• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,566 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Luggage and Trips

Fluttershy glanced around the bedroom, reaching out and grabbing a teal shawl, tucking it into her saddlebags.

She heard the door open and glanced up to see Discord walking in. He paused in the doorway, looking at the half-full saddlebags and scattered items on the bed in front of her.

"Oh...your trip with the Equestrian Rare Animals Group is soon, isn't it?" he said.

She nodded, glancing between two different scarves before deciding on the purple and lime green scarf, hand-knit by Discord. "The Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures, sweetheart. And yes, we're leaving for the Crystal Empire in two days."

Her eyes lit up, and she clasped her hooves in front of her. "We're going to help shear the crystal ewes, and care for them in between shears...it's going to be amazing!"

He frowned. "How long are you going to be gone, again?"

"Just three days," she said, carefully adding a journal, quill, and sealed ink pot to her bags. "I'll be back before you know it."

"Can't I come with you?" he whined, pouting slightly.

She sighed, putting down the objects she was holding and focusing all of her attention on him. "Discord, we talked about this when I received the invitation, remember?"

He sighed, crossing his arms. "I can't go because only you were invited and they can't accommodate me, and because someone needs to watch over the sanctuary and the new volunteers from the School of Friendship."

His frown deepened, lips drooping past his jaw impossibly. "And I'm also not allowed to just teleport you straight there and back when you're done, because the Society wants its members to stick together, and I'm not allowed to transport everyone because of bureaucracy."

She flew over, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "Yes, but that doesn't mean you can't teleport there yourself in the evenings...or that you can't stay the night."

His frown slowly lifted, and he uncrossed his arms. "That's true, at least. Can I also check up on you during the day?"

She frowned, narrowing her eyes. "Discord, the last time I agreed to that on a trip, you were checking on me every ten minutes."

He protested, "You were in the Dragonlands! I was very worried about your safety, surrounded by all those rocks, lava, and dragons. The Crystal Empire is much safer, so I won't pop in as often." He paused. "Probably."

She sighed, shaking her head lightly. "How about you make something I can use to contact you?" she said. "That way, if I need you, I can call you, and you don't have to worry about me."

"Well, you don't need anything to do that. I'll always come when you call. But..." He snapped his fingers, though nothing visible happened. "There. Now, if you're ever actually in danger, I'll receive an alert."

She smiled. "There. Now you won't need to worry about me, right?" He slowly nodded. "Alright. I'm just going to finish packing." She glanced back at the items she had laid out. "Now, which grooming kit should I take?"

"Why not just take everything?" Discord said. "Space is no problem. I can always add more space."

She shook her head, browsing the contents of her grooming kits. "No, it's better that I just take a few things now. If I take too many things, I'll just have a lot of clutter, and it'll make it harder to find what I need." She decided on the kit that had more combs and brushes, packing it into her bag.

"But what if you really need something, and you don't have it?" he asked. "What if a freak magic surge means I can't hear you calling for me? What if I can't come in time?"

She sighed. "Discord, the last time your magic failed was when you were sick, and you're perfectly healthy right now. I don't think your spells are going to fail."

He wrung his tail, muttering about things that could happen. She turned to the dresser and pulled out a small suitcase, flying over and holding it out to him.

"I know you're worried. If it makes you feel better, you can help me pack. Fill up this suitcase with anything you think I might need."

He took the suitcase, opening it up and sticking his head in to look at it. "I can put anything in here?" he asked.

She nodded. "Will that make you feel better? Knowing that I should have everything I need?"

He paused, then nodded eagerly. "I know just where to start!" He rushed out of the room, creating random objects and tossing them into the open suitcase as he went.

She smiled and shook her head, turning back to her saddlebags.

"Discord, if I don't leave soon, I'll miss the train," she said. He just whined, pulling her closer to his chest.

"One more minuuuute," he said, placing a small kiss on her forehead. She sighed, nuzzling his cheek.

After another minute of cuddling, she tapped her hoof against his chest. "I really do have to leave now," she said. He let out a great sigh, but released her from his grip.

She fluttered over to the doorway, placing her saddlebags on her back. Discord floated over to her, holding out the suitcase.

"I put in everything I could think of that you might need," he said. "And I also threw in plenty of snacks."

He opened it up. Stuffed in one half were a large amount of plastic bags filled to the brim with various snacks. The other half was filled with a large pile of...keychains.

She held up one keychain—one of a sparkly snowflake. She rose an eyebrow, glancing up at him.

He tapped on some diagrams drawn in crayon taped to the inside of the lid. "I made a list on when you want to use each one, and how to use them."

"Now, I believe you have a train to catch." She dropped the keychain back in and snapped the suitcase shut, while he tore a portal in the space in front of him.

She picked the suitcase up in her mouth, flying through the portal into the Ponyville train station. Discord flew after her, letting the portal close behind him as she handed her ticket to the conductor.

Just before she got on the train, he coughed into his paw. "Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked, leaning out to her, hands clasped behind his back.

She smiled and dropped the suitcase, flying up to peck him on the lips. His cheeks turned pink, and he slowly lifted a brown paper lunch sack with a drawing of a heart on it. "I meant your lunch, but I'm not complaining," he said, returning the light kiss.

She blushed and grabbed the sack with her wing, turning back around and grabbing the suitcase before finally taking her place on the train. Once she found her seat with other Society members, she peered out the window and waved at Discord. He waved back.

She kept her eyes on him as the train pulled out of the station. She just barely saw the flash of him teleporting away once he was almost completely out of her sight.

After taking some time to catch up with Tree Hugger and other Society members, Fluttershy found an unclaimed seat and let her saddlebags slide off her back with a sigh.

Her stomach growled, and she dug through the paper sack Discord had handed her. She pulled out two cucumber sandwiches, a banana, and a tiny, whistling teapot, which transformed into a teacup as she held it in her hoof.

She giggled, taking a sip of the tea, and nibbling at her cucumber sandwiches. She watched the landscape roll by as she ate her lunch, but her eyes soon fell to the suitcase Discord had packed for her.

As she peeled her banana, she lifted the surprisingly light suitcase off of the floor and onto her lap, popping the lid open. She leaned forward, trying to decipher Discord's scrawled, messy handwriting on his diagrams.

Fluttershy, I'm sure when you saw all of these keychains, you thought I had finally lost it! Well, rest assured, that is not the case. Your hubby is still mostly sane. She giggled and shook her head, continuing to read. But, my dear, these are not just keychains. They are actually more tiny suitcases.

To the right, you'll see a picture of each of the keychain/suitcases, explaining what each one is for. If you ever need the contents of one, just pull it out and give the chain a firm tug—that'll make it grow to its normal size. Repeat the action to shrink it back down into a keychain.

I wish you safe travels on your trip, my love! Underneath that, he had drawn a picture of himself, blowing her a kiss, surrounded by hearts in all colors of the rainbow.

She smiled, then turned her attention to the papers taped to the right. It was filled with accurate crayon drawings of the keychains, with short descriptions of what each one was meant to be used for.

Remembering earlier, she searched for the drawing of the sparkly snowflake keychain. Next to it, he had written, For when it gets very cold, or there's a lot of snow. Includes a scarf, coat, snow boots, and mug of hot cocoa, among other things.

She smiled and scanned through the rest of the drawings. There was a tent keychain, for if she couldn't find a place to sleep, a picnic basket if she couldn't find anywhere to eat, a sun for if things suddenly got hot...the list went on. Most of the keychains were reasonable in her opinion, but others...just made her shake her head, smiling.

A round keychain with a purple swirl, to find her way home if she was sucked into another dimension? A tea kettle, for when she really, really wanted some tea? A clock shaped one, said to be stuffed with watches and sundials, in case she couldn't figure out the time? She shook her head, chuckling. "Oh, Discord."

She took a small hoofful of star-shaped gummy candies before closing the suitcase and looking back out the window.

The train arrived at the Crystal Empire, and everyone slowly filed off. A crystal unicorn waved at them, and they approached her, gathering in a semicircle.

"Hello! Is everypony here part of the..." She checked a sheet of paper in her hoof. "Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures?" Everyone in the group nodded. "Well, it's lovely to meet all of you! I'll be taking you to your hotel so that you can get settled in."

She guided them down the streets until they finally came across a small crystal building. "Here we are!" their guide said. "Now, somepony will be coming by in about half an hour to show you where the crystal ewes are being kept before their shearing."

The members slowly filed in as a group, each going up to the desk in pairs to get their reserved room keys. Fluttershy got at the end of the line with Tree Hugger, admiring the shining crystal walls as the line slowly crept forward.

When they were at the front of the line, the clerk's eyes widened, his ears flattening against his head. "I-I'm sorry, ma'am," he stammered. "You two were going to room together, yes?" They nodded, and he gulped. "Well, the last guests in your reserved room, a bunch of teenagers, somehow...stole one of the beds. We still don't know how. Perhaps we can get you a small cot..."

Tree Hugger frowned, then smiled and slung a hoof over Fluttershy's shoulders. "We'll figure it out," she said. "The vibes here are so good, I'm sure things will work out just fine." Fluttershy smiled and nodded.

The clerk nodded and handed the keys to them, apologizing again, ears flattening against his head as they stepped aside and walked away.

Fluttershy and Tree Hugger walked up the stairs. "Hotel cots are so bogus, though," Tree Hugger sighed. "Those things are so stiff, and there's never enough space. They always throw off my aura." She smiled. "Maybe we could share the bed."

Fluttershy thought about it...then remembered the last trip she went on, where she learned that Treezie was a cuddler when she was asleep, and Discord did not react well when he saw another pony cuddling with his wife. "Maybe not," she said. "Discord is going to be visiting this evening, and...you remember last time."

Tree Hugger flinched and shuddered. "I've never seen such a bright red aura," she said. "I swear he was about to throw me out the window." She pulled out her key and opened the door, stepping aside to let Fluttershy in first.

The room was small but cozy, with one small bed, a large window, and a small bathroom. There were deep scratches on the doorframe, and scuff marks on the carpet...all leading to the space where a bed had likely once been.

Tree Hugger and Fluttershy quietly set down their luggage. Tree Hugger gestured to the empty bed and said, "I'd hate for you and Discord to need to share one of those cots. You should take the bed."

Fluttershy shook her head. "Oh, no. Discord will think of something, I just know it. You should take the bed." Tree Hugger sighed, but sat on the bed, closing her eyes and breathing deeply, letting out the soft sighs she always did when she was meditating.

Fluttershy sat in an armchair in the corner of the room. Hotel cots sound so uncomfortable...but I'm sure Discord will think of some way to get a bed in here. she thought. If only Discord had packed a bed. She chuckled to herself.

Her head and ears suddenly perked up, and she opened up the suitcase. After a bit of digging, she pulled out the keychain shaped like a tent. She gave the thin metal a light tug and stumbled as it expanded in her front hooves.

A sheet of paper was taped on top. Set on the ground, and press this button. She carefully set the oddly-shaped suitcase on the ground beside the bed, making sure there was plenty of space, and pressed the bright red button on its surface.

The suitcase popped up, expanding into a small yellow tent with butterflies on it. She bit her lip, crossing her hooves as she pulled back the entrance flap.

The inside of the tent was much bigger—bigger than the hotel room they were in. A soft green carpet covered the plastic floor, and a disco light hung from the ceiling, giving off a soft light. Printed photos of her and Discord covered the walls, crudely taped into place. Right in the center was a canopy bed with red and pink sheets and pillows.

She stepped in, jumping onto the bed and staring up at the canopy. The mattress was soft, sinking under her but still supporting her weight. She let her head flop over to the side, and saw another flap in the wall, with the word Bathroom stitched onto it. She knew there wasn't a flap there on the outside of the tent.

She glanced over at the other side and saw a fridge with a clear door. Inside, she saw small tubs of ice cream, fresh apples, and bottles of iced tea. She yawned, snuggling into the soft pillows under her head. The train ride had been so long, and the bed was so soft and comfortable...

Her eyes slowly slid shut as she drifted to sleep.

She and Tree Hugger both yawned as they opened their hotel door and stepped inside. After they had been stirred from their nap and meditation, respectively, their tour guide had shown them the crystal ewes, before proceeding to give them a quick tour of some tourist highlights of the Crystal Empire, and then taking them to a popular restaurant for dinner.

The afternoon had passed quickly, leaving them with sore hooves, full bellies, and a general sense of exhaustion. Tree Hugger yawned again and climbed onto the bed, still not batting an eye at the tent that had suddenly appeared.

"What a day," she said. "I got good vibes from everyone, though. So radical to see so many ponies with such sparkling auras!" She yawned again, resting her head on the pillows.

Fluttershy yawned. "Good night, Tree Hugger. See you in the morning." Tree Hugger returned the sentiment, and Fluttershy entered the small tent.

She flung herself onto the bed, resisting the urge to wrap herself in the blankets and fall asleep right away. "Discord, I'm done for the day," she said aloud.

There was a flash of light to her left, and Discord lunged towards her, wrapping his body around her and peppering her face with kisses. "I missed you," he said. "Everything at the sanctuary went fine today, the new volunteers did their work...how was your day?"

She nuzzled into his chest, lightly kissing the nape of his neck. "Today was good," she said. "I got to see the crystal ewes, and they're just adorable. We got to see a lot of other things in the Empire, too. There was a lot of walking." She pulled her back hooves closer towards her.

Discord slowly unwrapped himself, after planting a last kiss on her cheek, and slid off the bed onto the ground. Kneeling on the floor, he began to massage her back hooves, causing her to sigh, her eyes drifting shut.

"Why are you in the tent? I thought you were going to share a room with Tree Embrace. Did something happen to the hotel?" he asked, just now taking the time to look around.

"Sort of," she said, rolling over to face him. He kept massaging her hooves. "In our reserved room, the last group somehow...stole one of the beds."

He paused in his massaging for one second. The next, he burst into loud laughter, slumping onto the floor as tears rolled down his face. "Th-they stole a bed!?" he wheezed. "How did they even...why would they..." He continued laughing, pounding at the ground with a fist.

She giggled, placing a hoof against her lips. "Discord, please! We're in a hotel, people could be sleeping!" she said over his howling. She still couldn't stop another giggle from escaping her.

He let out a few more laughs, sitting up and wiping a tear from his eye. "Heh, don't worry about it. I made this tent soundproof, too. Unless someone deliberately wants for us to hear them, or if we want for them to hear us, nothing can get through."

He tilted his head. "Why put up the tent, though? You know I could have made a bed for you, probably much more comfortable than whatever Tree Hugger is sleeping on right now..." He hummed and floated over to the tent flap, peering out and snapping his fingers. "There. A softer mattress for her...that will return to normal when you two turn in your keys."

He flashed back over to her and began to rub at her front hooves. "But why put up the tent?"

She smiled. "I remembered our first camping trip, and how you insisted on the inside of the tent being like a large suite." He chuckled and rubbed at the back of his neck. "And I figured, even though I'd convinced you that a mostly normal tent was perfectly fine for camping...I'm not technically camping. I thought I'd at least see if you included a bed with this tent."

She blushed. "And I just thought...if the volunteers or the sanctuary tired you out, I'd hate to ask you to do more things for me."

He smiled. "You're too sweet." He placed a kiss on her hoof, then snapped his fingers. "If someone, anyone, knocks on the hotel door, we'll hear it in here." He pulled a 'Do Not Disturb' sign with a drawing of him wearing a face mask on it out of thin air, then tossed it over his shoulder. It disappeared in a flash of light. "And that will keep anyone from disturbing us tonight unless there's some emergency."

She smiled and let up a loud yawn. "Goodness, look at me, keeping you up after the long day you've had!" he said. He clapped his hands, and the disco light slowly dimmed until it only gave off a soft blue light. He lifted her up in the crook of his arm and tucked her underneath the covers, fluffing her pillow with his tail.

She yawned again as he slithered under the covers, wrapping his arms around her. "I love you," she murmured, her eyelids slowly drooping.

Just before she fell asleep, she felt him kiss her forehead and mumble, "Love you too."

The rest of the trip went perfectly well. Her days were busy, either helping groom or shear the crystal ewes, or exploring the Empire with Tree Hugger and her other friends. Discord came every evening, massaging her hooves and listening as she gushed about how amazing the ewes were, and telling her about the trouble Angel's children were giving the volunteers. And in the morning, he would make a large breakfast for himself, her, and Tree Hugger, before they all went their separate ways.

But now, it was over. Every ewe was sheered, and they had all packed up, handed in their keys, and got onto the train. Fluttershy gazed out the window and the rolling crystal fields that passed by. She hoisted the suitcase onto her lap, opening it up and grabbing a hoofful of apple slices.

Some of the keychain-suitcases Discord had packed actually came in handy. Nothing quite as crazy as his 'if thrown into another dimension' one, but others had gotten some use. It had rained suddenly one day, which made the rainy day keychain (with a raincoat and umbrella hat) useful. She had also offered miscellaneous items from various keychains to other members who needed them. And she had helped herself to plenty of the snacks he had packed for her.

I'll thank him for everything once I get back home.

The train ride was uneventful and passed by quickly once she started a conversation with Tree Hugger. Before she knew it, they were pulling into the Ponyville Station. Almost everypony, including her, gathered up their luggage and filed off the train.

She waved goodbye to Tree Hugger, who was staying on the train for a few more stops, before stepping off onto the platform and glancing around. Off to the side was Discord, holding a whiteboard in his hands with Fluttershy written on it in cursive.

As soon as their eyes met, he squealed and dropped the whiteboard, zipping towards her through the crowd. He tackled her and lifted her into a big hug, rubbing his cheek against hers. The suitcase fell from her grip onto the ground.

"I missed you so much," he said, still nuzzling her cheek.

She laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "You saw me this morning, and last night," she said.

"I know that! But it's just not the same when you're away from home, and I can't just pop in to check on you," he said, switching from nuzzling her to showering her with light kisses.

She giggled. "I think you were able to see me plenty." Her face became serious, and she asked quietly, "You weren't too worried about me, were you?"

He paused in his affections, then quietly answered, "I was...a little worried, yes. Something always seems to go wrong when you or your friends visit the Crystal Empire, be it a life-threatening crisis or a mistaken identity. But I told myself I gave you everything you could possibly need, and...that made me feel less worried. That, and knowing you could handle whatever came your way." He caressed her cheek.

She smiled up at him. "Well, no crisis happened this time...though I did use some of the things you'd packed." She kissed his cheek. "Maybe we should do that again for any of my future trips."

He smiled. "I'd be more than happy to. Now, how about we head home? I'm sure you're tired from your train ride." She smiled and nodded, and he shifted his hold on her so that she was in the crook of his lion arm, then used his claw to pull back the air in front of him like a curtain. Behind it was the front door of their home, which he opened, carrying her inside as he scooped the suitcase up with his tail.

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