• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,482 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Excellent Teamwork

Author's Note:

At this point, I have to give Ash, Twilight and the others an alternate new group name since Mane 6 won't work all the time.

The Board Game World. 1:32

Big Mac had just come across Captain Bisharp who ended up falling from the sky during the Sky Battle between his ship, the Dark Steel and the Noir Pride. Now he was facing Big Macintosh, who searching for his sisters.

Big Mac discovered that since he was a Machamp now, he could understand Pokemon fully now. With that knowledge granted, he decided to ask Bisharp about his sisters.

"Pardon me but, did you see my sister and friends up there?" Big Mac asked. "They're up on that island with that ship, ain't they?"

"Sisters?" Bisharp cleaned the dust off his jacket as he put his hat back on.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac nodded. "They got up there and I think they're apart of that battle in the sky. One of 'em wears a hat and-"

That caught Bisharp's attention since, among the group who were opposing his crew, two of them wore hats. And he was also the third individual with a hat. Not to mention, the opposing ship, the Noir Pride, was on the side of the 12 individuals who came to the Sky Borealis and opposed him and his crew. He quickly put the pieces together as he put all of his attention towards Big Mac.

"And you wanna get up there, do ya?"


"Well, you ain't getting up there on your own without a ship. Your sisters and their friends are too occupied with my crew. Actually, they should've come down for me by now." Bisharp looked up.

"Your...crew?" Big Mac also looked up. He remembered seeing how the colour palette of one of the ships was identical to the Bisharp in front of him. "Does that mean..."?

"Right you are, I'm the captain of that amazing ship in the sky! That I've been flung out of, unfortunately. That ship's a real genius."

"You haven't hurt my sisters, have you?!" Big Mac got sensitive on that note as he stepped forward.

"Pah! Not a blade's been laid on them. But I gotta say, your sisters and friends have been giving me the most excitement I've had in a long time! And if you're related to them...can you give me that same enjoyment?" Bisharp grinned as he was planning on challenging Big Mac himself.

"Uh..." Big Macintosh stepped back a bit as he wasn't anticipating this at all. From how Bisharp was looking at him with a devious smirk on his face, it was obvious that he was looking for a fight. A challenging one at least.

"You're a tough-looking fellow, aren't you? You're a Machamp after all." Bisharp chuckled.

Big Mac gulped as he wished he could just head back home and continue enjoying the Pokemon Festival. However, his family came first before anything else. And now that he knows that Bisharp was going against them, he had to swallow his fears.

"Hoho. That's a nice face you're making there." Bisharp pointed his bladed arm at Big Mac. "But I can tell...you're not all that."


"You're nothing but a big softie deep down." Bisharp lowered his arm. "You don't have the real guts to face me or my crew, do you?"

Big Mac shared many of Applejack's traits. One of which being honesty. And at this moment, he would admit that he is certainly soft despite his bulky stature, both as a pony and a Machamp.

"Unless..." Bisharp saw that Big Mac had high potential to show him a challenge. So he hatched a plan that would drive. "If I were to harm your sisters, what would you do?"

That sparked a reaction in Big Mac. Despite him being a Big Softie, when it comes down to it, he'll stand up and defend his family with all he has. And with that, Big Mac went from nervous to furious as he raised his four arms. "Don't you touch them!"

As he yelled, he smashed all four of his arms on the ground. Upon contact with the ground, he immediately caused an earthquake so vast and powerful that it not only shook the entire jungle and beyond, but it had also split the entire ground in half with white shockwaves coming out and erupting.

"Oh...Oh!" Bisharp almost lost his balance as the shockwaves nearly made contact with him. He had definitely struck a nerve. "Excellent! That's what I like to see!"

With Big Mac now showing his strength towards Bisharp because of the threats he made to his family, an inevitable battle between the two of them was about to happen in this jungle. Bisharp readied himself as he immediately lunged towards Big Mac.

"Uh oh." Big Macintosh then realized that he had initiated a battle that he was now a part of as he wasn't planning for this to happen. And the Pokemon living here knew to get out as soon as they could before these two start clashing.

And speaking of clashing.

The Sky Borealis. 1:40.

Ash and the others had cleared out a ton of the pirates by knocking them out successfully. Very few pirates remained and it was all thanks to Sweetie Belle releasing all of that Psychic power that immobilized many pirates.

Not only that, but Ash and the others had received some extra support in the form of the Sky Borealis Navy, who were originally terrified of the Bisharp Pirates but now had regained their courage thanks to TWilight showing them the current battle and how it was favouring their side.

They went for the only ship that they had left which was being repaired. However, they would have to cease repairs since they have a city to defend and some pirates to bring in. Even if it was banged up and in a poor state, they were going to utilize its full capabilities anyway.

It would help Ash and the others greatly along with the Noir Pride which was restraining the Dark Steel from flying off with its shadow hands gripping on tight.

The navy soldiers got on the beaten up ship as the gates were opening. With Gumshoos standing at the helm, they were ready to head out and assist the others. The Gallades who were also apart of this got on the ship as extra support. They need all the support they can get.

The pirates on the Dark Steel could see that with most of their members immobilized and getting absolutely trounced by Ash and the others, decided to change their approach. They were still loyal to their captain and were aiming at getting him back. However, this distraction was a massive problem.

The only way to get to their captain is to fly down, even with some of the remaining chains still left on the Sky Borealis which haven't been broken yet or even weakened. If they flew off, it would mean dragging the entire island with them. But that was the original plan anyway.

However, they only do it under the captain's orders. But in this case, with the captain off the ship, the first mate, who was a Darmanitan, decided to take charge as he was ready to order the ship to fly down with the Sky Borealis and get their captain back.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie was unable to find Dusknoir inside of the ship. She truly believed that he would be in here. But to her surprise, he was nowhere to be found.

"This isn't good..." Pinkie clattered her teeth. "Where could he be? Kathleen's super worried right now!"

As she was panicking while floating around in the captains quarters, a Nuzleaf came crashing through the room after being hit by a Superpower by Rainbow Dash, which startled Pinkie.


"Ow..." Nuzleaf groaned as he had been knocked out. With a hole left inside of the captain's quarters, Ash spotted Pinkie Pie floating about.

"Pinkie! Did you find him?!" Ash was holding back a Jolteon from biting him.

"No! He's not in here at all!" Pinkie shook her head.

"What?!" Ash and everyone screeched as they went on pause for a moment.

"Too bad for you!" Darmanitan spoke up as he looked down at Ash and the others. "You actually thought he was on board! How silly!"

"He's not?!" Applejack gasped.

"You mean...we've been on a wild goose chase...?" Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped.

"So then where is he actually?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Guess your little search for your friend went nowhere, right you lot?!" Darmanitan taunted as the rest of the pirates laughed at Ash and the others.

"You jerks..." Scootaloo's blazing mane started flaring with aggression.

"It's fine!" Ash calmed Scootaloo down as he was immune to the taunts. "We'll find Dusknoir either way...but right now. We're freeing the Sky Borealis from you guys!"

"Pah! What's stopping us from dragging the Sky Borealis along with the ship?" Darmanitan scoffed.

"Watch me!" Ash was yet again about to pull off something risky that only he would ever dare to try even if it meant the cost of his entire life.

He suddenly jumped off the ship by using Force Palm on the floor to propel himself forward as he flew high into the air while everyone gasped. From where he was headed, he was going straight for the Noir Pride.

"What's he doing?!" Apple Bloom screeched.

"Something cool, like always!" Scootaloo squeed.

"Noir Pride! Pass me a spike!" Ash suddenly spoke to the ship itself, asking it for one of the steel spikes it was carrying. The ship responded to Ash's words as it could also hear everything, especially the words of a friend.

The shadow hands of the Noir Pride tossed two spikes over at Ash for him to catch. Because they were Virulent Steel Spikes with poison and Ash being a Lucario gave him immunity, touching it would be fine.

It was clear what Ash was trying to do. The Virulent Steel Spikes were the only thing capable of damaging the Virulent Steel chains by weakening them to make them frail. Fighting fire with fire sometimes works.

With all his might, Ash used Force Palm to give himself some extra strength to really launch the spikes. Once the spikes got close to him, Ash grabbed a hold of them both as he used his Aura to concentrate on the chains.

Knowing what Ash was planning, the Bisharp Pirates quickly realized that if Ash breaks the chains, they'll lose control of the Sky Borealis. And they're already low on chains anyway.

"Don't let him break it! Start steering!" Darmanitan ordered.

"I don't think so! Now Sweetie Belle!" Applejack turned to Sweetie Belle.

"Got it!" Sweetie Belle, yet again, was the greatest ace in the hole in this situation. She once again released a mass psychic blast that went 300 feet, covering the entire ship and beyond.

All of the pirates and even her friends had been affected by this psychic blast, but mostly the pirates since she directed the blasts directly at them. Many of the pirates fell as their numbers were getting lower than ever as Ash threw the spikes with all of his might.

Thanks to his Aura concentration, the spikes stabbed into the edge of the island, breaking through two chains and weakening them.

Ash was airborne for a small bit before falling back down. But thankfully, he landed on one of the chains that were connected to the Dark Steel and Sky Borealis, using it as a platform.

"Rarity! Spike!" Ash called for two of his friends. "Now's your chance to break and melt them! And use the remaining spikes to weaken the others!"

"On it!" Rarity saluted as she used Pheromosa amazing speed to kick the weakened chains, shattering them in one hit while Spike used Flamethrower on the chains that had just been weakened thanks to Ash.

But there was a further advantage. Rarity placed her hands on the spikes that Ash had thrown, using them as extra weapons. Her Bug-Typing gave her a resistance to the poison but it still affected her. Luckily, Fluttershy was there to use Refresh on her.

The spikes were heavy however as the body of Pheromosa was only strong in the legs. Not the arm department as Rarity was struggling to lift it.

Luckily, Spike chimed in by using his head to pick up Rarity, giving her the necessary boost needed to pull the spike out of the ground.

"Many thanks, Spike!" Rarity thanked her as she and Spike were now taking a new approach. With Spike carrying Rarity who had a Virulent Steel spike in her hands, he flew off with her as they would be able to damage and destroy the chains at the same time.

Their teamwork was impressive as Spike flew over to the chains underneath the island. Rarity used the steel to smash onto the chains, weakening them while Spike melted them into nothing. They would keep on doing this until all of the chains had been destroyed.

"Ugh..." Darmanitan held his head as he was slowly getting up. Not many were left to move the ship or even continue battling thanks to Sweetie Belle. "D-Don't let them...break the chains..."

"That's enough out of you!" Applejack knocked Darmanitan out with a quick smack on the head.

To say that the tides were turning would be an understatement. Ash and everyone had turned the tables on the Bisharp Pirates through excellent teamwork and coordination. The chains were being obliterated by Spike and Rarity, the Noir Pride was keeping them from moving and most of the crew members had been knocked out because of Sweetie Belle.

The residents of Sky Borealis witnessed this amazing display of teamwork as they had never seen anyone go against the Bisharp Pirates like this and actually gain a massive advantage. Not even their navy could perform this.

And speaking of the navy, they had finally sailed their weakened ship into the sky, here to assist the others and to take in the pirates as Gumshoos was standing front and centre on the ship.

Rarity and Spike had destroyed the last of the chains as the Sky Borealis was finally freed from the hold of the Dark Steel after many attempts. Ash quickly jumped back on the Sky Borealis as all of the chains fell through the air. Now the pirates were in hot water.

"This is bad! We don't have any control over the island anymore and our numbers keep decreasing! What do we do?!" A Wartortle asked the second mate in command of this ship who was a Loudred.

"Leave it!" Loudred replied. "We'll leave this island and go after the captain!" It had been decided. They were practically fighting a losing battle at this point. If they stayed behind any further, it would be game over for the Bisharp Pirates. A wise decision as the pirates had given up on the island and continued showing their loyalty to their captain.

With that knowledge, the Noir Pride removed its shadow hands, allowing the Bisharp Pirates to finally move freely without anything to hold their ship down. Rainbow Dash and the others decided to leave since they've already done a great job and freed the Sky Borealis.

The CMC got on Applejack's back, Pikachu hopped on Rainbow Dash's back while Pinkie Pie immediately flew off with Applejack used Sceptile's vines to latch onto the Sky Borealis.

They quickly left the Dark Steel by swinging and flying as the ship was finally getting a move on. However, the navy wasn't going to allow them to leave at all as they were pursuing the Bisharp Pirates.

The Dark Steel was actually not in the best condition because of the Noir Pride using the ship's own weapons against it. Thus, the Virulent Steel had been weakened, allowing the navy to actually deal some damage. Now their cannonballs were of actual great use this time as both ships disappeared into the clouds.

Finally, the city was free of conflict as Sweetie Belle sat down, feeling exhausted from all of that mess. Especially considering the times she let out psychic energy.

"Finally... It's over..." Sweetie Belle sighed as the residents of the city cheered for their victory and relief that they were safe from being imprisoned and captured by the Bisharp Pirates. They all gathered around Ash and the others, giving their many thanks and appreciation.

"Is this what the Pokemon feel all the time when they battle?" Applejack adjusted her hat. "Pretty nice feeling actually."

"Are you all alright?" Twilight went over to her friends who had worked hard to accomplish this.

"Yeah. We're still in one piece." Ash nodded.

"Mhm!" Pikachu hopped on Ash's shoulder.

"But...we still didn't find Dusknoir." Pinkie whimpered.

"Thought he'd be on the ship." Rainbow Dash said. "Where else would they keep him if they captured him?"

"Who knows. At least we dealt with the pirates." Twilight replied. "It was great that the Noir Pride weakened the ship enough for the navy to be able to stand a chance. I just hope Dusknoir knows that his ship was a great success."

"Wait. Are you all referring to the Dusknoir over at the castle below?" A Smeargle spoke.

"Yeah? Did you see him?!" Pinkie dashed over to him.

"I saw him just 3 minutes ago down there before all of this ended," Smeargle explained as he pointed down.

"3 minutes ago...?" Ash looked up, squinting his eyes. "Hey...when did Kathleen say Dusknoir was captured by the Bisharp Pirates?"

"She didn't say when." Pikachu shook her head.

"But the Dark Steel Ship was in the distance on the sea when we returned to this world," Spike uttered. "It's only been an hour I think?"

"Soon to be 2 hours." Rarity followed up. "If the ship was out there in the ocean, then perhaps..."

They all put the pieces together and concluded on one thing. Perhaps, Dusknoir was never on the Dark Steel Ship in the first place as they all looked at each other. They made a decision. To check up on the castle.

Meanwhile, back at the jungle, Bisharp and Big Mac were currently going at it.

However, it wasn't exactly a normal battle between two formidable foes. Instead, Big Mac was evading Bisharp who kept using Poison Jab to try and hit him.

"Stand still!" Bisharp yelled as he smashed his hand into the ground, creating a crater.

"Eenope!" Big Mac replied as he was booking it running through trees with Machamp's amazing speed and bulk. All the while, Bisharp was cutting everything down to reach his foe.

Big Mac had never been in a battle before. Even when Ponyville was under attack by Spiritomb, Tirek, Nihelgo etc. He and his Machamp look like the type that would be fit for battle, but as Granny Smith and Bisharp said, they're nothing but big softies, unfortunately.

Bisharp pursued Big Macintosh without end. And the further he chased him down, the further he got from his crew, who were currently searching for their captain.

The Pokemon of the jungle were expecting a battle to go down. But after seeing Big Mac avoiding Captain Bisharp, it was clear that their jungle wouldn't be harmed too badly. But it was still being destroyed by body charges and Poison Jabs.

Big Mac ran through a cave as he found it as an opportunity to escape from Bisharp. Hopefully. This cave was fairly large so there was bound to be a corner for him to hide in. That is if his huge Machamp body doesn't take up a lot of space.

Big Mac quickly ran to the nearest corner as he put all four of his arms together, making sure that they don't spread out. Because Machamp's do have wide and long arms naturally. He also made sure to keep his breathing to a minimum so that Bisharp wouldn't hear him.

Captain Bisharp entered the cave with a menacing aura emanating out of him as his intimidating figure meshed well with the darkness of the cave. His bladed arms were glowing with purple poison energy as he was ready to strike at the first opportunity.

"Where'd you go, big guy?" Bisharp spoke as his metal footsteps echoed throughout the cave. All the Pokemon inside of the cave could feel Bisharp's aura as they decided to elude him as well with Big Mac's heart beating at a nervous rate.

To get a scare out of him, Bisharp smashed his arms onto the walls of the cave, making it tremble and leaving a hole in it too. This did in fact get a scare out of Big Mac, but not one that would make him scream or reveal himself. All it did was just make his heart beat faster.

Bisharp kept smashing his arms on the cave walls while venturing it, trying to bring Big Macintosh out so that they can continue their bout. Big Mac was even sweating. He just wanted to go home with his sisters and enjoy the festival with them. He didn't ask for any of this.

"What's gotten you so pent up?" Suddenly, Discord's mouth appeared from the side of the wall as his full body emerged next to Machamp.

"Ah-" Big Mac got a jumpscare from Discord's words as his left arm instinctively shut his mouth. He then began to speak a quiet tone to Discord. "Discord...Please don't make a sound...he'll hear me."

"Who?" Discord took out of his eyeballs as he rolled them on the ground. His eyeballs ended up rolling to where Bisharp was currently moving as he spotted the Pirate Captain. "Ah..." Discord's eyes then flew back to him. "I see."

"Please, Discord. You gotta help me with this..." Big Mac pleaded.

"Help you? You absolute comedian." Discord bonked Big Mac on the head. "You're one of those, um...Fighting-Type Pokemon as they're called. You have an amazing advantage over that waking chess piece."

"I know but..." Big Mac gulped. "I'm not ready to battle a Pokemon...I've never battled a Pokemon before actually. Not even with Machamp and not in this form..." He whimpered.

"Oh, you absolute softie." Discord shook his head. "You were so determined to see if your precious little sisters were alright. And now look at you. Completely shaken up by a Pokemon who you could obliterate with the flick of your finger."

"Mmm..." Big Mac grumbled.

"You wouldn't want to let your sisters down now, would you?" Discord stretched his head out as he wrapped around Big Mac like a snake.

"Eenope." Big Mac shook his head.

"And you certainly won't let someone who's just a being inside of a made-up game world prevent you from seeing them, hm?"


"You know, I think that deep down in that hulk of a body you have..." Discord made an arrow point at Big Mac's chest. "Past that little soft and gentle attitude lies something fantastic."

"Y-You think so?" Big Mac stuttered.

"I know so. After all, only a friend would be able to tell what their friends are really capable of. At least, that's what I've heard. We're friends, right?"

"Hmm..." Big Mac looked at the arrow as he began to rethink everything.

"Well. You sort this out. I've got some work to do~" Discord was about to leave this area.

"Wait, Discord." But Big Mac still had some things to say. "Can't you just teleport us out of here?"

"Pssh. That would ruin the fun for them all. They've already got that ghost child to entertain anyway. Besides. I'm busy working on something riveting that'll really pop and stick to this world. Toodle-loo~!" And with that, Discord vanished by walking through the wall, leaving Big Mac.

Surprisingly, Discord's words were enough to encourage Big Macintosh. He had the power at his disposal. The power of a Pokemon and his partner nonetheless.

He wanted to see his sisters again but he also knew that Bisharp was a threat to them. So he finally swallowed his fears and decided to stand up as he used Machamp's amazing strength to destroy the cave walls around him.

"Hm?!" That grabbed Bisharp's attention as he rotated to face where the source of that sound came from.

The walls that had been destroyed created some dust smoke that filled the area. And standing in that smoke was the silhouette of Big Macintosh, who then revealed himself to Captain Bisharp.

"Haha. There you are." Bisharp grinned as Big Mac was finally showing his serious face. "Now that's a face I like to see. Hope you're ready to give me the fun I was anticipating!"

Big Mac took a deep breath as he was about to perform actions he had never done before in his entire life while being his own partner. This would technically be the first time Big Mac and Machamp have battled together, but this time as one. With courage building up from within Big Mac was ready.


"Perfect! Show me what you've got!" Bisharp immediately lunged towards with a Poison Jab ready and charged up with poison trailing from his arm.

Big Mac decided to finally fight back as he closed his eyes, preparing for the worst. With instinct and a loud yell, Big Macintosh used two of his four arms to smack Bisharp right in the face before he could land Poison Jab.

The impact of Big Mac's smack was so powerful that it not only sent Bisharp flying like a rocket, but it also shattered most of the cave around him and caused Bisharp to fly out of the cave at lightning speeds.

"Oh." Big Mac looked at his hands, seeing just how powerful that one single smack was. If something that minor could cause that much damage, then Big Mac was in a good spot.

However, Captain Bisharp is not that easy to take out. Even with Fighting being highly effective against him, he stood up from the ground as if it had barely done much to him as he wiped the dirt and rocks off his jacket. "Hah! That all?"


"I've trained my body over the years through rigorous and harsh methods just to resist and handle severe and heavy damage! It'll take more than that to really put the hurt on me, boy!" Bisharp held both his hands out as he was going for a Psycho Cut.

Big Mac simply stayed at the same spot, preparing himself for Bisharp's next move. Big Mac knew his type matchups as Psycho Cut was a big red flag for him as a Machamp as he put all four arms up for protection.

Bisharp laughed as he slashed his bladed arms towards Big Mac with sharp cutting psychic energy emanating out. The Psycho Cut grazed Big Mac's arms, causing him to slide back as his arms definitely felt the slash.

But Bisharp didn't stop at one cut. He went for some more as he started delivering a flurry of Psycho Cuts towards Big Mac who kept his arms up, defending himself. But he couldn't keep this up for long.

Each slash from Bisharp kept pushing Big Mac further back, forcing him out of the cave as he was sent through the walls from Bisharp's pressure. Bisharp was going for an extra-strong Psycho Cut as he raised both arms.

This gave Big Mac the chance to hit his wide spot as he used his two lower hands to push Bisharp back. He wasn't really going for any punches. Just pushes and smacks. But it was his first time battling anyway so he was bound to take baby steps.

Bisharp veered on the ground as he easily recovered from the push. He saw that Big Mac, despite finally stepping to face him, was still taking a fainthearted approach with his simple pushes and smacks.

With that in mind, Bisharp decided to attack at a different angle. He jumped over Big Macintosh, taking him by surprise as he used Psych Cut on his back instead.

Big Mac's eyes widened as he had taken some serious damage from Bisharp's Psycho Cut from behind. This attack ended up forcing Big Mac on his knees as he had never felt so much pain before. But he had to endure it, even if he despised it.

Bisharp was going in for another Psycho Cut from behind by charging it up this time. Big Mac gasped as he quickly got up from the ground. However, this is where the traits of Machamp really kick in.

When Big Mac got up, he was aiming to jump away from the Psycho Cut. But he didn't jump normally. Not at all. Now that he was a Machamp, his jumps were unreal as the moment he went for one, Big Mac leapt great distances in a single bound as he was now travelling North from the direction he was headed. Bisharp looked up as he could hear the sound of Big Mac screaming.

"Hm. Someone's unaware of their own strength. How interesting!" Bisharp immediately pursued Machamp as he still wanted his challenge.

Unbeknownst to Bisharp, he had strayed further away from his crew who were still looking for their captain while fleeing from the navy as well.

Dusknoir's Castle. 2:30.

The Noir Pride had returned to the ocean where it was originally found as it had landed down, allowing Ash and everyone to get off the ship. They came back for one reason that obviously involved Dusknoir. They were highly curious about something, especially with what the Smeargle back at the Sky Borealis said.

"You're back!" Kathleen ran over to them. "I saw the whole thing! It was amazing!"

"How'd she see it from ground level...?" Rarity squinted her eyes.

"You really showed those pirates and got those navy Pokemon back to full spirit!" She jumped up and down.

"Sure did." Ash nodded. "Say, Kathleen. We've got a quick question."

"Hm?" Kathleen titled her head.

"It's about Dusknoir. Pinkie Pie checked the Dark Steel Ship and she couldn't find him anywhere." Ash kneeled to her.

"Nothing!" Pinkie shook her head.

"But a Smeargle said that he saw Dusknoir 3 minutes earlier before we finished our battle with the Bisharp Pirates. Did you see Dusknoir earlier?"

"Oh about that. I lied!" Kathleen said with an innocent grin as everyone was immediately shocked by her response.


"I just wanted to see you all go against the pirates! And it was worth it! Dusknoir was inside of the ship the whole time helping you all! He wanted to join in on the fun too!"

"...W-Was he now?" Twilight turned around, looking outside the window to see the Noir Pride as it used its shadow hands to spell out the words I am so sorry you went through that.

"Next time, let's do...um..." Kathleen bit her finger. "Let's do a rescue quest! I like those a lot! Oh, we can do it right now-"

"Maybe next time. Please." Rainbow Dash put her wing over Kathleen as she sighed.

"At least we had something fun to do. Guess our slow day doesn't exist anymore, huh?" Spike shrugged.

"Mhm." Pikachu nodded.

"Well. If you wanted us to join in you could've just-" Before Ash could finish his sentence, out of nowhere, or actually, from above, Big Mac came crashing through the roof, startling everyone in the castle as he veered on the floor, almost losing his balance.

"W-Woah!" He stammered. Upon entry, everyone turned their attention to the random Machamp that just burst through the castle, leaving some massive damage in the process.

"A Machamp?" They all said.

"Hm?" Big Mac managed to regain his balance after that super jump. After taking a deep breath, he turned around to see that some Pokemon and a human child were staring right at him while being in this colourful castle.

However, by taking a good look at the Pokemon, he noticed something peculiar and familiar. A Lucario and a Sceptiple both wearing hats. More specifically, Ash and Applejack's hat. But Machamp also noticed that Pikachu was next to Lucario with the Ash hat. Seeing this made Big Mac a bit confused.

"Sis? Everyone?" He said as his voice was highly familiar to all of them.

"Big Mac?" Applejack and Apple Bloom both said as their voice was familiar to Big Mac as well.

"Eeyup!" With a loud response and his eyes tearing up, he rushed over to his sisters, picking them both up with his four arms and hugging them with all the love he had. "I'm so glad ya'll are okay!" He started wailing.

"Urgh...! W-We're fine Big Mac...!" Applejack squirmed. "D-Did you touch the board game...?"

"Eeyup!" He nodded as he placed them both back down. "You gotta listen! Right now, some crazy pirate is after me!"

"Pirates? You mean the Bisharp Pirates?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Eeyup! Captain was a Bisharp!" He nodded.

"Guess he must've fallen near Big Mac then," Ash said.

"Yeah," Pikachu replied.

"Right now I-"

Before Big Mac could finish his sentence, along came Bisharp who cut through the doors of the castle, once again, startling everyone.

"There you are!" Bisharp grinned as he stood before many Pokemon and Kathleen. The door had been perfectly cut in half as Kathleen hid behind Fluttershy with a squeal. "Hoho. I see some familiar faces in the crowd. How interesting!"

Bisharp now had arrived at Dusknoir's Castle, ready to continue his battle and obtain further excitement. The Bisharp Pirates may have failed to capture the Sky Borealis but their captain was a different story. Everyone was already highly cautious of the captain as his menacing aura filled the room. Although, Kathleen knew that something fun was going to happen as she giggled.

With Dusknoir being alright and not captured at all and Bisharp pursuing his target Big Mac which led him to Ash and everyone else while the pirates escape from the navy and Discord is up to who-knows-what, the climax is approaching as the journey continues.

Chapter 333 End.

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