• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,567 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Five More Minutes?

Discord was purring like a cat, snuggling into Fluttershy's chest fur. She smiled and stroked his mane, smiling softly at him and placing kisses on his ear. He smiled and snuggled further into her.

As wonderful as this felt...she tore herself away from him and glanced over at the clock. "Okay, Discord," she said. "I have to get up now...I have a meeting with Dr. Fauna and Zecora this morning, remember?"

He pouted and looked up at her with wide, shiny eyes. "Five more minutes?" he begged.

She frowned. "Well...I suppose five minutes wouldn't hurt, if I eat a quick breakfast..." That was all she could say before Discord coiled himself around her, nuzzling her cheek and purring. She sighed and leaned against his neck, nuzzling him and letting her eyes drift closed.

After dozing for a little while against his soft fur, she began to place soft kisses on his cheek and the side of his lips, each one making him sigh and shiver, which she could feel as it traveled from his head to his tail, his fur raising slightly as it went through him.

After one kiss on the lips, where he tilted his head enough to meet her for a few seconds, she spared a glance at the clock...and saw that seven minutes had passed since she last looked. "Discord, I really have to leave now," she said, moving to sit up.

He grabbed her shoulders and rolled so that he was on top of her, pinning her to the bed. "Five more minutes," he said. "I'll fix you a breakfast to eat on the way...just five more minutes of your time..."

She frowned and squirmed. His grip was strong, but not uncomfortable...and being in this position made her feel warm, and a little pleasant. If she wanted, she could easily surprise him and push him off...but she found she didn't want to. "I...don't think we can do all that in five minutes," she said, feeling a blush traveling down her neck.

He grinned, showing off his sharp snaggletooth. "Oh...maybe not everything you're thinking of," he said. "But I can do quite a lot..." He bent down and nibbled her neck, making her squeak, her wings flaring out.

His hands drifted from her shoulders to her wings, teasing their edges, as his fangs and lips teased her neck. She squeaked and whined, squirming as the teasing continued, digging her hooves into his back. The action made him groan, and he pulled himself away from her neck, meeting her lips in a passionate kiss.

She grabbed his horns and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. He moaned, and she could feel his tail wagging, thumping up and down on one of her back hooves. After a minute or so, they separated, and Discord began to trail his hands lightly along her body, while she pet him wherever she could reach.

Time flowed by in a series of kisses, nibbles, and soft petting exchanged between both of them. It was only after a very passionate kiss that Fluttershy laid back on the pillow, panting for breath and letting her head fall to the side...that she caught a glimpse of the clock.

Her meeting was only five minutes away.

She yelped and jumped up, scrambling to untangle herself from the sheets and get out of bed. Discord yelped, startled, and jumped to the ceiling, where he remained stuck.

"Where's the fire?" he asked, watching as she tripped to the floor and rolled out of the sheets. A small blue flame appeared on his tail feathers, and he quickly beat it out, leaving behind a purple smoke that smelled like blueberries.

"My meeting!" she shouted, running into the bathroom. "Five minutes!" She quickly ran a brush through her frizzy mane, when she realized another problem—there were several pink bite marks all along her neck. She whined and dropped her brush, burying her face in her hooves.

"Oh..." Discord said, sounding a little guilty. He floated into the bathroom, his head and ears low. "Why so upset? I mean, you're pressed for time, but I can just teleport you right there..."

"This," she said, pointing to her neck, and the few bite marks on her chest. "I...I can't show up to a meeting looking like this!"

"I have a simple solution," he said, reaching into his ear. After a few seconds of tugging, he pulled out...a long red scarf. He bent down and wrapped his around her neck so it was tight enough to hide her neck, but loose enough to be comfortable (and drape over the bites on her chest). As he did this, two more arms sprouted out of his torso and began to brush her mane, adding in a little conditioner and hair glitter.

He pulled away from her, and she chanced a glance in the mirror. The soft scarf covered everything up, and her mane looked wonderfully styled in its usual way, with the addition of the glitter making it even more eye-catching. Though her face was still flushed, she could already feel the heat from it dying down.

"Thank you," she said. "Now, could you please send me to—" Before she could finish, her stomach growled, reminding her suddenly of how hungry she was.

"I can't let you go hungry," he said. "Especially since it would be my fault." He snapped his fingers and created a blueberry-blackberry jam sandwich and handed it to her.

She chowed down on it, and his extra arms wiped at her face and hooves with a warm, wet cloth as jam spilled on them. His original fingers snapped up a brown paper bag with a heart on it. "Here are some more sandwiches for you to snack on during the meeting," he said. "Plus some wet towelettes."

She finished her sandwich, and he handed her the bag. "Have a lovely and timely meeting! I love you!" he said, placing a kiss on her forehead before snapping his fingers and teleporting her away.

She appeared in front of Zecora's hut, and with a deep breath, knocked on the door, clutching the scarf a little for comfort.

"Discord, I'm home!" Fluttershy said as she came in through the front door. "Dr. Fauna treated us to lunch in town...but I still ate most of your sandwiches before that! They were delicious."

She paused in the living room. Discord wasn't there, and she hadn't heard a response. She looked around, and blinked when she saw a trail of neon pink petals on the floor, leading down the hallway. Curious, she began to follow it.

The trail led down the hallway, to a door she hadn't seen before. Wondering what this new room was, she slowly opened it.

Inside were pink and red painted walls, and a plush pink carpet. Off to the side was a babbling water feature with lavender petals floating inside...and in the center of the room was a large, round bed, where Discord was laying in a thin bathrobe, a purple rose in his mouth.

He said something, but couldn't articulate around the rose. Frowning, he spat it out and held it in his claw, smiling at her. "Hello, darling," he said. "How was the meeting?"

"G-good," she said. "Dr. Fauna...complimented me on the scarf...and they didn't seem suspicious of why I wore it..." She felt a familiar blush return to her cheeks. Discord grinned.

"Well...I thought since I almost made you late, I should make it up to you," he purred. "May I have...five more minutes of your time?"

She grinned, the blush spreading as she unwrapped the scarf from her neck. "Oh, you can have more than that," she said, tossing the scarf aside and leaping at him.

He caught her in his arms and brought her into a passionate kiss, rolling over and pinning her to the bed. She whined and squirmed as he began to kiss and nibble her neck once more...but leaned into all of his touches, and even left some bites of her own on his neck.

Her afternoon was free of obligations...so she allowed herself to give in to the throws of passion, and to drag Discord into them with her.

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