• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,480 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Two problems on two sides

Castelia City. Currently dealing with an Ursa Minor attack. Officer Jenny, the officer of this city was currently on the scene. But to deal with something of this size was new to her.

"Ursa Minor? That's a star constellation though." She said after one of the ponies screamed out its name while running. "Whatever. It needs to be stopped. All of Castelia City will be taken down with that gargantuan. "Arcanine might not be enough. I should've bought Herdier along but.. oh well. Arcanine, try and paralyze it with thunder fang!" She commanded her trusty Arcanine to bite on the Ursa. Electricity filled its fangs as it took a bite on the cosmic bear's toe. It barely phased it, only sending a small jolt on it. "Everyone else! Please evacuate the city and head to the Ocean's piers!" Jenny commanded everyone, including the ponies to head to safety near the piers where the ferries are.

Whilst they were all evacuating, even from the buildings, Arcanine was only able to just annoy the Ursa Minor. Jenny looked up as she saw that nothing was phasing this bear. And with one mighty swing, it took off the top of an entire building in one go as it dropped on a car.

"What strength! How do I deal with THIS?"

"Somepony put it to sleep, please!" A random pony who came from Ponyville cried out. Jenny heard this as she wanted to speak the talking horse.

"Excuse me! You said to put it to sleep. Does that help?"

"Well yeah. Last time it came to Ponyville, Twilight put it to sleep and sent it ba-" Before he could finish his sentence, the Ursa had already knocked multiple buildings over which caused the pony to keep on running. Jenny thought for a while. How was she going to put this thing to sleep? That's when she remembered.

"Dr Fennel of course! She owns a Munna! I just hope she's near. Come on Arcanine!" Officer Jenny and Arcanine took off, leaving the area as the Ursa Minor roared in the sky. Ponies, People and Pokemon were at the piers but there were too many of them, so it was heavily overcrowded.

"You're stepping on my tail!"

"Your hoof is on my loafers!" Constant commotion and rants came from the crowd due to them all being squeezed together. Jenny ran in the crowd, searching for Fennel. She couldn't be too hard to miss, she was the only scientist in this city with a Munna. And there she was mixed in with the crowd.

"Dr Fennel!" Jenny yelled, grabbing Fennel's attention. "Dr I need you to do something for me to calm the situation down."

The Ursa kept going on a rampage with no signs of slowing down as it looked like it was getting tired a bit. Mostly from all the swinging and destroying it was doing. Soon, Jenny returned to the bear with Fennel beside her.

"All we have to do is put it to sleep?" Fennel asked.

"That's what the pony said about how it was stopped last time."

"Very well then. Munna! Use Hypnosis!" The pink floating creature that was always beside Fennel let out a soft cry, sending a hypnotic ray to the Ursa. The spiralling ray made contact with the Ursa Minor's face, making its eyes all swirled up. And with that, it calmed down and due to how tired it was when it was on a rampage, it immediately fell asleep, crushing some buildings in the process with its back.

"Phew." Jenny let out a sigh of relief. Disaster averted. Although most of Castelia had been levelled. "Everyone! The bear is asleep! You must all stay still though, we'll need to clean this huge mess up! But where did it even come from?" And there was still the fear of it waking back up. So there had to be a way to get it out of the city.

All the way back on the other side, Ash and Pikachu had just arrived at Twilight's home. Golden Oak Library. Fluttershy followed them since Pikachu was the one Pokemon that interested her. Pikachu was on her back since she wanted to carry him around.

"Check this place out Pikachu. This library is more impressive than the Nacrene Gym."


"This is the Golden Oak Library. My library and home. I can probably find a book about rifts. If magic is involved anyways." Twilight began searching for books that could give any relation to rifts in space. In the meanwhile, Fluttershy was petting Pikachu, but this time on the head to avoid shocks.

"While you do that, I'm gonna explore more of this world. It's got my interest ya know." Ash walked out the door as he looked to his best buddy. "You coming to Pikachu?"

"Oh, I can guide you around if you'd like. Anything to show this little guy around." Pikachu and Fluttershy both followed him outside, leaving the library.

"Okay! I'll call you when I find something!" The unicorn yelled. As the three went out to the rest of Ponyville, Fluttershy gave them a quick tour.

"Now let's see, rifts." Twilight searched and searched with Spike helping out. Either the concept of rifts were non-existent in the books or Starswirl never encountered one before. This could take hours.

A few minutes passed as Applejack ran into the library looking worried.

"Applejack. Can I help you?"

"Twilight! You gotta help! It's insane!" What was Applejack talking about? The earth pony led her to Sweet Apple Acres to find that there were moving apples all over the place. It seemed that they have made the Acres their home. They were everywhere, especially in the trees.

"What in Celestia's name.. what happened?" Twilight questioned her worried friend.

"No idea. One minute I was bucking trees to gather apples, the next they start moving around. And there are these... things on them." Applejack pointed at the worm-like tail coming out of it, along with the fact that they had eyes.

"Then it must a Pokemon."

"A what?" AJ was confused by what she said? A Pokemon?

"I'll explain it all later. Right now, how do vouch we deal with this?"

"That's why I came to you. I think you might be able to deal with these here vermin."

"I'll see what I can do." Twilight readied herself as her horn began glowing. A purple magic aura surrounded a few of the Applin's lifting them up and out of the trees and ground. Despite how light they were, there were still too many of them, so she couldn't keep this up. "Applejack! Get a barrel if you can! I'll drop them in! Hurry!" Applejack rushed off to grab the nearest barrel she could find. Twilight couldn't keep this up as there too many of them for her magic to carry.

Applejack gave the burrel a good buck as it slid over to the purple unicorn. "Drop it now, Twilight!" With that command she let go as all the Applin's fell inside the barrel, filling it up. Applejack ran over and placed the cover on the barrel, closing it. Twilight let out a sigh of relief as she sat down.

"Woowee. That settles that. But what are we gonna do about these little guys?"

"I don't know. They seem to resemble that of normal apples so they probably flocked here to where Apples are most present." Suddenly, inside the barrel was a blue glow. And out of it came a burst of blue fire that was almost like a dragon's breath that shot through the barrel, freeing the Applin's as they bounced off.

"Ugh. It was a nice try. Thanks anyways Twilight. Besides, I don't think these little guys are harming anyone."

"You could just try and find them a spot where they can roam around in the trees and all," Spike suggested.

"That's not a bad idea Spike. But where?" Twilight wondered.

"Hmm." Applejack looked around the orchard and thought for a minute. "You know... I could let them stay for a while actually. Who knows. Maybe they might make this place more interesting and such. If they can behave."

"You sure about this Applejack?"

"Positive Twilight."

"Well okay then. I trust you. Come on Spike. Let's head back to find anything on the rift."

"Hold on there! You said something about Pokemon earlier!" Applejack halted them.

"Oh right. Well, you see.." After a few minutes of explanation, Applejack got the entire situation and understood it.

"Is that what it is then? So these little guys aren't from here."

"That's why I'm trying to find out if there's any information about rifts."

"Well while you work on that, what about everypony else? How are they handling all of this?" AJ asked, curious about everything else.

"Well, Pinkie Pie has already made friends with one of em and Fluttershy has already bonded with Ash's friend Pikachu. So from what I can tell, it's going well so far. But I have no idea if the same can be said for Rarity or Rainbow."

"Then we'd better go check. Rarity would lose it if she found one of them just in her shop."

But when the three of them arrived at her shop, everything seemed fine. Better than fine. So many Sewaddles were helping her out as many dresses had been made already.

"Ah. Twilight, Applejack. You two darlings made it." She said to the surprised ponies. "I should introduce you all to my lovely new workers. I don't quite know what they are, all the saw is sew-something of sorts. But they are excellent sowers. Those strings are divine."

"Rarity. I can't believe you're okay with all of this." Applejack said in shock.

"Well of course darling. At first, I was mortified when I saw them inside, but once I took a look at their wonderful crafts, I knew this was the start of a beautiful new friendship."

"Wow. First Pinkie, then Rarity. I never knew they'd make friends with them so easily like that."

"Well, you're friends with that Ash fella and his Pikachu friend right?" Applejack said to her.

"I wouldn't say we're friends yet, you know. We just met due to this rift so it's too early to call." Twilight was still on the fence about all of this. Making friends with otherworldly beings is new to her.

Speaking of Ash and Pikachu, Fluttershy had just finished giving them a quick tour.

"Huh. The world you have Fluttershy sure is something. I can't wait to see what else could be out there. Man, I'm getting excited already!"

"Well. If you wouldn't mind. I'd like to visit your world too, Ash."

"OH really?"

"Of course! Pokemon interest me so much. A whole world where there are endless amounts of mystical and fascinating animals and creatures. I've already seen some wonderful ones here. How many are in your world, Ash?"

"A lot more than even I can imagine. Try and count them like grains of sands on a beach. There's even Pokemon beyond the stars, even in entire dimensions. They come in all types! Dragons, ghosts, fairies, bugs, fire, grass you name it! So. Wanna check it out?" Fluttershy was now even more eager to go as the three of them went towards the rift to enter the other side.

However, the rift has begun acting up. Almost as if it was finding all of this to be too calm. It expected more interesting events to take place. So to satisfy itself, it changed the connection from Pallet to Ponyville, making it Ponyville to Castelia City. The three of them ended up in the middle of the wreckage that the Ursa ended up causing here.

"Castelia City? How did we get here instead? And what happened?!" Ash Ketchum was confused. He should be near his home by now but he's here instead. Not only that but the buildings have been totalled. Fluttershy noticed the problem. She spotted the sleeping Ursa Minor.

"The Ursa Minor!" She pointed out. Ash and Pikachu looked over, spotting a huge cosmic bear.

"Look at the size of that thing!" Ash was taken aback by how huge it was. Was it bigger than a Wailord?

"It must've caused all of this. Oh, dear." Fluttershy looked around the destruction it caused. Officer Jenny spotted Ash, walking over to him.

"Hey, Ash. Now is not the best time to be around here. That so-called Ursa Minor still hasn't been evacuated. Who knows how long it'll sleep for until it wakes up."

"Exactly how Twilight stopped it. Except she managed to lift it away back to its home."

"Home? You know were this bear lives my little pony?" Jenny kneeled to get to Fluttershy's height.

"Um yes. Last time it was cranky since it was dragged out of its home and away from its parent the Ursa Major. Twilight managed to send it back."

"Did you just say major?" Jenny was a bit frozen on the "MAJOR" part. The parent was much bigger than THIS?

"So all we have to do is send it home. No problem! Though uh.. it looks kinda heavy." Ash said.

"Ponyville is just across. If we can get Twilight she can send it back home. Her magic has definitely improved over time so she might be powerful enough to lift it without too much strain on her." Fluttershy explained her idea. Ash could clearly understand what she was saying. It seemed like an easy enough job.

"What are we waiting for then? I don't wanna know what else it'll do when it wakes up." The rift had planned this. Planned for conflict to happen to see how both sides would tackle this. If anything it loved to scheme. Watching events playout for its amusement.

A few minutes passed and Twilight still had no luck. Has Equestria never encountered a rift in the past?

"Ugh. No luck. Nothing about rifts yet. Maybe this is the first time Equestria has ever had rifts." Twilight kept going through hundreds upon hundreds of books, with Spike already tired and asleep. Twilight knew that this was taking too long and a nice rest was needed. She placed Spike on her back, tucking him into bed since it was getting too late now.

"We'll continue another time. Besides, gotta save that energy up for when Nightmare Night arrives in 2 weeks." Twilight went over to her bed to get some rest before the sun went down. She had a pretty eventful day today. A whole new world with different creatures and these beings known as humans? Rifts? She obviously needed to take a small break from all of that for a while as she closed her eyes, entering a relaxing deep sleep.

Chapter 3 End.

Author's Note:

Small changes to the near end of each chapters.

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