• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,566 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Half-Baked Bake Sale

Discord was hanging upside-down from a tree branch it the indoor arboretum. He held a book in his hands, upside-down from his perspective, and was reading slowly. Is there any better way to spend a lazy Sunday? he thought to himself. He immediately chuckled and thought yes, there was—spending it with Fluttershy.

He tilted his head slightly, his ears twitching. On that note, where was she? She had been digging through the kitchen cupboards after lunch when he had told her off his current idea for the afternoon. She had just nodded and said she might join him later.

Well, now it was later, and there was still no sign of her. He swung himself around on the branch and released his grip, flying out of the room and shooing the book off in the direction of the library. He started heading towards the kitchen when something else caught his attention.

A wonderful scent was drifting down the hallway. He froze in his tracks, lifting and tilting his head to sniff at it, trying to pin down the familiar smell. Tea cakes, he realized. He licked his lips, rubbing his hands together. Fluttershy's wonderful, yummy tea cakes!

He shot down the hall like a rocket, skidding to a halt in the living room. He slowly peered around the corner to look into the kitchen. Fluttershy was in there, wearing a pink apron with butterflies on it, smiling as she flitted between a bowl of dough, the oven, and the tea cakes cooling on racks.

He licked his lips again, teleporting next to her in a flash. "Tea cakes!" he chirped happily as Fluttershy flinched. "There's no tea cakes better than yours, my dear." His eyes flicked over the selection, and with another lick of his lips, he reached for one that was slightly larger than the others.

But before he could grab it, Fluttershy reached forward and grabbed his wrist, shaking her head. "Sorry, sweetie," she said. "But these tea cakes aren't for you."

A shattering sound was heard, and Discord tightly gripped his chest, his head lolling back. After a few seconds to recover, his head snapped back up, complete with a large pout. "B-but why?" he whined, trying to make his eyes seem as large as possible. "Am I being punished for startling you? I'm sorry, please just let me have one of your tea caaakes..." He slumped to the ground, head hung low, gripping onto her front hooves.

She sighed and patted him on the head. "No, Discord. The reason I can't give you any cakes is because these are actually for the School of Friendship's Bake Sale."

He sniffed, lifting his head, his eyes still large and pitiful. "Bake Sale?" he said with a tilt of his head.

"Yes," she said. "I told Starlight I would make some tea cakes and take them to the school tomorrow morning. They'll have student volunteers set up tables on campus and around town to sell any donated goods, and all proceeds will be used by the School of Friendship...from maintenance to extracurricular activities."

Discord nodded in understanding. "Yes, that does sound important...but surely they wouldn't miss a tea cake or two?" His claw scurried up the counter, poised the snatch any of the treats.

She caught his hand again, giving him a stern look. "No, Discord." His pout deepened, and her expression softened. She leaned down to kiss him on the forehead. "Look. I'll let you lick the bowls when I'm done, and I can make something else for you later."

The tip of his tail wagged slightly. "Well...okay," he said. "I suppose I'll leave you to it, and find some other cure for my peckishness...unless you'd like a helping hand?" He stood up in front of the mixing bowl, which still had a good amount of dough in it.

She shook her head, nudging him away. "Thank you, but I think I can take it from here," she said. "Why don't you go back to your book...unless you decided to do something else this afternoon?"

"I choose the book," he said. "And I suppose I could go back to it..." He took several steps backward, eyeing the tea cakes longingly. He managed to tear his eyes away and focus on Fluttershy. "Goodbye, my dear," he said. She smiled and waved goodbye, and he teleported away.

Trying to keep reading proved much more difficult than he had thought. He was sorely tempted to find some way of sneaking into the kitchen, then back out with a few tea cakes. He always loved Fluttershy's cooking, and being told he couldn't have them made them look all the sweeter.

He quickly shook his head. They're not for me, they're for the school, he told himself. I get to lick the bowls later, and she'll make something else for me.

His stomach gurgled at him, demanding tea cakes be given to it now, at this moment. With a sigh, Discord sat up in the hammock he had made, snapping his fingers. In one hand, he had a plate with two steaming tea cakes of his own creation, in the other he had a mixture of chocolate and strawberry milk.

He grinned smugly, mentally patting himself on the back. He pinched a tea cake between his thumb and finger, sticking out his pinkie and taking a delicate bite. He chewed thoughtfully and slowly, his smile slowly drooping. He took another bite, a bit larger, chewing even more slowly.

He sighed and set the tea cake down. It was fresh, warm, and quite delicious, but there was something missing from it, something that made it pale in comparison to Fluttershy's treats. He knew it wasn't a secret ingredient—he had watched her make the cakes dozens of times, even helping out sometimes. There was nothing secret or special she added that he didn't know about.

He rolled his eyes. As corny as it was, the thing that made her cakes so special was probably love. He took another bite out of a tea cake, sipping at his milk concoction. He smiled. Now that was something that had the flavor he had been hoping for.

He finished his unsatisfactory tea cakes and the much more satisfactory milk, then reclined in his hammock to continue the book. He managed to finish a couple of chapters before there was a knock on the door, and Fluttershy walked in.

"I finished making the tea cakes," she said. "I'm going to go wash up, but you can help yourself to the bowl while I'm out." He now noticed the flour and dough covering her hooves, with small flecks stuck to her chest fur and mane.

Discord jumped out of the hammock, licking his lips. "Thank you for telling me," he said. "I think I'll help myself to that right now!" He snapped his fingers and teleported to the kitchen in a flash of light, sending Fluttershy to the bathroom at the same time.

He paused for a second to inhale the sweet aroma that filled the room. Baked tea cakes mingled with the smell of tea. The tea cakes were all arranged on cooling racks on the table, looking quite delicious. But over on the counter was a bowl, one with dough smeared on its sides, one just for him. And then there was that clean bowl in the sink...wait, what?

He floated to the sink, holding up the wet and dripping bowl. It had been cleaned, and only very recently...and if the only thing she made was tea cakes, then...

His tail shook with a rattling sound, and he felt his blood heat up. Wasn't he supposed to get all the bowls to lick? But she washed one of them! He huffed and turned his attention to the one bowl left on the counter. He scooped out a large spoonful of dough and shoved it into his mouth, chewing angrily.

It was delicious, and his irritation slowly faded away. He ate a bit more slowly, chewing slowly and savoring the treat. His eyes flickered over to the racks of tea cakes, and the temptation to sample some rose in him again.

He shook his head, getting a larger scoop of dough. Not only did Fluttershy say he shouldn't, he still had a bowl of dough to enjoy! He stretched out his tongue and began licking the sides and spoon clean. Still, he couldn't quite tear his eyes away from the fresh teacakes.

He inched towards them, then shook his head and backed away, bumping into the counter. He scrunched his eyes closed, trying to just focus on the dough...focus on the taste and texture of it...focus on how empty the bowl seemed now...

His eyes popped back open. The bowl and spoon had been polished clean by his tongue. He groaned and slammed them into the sink, grabbing a soapy sponge and scrubbing them both, spilling suds everywhere. But even as much as he tried to focus on this new task, he still felt...so tempted!

He dropped the sponge and began to float towards the tea cakes. He fought with himself several times, trying to tug himself back to the counter, or better, to the living room and out of the kitchen, but his wings and magic carried him to the table no matter how much he tried to stall them.

He stopped and landed in front of the table. The golden-brown tea cakes were calling his name, begging to be put in his stomach. He shook his head. I shouldn't. I shouldn't! His eyes landed on the cleaned bowl. Then again...just one wouldn't hurt, surely? Just one to make up for the dough I couldn't have?

His claw slowly raised up, poised to take something. He hovered over one of the largest tea cakes, then shook his head and focused on one of the smallest. She won't notice it's gone... But still, he felt a little guilty. So he hesitated for another second before his claw slowly reached down, his fingers slowly and carefully gripping onto the treat.

Slowly, he lifted it up and tilted his head back. He opened his mouth wide, revealing his large collection of fangs, and began to slowly edge the tea cake between his jaws. He panted, already imagining how sweet it would taste...though there was that feeling of guilt in the back of his mind, its voice sounding an awful lot like Fluttershy...

"Discord!" he heard an angry voice say. He froze and slowly turned his head, seeing Fluttershy in the doorway, glaring at him. "I told you not to eat those!"

He frowned, his jaw clicking shut just a hair's breadth away from the treat. "Well, you also told me I could lick the bowl, and that you made something for me!" He pointed at the cleaned bowl in the sink.

"I left you a bowl!" she said. "And I did make you something, even better than those cakes!" The tea kettle whistled, making them both flinch. Fluttershy sighed and moved past him, grabbing the kettle and taking it with her into the living room.

Discord stared at the doorway, slowly setting the tea cake down. He heard a few sniffles, and felt his heart tie itself into knots. He sighed and wrung his tail between his hands, taking small steps towards the doorway.

He stopped in the living room, hanging his head low. Fluttershy glanced at him, looking upset, before looking away and continuing to nurse her tea. He hung his head a little lower, shuffling forward.

"Fluttershy," he said. "I'm sorry." He scuffed a foot on the ground. "I...didn't eat any of the tea cakes."

"You were going to, though," she said. "After I asked that you didn't."

He bowed his head. "I...maybe," he admitted. "Probably. But I stalled for awhile, because...I knew I shouldn't do it. I was hoping you would come back before it became too tempting for me."

She frowned. With a sigh, he continued, "I...I love your tea cakes, Fluttershy. I felt a little hurt that you made so many for other creatures, but I couldn't have even one. I tried making my own with magic, but they couldn't compare to yours." He made a cat's cradle between his fingers, arranging the strings to form a picture of a butterfly. "And I did feel a little upset that I didn't get all of the extra dough, like you had promised."

Her ears lowered. "Oh...I'm sorry I made you feel that way, Discord," she said. "But for that bowl I cleaned, I did have my reasons." She turned and grabbed something from behind the tea kettle. "Here," she said, sliding a plate over to him. "I wanted to make it a surprise for you..."

He looked down. The plate had six tea cakes on it—but these were no ordinary tea cakes. No, these were her amazing, wonderful, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate cherry tea cakes. His jaw dropped, and he could already feel a bit of saliva dripping from his lips.

"For...for me?" he said. When he received a small nod, he immediately grabbed one and bit into it. He sighed, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. The sweetness of the chocolate intermingled perfectly with the slightly tang of cherries, and he was sure that he was holding a tiny slice of paradise in his hand. "So good..." he moaned.

"I really wanted for it to be a surprise," she said. "That's...that's why I cleaned the bowl I used to make it. I knew that you would be smart enough to figure out I made a different kind of tea cake if you saw it, since the dough would have the chocolate in it."

"Oh..." he said, ears drooping. "I guess I didn't think of that possibility...which I suppose was the whole point." She nodded, staring sadly down at the plate.

He held one of the tea cakes out to her. "I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions, got upset, and tried to take something I shouldn't have," he said.

She hesitated, but placed a hoof on the tea cake, brushing his knuckles as she did so and sending a shiver up his arm. "I'm sorry I didn't consider how my actions could hurt you," she said. "And I'm sorry that I made it look like I went back on my promise."

They pulled apart, tearing the tea cake into two equal pieces. Discord munched on his, doing his best to savor every bite, while Fluttershy nibbled on hers. He saw her inching closer to him, and copied her movements. They met in the middle of the couch, leaning against each other, Discord wrapping his tail around her waist.

"Am I forgiven?" he said quietly. She nodded, placing her hooves on his shoulder and leaning up to peck his lips.

"Yes, you are," she said. "If you had actually eaten any tea cakes, I might still be upset and have you help me make more...but you didn't. And you apologized." She looked down, brushing a hoof through his chest fur. "Am...I forgiven?"

"From the second you gave me my own tea cakes," he said, kissing the top of her head. "And...would it be presumptuous of me to assume that the tea is for us, too?"

"No," she said, grabbing the kettle and pouring another cup, sliding it in front of him. "And...thank you for coming to me to talk about this." She smiled at him, and he offered her a silk handkerchief. She dabbed at her eyes and blew her nose, then set it down and gave a genuine smile, sliding the plate of tea cakes a little closer to him.

He picked up his tea cup and broke another one of the cakes in half, offering part of it to Fluttershy. She accepted, and began to nibble on it, while he devoured his half in two bites and took a sip of tea. Blackberry, a surprisingly good compliment to the tea cakes.

They sat like that for a while, Discord telling her stories and jokes to make her smile, and complimenting the tea and tea cakes to make her blush. The time passed quickly, and before they knew it, they had finished the chocolate cherry tea cakes and blackberry tea.

Fluttershy sighed and got to her hooves. "I should go frost the tea cakes now," she said. "To make them look nice for the bake sale..."

Discord jumped to his feet, snapping his fingers and creating chef's hats and aprons on both of them. "Well, what are we waiting for?" he said. "They won't frost themselves...unless I make them, but where's the fun in that?"

She blinked and tilted her head at him. "'We'?"

"Of course!" he said, reaching down and ruffling her mane. "You know I love to decorate desserts. You can't keep all the fun away from me, darling." He frowned and wrung his tail. "Besides, I...I'd like to do something to make up for the fact that I almost ate them."

She blinked, then smiled up at him. "Well...I guess doing it together would be pretty fun." She headed into the kitchen. "Just remember, it's for the school, so they need to be appropriate."

Discord followed, a halo appearing above his head. "Why, dear Fluttershy! Would I ever do something like frost things not suited for young minds?" She giggled slightly, and he began to chuckle along with her. He snapped and turned the halo into a bouquet of icing pipes, and he bowed to offer them to Fluttershy.

She giggled again and selected one, choosing a tea cake that she began frosting. He chose another tea cake and began to frost as well, laying one of his hands on top of her head. She paused, but smiled and leaned into his touch as they continued to work.

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