloping down the hallway.

She dashed into the only room with an open door—a collection of the bouquets of flowers she and Discord had given each other through the years they'd known each other, all carefully arranged in beautiful and/or chaotic vases. Discord was currently sitting on a table and facing away from her, a pile of broken glass, water, and roses on the ground next to him.

She gasped when she saw the next vase he was about to knock over—a glass sculpture of the two of them hugging each other, the tulips held between the two of them. "Discord, that was your anniversary gift to me! Don't you dare break it!"

Without even looking at her, he shoved the vase off of the table. It shattered into pieces.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, she shouted, "Discord, if you break another one, I'll...I'll sleep in the guest room! And you won't be allowed in!"

Uncaring, he pushed aside the next vase in front of him...though thankfully, since it was one of his strange rubber ones, it bounced instead of breaking.

"Oh...that's it!" she said. "Time for drastic measures!" She flew out of the room, taking a few shortcuts to get back to the living room in just a few seconds. She hurried into the kitchen and found what she was looking for—a spray bottle.

She filled it half-full, before deciding she had taken too much time already, and rushing back towards the vase room. While she was gone, he had knocked over another glass vase, and another rubber one.

"Discord, you stop it right now!" she said in her sternest voice. When he didn't even bother to look over at her before raising his paw to swipe at another vase, she sighed, raised the bottle...and sprayed him with water.

He hissed, his hackles raising. Quickly, he jumped off the table (not into the broken glass, thankfully) and rushed out the door. "Get back here!" she called. "I won't let you break anything else you've made!" She flew after him.

The next room she ducked into was a guest bedroom, decorated much like an expensive hotel suite. She heard a growl from under the bed, and saw Discord's long, lithe form shift.

She almost crawled after him, but realized that would just make him run away again. Instead, she flew overhead and grabbed some pillows from off of the bed, using them to block off the left side and the foot of the bed. Once that was done, she landed on the right side and peered underneath. Discord hissed, bearing his fangs at her.

"Are you going to come out, or be grumpy and hide?" she asked. He only hissed again, backing away from her. "Okay, fine. You be grumpy! I'll just sit here and wait until you're calm!" she declared before taking a seat on the bed. She crossed her front hooves and huffed, but soon felt bad for snapping at him. He was being troublesome, but it was only because of the catnip, really.

She peered back under the bed again, expecting to be hissed at. Instead, she saw that he was curled up with his eyes closed, snoring softly. She sighed and grabbed another pillow, reaching under the bed to push it beneath his head. He snorted and shook his head, but remained asleep and snuggled into his pillow. "Shy," he mumbled.

A smile flickered onto her face, and she laid down on the bed, still holding onto the spray bottle. "Hopefully the catnip will have worn off once you wake up..."

A few hours later, Discord yawned loudly, and began to stretch. He flinched when his head hit something hard above him. He rubbed at the new bump on his head, looking up to glare at the...bottom of a bed?

He crawled out from under the bed, pressing his chin against the ground to keep the wood from touching his horns. Don't want to get stuck like that again. It was embarrassing enough the first time Fluttershy saw. Before he could slighter towards the door, a soft, sleepy mumble from the bed made him turn around.

He peered over the edge of the bed, and saw that Fluttershy was lying with her head on a pillow, loosely holding onto a spray bottle of water. He reached forward and gently shook her shoulder. "Fluttershy? Sweetie?"

She slowly blinked awake, yawning a little. "Oh...I must have fallen asleep..."

"Fluttershy," he said. "Why do I feel like I ran a marathon? And why was I sleeping under the bed?"

"You don't remember?" she asked, to which she shook his head. "Well...remember that one time I left you in the kitten room, and how you reacted to the catnip?"

"I thought we weren't going to talk about that, ever," he said. "What does that have to do with—" He froze as parts of his memory became more clear. While how he got under the bed was still fuzzy, he could clearly remember chasing the escaped flying books from the aviary to the library, and seeing a mess on the floor...stopping to clean it...and getting a good whiff of it as he tried to figure out what it was...

"Oh," he said, feeling his neck turn a shade of red. "I...I reacted to the catnip again, didn't I?" She nodded. With a gulp, he asked, "Please tell me I just decided to crawl under here for a cozy nap...and that spray bottle is just your comfort object I never knew about..."

She shook her head. "I'm...afraid not, Discord." She launched into the story, telling him everything from the moment she found him to the point he fell asleep.

His face was bright red. "I...I broke how many vases?"


"And one of them was the anniversary gift?" She nodded. "Augh! Why would I break that one? I like that one!" He buried his face in his hands. He couldn't deny any of the story. Fluttershy was no liar, and as she told the story, he could recall very fuzzy, almost dreamlike memories of the events.

He slowly crept backwards until he was under the bed again. A paper bag appeared on his forehead. "I feel awful," he moaned. "Can I have some time alone, please? I promise I'll fix...everything I broke later."

Through the bag, he could see her silhouette as she crouched down to look at him. "Discord, it's okay," she said. "You didn't hurt anyone. You only caused a little trouble, because you were acting like a—"

He covered his ears with his hands, whining. "I'm not a cat! I'm not an animal!" he snapped.

She paused. "I'm sorry," she said. "I know you're not an animal, and I know how much it hurts you to be treated that way..." Her ears lowered. "And I still brought catnip into the house, even though I knew how you'd react to it."

She sniffed. He whipped the paper bag off of his head and reached out to her. "Oh Fluttershy, no, don't cry," he said. "I should have recognized it. Hay, I even though to myself 'is that catnip?' right before a smelled it." He caressed her cheek. "I should have been more careful, and not taken a smell of that stuff."

She sniffed and blinked, smiling at him. "And I should have been more careful, and not let something I knew you could react to spill out in the open in such a large amount...at least, not without a note warning you."

He tapped his fingers together. "How about this...I'll add an extra pocket to your saddlebags to hold catnip specifically, and tighten up that straps. That way, nothing can spill out accidentally."

She nodded. "And I'll warn you ahead of time whenever I bring out the catnip, so that you know to stay out of the kitten room." She tapped her chin. "Though...maybe in very small amounts, it wouldn't be so bad for you."

He tilted his head, frowning. She continued, "Last time, you were just very sleepy and affectionate. This time, there was a lot more catnip, and you got a boost of energy and a...desire to cause trouble." He blushed. "Maybe with just a little pinch, it'd just be like a sleeping aid."

"We can experiment later," he said with a wave of his paw. "Right now, I'm going to hide from the world." He summoned a blanket around himself and curled up into a cocoon.

She smiled at him. "Alright. I'll clean up the living room and the vase room, and make some carrot-ginger sandwiches. Do you want to have tea later?"

"Yes please," he said, making the finishing touches to his pillow fort. She smiled.

"Alright. I'll see you then." She blew him a quick kiss. "Love you."

With that, she flew out of the room. He curled up in his blanket cocoon inside his pillow fortress, and began to think about what Fluttershy had said about small amounts of catnip, and him being 'very cute'.

Author's Note:

A big thank you to the Fluttercord Discord server, especially Senpai_Fluffy_dino and Eveeka! This sequel is possible thanks to them!

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