• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Strength in Numbers, Strength as One

Equestria. Faye Mountains. The Changeling Lands. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall.

Another demon had appeared. This time, was a giant centipede demon with over forty legs while almost being the size of an island. All those forty strengths crushed parts of the mountains that the Centipede crawled on as its triple eyes gazed at Chrysalis and her subject.

Upon seeing its new targets, the Centipede demon would then morph its face, showing off one of its terrifying traits. As if the entirety of its body wasn't terrifying enough. Its face would twist and contort before resembling that of a human, catching everyone off guard as it made an unnerving smile with that humanoid face.

"What an absolute monstrosity..." Chrysalis shuddered while holding Anthophilia, who was on the verge of crying just by looking at it. Chrysalis would pass Anthophilia onto another changeling who would keep her safe from harm.

"What kind of Pokemon is that?" Thorax questioned, unaware that this was a demon. Just by looking at its face and the way its legs scurried around, many changelings would back away.

"That's not a Pokemon...That's a demon!" Chrysalis corrected before being interrupted by the roar of this Centipede Demon. Centipedes usually never roar or even have audible cries that can be heard unless it was up close. But in this case, this demon not only had an audible roar that was easy to hear but it also sounded nothing like what a Centipede would sound like.

It sounded like a wild beast being unleashed instead of a bug. Howling through the air, the pressure of this roar would blow away some of the Changelings and their Pokemon. Chrysalis managed to stay still as Ribombee desperately held onto her leg. The rubble from the mountains would fly everywhere too, raining from above.

"Ah? Is that little Chrysalis?" Unexpectedly, the Centipede Demon spoke. But not only did it speak, it knew who Chrysalis was, referring to her as 'little'."

"Little?" The changelings all said in unison with all of them being in various positions after that air-piercing roar. They couldn't believe their ears. It sounded like the demon was disrespecting Chrysalis before referring to her as 'little', despite this being the first time it had ever shown up to the Faye Mountains.

"You look different. Very different. What happened to that obsidian-coloured child that I once knew? What happened to your crooked horn? Your holes are all gone too." The demon would crawl over, approaching Chrysalis. "Now you're all bright and frilly."

"Do I know you?" Chrysalis jeered, uncomfortable that this demon was trying to be familiar with her.

"Ah. You still have that vicious glare even with this new look." The Centipede Demon giggled. "That's one thing that won't change. But you seriously don't remember me? Even when you were still back at your mother's hive? How mean."

"Mother's hive?" Chrysalis repeated as this demon even knew of Mellifera and her old hive. This made Chrysalis think back to the past for a bit. Why did this Centipede Demon know her and how did it know her? It certainly wasn't just because it was a demon and Mellifera knew about the box. There was more to it. With a slightly audible gasp, Chrysalis' memories found something relating to this current-day scenario. "Wait...!"

She thought back centuries ago, back when she was still with her mother, albeit in a more secluded scenario. In her mind, she remembered seeing a myriapod of centipede outside her room. The old Changeling Hive wasn't a stranger to large quantities of bugs. Mellifera's locusts were proof of that.

Centipedes were crawling all over Mellifera's hoof who also had the locusts swarming all over her. Chrysalis would cringe and scream at the sight of all those tiny legs moving around, especially against the skin.

"I was always close with your mother, remember? I was the myriapod of centipede that she would keep around. But you couldn't stand the sight of me."

"Chrysalis! Cease your squirming!" Mellifera yelled, making Chrysalis jump even with her windows being shut. "If you cannot handle the sight of these centipedes, then what kind of queen will you be?"

"But the way they move is so gross!" A young Chrysalis moaned. "Mm-mm! I don't want it!"

"An insect will be your greatest ally, especially when they're affected by magic. You'll have to get used to it. When your wedding day comes, I'll place spider wreaths on your wedding day. Oh, and maybe an archway of poison moths. The ideas are too vast, aren't they?"

"Gross!" But that only made her squeamish once more. At this age, despite sharing a few similarities to bugs, she was grossed out by them, compared to how she feels about them now.

"You will one day lead a large army, Chrysalis. So this is a good place to start, without a doubt. After all, bugs may be small and weak...but in large numbers, they can prove to be colossal threats."

"Your mother was right about your growth. You got used to us bugs over the years. Even giving us menacing stares if we ever got too close to you. Times have changed yet they've stayed the same somewhat. But as for my transformation...well, I only look like this because I sold my soul."

"You sold your soul?!" The changelings all gasped.

"All of us. I was once just a group of centipedes. But after aiming to become greater than what we can usually be, we all sold our souls to that box. And thus, our bodies all combined to form this titanic form that you see today? I ended up becoming one of the 100 Demons because of this. Isn't it amazing? Losing our soul was worth it."

"Pathetic." Chrysalis gasped, making the Centipede Demon pull back. "Just because you were tired of your pathetic and pointless life, you sold your soul to become an even more pathetic creature? A demon?"

"P-Pathetic...?!" The demon stammered as Chrysalis' insults pierced just like a sword.

"Any other way to make your life interesting would've done and you decide to do that? I was already planning on ridding you just for approaching here with that hostile aura. But now you've encouraged me to absolutely crush you."

"Hmph. You're one to talk, little Chrysalis. You look different too, don't you? It seems like you also sold yourself to become something you're not. The same goes for all of your subjects." The Centipede Demon tried hitting Chrysalis where it hurt too, pointing out how different she looked to the old changelings.

"This is who I am." Chrysalis closed her eyes, unphased by the demon's retaliation of insults. "But...even if I look different and see things differently, there's one thing that will never change. I haven't forgotten many of my unfavourable ways. Ways that allow me to overwhelm you. If you think I've softened up, think again. And unlike you, I haven't thrown away everything just to gain something new."

"You sound just like your mother. Almost." The demon grinned. "Oh well. This gives me another reason to destroy this well. It's why I came here after all. I'm better than I've ever been thanks to this massive strength, so what's there to complain about?!"

The demon would go first. And it did so by lowering its body, rapidly crawling across the ground with all of those massive legs. Each crawl was enough to leave cracks in the ground thanks to the sheer strength of this Centipede Demon.

"Ribombee! Use Dazzling Gleam!"

"Ribombee!" Ribombee would be the first to retaliate. By flying in front of her trainer, she would soon throw out rainbow rays that would emerge out of her hands. However, upon hitting the Centipede Demon's face, they would barely stop it at all. The rays would slow it down for a bit, making the demon flinch, but it wasn't enough to stop these movements.

"No? Then how about this?" Chrysalis would try her hoof at halting its movements. Out of her horn, a swirling aura of magic would emerge, flowing beautifully like water. This form of magic would soon turn into a spiral that beautifully flew over Ribombee. The light from this spiralling blast made the demon squint its three eyes before then receiving a heavy collision with the attack.

Chrysalis' attack was considerably stronger as not only did it stop the demon in its tracks like a brick wall, but the light from her magic would rapidly race across the Centipede Demon's long body. The demon unleashed its horrifying roar yet again but this time it was a roar of pain. The light of Chrysalis would pierce the skeletal armour that this demon possessed, shattering it. The rest of the demon's body was revealed as hidden through these skeletal parts was the true body of an actual centipede.

"What a joke." Chrysalis scoffed before then showing an unrelenting attack. "Restrain it!" By her order, the Changeling Guards would use their Pokemon to hold the demon down. They didn't just have Fairy-Types. Bug-Types were also present with each of them.

And each of these Bugs had one thing in common. String Shot. Long strings came from the mouths of Butterfree, Joltik, Galvantula, Vikavolt and even a Slurpuff, who could also use String Shot. The strings would come in great numbers, latching and wrapping onto the titanic demon's body. The large legs were prominent targets due to how strong they were. To keep its strength in check, the strings would seal up its forty massive legs.

Alas, it was not that easy. Despite having all these strings attached, the Centipede Demon's legs were still strikingly impressive. So impressive that even with all of these restraints, all it took was for it to wriggle violently, fighting back against the opposing Bugs. The forty legs would snap away and tear the strings while also pulling some of the Pokemon close to it. With some of its legs freed, it caused more cracks to form on the ground from its vicious stomping. This time, the cracks would race over to Chrysalis and her subjects.

Reacting quickly, Chrysalis placed a barrier that was wide enough to protect those around her vicinity. The cracks would meet with the barrier before being stopped. The demon would then crawl forward, breaking apart every last string that would try and hold it back. This size was backed by this physical strength indeed.

But the demon didn't just have physical strength on its side. The demon would recollect itself at once, raising a majority of its front body, which was hard to track with how long it was. Once up, the Centipede Demon would sway away from its physical strength just to show off something else. Regeneration.

Its carapace would regenerate since Chrysalis destroyed the first one. The way the carapace would return was downright disturbing. Far more than what a regular centipede can do. "It received a new carapace that quickly?" Chrysalis gasped.

"I'm the best version of any centipede out there! That's why I sold my soul. To be the best of my species!" The Centipede Demon boasted after making a new skeletal carapace that seemed stronger than the previous one. After making a new carapace, the demon would then move in a swirling motion as fast as it could.

This motion would affect the ground itself, kicking up an aggressive dust tornado. The beautiful blades of grass would be swept away along with all the rubble, becoming one with this tornado.

Changelings' homes would be swept away by the sheer volume of this dust tornado which would also throw massive rubble as weapons. The changelings who wanted to feel safe during this would end up fleeing from their homes as the rubble would crash through the structures and even lift some of them off the ground.

"Ghh...!" Chrysalis would groan as this tornado was even strong to almost pull her off to the ground. But she managed to hold on, using magic on her hooves to stay steady. The same couldn't be said for her subjects. Many hung on to their homes and whatever they could for safety while some had already been whisked away by the wind.

"Ribombee!" Ribombee's grip on Chrysalis' tail was slipping from the tornado as she was light enough to be carried away if something wasn't done soon.

Chrysalis, in all of her power, would try and contain this tornado, shooting out a ray of magic. This ray would immediately gravitate towards the tornado, soon wrapping around the dust element. Chrysalis would use to this to her advantage, keeping the tornado layered with her magic. Chrysalis was in danger of being thrown away as she tried holding it with a magical lasso.

Unfortunately, the tornado boasted greater strength, lifting the Changeling Queen off the ground along with Ribombee. But her subjects would quickly fly over, grabbing their queen by her leg. They would assemble to try and keep their queen steady but during this violent storm, that would be difficult as they were in danger of being carried away.

But even though they were struggling to keep Chrysalis steady, this gave Chrysalis the chance to finish her spell while she had the chance. The magic lasso would finish wrapping the tornado as Chrysalis finally managed to hold it in place, keeping the swirling motions in place. The Centipede Demon felt itself come to a screeching halt thanks to Chrysalis' interference as the aggressive wind pressures would calm down. But the damage was already done.

"Spin somewhere else, why don't you?!" Chrysalis bellowed before then releasing the tornado. But she would do so differently. Not only did she release it as if she was using a spinning top, but the tornado and Centipede Demon were sent in the opposite direction, away from the Changeling Hive.

The demon would be hit by its own tornado via the rubble that was still within it. Sparks of Chrysalis magic were even left behind to add to that damage. This unfortunately meant that the nearby mountains would have to take some damage from the direction the dust tornado was headed.

The demon would stop its own movements, ending the tornado at last before then falling over out of dizziness. At that moment, Chrysalis managed to down the Centipede Demon.

"Are you alright?!" The changelings all blurted out despite the fact that they were in worse conditions.

"I'm fine." Chrysalis breathed in and out. "But that should keep it down for a while."

Not for long. Not for long at all. The Centipede Demon would recover faster than expected with all three of its eyes opening up. Chrysalis snarled as her next approach was thrown out the window thanks to the demon's swift recovery. Just as the Centipede Demon got back up, it would knock away the rest of the mountains near it with just the swing of its body.

The large boulders would come rolling this way after the demon destroyed more of the mountains. As if the Changeling Hive needed any more environmental threats. Chrysalis would quickly blast away at these boulders, easily taking them out before they could even get close to her subjects.

But the demon wouldn't stop there. It immediately burrowed its way underground, using its stellar strength and large body to make the fastest hole that anyone had ever seen. Despite how long it was, it was also swift. So swift that it ended up vanishing into the underground in just a few seconds. Now underground, the demon had another advantage. Getting the jump on them. Though, that would be difficult considering the fact that it was shaking the ground beneath them all just from its movements.

"Leave! Right now!" Knowing that the bystanders would get caught up in all of this if this was to continue, Chrysalis would carry them all with her magic, grabbing as many changelings as she could. Only the guards would stay behind. The Changeling Queen made a narrow save as the Centipede Demon would erupt from the ground at last, cracking and splitting parts of it which would send Chrysalis, the Changeling Guards and the Pokemon flying.

She barely managed to save her citizens as they were inches away from being hit by the erupting rubble from the earth itself. But didn't stop there. The demon would dive back in for another swing at it. But before doing so, out of its body, it would spew out acid. Acid from its body would fly out when it was airborne, raining droplets to spread it faster.

Chrysalis was struggling to protect those around her with how volatile these movements were. The demon would jump back in and out of the ground, leaving massive holes which would ruin the beautiful landscape of the Faye Mountains. The acid would even erupt from the holes as if they were geyser spots, only further tarnishing this area.

"If this continues...I'll end up losing this home as well." A distraught Chrysalis thought to herself. This Centipede Demon, no matter how tough it was, needed to be stopped. Somehow and some way.

Equestria. Manehattan. Manehattan Contest Hall. Nightfall.

Back at Manehattan, Merry Dread still had many Pokemon under her beck and call by forcing their bodies to act against their will. She recently caught some of the Wonderbolts who knew about her Curse Magic and how to avoid it. Thus, Spitfire, their boss, was well informed. However, the problem was trying to stop Merry Dread while knowing this magic exists and the army of Pokemon she had amassed.

"Come on~ You don't have to hide from us." Merry Dread spoke to Pinkie, Spitfire and Coco Pommel who were on the other side, hiding from the vampire and her posse. "Eventually, one of my Pokemon will find you. And all it takes is just one look at my magic. But since you won't look, other options are available."

"What do we do? I really want to get Glaceon back." Coco whimpered as right now, various Pokemon were searching for her group in this hall. With how limited the hall was, their options were slim. The best place was the wardrobe for the time being. The ruined changing room would help since so much of it had been melted away.

"So we can't look at her tail at all." Spitfire bit her hoof, pondering a way. "My glasses won't work and closing our eyes leaves us at a disadvantage with so many Pokemon....What to do..."

"Ah! I know!" Pinkie Pie gasped before having Spitfire cover her mouth to keep a down low. "Sorry...Spitfire. Is your Xtransceiver still working?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I've got two ideas. Pretty please, can you call one of my friends? And secondly...I know how we can do this without looking at her tail. It's pretty easy for me...I rely on my scent."

"Your scent?" Spitfire and Coco repeated.

"Mhm. Thanks to Valerie, I've got a few things in common with my Pokemon. Fairy Magic works well with my Slurpuff, so I've got a great sense of smell." She poked her nose. "And because of Mew, I know how a lot of Pokemon smell."

"And you're sure this will help?" Spitfire questioned.

"Positive. But...that is still a lot of Pokemon." The earth pony squeed. "I'm kinda hoping some of my friends can even out the odds here. Ya know. Just for safe measure."

"I doubt it. But I'll give them a call. That scent plan of yours isn't that bad either, but let's not use it indoors. Instead, let's take it outside."

"Outside? Isn't that where that giant Bull Demon is?" Coco gulped, shuddering at the thought of encountering the Bull Demon.

"It is. That's why we need to get out there and use that to our advantage." But that's exactly what Spitfire wanted as she rubbed her hooves. The goal was to get the 1UP on Merry Dread, despite the number advantage. Even if she had a large posse, all it would take was some extra chaos to throw everything off balance. And what better option than the raging bull outside?

"Mmm, I'd love to see it play out." But putting an end to Spitfire's devious grin was none other than Merry Dread's voice. She was near. Actually, she was closer than they thought.

The wardrobe started melting from the inside thanks to her magic as Merry Dread already found them. With how occupied the hall was, hiding spots were hard to find and easy to expose.

"Gotcha~" Merry Dread giggled. Spitfire would try and fly out of the wardrobe by bashing into it, hoping to also tackle Merry Dread in the process. Alas, that was a failure. The inner part of the wardrobe had hardened up immediately thanks to Merry Dread. Spitfire struck a hard texture which would knock her back, harming the Wonderbolts captain.

"Agh!" Spitfire groaned before being held by Scizor. Since she bashed it, her hoof received the worst of this pain, making her slump across the corner with straining eyes and gritted teeth.


"Spitfire! Are you okay?!" Pinkie Pie gasped.

"No good. Sealed it off already. This room was already melting anyway, so I merely transferred some of what's already melted to this wardrobe. My magic is fairly impressive, isn't it?" Merry Dread said. "Now, you could perish in there. This wardrobe could become your prison. Or...join the party! I still have some Pokemon that I want to see from the Wonderbolts Captain after all."

"As if!" But Spitfire rejected it, even though the wardrobe was hardening and melting all around her group. "It's not over yet!"

"Looks pretty over to me. Come out here and there'll be some Pokemon waiting to meet with you. And clobber you." Merry Dread replied with a shrug.

"I've got someone who can clobber you...!" The Wonderbolts Captain would growl before passing her Xtransceiver over to Pinkie Pie. On this Xtransceiver, Rainbow Dash's Trainer Number could be seen. This was the one way she could get in contact with the rest of her friends as Spitfire and Scizor would focus on everything melting in front of them.

"Scizor! Bullet Punch!"

"Bullet Punch?" Merry Dread repeated. A quick eyebrow raise made her wonder what could possibly come next. "What's a bullet?"

A devastating hit. That is what cut Merry Dread off as the front of the wardrobe was blown off with intense force to the point where it almost crashed into the vampire. Merry Dread gasped as the wardrobe doors would graze her mane before knocking one of the Pokemon away. She staggered a bit, not expecting that kind of force to suddenly pop out of the wardrobe.

"Scizor!" And with this, Scizor flew out of the wardrobe, attacking the other Pokemon that stood beside Merry Dread. It wasn't personal since he knew they couldn't fight back, but it had to be done. He would rapidly slug the controlled Pokemon with Bullet Punch, using the full force of his steel claws to dish out staggering and heavy damage, mainly to their faces. Catching them off guard, Scizor would knock them down or away thanks to the speed of Bullet Punch. One by one, the ace of Equestria's best-known trainer was clearing out the few Pokemon in this room while Merry Dread would back away, staying away from the slugfest.

"How's that?" Spitfire jumped out of the wardrobe with her eyes closed. "I can't see but that won't stop me from taking control of this. How's it going, Scizor?"

"Zor!" Scizor was doing well. Because of Bullet Punch, he could move swiftly from place to place, not only allowing him to hit certain Pokemon faster than they can react but it also meant that Merry couldn't keep pace with Scizor.

"I-I can't keep up with him!" She tried using her magic on Scizor. But that could only work if he would stay still, which was impossible as he was just a red blur at this point. "What gives?!"

"Sorry. But Bullet Punch makes even the slowest Pokemon move at blinding speeds." Spitfire would open her eyes, seeing that Merry Dread was fixated on Scizor at the moment. That was her one weakness. Since she was so focused on the Pokemon, the ones who truly unlock a Pokemon's true potential, the Pokemon Trainers, were underestimated. "And I'm not that fast but I can still do this!"

"!" Merry Dread heard the sound of rapid wingbeats before seeing Spitfire approach her. She bared her vampiric fangs, hissing at the Wonderbolts Captain who tried to tackle and pin her down. But as a vampire, Merry Dread had the natural trait of enhanced strength, greater than any pony. Even earth ponies. She would lock hooves with Spitfire, stopping the pegasus in her tracks. But Spitfire wasn't a slouch either. Though the vampire may have the strength advantage, velocity could give Spitfire an edge.

She would barely manage to pin Merry Dread to the ground as the two of them entered a hoof struggle. Spitfire was clever to go for a pin. Merry tried using her magic on the pegasus, only to find that her short tail was hidden behind her back with the way it was positioned upwards. "My tail...!"

"You made a big mistake having a short tail!" Spitfire smirked. "But it does go well with your short hair, I'll admit. Too bad for you, you can't do much!"

"I have more in store!" Merry Dread's eyes would sharpen as she managed to overpower Spitfire, pushing her off. Spitfire would recover in the air before bumping her back onto the wall.

"Scizor! Aim for her tail!"

"Scizor!" Scizor knew what needed to be done. That tail had to go. He would quickly knock out the next Pokemon before finally focusing on Merry Dread, Once the vampire got back up, Scizor would redirect his Bullet Punch, ready to use the full force of his pincers. If there was ever a time when his pincers needed to put an end to something crucial, now was the time.

Once this tail comes off, a major part of Merry Dread's magic could vanish unless it were to grow back. But with so many Pokemon down, she didn't have any protection. No one was here to guard her. At least, that's how it seemed as Merry Dread uttered these words.

"Just kidding~"

"Mew!" An Aura Sphere came flying in. It would intercept Scizor's Bullet Punch, right as he was about to cut her tail. The sphere would blast him away, ceasing Scizor's attack. The Pincer Pokemon found himself rolling and tumbling amongst the floor of the downed Pokemon that he struck.

Merry Dread still had her ultimate weapon. The best Pokemon in this hall that she could've hoped to be control. The New Species Pokemon and Pinkie Pie's trusted partner, Mew.


As the journey continues.

Chapter 972 End.

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