• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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No relation

Vanhoover. 10:00.

It was currently the second day of the second week of the Pokemon Festival. Tuesday for short. Only 5 days left to go until the festival ends. Everyone's aiming to get the most done before it ends.

But not everyone.

Arriving at Vanhoover were the guards of Canterlot. Ordered and sent by Princess Celestia, the guards were here for one reason only. And that involved the mansion of Skyblue Shine. And of course, Skyblue Shine herself. After hearing everything from Pyrestar, they were here to stand guard around the mansion and also deal with Skyblue Shine by taking her in.

And they came in large numbers. Large enough to surround the mansion, which was already large and wide. The residents of Vanhoover saw how many of the Canterlot guards were walking in perfect unison, straight towards the mansion. It was a bit intimidating to look at.

There were three main goals in this mission. Arrest Skyblue Shine. Get Premium Polish a new home to live in, possibly with a relative and keep guard of the mansion so that no one uses the gateway in the basement.

The guards had arrived at the mansion, immediately gazing at the front door. Before they could surround it, they had to get Skyblue Shine and Premium Polish as well. Thus, when approaching it, one guard knocked on the door, hoping to get a response.

They did get a response, but not from the pony they were hoping for. Instead of Skyblue Shine, it was Premium Polish who opened the door. Yet again.

"Hello?" Premium Polish opened up the door, looking up at the guards. "Oh! Canterlot guards?! So many too..."

"Morning, miss. Sorry for the interruption. Premium Polish, right?"

"Mhm! That's me!" She nodded. "D-Do you need something? Is Princess luna back again?" The little unicorn looked around.

"No-no-no." The guard shook his head. "We're here for you. And your mother as well."

"Me?" Premium pulled back. "What happened? Oh!" She gasped suddenly. "Did I do something wrong?!"

"No. You're clear and fine." The guard reassured.

"Oh...Phew." She let out a sigh of relief.

"But, we cannot say the same for your mother."

"Eh?" Her eyes quickly shot up along with her ears. "W-What do you mean by that?"

The guards each looked at each other as they knew what had to be done. Princess Luna wasn't able to tell Premium Polish about the truth of her mother when she came here, worried that she would break the heart of a little filly. The guards were obviously in that same boat. However, they were more upfront about what they do as opposed to Luna's gentle care towards fillies and younger individuals in general.

As such, they had to say it once and for all so that it would be over.

"Sorry, little miss. But, your mother's the one who is coming with us. We're here to arrest her. You see, she's an Umbrage Thief."

"What?" Premium raised an eyebrow. "A thief? Uh...You're joking, right?" Premium looked around.

"Not at all. We said what we said. Your mother is being arrested under the revelation of being a thief. Plain and simple."

"We're here because of what she committed. Plus, being involved with a potentially dangerous enemy who'll be coming here in just 2 months." said another guard.

"She'll be coming with us. She's already been judged and set to be locked up in the dungeon."

And just like that, Premium's heart immediately sank in a heartbeat, her breath started to slow down because of what she had heard. Without any hesitation, the guards had told her the truth. And it hit hard. But it was inevitable. After hearing those words, Premium froze in place. However, she actually refused to believe it. "You're lying."

"Not a lie at all." The guard replied. "What we're saying is true. Your mother has been stealing Pokemon from other trainers alongside the Umbrage Thieves which she leads. Because of Princess Luna arriving here-"

"Mm-mm!" She persisted and denied what the guard was saying. "Mother's not a thief! She wouldn't steal Pokemon, you're making it up!"


"No!" Premium cut them off as she kept furiously shaking her head.

"Saw this coming...what do we do now?" A guard asked.

"I don't know...We've never dealt with a situation that involves children." Another guard shook his head.

"You have a child of your own. So you should know what to do right?"

"Yes, but not in a scenario such as this with criminals involved..."

"It's unavoidable." The first guard said. "She has to hear it. Young lady. We know this because of Princess Luna's experience. She came here to investigate and found a plethora of evidence. One that severely injured her in the process. Your mother is not only stealing Pokemon but she is also using a gateway to connect to another world. Working alongside somepony and giving them the stolen Pokemon instead."

"Mm...!" Premium grumbled as she closed her eyes.

"Your mother told you never to go in the basement, correct?"


"Then you haven't seen everything that Princess Luna had seen. We know it's hard to take in but it's the truth. Your mother is taking part in illegal practices that are impossible to ignore."

"Well...I was suspicious when Princess Luna came by but still...mom wouldn't do anything like that. She's really honest and kind!"

"You may see it that way, but Princess Luna and especially her Pokemon do not. She was injured during her visit here, after all."

"I-I didn't know that. I mean...I was wondering why she didn't come out of the basement and..."

"Her Musharna saved her and the others. Perhaps we'll explain everything to you inside. From what Princess Luna and Darkrai have told us from their experiences."

The guards went inside to tell Premium Polish everything. They did not hold back at all. They were upfront and honest and let the little unicorn know everything. From the alternate world, the near capture of Princess Luna and how she almost lost her magic and how her mother Skyblue Shine operates at night. And only night.

After hearing that, Premium Polish, despite defending her mother, knew that all of this would explain why she never lets her in the basement and why she only works at night and never at any other time. It was easy for her to put the pieces together. But she still didn't want to believe that her mother would be involved with actions such as that.

The little unicorn was about to cry, but she held back her tears for now. But it was difficult to do so since she didn't ever expect to hear about her mother in this way. However, strangely, her tears seemed to be black. Almost as if it was oil. But the guards assumed it to be makeup.

"So you see...that's why we've come here." The guard said.

"Mm..." Premium whimpered as she couldn't hold back the tears, unfortunately. Her Pokemon came to her, seeing that she was tearing up and upset after hearing the news about what her mother has been up to. "Not gonna cry...Mother says I'm a big girl...!"

"Eeugh...This might be difficult to watch. I'll be outside." A guard stood up, walking out of the mansion.

"Please say that it's somepony that just looks like my mother...please." She wanted every chance to make sure that her mother wasn't who she thought she was.

"Sorry. We've identified her in more than one way. From her Cutie Mark and her ranking on the Canterlot League ranking board. It's as clear as day."

And Premium Polish could see it. From the way the guards were looking at her, this was the real deal. It had all been set in stone and was fully confirmed. She wanted to keep trying to deny her mother's true actions and quote-on-quote job, but at this point, it would just be eternal denial.

"So...Mother...Mother's going to be locked up in a dungeon?"

"Afraid so. It's what's right. But it will not last forever, of course. She'll have years. How many there are, we're not sure. Only Princess Celestia knows and can decide."

"Then...what about me?" Premium started breathing rapidly as her eyes were turning red. "I can't live without mother I-"

"It's fine. You won't be alone. You'll be assigned to another home with a relative of yours. Do you have a grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt or anyone nearby?"

"W-What?" Premium looked up with teary-red eyes.

"Relatives. Somepony who is family and related to your mother. Or even your father. Speaking of which, is your father around and does he know of this?"

"I don't..." Premium wiped her eyes. "I don't have any other relatives other than my mother."

"...Eh?" The guards were all shocked after hearing that.

"Um...Did we hear you correctly about...no other relatives? Must've slipped our ears."

"No, that's what I said. I don't have any other relatives other than my mother." Premium restated as her Pokemon got her tissues to wipe her tears.

"W-Wh-Then what about a cousin? Any nearby?"


Her answers further shocked the guards. Hearing that the only relative she had was her mother really perplexed them to another level. They all looked at each other, then to Premium Polish and then back to each other, at a loss for words. They all decided to have a group huddle, chatting in secret so that Premium Polish doesn't hear.

"What do we do? We weren't prepared for this..."

"If she doesn't have any relatives other than her mother, then where do we send her?"

"She could just stay here. After all, this is a nice place to live in after all and it's cosy enough..."

"But on her own? She needs at least one pony to take care of her. Especially if there's a gateway connecting to another universe. Far too dangerous for a little foal."

"Hold on." One of the guards turned around. "Kid. What actually happened to your father? Why is he not here?"

"Hm? I-I just don't have one." Premium answered.

"...Hm." The guard nodded before turning back to his fellow guards. "Alright. This is proving to be too large of a problem."

"When she says she doesn't have a father, does she mean that her father left at a young age such as birth or..."

"Are you thinking her father just doesn't exist? That makes no sense." A guard shook his head.

"Whatever the case on what happened to him, something has to be done. There are always more options than relatives." The guard turned to the little pony once more. "So, no other relatives at all then...How about your foal sitter? Every foal has one after all."

"I don't have a foalsitter...But I do have bodyguards."

"Bodyguards? Are any of them available?"

"No. They only show up when I'm going to a Pokemon Contest. But that's it. I don't know what else they do when I'm not around them. Only mom knows since she hired them."

"Ah..." More problems were being created for the guards as they had no idea how to solve this issue. "This is no time to panic..."

"I'm already feeling the urge to panic though." A guard sighed.

"Well, it's not all hopeless." A guard realized something. "After all, we're going to be surrounding the mansion to prevent anypony from interacting with the gateway. So in a sense, we can also guard her as foalsitters in a way."

"You think we should take that task?"

"What else is there?"

"Well, we won't be doing it forever. After all, when the invasion comes and hopefully ends in 2 months, she'll be on her own again."

"True. True. And even before the invasion, if Empress Twilight passes through, there's no chance of us beating her..."

"We've hit a brick wall, haven't we?"

"Not yet. We may not know what to do in this situation, but one pony certainly does..."

"Princess Celestia?"

"Princess Celestia." The guard nodded. "She'll know what to do. This is far out of our league anyway." The guards had all agreed to leave it to Princess Celestia while they handle everything else.

"Alright, kid. We'll be standing guard around your house from now on. When your mother returns, we'll have to turn her in, unfortunately. It's for the best. You have to understand."

"I...I understand, but...can I at least talk to my mom before you arrest her? To see if it's true?"

"Sure. We can allow that."

The decision had been made. One guard will head back to Canterlot to inform Princess Celestia about the complications with Premium Polish while the rest of the mission will continue to be carried out.

The guards all surrounded the mansion, preventing anypony from entering while also waiting for the arrival of Skyblue Shine. Thanks to information from Luna and Darkrai, they know exactly when Skyblue Shine will return home. This meant that the guards would have to stay out for hours until the right time. Skyblue Shine will arrive in the afternoon for planning and go on her midnight escapes at night.

Vanhoover 15:00.

The afternoon was ongoing. Which meant that Skyblue Shine would be arriving soon, possibly with the rest of the Umbrage Thieves. Obviously, the thieves would have Pokemon at their disposal to defend themselves from any threats.

But the guards were prepared as well.

Last year, Celestia wanted to give the guards their own Pokemon so that there can be better defences for Canterlot and essentially all of Equestria. That Pokemon was Golurk.

And just last month, they had all received a Golurk of their own. Although they could only keep them in their Poke Balls since Golurk is too big for Canterlot Castle, unfortunately. On the bright side, some small renovations will be made to make the Golurks all fit.

So the guards had their own way of dealing with opposing Pokemon with their own Pokemon. A fairly strong and bulky one as well. Speaking of Golurk, they immediately sent all of their Golurk out to also stand guard and surround the mansion. Now it was truly heavily guarded at this point.

Meanwhile, Premium Polish looked outside the window to see that her house was essentially off-limits for the time being. In all her life, she had never thought something like this would happen. She was still crying over what had been revealed about her mother, even if she tried so hard to ignore and deny it. But the pieces were perfectly matched together from what it seems.

Her Pokemon stayed by her side, giving her tissues to wipe her face. They were there to comfort her even after the truth about her mother. But one thing that really made Premium think wasn't actually her mother's actions, but instead, about her family status. When the guard brought up relatives and especially father, Premium started to really think like she's never done before.

"They have a point." Premium sniffled. "Why don't I have a dad?"

"Swanna." Swanna put her wing over Premium, comforting her. The little unicorn looked around the mansion, knowing that her mother and she alongside the Pokemon were the only ones who live here. Except for a father.

It took this one moment for Premium to wonder why she didn't have a father present here. She had only her mother. Everypony that Premium Polish has met and befriended have relatives of their own. Tons even. They've had siblings, a mother and father, grandparents, uncles and aunts and even cousins here and there.

But not her. It was just her mother. The only other example of a family were her Pokemon, who are always by her at all times.

And speaking of mother, Skyblue Shine was approaching.

But she wasn't arriving by train. Skyblue Shine is a highly cautious unicorn. She knows that at this point, Luna has already informed Celestia about her and the alternate universe. So she might as well be a wanted pony, even at her own home in Vanhoover.

Before, not even the ponies in Vanhoover that she threatened to keep quiet about her whereabouts to Luna, knew about what she really does, especially at night. But to Skyblue Shine, after what happened with Luna, believes that they might know. If Celestia has spread the news already that is.

So instead, Skyblue Shine took the small woods in Vanhoover that were close to her mansion at the back, concealing herself from everypony else. Just in case. A major advantage to taking this path was that there was a large hill that allowed Skyblue Shine to oversee everything from above. Her balcony back home can also do that but not to this level.

And it was that one single hill that let her see what she would end up coming across if she had advanced in a linear path. The moment she walked up the hill, Skyblue Shine saw the Canterlot guards along with a group of Golurk.

All of them surrounding her home, acting as a blockade.

"Tch." Skyblue Shine scoffed. "Princess Celestia certainly does act fast. Let's see...Multiple Golurks blockading my mansion along with the less intimidating Canterlot guards. It's a simple defence...but not good enough."

The unicorn already had a solution to this problem. With all those Golurks blocking her way, the most obvious thing was to clear them all out away from her mansion.

And what better way than to use a Pokemon to do so. She already had her saddlebag which stored many Poke Balls with Pokemon inside. However, because she hasn't stolen any new Pokemon yet until the night, the Pokemon inside of her bag were her official Pokemon. Ones that she caught herself with her own Poke Balls.

And she had a Pokemon to deal with the Golurks and guards as she used her magic to take out a Poke Ball. She then tossed the Poke Ball, sending the Pokemon outside. That Pokemon being Avalugg!"


"Seems as if we have some unwanted intruders. Let's quickly deal with them, shall we? Use Avalanche."

"Ava...!" Avalugg's body glowed light blue as it stood up on its hind legs before stomping them down on the ground. The moment Avalugg did that, the woods were trembling.

Vanhoover already had a ton of snow for being a cold location in general. But thanks to Avalanche, it was about to get even more snow now. But in the worst way possible. The trembling was so strong that it reached most of Vanhoover, making everyone almost lose balance because of it.

But the residents there didn't have to worry about anything since Avalanche wasn't targeted towards them. Instead, it was targeted at the guards and the Golurk, of course. The guards and the Golurk were the ones to mostly feel this since it was aimed directly at them.

"What's going on? An avalanche?!" A guard said.

"Not possible! We're not in an Avalanche-prone area so there can't be one!"

"Then what is this feeling?"

"G-Golurk!" The Golurks were wobbling about because of the tremor.

Even though it was impossible for there to be an avalanche here, Pokemon moves, as usual, say otherwise. Suddenly above the guards and Golurks, dark clouds appeared above them all and the mansion too.

And from those dark clouds, large chunks of clear ice with heavy snow around them then rained down as they were large enough to engulf most of the mansion. The Golurk and guards gasped as they realized they were being attacked from above. This did not spell good news for them.

Especially for the Golurk.

"Golurk!" The Golurk were being pelted by the large chunks of ice since they were bigger than all of them combined. Despite their immense size, they were falling fast like a hail storm.

But even with the move being super-effective on them, the Golurk had the instinct to defend others. The Automaton Pokemon each spread their arms out, protecting the Canterlot guards from any further damage as they all acted like shields to their trainers. Golurk are protectors first after all.

The huge ice chunks were so aggressive that they eventually covered most of the mansion in snow. Premium Polish stayed inside with her Pokemon as she covered her ears and closed her eyes, scared and confused about what was going on as the avalanche was even blocking out the windows, showing darkness.

The guards themselves closed their eyes as the Golurk were all being bombarded with heavy piles of snow ice as their bodies were slowly being covered and lost in the snow. Even the mansion wasn't safe. Soon, the entire area had become a mountain of snow.

Skyblue Shine watched as she saw the last of the snow fall. Once that was said and done, she casually walked over, knowing that she had got them all in one single attack with a wide radius. "Excellent work, Avalugg." She said as she returned the Iceberg Pokemon.

When arriving at the mansion, she had a smug grin on her face. She used her magic to blow away tiny parts of the snow as she knew the result of the guards and the Golurk and what happened to them. Once she blew a bit of the snow away, the Golurk and guards had all been buried by the huge pile of snow. They were freezing and some of them had already been frozen in an icy prison.

"A nice blockade. But not good enough. Especially if you wanted to corner and capture me." Skyblue Shine said as she taunted the guards and Golurk in their helpless state.

"S-S-S-S..." One of the guards was trying to speak as he and his Golurk were only half-frozen.

"Hm." Skyblue Shine looked at her mansion. "Perhaps I overdid it. Clearing all of this up will be a nuisance."

She wasn't even worried about the guards, showing how much control over the situation she had. The guards could barely do anything in their current state.

The door to the mansion wasn't covered in snow thankfully. Which meant that Premium Polish could come outside with ease. And that's what she did. The little unicorn opened the door as the first thing she saw was her mother.


"Good afternoon, Premium Polish. Head back inside before the snow gets in. I already have to clean up most of this mess. Caused by me, of course."

"Y-Yes. But mother...I-I-i have something to ask..." Premium rubbed her hoof as her heart was beating fast, nervous to say what she wanted to say.

"What is it?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Is it true..." She gulped as she was trying to muster up the courage. She had a brave and confident heart, so she was able to say it with all her passion. "Is it true that you're a thief?"

"Hm?" Skyblue's eyes flared after hearing that.

"Those Umbrage Thieves that are being talked about...is it true that you're the leader of them? Have you really been stealing Pokemon all this time? Please tell me it's not true, mother!"

"So, you told her everything." Skyblue said in her mind as she looked at the guards before looking back at her daughter. "Premium Polish. Go back inside."

"Just tell me! Because everything seems like it might be perfectly true but I don't want it to be true. I don't want to believe that you'd do horrible things like stealing Pokemon or even being involved with hurting Princess Luna."

"Premium Polish. I'm not having this conversation."

"Well, I just want to know okay!" She raised her voice at her own mother. For the very first time in ages. "And why don't I have any other relatives?! And why don't I have a father?!"

"I said-"

Before Skyblue Shine could finish her sentence, the guard whose body was half-frozen had mustered up the strength to give his Golurk a command. "F-Flash Cannon."

"G-Gol!" The Automaton Pokemon used its only free hand to shoot a bright silver beam of Steel energy. The beam of metal wasn't 100% accurate because of Golurk's condition, so it didn't directly hit Skyblue Shine.

But it did land near her, causing an explosion to occur upon contact with the ground as Skyblue Shine's eyes widened. Premium Polish closed her eyes and ears after hearing the explosion as she was almost pushed back by the wind pressure.

The half-frozen guard and his Golurk looked over to see if they had at least done enough damage to knock Skyblue Shine out. Unfortunately, they didn't since she was much more resilient than she looks. However, it did do one thing that shocked everyone.

As the smoke was clearing, the guards, Premium Polish and her Pokemon saw something they did not see coming. Except for the Golurk since they can actually relate to this. Why exactly?

"Y-You c-c-crafty little..." The smoke cleared as it was revealed that Skyblue Shine had a robotic eye that was exposed along with a single robotic ear and two of her hooves. All had been blown off by Flash Cannon.

Skyblue Shine wasn't what she seemed to be.


As the journey continues.

Chapter 355 End.

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