• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Foggy Reunion

Equestria. Ponyville. Afternoon.

Previously, the Apple Siblings began learning about their parents' past and the connection between the Apple Family and the Pear Family. Their father was an Apple and their mother was a Pear. Bright Mac and Pear Butter.

Listening to this story was the Guardian Deity of Poni Island. Tapu Fini. It had decided to respond in kind to the story in a way that no one currently knows or expected. That was Tapu Fini's mystical fog. It had been cast upon Ponyville, covering the entire town.

Practically everypony only saw it was a typical weather shift. But a Fog doesn't usually show up this fast. "When did this fog show up?" said Apple Bloom, standing outside of SugarCube Corner.

"Pretty thick too..." Applejack squinted, gazing at the thick fog. "Gonna be tough to get home this way. Unless Slurpuff over there can help out?"

"Oh, I'm sure he will. Just let him rest for a moment." Mrs Cake said, facing the sleeping Meringue Pokemon. "Nothing's too difficult or ever difficult with one of Pinkie's Slurpuff."

"Well, we ain't ready to leave just yet. There somethin' else? Like how the Pear Family were gonna leave Ponyville soon?" Applejack and her siblings wanted to hear more. And Mrs Cake had one piece of history to share with them still.

"Well, it's not much but listen to this." Mrs Cake closed the door as nopony was thinking too much of the fog. At least, not at the moment. "Now, where was I? Oh, right! You said how it could've been hard on your parents. It was. Oh, it was." Mrs Cake shook her head before continuing the story.

Years ago.

"We're moving?! To Vanhoover?! But that's so far!" Pear Butter screeched while facing her father, Grand Pear.

"It's what's best. There's acres of untouched land and a warehouse to make our jams. We'll get to expand our business and get away from those gosh-darned Apples." That was the reason for Grand Pear's decision. A decision that many in the Pear Family could agree on. But not for her daughter. The only pony who doesn't share the same disdain for the Apple Family.

A sad realization kicked in for Pear Butter. This departure could also mean a permanent departure from Bright Mac too. This was a day she was dreading but hoped that it would never come to be. And the distance from Ponyville to Vanhoover did not help with that.

Pear Butter was devastated. But seeing no way out of it, she did what she had to do. Mrs Cake narrated.

Naturally, this news had to be broken to Bright Mac. The Pear Family certainly weren't going to give their goodbyes at all. Not for a second. Perhaps a mocking one might come up for them. Only Pear Butter would give that sincere farewell and saddening truth to him.

Out in the same area where the rock that had their name initials carved out, they hugged each other for a moment. "So that's it?" Bright Mac spoke as it had all been revealed to him. He was shocked that this is how it would all end. So abruptly too.

"What do you want me to do, Bright Mac? We're movin'. I love you, but..." She started tearing up. "I have to stay with my family." Pear Butter then ran off, leaving Bright Mac for what seemed like the last time ever.

Then Bright Mac did the most romantic thing I've ever seen anypony do. Unfortunately, this was the last of Mrs Cake's narration. At this final narration, during this moment in time, Bright Mac looked at the stone, placing his hoof on it. Upon doing so, he took a good stare before making up his mind on the spot. It hadn't even been a minute or an hour.

Current Day.

"What?! What?!" All three of them spoke in unison, wanting to know what happened next as Mrs Cake closed the curtains on the window to get comfortable in the fog. "What?! What did he do?! Tell us! Tell us!"

"We're gonna need one more pony to tell that story." Mrs Cake's knowledge ended there. But once again, somepony else had that extra piece of knowledge to share. "Best hurry or you could end up lost in the fog." Mrs Cake then approached Slurpuff. "Slurpuff. Wakey-wakey~"

"S-Slurpuff?" The Meringue Pokemon groaned, opened his eyes slowly.

"I know you were having such a wonderful sleep after all that food, but could you help the Apple Family for a bit. All that fog is so obscene. Use that sniffer of yours and help them through it." She poked Slurpuff's nose, making the Fairy-Type giggle.

"Slur-Slur!" Surpuff would do just that. He got up instantly, trying to give a salute. However, his limbs were too short for that to happen. Aside from that, recognizing the scent of everyone in Ponyville, Slurpuff could get the job done. "Slurpuff!"

"Mayor Mare's the pony you're looking for." "said Mrs Cake as the Apple Family plus Slurpuff had left SugarCube Corner. "See you around!"

With the door closed, Mrs Cake wanted to get comfy. There was something about foggy weather that sparked that feeling up in someone. It was the equivalent of rain and snow. Getting all comfortable within a sweet spot while the outside was less than pleasant to look at.

She even made herself something to eat in the meanwhile. But after a few minutes passed and some hot baking had been made, Mrs Cake, sitting comfortably on the couch, paused for a moment. Something surprising had been seen at the backside of the window.

Mrs Cake could not believe her eyes The door to SugarCube Corner had been opened by these moving figures within the fog. Two of them. They had entered the room as the cupcakes she made had been dropped. Mrs Cake could only shout at this.

"I-I-I-I-I-It can't be! You two?!"

But this wasn't just limited to SugarCube Corner. Across Ponyville, within this massive fog, everypony else had been greeted with surprising sights. Aside from the fact that the fog had made traversing Ponyville difficult, obscuring many of the usual directions, there were other ponies that had shown up here.

Their faces were aghast, witnessing these ponies. Their Pokemon were confused by their reactions as they just seemed like average everyday ponies. But from what they were spouting, that was not the case.

"Great-Great Grandpa?!" Derpy was among one of the ponies who were shocked. Standing before her was a pony that was related to her from what she said.

And that was the case for everypony. Relatives that they all had were showing up. Granted, it wasn't every single pony in Ponyville, but it was still quite a few as deceased relatives, young and old were summoned here under Tapu Fini's fog. This threw them for a loop and caught them off guard as more kept showing up within the town.

But over at Town Hall, the Apple Family, thanks to the scent guidance of Slurpuff, had arrived, wanting to know more about their parents and what Bright Mac had done. They were unaware of the event happening outside.

"Mayor Mare, you knew our parents?" said Apple Bloom.

"Not as well as Mrs Cake, but I did play a part in their love story. The night before the Pear family moved, Bright Mac asked me to meet him at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres. You might want to hear this as well, Stoutland." Mayor Mare said as Stoutland sat down to listen to this story.

Years ago.

At the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, Bright Mac had brought Pear Butter day as it was currently evening. And waiting there was a young Mayor Mare who had pink hair in the past.

She was currently standing in a wedding arch. And joining her were Mrs Cake and Burnt Oak. The only two other ponies that had shown up for this as Pear Butter gasped at this sight. It was clear as day what this all meant as buckets of apples and pears were lined up perfectly with each other.

"I don't want to be apart from you." Bright Mac spoke. "Ever. I'm not sure what we'll do, but I'm sure of us. So sure that I'd marry you today." He then held his hoof out to her.

"I would, too!" Pear Butter teared up as she connected her hoof with his immediately without hesitation. Bright Mac then nodded his head in Mayor Mare's direction.

"I think that's my cue." Young Mayor Mare said.

I had the honour of officiating your parents' secret wedding, and it was perfect. Bright Mac knew Buttercup wouldn't want a big splash. Narrated the voice of current day Mayor Mare.

Reminds me of somepony else I know. Apple Bloom interjected in the story, mentioning Big Mac.

Eeyup. A Big Mac agreed as Mayor Mare continued the narration of the past and more importantly, this secret wedding.

So they had a special way to seal their vows. And that way was by digging a hole in the ground, kicking up some dirt. After doing so, they had placed two seeds inside of them. An apple seed and a pear seed.

"I now pronounce you-" Mayor Mare was about to say those magic words, sealing everything in stone, this secret wedding had been interrupted.

"What's goin' on?!" Showing up to the scene was Granny Smith, roaring. "What's with all these here candles?!"

"Pear Butter! Where are ya?" So did Grand Pear, speaking grimly. "You're supposed to be packing!" He soon noticed the scene, narrowing his eyes. "What are you two doing?" The two parent ponies then approached as Bright Mac and Pear Butter stayed close to each other.

"Ma, Grand Pear, Buttercup and I are in love!" Bright Mac came out and said it.

"What?!" They both screeched as the truth had been revealed to them.

"And we'll be married as soon as Mayor Mare says..." Pear Butter shifted her head to the mayor.

"Oh!" Mayor Mare gasped before spending her speech pattern to seal the deal. "I now pronounce you husband and wife!" Once those words were fully finished, it was now official. They were fully married.

"Doesn't that feel nice?" Pear Butter was at peace. Those words were truly satisfying to the ears as she and Bright Mac kissed for their official and town-sealed union.

"What are you talking about, married?!" But interjecting and pushing them aside, standing in between the now-married couple was Granny Smith. "You two can't be married!"

"Finally, something we can agree on," said Grand Pear. "Pear Butter, enough of this nonsense. We're movin'! And you gotta stick with your family!" He then walked off, expecting Pear Butter to do the same. But she backed away instead.

"But... the Apples are my family now, too." She spoke her mind. And soon, Bright Mac went up to Pear Butter while Mayor Mare, Mrs Cake and Burnt Oak backed up.

"You can't be serious. Are you choosin' to be an Apple over being a Pear?!"

"Are you makin' me choose?" She began tearing up in front of her father. Grand Pear flinched for a bit, but his decision was final.

"Yes. I am." And her choice was to be with Bright Mac. Even if it wasn't the choice that Grand Pear was looking for.

"Then yeah. I guess I am."

"Fine!" He shouted before storming off. Pear Butter sobbed as that was still her father. And she left her. The only pony from the opposing side there that had remained was surprisingly Granny Smith.

"S-Sceptile!" Getting teary-eyed at this story again was Sceptile as he put his arms over his eyes. Slurpuff and Machamp started drawing some tears too along with Apple Bloom's Skiploom.

"I can't believe Grand Pear just up and left Ma like that! No wonder Granny never told us about any of this." Applejack uttered with lowered eyes.

"These things are never easy. And it's hard to know when it is a good time." Mayor Mare shook her head, comforting Stoutland who was also started sobbing at this. "There, there, Stoutland."


"It seems to me that now's as good a time as any." Applejack and her family stood up as they had made up their mind on what to do next.

"To talk to both our grandparents." Apple Bloom stated as that was their new and final goal for the knowledge of their parent's past. Slurpuff got his nose ready for the thick fog. The final stop was the marketplace of Ponyville.

At the marketplace, everything was being closed up. Grand Pear gathered everything he had to put them away for the day. But right as he did so, the Apple Family had shown up.

"Excuse me? Grand Pear?" The little filly grabbed his attention.

"I'm Applejack, and this here's Big McIntosh. But you already know who we are, don't ya?" Applejack introduced, hoping that he would remember the names of the couple he was against in the past.

"Sure do." And he did. But he said with a low tone and dropped ears. Almost as if he regretted meeting these two ponies t any given time. Practically forever.

"Did you really move to Ponyville just for a change of pace?" Apple Bloom asked.

"No." His tone lowered even further as he shifted his head to the side for a moment.

"Then you came here because you're sorry and that you wanted to get to know us, too?" Apple Bloom hopped off of Skiploom, approaching the old pony. Hearing his answer made the little filly start sobbing.

"I'm... so sorry. I-I-I was just so angry, and... well, I-I never..." And much like everypony else that have been flooded with the past, Grand Pear formed tears as well, stammering with his words.

"It's in the past, Grand Pear. Oh! Can I call you Grand Pear-Pear?" But Apple Bloom quickly ceased it by going to hug him. They essentially dropped all potential forms of conflict for this one touching moment.

"Sure can." He chuckled before receiving a hug from the rest of the Apple Family. That was one grandparent down. One more to go.

Sweet Apple Acres.

And the final grandparent was Granny Smith. They had shown up, meeting with the old mare with only one thing on their mind. Absolute closure. Closure on everything relating to this.

"Now where'd you all get to? I ain't seen hide or hair of ya's all day." She asked while feeding the chickens.

"We've been all over. Learnin' about our parents," said Aj.

"Guh...!" The almost never-flinching Granny Smith had flinched. Very visible with her eyes shifting from side to side. "Y-You have?"

"And our grandfather." Applejack went up to her. Shockingly, they had also brought Grand Pear along to truly bring closure to everything. One of which was the feud between the Apples and Pears.

"So... you're back, huh?" Granny Smith leaned in, not too thrilled to see Grand Pear.

"Sure am." He mumbled in response. Never should've left." He lowered his head in shame and disappointment.

"Findin' you and learnin' all about Mom and Dad, I feel like I found a piece of me I didn't even know was missin'." Apple Bloom aimed her hoof at herself.

"Hearin' their story makes me feel closer to them somehow." Applejack could agree on Apple Bloom's sentiment, expanding on it. There was now one last member who had to tear up through all of this. And that was Granny Smith.

I'm sorry. I should've told you all about 'em sooner."

"And I should've been here. Ah, I can't believe I let a silly feud keep me from my family."

"Nothing's keepin' ya from us now." AJ shrugged as Sceptile used his vines to bring over a tissue for Grand Pear's sobbing eyes. "Let's not miss anythin' else."

"Applejack's right." Granny Smith eventually wide those old tears off. "Welcome back, prickly old pear. Heh."

"Thanks, you old crabapple." Finally, it had all been closed off. This feud between two opposing families came to an unsung and secret end. At least to them for the meanwhile.

That was when Slurpuff picked up a new and mysterious scene. "Slur? Slurpuff?" Slurpuff and the other Pokemon swivelled to see a shocking sight. Two pony figures were approaching the scene. Applejack and the others did the same as their shock was far greater than their Pokemon.

"C-Can it be...?" Applejack's held her hat with an open jaw. Their hearts were beating fast. But those two figures moving through the fog wasn't all that shocked them. Right from above, the Pokemon responsible for all of this could be found.

"Fini!Fini!" Tapu Fini cried ut from above as the family raised their heads. They could see the Land Spirit Pokemon as Apple Bloom quickly took out her Pokedex.

"Tapu Fini. The Land Spirit Pokemon. This guardian deity of Poni Island manipulates water. Because it lives deep within a thick fog, it came to be both feared and revered. The dense fog it creates brings the downfall and destruction of its confused enemies. Ocean currents are the source of its energy. Although it’s called a guardian deity, terrible calamities sometimes befall those who recklessly approach Tapu Fini. Its fog has the power to bring those from the past back for a moment."

"From that past? Then does that mean...?!" Apple Bloom dropped her Pokedex as the two ponies within the fog had been revealed to be the ponies that their whole venture was about.

Bright Mac and Pear Butter.

"Hey, Ma. Grand Pear." Bright Mac greeted with a wave. Immediately after seeing them, Granny Smith rushed over to give a swift hug to her son. For her age, she could move surprisingly quick. Mainly because of who was in front of her as Bright Mac had been met with a hug. And it was physical too, confirming that it was the real deal.

"You did this?" Applejack looked up at the Guardian Deity of Poni Island. "But why?"


"Pear Butter!" Grand Pear quickly moved past Applejack, rushing to her daughter. "Is it really you, sweetie?!"

"It is me. I don't quite get what's going on myself, pa." She chuckled. "But I love it. That Pokemon there's to thank." She aimed her hoof at Tapu Fini. "Told us how it was eavesdropping and everything.


"Glad that ya'll could wrap it all up nicely." Pear Butter said before having her father hug her. "I know you're all beat up about running away that day. But it's okay, pa."

"Seeing this silly little feud end is something sweet, ain't it?" Bright Mac had hugged his mother. "And seeing ya'll grow up so well with those Pokemon beside you makes it sweeter than an ambrosia apple.

"We miss ya so much, mom! Dad!" Apple Bloom bellowed, ready to burst out into tears. It was no use trying to hold them all back. This was possibly the one time they would get to see them for the final time ever.

"Miss ya too. But we're always watching. Before we head off, how about we show your grandparents one last thing. Ya'll remember where it is, right?" Bright Mac looked at Applejack.

"Left what?" Both Granny Smith and Grand Pear said.

"Sure do. Come along" Applejack had something amazing to show them. This thing they mentioned could be found in one place only. And it would be someplace where their parents met. And perfectly, their parents would come and see it as well.

But as they were making their way towards that area, they then had witnessed what Tapu Fini had truly done. It didn't just use the fog to bring back Bright Mac and Pear Butter. It had brought back other relatives of different ponies. Some of them went beyond just relatives.

"My pet goldfish...I'm sorry!" One pony cried while holding a bowl with a goldfish within it. They had also witnessed different pets that could be seen. Most likely, age just got to them more than anything.

"See? I kept my word, just as you said." Over at Octavia's home, a relative of hers was watching her play. "And you doubted me, didn't you?"

"Not anymore, dear." The old pony hugged Octavia. They also saw how Derpy was speaking with a pony who appeared to be her grandpa. This went on for a few other ponies. They started making up for lost time while the fog was still here.

Whether it was partaking in their favourite hobbies, playing with their pets and their favourite sports or indulging in their favourite thing to eat, it was an unexpected reunion that no one saw coming. But they knew one thing. If something like this was happening, then a Pokemon was definitely behind it.

"Hey! Isn't that-" One old pony noticed Bright Mac and Pear Butter walking along. The two ponies waved back at the old pony, causing her to faint out of shock. Other old ponies started noticing them as well. They never thought they would be seen ever again.

Then again, the old ponies of Ponyville were also met with their parents who were long gone due to the large age difference, so it wasn't all too surprising to them.

"Nice warm welcome again, ain't it?" Pear Butter said to Bright Mac once they had been recognized.

"It sure is, Buttercup." And he agreed.

Eventually, they had reached the spot. The spot where they had performed their marriage. And waiting there for them were Mayor Mare, Mrs Cake and Burnt Oak. Tapu Fini had cleared the way for them to make it easy for travelling.

"I thought you were pulling my leg. It really is them!" Burnt Oak said to Mrs Cake with a shocked expression upon seeing Bright Mac and Pear Butter.

"I was surprised as you are right now!" Mrs Cake pointed at him.

"Hey, old friend." Burnt Oak chuckled at Bright Mac. Mayor Mare couldn't help but bawl, using Stoutland's far as a way to rid her tears.

And right at the centre, on the same spot where they had married, a tree had sprouted. The seeds had worked their magic, causing an Apple and Pear tree to be born. A perfect union in its purest form.

"It's beautiful..." Granny Smith uttered as she and Grand Pear gawked at this glorious sight. The sun even beamed through the fog to spotlight this very view.

"It sure is. Nothing's impossible when you see that." Bright Mac nodded.

"If anything's gonna make it through, it's apples and pears." Pear Butter agreed. "And we know that all of you are gonna make sure that keeps going."

"Y-You know it, mom!" Applejack sniffled, giving a strong nod.


"Time for us to head off." Bright Mac understood Tapu Fini. That cry meant that this would be the end of the fog and the memories that emerged from within it.

"Y-You're leaving now? Please, Tapu Fini!" Apple Bloom looked up at the Land Spirit Pokemon. "Just a bit longer?!"

"It's okay, Apple Bloom." Pear Butter picked up her daughter. "We're always gonna be watching from up there. On that special place."

"The Ambro...Ambros-" Bright Mac was struggling to find the word for it as he then remembered the full name. "Ambrosial Plane! That's the one!"

"The same place that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's parents hang out at?" Applejack gasped.

"Eeyup," said Pear Butter, confirming it. And from that confirmation, that basically meant that every creature in Equestria and beyond that have passed now reside in that one plane. And Sunlight and Eventide were the only ones who could come and go from it.

The fog was starting to fade away. So were the ponies of the past. Many were already saying goodbye to their last ones. This moment with the fog allowed them all to tie up loose ends and resolve problems that they never had the chance to. Regrets that they had were solved because of this.

"Just so you know, you could've won that till race back then." Burnt Oak said to Bright Mac.

"I know. Oh. Wish we got a picture before we left..." Bright Mac said, thinking about a picture at this time.

"I got it!" Mayor Mare gasped as she came prepared. She already had a bag beside her that she brought her. And out of the bag came a camera. "Thanks to recent times, I'm always prepared. Okay, everypony! Gather up!"

The entire group then started gathering up in one spot. And that spot would be in front of the giant Apple and Pear Tree. No better place to be. The Apple and Pear Family plus their friends had all rushed to the spot, adjusting themselves. Machamp stood in the back since he was the tallest out of everyone. Mayor Mare placed the camera down as Tapu Fini allowed the fog to keep the two ponies here for a little while longer. Just for this picture.

Mayor Mare had then set the camera up as it was ready to take a picture at any moment. She wanted to be a part of it was as well. The mayor and Stoutland quickly rushed the group, finding a perfect spot to stand. Just enough for the picture to capture them all.

"Everypony say Apples and Pears~" Pear Butter whistled.

"Apples and Pears!" They said in union with bright grins. And right on time, the photo had been taken. A perfect frame, on a perfect spot with a perfect pair right.

After all that was said and done with the picture coming out, Bright Mac and Pear Butter were fading away. They gave their final farewells to their family. A last wave and a last kiss. Tapu Fini's work was done here.

The Guardian Deity of Poni Island could leave, returning to its region on its island. But its heartwarming deed will never be forgotten. They all bid farewell to the Land Spirit Pokemon as the fog disappeared. A new memory had been made for them. They weren't sure if they would see Tapu Fini ever again. But if they do or never do, they'll have a Pokemon, they will have a Pokemon to always be grateful for. Grateful for one final time with their parents.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 670 End.

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