• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: Revisiting PokePark

Author's Note:

This chapter is made to cover 4 episodes of Season 5. Meaning that this takes place right 12 days after the Brotherhooves special and 1 day before Crusaders of the Lost Mark.

Ponyville, Twilight's Pokemon Lab.

"PokePark," Twilight spoke, standing before the entrance to PokePark. "I still don't know too much about it. Other than it's a park for Pokemon with different areas."

"So, like. Are we gonna head in there again today?" Spike asked.

"You bet, Spike. There's still a lot that grabs my curiosity about it. Like, what is this Wish Park? How is it possible for this place to exist despite the way the lab is built? That's why we're taking a trip to PokePark."

"Neat!" Spike grinned.

"I'm glad you brought me along to translate for you, Twilight. I can't wait to see what PokePark is really about." Fluttershy said with her Audino by her side.

"You're the translator for the job, Fluttershy. Now let's get going."

Twilight along with her Pokemon passed through the door with Spike, entering the PokePark. As always, the first area they arrive to is the Cove Area in Cove Town. The Audino there waved hello to them.

"Audino!" Cove Area's Audino greeted Fluttershy's Audino as the two ran towards each other, giving each other a hug as if they were long-time friends who hadn't seen each other in years.

"Feels good to be back here without any threats, right Eve?"

"Espeon." Eve nodded.

"Dewott!" Dewott had shown up, greeting Twilight and Fluttershy back to the PokePark with a bow.

"It's nice to meet you too, Dewott." Fluttershy greeted the Discipline Pokemon.

"Dew! Dewott-wott."

"Dewott says that every Pokemon here didn't get the opportunity to apologize for not being able to protect you from the Shadow Triad."

"You don't have to worry about it. We're sorry that we ended up bringing you into our little problem, Dewott." Twilight apologized to Dewott instead.

"Dew." Dewott nodded, accepting Twilight's apology. "Wott!" Dewott told the others to come over to greet Twilight and her friends.

"Rai-Rai!" Raichu said his greetings along with every Pokemon here. From the Mismagius that ran a shop, the Elemental Monkeys and the Sandile and Krokorok who were the new guardians of the gates to the other areas.

"Wow. This is a bit of a nice greeting, huh Spike?"

"No kidding." Spike's face was being mushed by Panpour.

"I wonder how Queen Serperior and Princess Snivy are doing?" Twilight wondered. "Sandile. Krokorok. Mind if we head over to the Arbor Area?"

"Krokorok!" He nodded in response, allowing them to pass through to the lush green Arbor Area, ruled by Queen Serperior.

The Queen was expecting Twilight to return here one day. And that day was today. Snivy spectated the Arbor Area, spotting Twilight, Fluttershy and Spike making their way here.

"Sni." Princess Snivy called for her mother, pointing out that the same ponies from before have returned. "Snivy!" Snivy ran over to Twilight, greeting her fellow princess to the Arbor Area.

"Princess Snivy! It's great to see you again." Twilight greeted back. "And to you too, Queen Serperior."


"Queen Serperior says that it's a pleasure to meet you once more in good health, Princess Twilight."

"I wanted to apologize to you and your area as well, Queen Serperior. The Shadow Triad coming after Cold Colt was our fault. If only we knew Team Plasma were after him, the peace here would've never been disturbed."

"Serp. Serperior."

"You don't have to blame, yourself, Young Princess. You and your friends were all unprepared for what was to come. And so were we." Fluttershy translated.

"You're right. Guess I'm still pretty shaken up after all of that." Twilight squeed.


"Bisharp." Suddenly, Bisharp walked up to Twilight, making her jump.

"Eep! Bisharp!"

"Twilight. Don't worry. This Bisharp is good, remember?" Fluttershy flew over to Sword Blade Pokemon.

"Right. Sorry." Twilight giggled as Spike hid behind her. "I wish I didn't have so many bad impressions of certain Pokemon."

"It's not your fault. Bad people just so happen to use Pokemon against us." Fluttershy patted Bisharp's head. Surprisingly, she didn't end up harming her hoof due to the fact that Bisharp is full of sharp blades. "Dark-Type Pokemon aren't really that loved by everypony in Equestria. The only ones they trust so far are Luna's Darkrai."

"Yeah. It is a shame actually. Poor Dark-Types."


"Oh. Queen Serperior says that the misunderstanding of Dark-Types isn't just limited to ponies. Even humans and Pokemon misunderstand them most of the time."


"Serperior. Ser-Serperior."

"Queen Serperior says that for many years, the ancestors of most Dark-Types have been the cause of terrible outcomes that affected the future. It's due to their actions that their descendants are misunderstood or even shunned. The Dark Aura that lays within them spreads to all Dark-Type Pokemon as the years go by."

"So, that's why they have a bad reputation...huh. But still! We've seen some Dark-Types be accepted by others. Luna's Darkrai is a friend to most of Ponyville and Canterlot, and these Bisharp here ended up saving our lives when the other Bisharp's attack. There has to be a way to get everypony to know that not all Dark-Types are bad."

"We can always ask Ash for help. He's friends with some Dark-Type Pokemon from what we know about his past."

"That could work. Ash does have years of experience with every Pokemon Type after all. I just hope that we can find a way to make all Dark-Type Pokemon understood by everypony else."


"Queen Serperior says that it shouldn't be an issue for a trainer such as yourself. You have all of us to support you from now on."

"Support me from now on...? Wait!" Twilight flew up. "Are you saying that I'm...?"

"Ser." Serperior nodded.

"That's right. You are our trainer, Princess Twilight Sparkle....Wait what?" Fluttershy just realized what Serperior said.

"OH! No-no-no-no-no! I can't be the trainer of EVERY Pokemon here. I'm fine with the Pokemon I own now! Right, Eve? Minccy?"

"Espeon." Eve shrugged her tail along with Minccy.

"Perior. Ser-Serperior." Queen Serperior slithered towards Twilight. She began a speech that Fluttershy was ready to go over in full detail.

"It may seem unexpected, but it is true. BigTime Ben offered us to you. He once found us one day in PokePark, lost and confused. He was horribly injured with only his Gothorita by his side. The Pokemon of PokePark were kind enough to nurse him back to health when they found him. Ever since then, he and his Gothorita came by a couple of times to PokePark. As the years went by, Ben gained all of our trust. Every Pokemon here. That includes Darkrai. The one who owns Wish Park." Fluttershy translated her speech.

"Then...should he be your trainer?"

"Serperior." The Queen continued.

"He was our trainer for a while. And he truly was a wonderful one at that. However, Ben became our trainer at a late age. 9 years ago to be exact. Meaning that his lifespan is diminishing, unfortunately. And Ben feared that he might have to say goodbye to his Pokemon since they live longer than him. However, when both worlds crossover, Ben had decided to give us to another trainer who can carry out his will. A trainer who he believes will be as great as him if not greater. That trainer is you. Ben has told us about your actions and how you've been spreading the joy of friendship to others. And the stories that we have been told of you were wonderful. So he believes...all ofPokePark believes that you can be an amazing trainer to us all." Fluttershy finished Queen Serperior's speech.

"Huh. I guess I never thought of it that way. How long does Ben have left with his lifespan?"

"Serperior..." Queen Serperior lowered her head, giving the sad news.

"From what our Audino can tell...he only has at least 6 years left, unfortunately. Running a company as huge as BIG.Co has really taken the toll on him for many years. Especially considering for 15 years, he has been doing it all by himself. It took him a vast amount of time for him to gain other workers who can help his company."

"Oh. That's a shame... I wish there was a way to keep him around longer...He's helped get Equestria adjusted to the Pokemon World after all." Twilight sat down.

"Serperior. Ser!"

"But there is. There exists a Pokemon out there that can extend the lifespan of anyone, no matter what."

"Which one is it?!" Twilight stood up.


"The Legendary Pokemon of Life. Xerneas."

"Xerneas...?" Twilight thought for a second. She recalled the time she and her friends were in the board game world that one time. And she was a Xerneas, via the giant antlers that were on her head. "Xerneas! I remember now! Queen Serperior! Can you tell me where we can find Xerneas?!"


"Slow down, my little pony. It is not as easy as you think it may be. Xerneas only gives an extended lifespan to those it sees as deserving of it. It does not just simply extend everyone's life without any reason. However, with someone like Ben, there is a high possibility that Xerneas will gladly do so. For you to find Xerneas, you will need to head to the Kalos Region. But it is rather difficult due to Xerneas being highly-secretive compared to other Legendary Pokemon."

"I see. So Xerneas can really do that. Then what about Ho-Oh?"


"You saw Ho-Oh?"

"We sure did. Everypony saw Ho-Oh fly high over the skies of Ponyville when we were thanking Ash on that day. We've heard that Ho-Oh has the power to grant eternal happiness. And the more I look at it, the more Ho-Oh resembles that of a Phoenix. Which would explain why Ash and Pikachu have lived for so long and still look young." Twilight explained. That's when she realized something. "WAIT!"

"What is it Twilight?!" Fluttershy and Spike leaned forward along with the Pokemon.

"If everypony in Ponyville saw Ho-Oh including us...does that mean we're going to age slowly as well?!" Twilight's face was unexplainable. It was a mixture of freaking out and being heavily confused. Wild thoughts were filling Twilight head with countless imaginations. She imagined the Cutie Mark Crusaders unable to age naturally. So they'll end up being stuck as fillies for a long, long time. She also remembered that Celestia, Luna and Cadence had seen Ho-Oh as well. So that must mean that they'll live on way longer than they originally can, which was already pretty long on its own."

"Oh! I didn't think about that actually." Fluttershy placed her hoof on her chin. "Does that mean we're immortal like Ash as well?"

"Awesome." Spike was loving the idea of being immortal.

"Serperior." The Regal Pokemon chuckled at Twilight's reaction. "Ser...Serperior."

"Oh. Nevermind. Queen Serperior says that it doesn't work like that."

"It doesn't?" Twilight and Spike turned to Fluttershy and Queen Serperior.


"Not really. Seeing Ho-Oh doesn't automatically grant you immortality. Ho-Oh grants immortality to a pure-hearted trainer. It does this by radiating a golden light from its body first. And when it flies by, a rainbow appears out of thin air. It is at that moment that eternal happiness is granted to those who see it."

"Hm...When Ho-Oh flew by Ponyville...it did emanate a dazzling sparkling rainbow aura from its body. But I didn't see an actual rainbow form."

"Per. Serperior."

"That means that Ho-Oh has bestowed a small ounce of its happiness towards you. If a rainbow does not appear when Ho-Oh flies by, but its body emanates a rainbow, that means that you have all been given an extended lifetime of happiness. But it is finite."

"I see...so that means...we're going to live longer than we can anticipate?" Twilight looked at her hooves.

"This is the best thing ever!" Spike exclaimed. "If that's the case...then I can do a ton of things for a ton of years before I end up kicking in the bucket! Maybe I reach the thousands!"

"Living longer than you're expected to is sort of interesting. It means I'll have a lot more time to spend with my friends." Fluttershy hugged her Audino.


"So that's why Ho-Oh chose Ash. Because Ash's idea of being a Pokemon Master involves him being happy with those he loves. I get it now!" Twilight stood up, smiling.

"You do?" Fluttershy and Spike said at the same time.

"Mhm! And here I was thinking that Legendary Pokemon just go around doing what they do best willy-nilly like every other Pokemon. Guess that's why they're 'Legendary'. Thank you so much for the talk, Queen Serperior. And it was nice seeing you too, Princess Snivy."


"Princess Snivy says that you can just call her Snivy. You've earned her respect."

"Alright. Snivy. But now that I'm the owner of every Pokemon here...what do I now? Do I catch you or..."


"You can summon us if you require assistance. The Pokemon of PokePark will heed your call and rush to your aid if you are in any sign of danger. Whether it be the Crag Area, Tech Area or even Wish Park, we will be there to assist you, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"Alright...I understand. Thank you. And Bisharp." Twilight turned to Bisharp. "Sorry that I freaked out when I saw you come up to me. I shouldn't have since I knew that you protected us all before."

"Bisharp." Bisharp crossed his arms, nodding at Twilight.

"Apology accepted."

"Right. I still want to explore more of PokePark. I wonder what this Tech Area is? And what even is Wish Park?" Twilight wondered. "Fluttershy. Our stay here's going to be a bit extended if that's okay with you."

"I'm up for staying here much longer. Right, Audi?"


"Wonderful. So, Snivy? Can you tell me about how you apparently saved PokePark once? I heard it when we first came here."

"Snivy." The group along with Snivy being tagging along discussed and had a small chat along the way as Twilight wanted to experience PokePark for just a bit longer. With Twilight now being the trainer of every Pokemon in PokePark, meaning that she owns more Pokemon that even Princess Luna, and eve Fluttershy even though she doesn't own the Pokemon at the Pokemon House officially, it's still vastly impressive. And with them being blessed by Ho-Oh, their adventures are going to last much longer than they ever anticipated with them ageing at a different rate they're used too, as the journey continues.

Chapter 160 End!

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